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Ron Bulman

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Posts posted by Ron Bulman

  1. On 7/1/2024 at 12:32 AM, Robert Morrow said:

    See the last post on this thread 

    Now, is that John Simkin private messaging you this June, 2024 or is he replying to you 13 years ago in 2011, as you perhaps were begging, pleading with him to put me on moderation just because you don't like it when I talk about JFK's sexual promiscuity, which happens to be historically completely true and important?

    As for John Simkin being alive, he was November or December of 2023 when he copied me on a mass email.

    John Simkin

    I have placed Robert Morrow on moderation.


    You're a bit mixed up Robert.  Your posting privileges were suspended for four days over James Gordons rule about "sexually oriented" topics.  The post of you being moderated by John Simkin in 2011 was for the edification of newer members.  That I was not the first to do so. 

  2. Maybe I'm the only one who listened to most of this?  Greenwald, Jim and Jeff were all great.  To be honest, Oliver did ramble a bit.  PDS is a National Treasure.  Aaron's letter from Karen is special as well.  I hope David can hear this. 

  3. 18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I did not start this thread

    Your name is on the first post in "this" thread.  "It" consists of I believe Five threads merged together by Mark.  If I'm not mistaken you were the originator of every one of them over a 2-3 day period.

    He's been here 19 years now.  He's the last of the Administrators/Moderators after John Simkin left to concentrate on a bigger picture, I think.  I defer to his position and experience, if he thinks they needed merging, wise decision imho.  I believe I can merge threads as a Moderator though I'm not familiar with the process.  Maybe I need to learn. 

  4. Is John Simkin still alive, lucid, I certainly hope so.  He commented on here within the last two-three years I believe.  Given the scope of the Education Forum overall and his creation of it I would think and hope he had taken precautions and put it in the hands of responsible parties for the future.  It is history, it should be preserved for future generations.  But I don't know.

  5. Not two minutes in had to stop and listen to this.  Had not heard it in years.  This is the only live version I found, from France, I think.  Not as long as the studio version. 

    I know he wrote another book on San Francisco by this title, where my oldest granddaughter attends SFSU.  For Mr. Talbot, thank you for all your work, Sir.


  6. 2 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

    So I guess JFK Records threads really were just a way to have political discussions...

    Isn't that what Ben intended?

    Mark consolidated the threads as opposed to moving them.  And he has commented since.  I guess it is what it is depending on where it goes.  I don't see a legitimate option to opposing Fascism than Biden.  Any other choice at this point might well loose to the Chump's minions.

  7. I've not read this thread completely, I rarely do Bill's comments.  I skimmed through parts of it.  I still can't help but wonder if "Oak Cliff Time Trials" shouldn't start with: How quickly could Oswald Walk fast/run from his rooming house to where Tippit was killed, then from there to the Texas Theater.  Then consider when he arrived at the boarding house, how long he stayed, and, when he arrives at the Texas Theater and how long afterwards until his arrest.  Altogether, impossible?

  8. Ben, your recent posts resemble trolling to me.  Which I think falls under the "Stalking, taunting or harassing a member" definition for forum penalties.  

    There is a Laffite daybook for 1963, seen and possessed by respected author Hank Albarelli, also seen and read by Leslie Sharp and several others.  You provide no proof of existence of your claim of another.


    "Due to legal restrictions and confidentiality agreements, I am unable to reveal sources and methods at this time. 

    I was able to have a source examine a second, as of yet unrevealed notebook of Pierre Lafitte's, which confirmed Mossad-Nazi collusion in the JFKA/RFK1A."


    "Mum's the word. These walls have ears.

    Keep your eye on the sparrow. 

    And remember the sparrow---the ultimate clue, the key that unlocks the truth."

    "If you consult your tea leaves in the waning afternoon sun, you will find the answer to your questions."


    "In the dappled fading light of a summer afternoon, you will swoon when you discover who "he" is....and indeed, you will imbibe his verisimilitudes, and find unbounded euphoria....

    It's all there in Lafitte's second notebook...mystical incantations and inscriptions..."




  9. 56 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I will be soon doing an expanded version on substack of my Pittsburgh talk about "The Death of JFK and the Rise of the Neocons."

    I would be working on it right now, but I am going to do a substack on last night's debate first.

    Then I will get to work on that revised and expanded version.

    Kennedy's relationship with Nasser is so interesting.


    Jim, before you do the substack on the debate, if it's not too late.  Watch the 15 minute CNN coverage of Bidens speech today.  He got his voice back to say the least.  Leslie linked it in the water cooler thread.  I'd link here but it is unquestionably current politics.

  10. 4 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    Reading the high strangeness and synchronicity identified in A Secret Order by Hank Albarelli Jr., Raleigh NC still holds a major key in solving the cold case murder investigation. God willing, it will be fully solved in Joe Biden's lifetime. 

    i was taught,



    Thanks Leslie.  That was amazing.  The difference between night and day, in less than a day.  I was really depressed after the debate.  Looks like maybe there is still hope after all. 

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