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Ron Bulman

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Posts posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Where I read this at the moment I don't remember.  Therefore, I guess it's unreliable.  But I did read it somewhere some years ago, not making it up, nor did I dream it.

    Bowers reportedly told his preacher at the church he attended he did not tell the police, FBI, or Warren Commission everything he saw.

    In 1963 in the South, a preacher was the ultimate trusted confidante for those attending church (many more than now).

    The preacher never commented that I know of.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Thank you, Pete.  In 1966 Gaeton Fonzi humiliated Arlen Specter with the physical facts of the clothing evidence.

    Same deal here.

    Cyril Wecht is critical of his fellow Pennsylvanian Specter in this respect in his recent book The JFK Assassination Dissected.  The Single Bullet, the clothes he inspected in the National Archives. 

    As a Democrat he used his Warren Omission title to switch parties and become known a Benedit Spechter to become DA of Philadelphia, later running for Senator, then Governor and lost.  Winning Senator on another try. 

    Reading the warren Commission Report in full Wecht said "It was maddening reading" his questioning of witnesses."  " He knew exactly what he was doing to negate the process of finding the truth." 

    Quoting something from law school.  "When you have the law on your side pound the Law, when you have the Facts on your side pound the facts.  When you have neither pound the table.  He was an excellent table pounder."    

  3. 8 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

    I'm not sure what this has to do with the JFK assassination.  But I do have Charnin's book Reclaiming Science: the JFK Conspiracy.  It's been a while, but I remember finding it interesting and informative, for me not being much of a math/science guy.

    I think this quote from the first review on amazon of the book you mention tells me I don't need to waste my time reading it.

     He has come up with his own model of projection which he calls True Vote and which for the 10 years he's been doing it has tracked closely to exit poll results, so he argues for consistent tabulation [and other] fraud in favor of republicans. In this book, however, though again in the 2016 election exit polls were again much higher Dem than official counts, such that if accurate Clinton won handily, Mr. Charnin suddenly renounces the likely accuracy of exit polls he's been touting for years, apparently because he's become a Trump supporter in distaste at H CLinton's unfair treatment of bernie sanders, and suddenly switches to a claim the vote count was several % skewed toward the democrats! In doing so he makes a number of false claims, including that millions of illegal aliens were allowed to vote for Dems 

  4. 15 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

    I’ve finished Reading Hit List, looked over Chernen’s analysis and checked other references. I find several problems with the JFK Assassination “Clean Up Squad” theory.

    First, it’s indisputable that the Deaths of Oswald and Tippit are both suspicious to say the least.

    Second, I focused on the year between the assassination and the issuance of the Warren Report. This is the period when the conspirators would be in greatest danger of having the plot unravelled by troublesome witnesses, when the most dangerous witnesses would need to be silenced and when the original plotters most motivated to squelch the investigation were likely still alive.

    According to Social Security data (Table 1 from the reference below), the age-adjusted central death rate for adults in 1964 was 1,209.7 deaths per 100,000 or 1.21% or 0.0121. This figure is for all deaths including natural causes, accidents, homicides and suicides. While the latter 3 groups can show volatility from year to year, in aggregate, they are typically about 5-10% the total death rate.



    Accordingly, from the population of 1400 JFK assassination witnesses, the expected total number of deaths in 1964 is

    1400 witnesses * 0.0121 death rate = 17 total deaths.

    Approximately 5-10% of these deaths should be from other than natural causes resulting in about 15 deaths from natural causes and 1 or 2 from accidents, homicide or suicide.

    From the Appendix of Hit List, there are a total of 21 (omitting Eddy Benevides who died in 1965) deaths listed in 1963-64, only one of which (Bill Chesher) is explicitly cited as from natural causes.

    My question is, where are the 15 deaths from natural causes which should be present? I am assuming that all deaths from the period are listed since Bill Chesher is included. If they were not listed, it precludes a verification that the population of witnesses is representative of the general population with the exception of presumed knowledge of the JFK assassination. Both the expected deaths from natural causes and the 21 suspicious deaths are sufficiently small fractions of the 1400 witnesses that there is negligible probability of overlap. Did the clean up squad manage to find all those on death’s door and speed up the process and throw in another 6 to get 21? Or were there actually 36 deaths of witnesses during the period?

    Consulting Who’s Who in the JFK Assassination, I see that it does not give date of death of each of the witnesses so it is doubtful that that they were ever identified.

    The 0.0121 annual death rate can be converted to an annual survival probability (1-0.0121 = 0.9879) which can estimate (while the general death rate was declining during this period, the surviving witnesses were also growing significantly older) the number of expected deaths over the 15 years between the assassination and the HSCA investigation as follows:

    1400 * (1 - 0.9879^15) = 234 which is suspiciously close to the 240 or so suspicious deaths claimed for the period in Chernen’s anslysis.

    I found it curious that the one witness who might have actually known something important about the JFK assassination that died during 1964-64 was Guy Banister who died of a heart attack (which is actually a natural cause) but is considered suspicious. Maybe the hit squad used their heart attack-inducing agent to kill him. But then why not use it in the other cases as well?

    Most of the other witnesses have some extremely tenuous connections. A good example is Hank Killam who was acquainted with John Carter who resided at Oswald’s rooming house and who’s wife worked for Ruby and were apparently not significant enough themselves to be eliminated.

    The final note I’ll make is that several of the dead witnesses were in occupations that had to have death rates significantly higher than the population in general including organized crime figures, strippers, paramilitary mercenaries and drug runners, cops.

    I can offer several more criticisms but that’s enough for now. Needless to say, I found no probative value in Hit List.

    In addition to other things, I found Hit List valuable for the part on the what was it (from memory) 7 or so top FBI officials from 1963 dying in 1977-78 when they were coming up for HSCA testimony.  Like Roselli, Giancana and de Mohernschildt. among others.

  5. 2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    Donald Trump was quite obviously struck by something  during the July 13th assassination attempt (probably a bullet or bullet fragment), but after looking at this remarkable picture below, which seems to actually show the bullet speeding past Trump's head, I'm wondering how this speeding bullet could have struck the UPPER part of Trump's right ear? The trajectory looks too low. It looks like the bullet would hit the LOWER part of the right ear, not the upper portion. ~shrug~


    So, David, do you think it's a conspiracy somehow related to the JFK assassination?

  6. Regarding the chapter on the Autopsy report near the end of it he goes into JFK's health throughout his life and during his presidency.  Many other interesting points but I found this of particular interest.

         Steroids were apart of FK' regular drug regimen throughout his presidency.  H tool 25 micrograms (mcg) of liothyronine, a synthetic thyroid hormone, twice daily.  Add to that adaily dose of 10 miligram (mg) of hydrocortisone and 0.1 mg of fludrocortisones, and 2.5 mg of prednisone twice daily.  To combat weight loss and the gonadal atrophy associated with steroid usage, he took 10 mg of methyltestosterone daily.  And to treat diarrhea he took diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulfate, as needed.  He also took 500mg of vitamin c twice daily.  And, according to a 2013 book called Dr. Feelgood, by authors Richard A. Lertzman and William J. Birnes (Skyhorse Publishing), Kennedy was a secret user of methamphetamines.  The book describes a celebrity doctor, Max Jacobsen eho had invented an injectable formula for giving people energy and curing pain.  So familiar was Jacobsen around the Whitehouse, where he also supposedly treated Jackie, the Secret Service dubbed him "Dr. Feelgood."

         The doctors formula consisted of vitamins, enzymes, animal placentas, and hormones, with a dollop of methamphetamine.  He administered Kennedy's initial treatment right before the historic debate with Richard Nixon.  Hours before the televised event, JFK's voice was a mere whisper, and he was suffering from extreme lethargy.  Jacobsen plunged a needle directly into his throat and pimped methamphetamine into his larynx," the authors wrote.  Kennedy was revitalized in minutes and handily won the showdown.  The authors stated that Kennedy flew Jacobson on Air Force One to a Vienna summit not long after the Bay of Pigs crisis to speak with Nikita Khruschev.  Kennedy whose back was causing him woe, got a megadose of the doctor's formula, but it wore off before his meeting.  Kennedy asked for another dose, but Jacobson advised against it because there would be a serious crash when the drugs wore off.  Kennedy prevailed by convincing Jacobson another shot would be good for America.

    Pg. 132.

  7. Wow Steve, that is interesting.  An apparition?  A distraction from Hill and Jackie climbing on the trunk, planted there?  A guy in some kind of a clown suit running between the lead car and the limo signifying/celebrating success?  Notice the lead car brake lights on.

  8. 12 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Ron Bulman, I think that the music videos that you post are completely off topic and a distraction from the study of the JFK assassination.

    I wish you would quit doing that just like I wish that people would stop creating so many OFF TOPIC threads in the JFK assassination forum.

    I suspect many people here feel the same but they won't express their views because you are a moderator.


    Robert Morrow


    I've been posting videos here since I became a member, the seven years before I became a moderator.  Jim Dieugenio wrote a piece on the Vietnam war.  One of my first posts was a compliment on it.  He asked what specifically, I replied the pictures attached gave it context.  I replied then with four Dead in Ohio by Neil Young, with the National guard firing on students.

    You're not the first to not appreciate this practice.  But those supporting it seem to far outweigh your protests.  Many have been complimented, many have been supplemented with videos by others.

    As this thread is about JFK Jr, who I spent two days in the recliner watching reports on the death of, unemployed at the time I'd like to think he would appreciate this one, from his time on this earth.


  9. On 7/17/2024 at 3:56 PM, Joseph McBride said:

    I think other assassinations or assassination attempts help

    us understand the JFK assassination by putting it in a wider

    ideological and practical context. Those threads ought to

    remain here.

    Darn it Joseph.  I was reviewing the tread with the thought of moving it to the Moderator Complaints section given some of the latter posts.  It does get hard to walk the tightrope of transparency, fairness, balance amid some of the comments especially by some here for apparently nefarious purposes.  Not directed at but for Robert Morrow.


  10. Before we go much further into this, didn't we do it in the last year or two?  Was some of this covered earlier in the thread?  Let's reiterate.  His wife after he died stated words to the effect of they told him to quit talking, but he didn't.  The only investigation of the accident was by a friend of Bowers who just happened to be a Texas Department Public Safety Officer, the DPS, they patrol the highways in Texas and investigate accidents on them.  He went to the wrecking yard where Bowers car was towed, he observed paint marks and I believe dents in the drivers side of the car.  He interviewed the farmer in the field fixing fence along side the road.  The farmer noticed one car passing by following another, after they went by he heard a crash seeing the front car crashed into the bridge abutment and the rear car going on down the road.

  11. 8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    BTW, if it was hazy why not put the plane on auto pilot?

    This is one reason I post videos.  To attract attention to a thread and/or the site.  Did authorities concoct a haze?  A true master at work.



  12. I started this thread with the words "Isn't this what JFK was all about ultimately".  I might have been influenced by the neocon thread in that for me JFK was the exact opposite of what they stand for.  Maybe I should have prefaced the video with a few examples of what I was trying to surmise with the song.

    Not being pushed into invading Cuba a month into his presidency.  Not being pushed into introducing combat troops into Laos or Vietnam.  Not being pushed into bombing/invading Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Seeking Peace behind the scene with Khruschev and Castro. The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.  The American University Peace speech.  NSAM 263.

    Then I apparently hijacked the thread I started.  Mark Knight recently asked a member "How does one hijack a thread you started?"  I posted another John Lennon song, Imagine, saying I found it peaceful but disagree with one line, that there is an afterlife.  Nothing about religion per-se. No Protestant - Catholic.  No Israel - Hammas.  Others touched on religion a bit and thoughts on eternity.

    JFK was a practicing Catholic.  I think he believed in an afterlife and is hopefully at peace now.  Were the last rites administered in time?  Did his religion influence his seeking peace, I believe so.  Read Unspeakable.

    I think discussion of these issues relate to his actions as president and demise.  Though another mod or admin may well justifiably delete this thread or move it I will not at this time.

    BTW, Herr is considered an honorific salutation.


    Herr (Hr.; pl., Herren)
    for men (broadly equivalent to Mr., Lord and Sir in English). This word also means "master, owner, ruler, gentleman" and is also a form of address for the Christian God (English equivalent: Lord). If the surname is not used or known, e. g. when addressing a stranger in the street, the correct form is der Herr ("sir" or "gentleman"). 
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