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Ron Bulman

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Posts posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Mark Knight

    • Mark KnightProficient
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    • Gender:Male
    • Location:Southern Indiana, USA
    • Interests:Old Hudson and AMC cars, old International pickup trucks, JFK assassination discussions, self-improvement leading toward peace.
    Posted 16 hours ago · IP  (edited)

    Getting back on topic...

    The administrators are in the process of setting up a team of moderators. Ron Bulman is still a moderator. Evan Burton has agreed to resume his former moderator position. And we are currently seeking a few more moderators to add to the team. [Each administrator retains moderator authority as well.]

    Edited 16 hours ago by Mark Knight
  2. 2 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

    Interesting you chose Alex Jones.  Why not cite Jerry Springer who was known for this?   Oh he was a democrat.  We only cite bad Republicans on the forum.    SMH.   

    Because Robert used to appear on Alex Jones.  I guess Sandy Hook was too much for even him.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

    Ron, really?   He is linking it to the subject.   How is he stalking, taunting-which goes on a lot here, or harassing Jim?    The moderation seems to be getting out of control. 

    By becoming overbearing in his repeated detailed sexually oriented posts seemingly in an attempt to overwhelm the thread.  As mentioned over 1/3 of the posts in the thread at that point, it certainly violates the sexually oriented posts forum rule.  This is not a tabloid or Alex Jones.

    Sorry, I'm the only moderator here on a daily basis.  Not what I anticipated when I agreed to become one.  Trying to do what I can to keep from things getting out of hand.

  4. 10 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    That is really a pitiful attempt by Arthur Schlesinger both minimize and excuse John Kennedy's absolutely rampant sexual promiscuity which definitely had national security implications. The biggest result of all that was LBJ and Sam Rayburn were able to use SEXUAL BLACKMAIL on JFK to FORCE Kennedy to put Lyndon Johnson on the 1960 Demo ticket as VP. That ended up costing JFK his live and having huge policy implications.

    Btw, who do you think was having orgies with JFK in the White House swimming pool: was it Arthur Schlesinger and Ted Sorensen (the liberal brain trust) OR presidential pimp Dave Powers, Teddy Kennedy and a prominent railroad lobbyist who JFK used to chase chicks and party with? I am referring to man whore lobbyist Bill Thompson 


    It was not Arthur Schlesinger who was provided JFK with sexual partners; it was Frank Sinatra (another JFK pimp) until he got cut out by the Kennedys.

    Arthur Schlesinger is 100% wrong: someone who has absolutely gutter morals in "private" is also much more likely to have absolutely gutter morals in public and it absolutely effects policy. Bill Clinton and Donald Trump come to mind. Rampaging sex abuser and womanizer Bill Clinton (whose hero was the full-on sexually deranged JFK) actually LOST THE NUCLEAR CODES during the peak of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Bill Clinton's phone sex with Monica was TAPED BY THE MOSSAD who were outside Monica's apartment and had microwave listening devices aimed at her bedroom.


    Arthur Schlesinger was totally wrong - many in the media of the 1960s knew all about JFK's risky adultery and they kept quiet about it. Hugh Sidey, the JFK-worshipping reporter of Time magazine, knew about JFK's adultery and was stunned that Kennedy could be so reckless (source: Sidey's stewardess friend Layte Bowden Dopp, who is still alive today in 2024).

    Perhaps JFK's favorite book was The Young Melbourne by Lord David Cecil Lor. It is a biography of William Lamb who later became prime minister of Great Britain. Basically, it details "the young Melbourne" active in political affairs by day but extremely sexually promiscuous on nights and weekends. JFK loved the book and perhaps even modeled himself on it.



    Finally, I refer you to LBJ's FBI henchman Deke DeLoach's April, 1960 memo of JFK's sexual recklessness; Kennedy's "extracurricular activities" were a standard joke around the Senate Office Building.

    As Doug Caddy, who was in Wash DC at the time, tells it JFK was snarkily referred to as the "President Erect" as opposed to the "President Elect" by the Washington, DC crowd after he won the 1960 presidential election.

    People definitely knew ...


    Robert, you seem to be obsessing over JFK's sex life in relation to Jim's article about Sy Hersh.  13 of 35 posts in the thread, over 1/3, compared to his 6.  Kind of a double whammy there regarding the forums rule about sexually oriented posts and the penalty for stalking, taunting, harassing another member.

  5. Well, I said I'd move this thread to RFK Topics as it is almost exclusively about his assassination and not JFK's.

    Before that happens, I want to note a maybe twisted, convoluted, almost nonexistent connection between the RFK assassination and the JFK assassination.  Part of it coming from A Lie Too Big to Fail.

    John Meier had seen Thane Cesar in Las Vegas and asked about him.  He knew who he was, that he worked for Maheu.  After the assassination he let this slip to someone else who knew Maheu.  Maheu warned him he must never mention Cesar had worked for him at Bel Air Patrol before the assassination of RFK.

    Meier was invited by Maheu to breakfast on June 6, 1968 with Don Nixon, Dick's brother. "After RFK had died at 1:44 that morning.  "Maheu was all smiles, and Don Nixon walks in all smiles. … They embraced each other and Don Nixon said 'Well that prhik is dead".  And Maheu said, "Well it looks like your brother is in now".

    Cesar worked for Maheu.

    Let's back up to the summer of 1960.  CIA Deputy Director of Plans asked Office of Security chief Sheffield Edwards to contact Mafia members who owned Cuba's numerous gambling hotels and casinos.  (Regarding eliminating Castro)  Edwards contacted Maheu who recommended Johnny Roselli.  A go between at points between Giancana and Trafficante.  Then comes Bill Harvey to take over what was becoming ZR-RIFLE.  He bonds with Roselli.  They reportedly meet in April 1963 in Florida, while Harvey is CIA Chief of Station in Rhome Italy.  Pages 340-343, A Terrible Mistake,  Hank Albarelli.  

    Whatever role Roselli may have played in the JFK assassination, one might think Maheu could have indirectly provided the initial connection.

  6. 2 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    Trine Day .. rarely a good sign.

    I realize Trine Day has brought us Judyth Baker and some might add St. John Hunt.  However, I believe they have published more good than bad on the JFK assassination.  E.G.:

    The classic Survivors Guilt by Vince Palamara, along with Honest Answers that I have, and I believe a few more I don't. 

    From an Office Building by Don Adams.

    In the Eye of History by William Law.

    At the Cold Shoulder of History by James Jenkins.

    A Secret Order and A Terrible Mistake by Hank Albarelli. 

  7. 21 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Ben, why even talk to this guy?

    He has an agenda a mile wide and about an inch deep.

      On 6/10/2024 at 9:49 PM, Matthew Koch said:

    I joined the forum because I felt like you guys bullied Ben, and I have said that before on the Forum. If that bs 56yrs later thread that has largely been debunked is also why I joined to counter the politics that was very biased and one sided. 

    Interesting of the 128 posts in this thread currently 43 of them are by Matthew, over 1/3.  He does seem a bit obsessed with discrediting Sachs, and you.

    Keep us posted on when Sachs will have Monica on.

  8. On 6/10/2024 at 6:53 AM, Matthew Koch said:

    My Last Long suspension was for "Outrageous Behavior" or something like that and it fits the description of what I did which basically was 8 or 10 messaged vulgarities to the Mod team thinking that my account would be deleted since I had literally requested that weeks earlier. Instead my suspensions just doubled until it was 8 months, so like a horror movie the Monster is back, muhahahahaha.


  9. 18 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

    Why was the thread moved?

    Cory, you're talking about the Ask Not?  Geez... thread I guess.  First, I didn't move it, which means it must have been Mark.  Who I can't speak for, but I can certainly understand why.  The point it had gotten to was definitely breaking forum rules.

    I had read the first dozen or so posts.  Not totally out of bounds, W explained his reason for the topic to others, they sounded logical to me.  When I came back and saw it moved I read the rest of the thread that had been posted while I was not paying attention.  This forum rule came to mind.

    Members are responsible for what they post on this board. A member will not use this board to post any comment or which is demonstrably false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

    The latter part crossed a line in my mind regarding vulgar, obscene and sexually-oriented.  Initially it was not about the sex lives of JFK, RFK or Jackie.  It was about why the Daily Telegraph was publishing stories about such. 

    The point it had gotten to, I would have moved it myself. 

  10. Geez is right W.  This was in the toilet from the start, at the Daily Mail.  Whom I read a few years back was a conduit for CIA propaganda.  I go away 3-4 hours and it has devolved to this.  Scurrilous is appropriate for the titles.  Robert further advanced it.  Mark did the right thing by moving it.  

  11. Fished the rest of it.  Amazing these days how it never got badly sidetracked or hijacked.  I still recommend it to anyone new interested in the assassination of RFK.  Links in there to Larry Hancock's work on the subject.  Turner and Christian's The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy comes up.  Shane Sullivan posts.  Jim DiEugenio and Joseph McBride as well as posters Gene Kelly and John Kowalski among others.

    That would have never happened if it was in the RFK topic section.  Current forum procedure seems to dictate this thread should be moved there.  It is almost exclusively about RFK.  I don't know when the RFK topic section was established.  As a new moderator it has become useful for moving threads involving current politics, which unfortunately disrupt and distract from the JFK assassination.  So, though I may think the JFK and RFK assassinations may well be related it should in fact be moved.

    Before that happens having re read it, I'd like to highlight a few interesting posts.

    Pg. 7, bottom.  By me.  Regarding Meier, Maheu, Cesar.

    John Meier was one of the few people who could actually see and talk to Howard Hughes at the time as he became more and more of a recluse.  A trusted associate of more than a dozen years.  "Ex" CIA agent Robert Maheu, head of Hughes security also had access to him.  Meier had been introduced to Cesar in Las Vegas by Hooper, an associate of Maheu.   After the assassination Meier heard Cesar's name in a news report, he mentioned this to another associate of Maheu.  The next day Maheu reprimanded Meier, telling him he must never mention that Cesar had worked for him at Bel Air Patrol before the assassination.  Meier told this to Lisa Pease and David Talbot, along with more in an interview just within the last few years.  While writing the book Lisa used two public records on line data base services to inquire about Cesar.  Both listed him as a CIA contract agent.  One responded to an inquiry regarding sources for the claim with "general" sources, land records, marketing surveys...  The other never responded.  In the 70's Cesar himself told the LAPD he worked for Hughes Aircraft.

    Pg. 9, bottom Gene Kelly.  Pena came back to the LAPD in April 1968 from USAID (known CA front) to direct the investigation of the RFK assassination in early June.


    Gene Kelly

    • Gene KellyCommunity Regular
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    Manuel Pena has connections to both the JFK and RFK murders. It was Pena who traced Oswald's telescopic sight to a California gun shop.  After the assassination, Senator Dodd helped a Senate Internal Security Subcommittee publish a story that Oswald bad been trained at a KGB assassination school in Minsk. Two mail-order houses were the center points from which Oswald ordered his Smith and Wesson .38 revolver (Seaport Traders of Los Angeles) and his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle (Klein's of Chicago). Oswald ordered his pistol two days before Senator Christopher Dodd's subcommittee began hearings in January 1963. The subcommittee’s statistics later showed a purchase in Texas made from Seaport Traders. One of the groups being investigated for firearm purchases was one that Oswald had in his address book ... the American Nazi Party.  An investigator looking into interstate firearms sales at this time was Manuel Pena, the LAPD lieutenant who was later one of the officers investigating Robert Kennedy's assassination.

    Pena had an interesting background; he served in the Navy during WWII and in the Army during the Korean War, and was a Counterintelligence officer in France.  He spoke French and Spanish, and had connections with various intelligence agencies in several countries. In 1967, Pena "retired" from the LAPD, leaving to join AID, a cover for political operations in foreign countries.  Roger LeJeunesse, an FBI agent who had been involved in the RFK investigation, told author William Turner that Pena had performed special assignments for the CIA for more than ten years.  After his retirement from the LAPD (and a public farewell dinner) in November of 1967, Pena inexplicably returned to the LAPD in April 1968 ...  just in time to head the LAPD group called Special Unit Senator that controlled the RFK investigation two months later. Pena was the trusted courier of key evidence being supplied to the FBI ... and he was affiliated with the same mercenaries and cut-outs used by JMWave operatives in various operations -- Saigon, El Salvador, Uruguay, Phoenix -- who were employed by cover with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).


    Pg. 11, 1/3 down.  Me.  


    Ron Bulman

    • Ron BulmanGrand Master
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    • Location:75 Mi. S/W of Fort Worth
    • Interests:Football, searching for Truth in JFKA & RFKA, grandkids.

    I can't help but think of my reaction when I read about Robert Maheu's meeting in Las Vegas for breakfast the morning of 6/6/68 with Don Nixon.  After RFK had died at 1:44 that morning.  "Maheu was all smiles, and Don Nixon walks in all smiles. … They embraced each other and Don Nixon said 'Well that prhik is dead".  And Maheu said , "Well it looks like your brother is in now".

    If Don Nixon and Maheu knew and realized the implications of RFK's death, so did Tricky Dick, protegee of Prescott Bush, funnel between Allen Dulles and Eisenhower, 


    Pg. 12, Top of the page.  Gene Kelly.  A Meltzer office in the Ambassador would have made a perfect staging area contol center, with him out of town I'd imagine.  Speculation yes, not unfounded.

    Gene Kelly

    • Gene KellyCommunity Regular
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    • Gender:Male
    • Location:Philadelphia PA
    • Interests:Basketball, gardening, reading, grandkids and family.


    Somewhere (can't find it now) I read that Harold Meltzer had an office in and worked out of the Ambassador Hotel at one time. His involvement in LA organized crime is legendary, and goes back to the 1940's and 1950's, as Mickey Cohen's enforcer (see picture below). He was involved in importing heroin from Mexico and Cuba (see D. Valentine's "Strength of the Wolf") and was mentioned as a 'CIA assassin' in December 1960 (see FBN book "The Mafia").  He also was involved with Johnny Rosselli, and some of the gangsters who ultimately betrayed Rosselli by fingering him as an illegal alien. Johnny was born 'Filippo Sacco' in Esperia, Italy and first took the name John Morgan in Boston and Chicago. He later chose to name himself after Cosimo Rosselli, who finished the Sistine Chapel after Michelangelo.  Connecting the dots (to Robert Maheu and others), Rosselli was instrumental in arranging for Howard Hughes to move to Las Vegas and for getting him the top floor of the Desert Inn Hotel.  One also cannot ignore the allegations of Charles Siragusa, and his connection to James Angleton, William Harvey and the CIA's use of Federal Bureau of Narcotics cover personnel as a "magic button".  Here is what the recently released documents say about "Happy" Meltzer, Hanna Yazbeck, and their Lebanese assassins:

    Included under tab M is a dossier of one Harold Meltzer, a resident of Los Angeles, with a long criminal record. This is the first instance in which I have noted a U.S. citizen under consideration for any recruitment with respect to the ZRRIFLE project.  Under tab T, information on Orlando Portale, an Italian citizen residing in Detroit, is included.  At tab Y is a page of information on one Hanna Yazbeck.



    The report states, "He often heads up a hatchet squad when disputes arise between the Moslem and Christian underworld factions in Beirut." The second paragraph of this page reads as follows: "During the period I was in Europe (1950-1958), his chief bodyguard as a convicted murderer who owed his release from 'prison to Yazbeck's power. This bodyguard has since been murdered, but Yazbeck has an available pool of assassins.'' 



    ·. image.png.95d4ee86dc915d1622f914f1077aec90.png


    Last, pg. 16, notes, bottom.  Maheu > Houghton > Pena, let Goliath handle the Sirhan investigation.

    Pena was back at LAPD in April from the CIA/USAID then assigned to run Special Unit Senator.

  12. Good review Jeff.  I'd like to read the book.  I still believe those seven little file cabinets belonged to the Paine's.  How would Oswald have toted them around from Fort Worth to Dallas to New Orleans then back to Irving?  Michael Paine was framing Oswald over the ironing board  about the files the afternoon of 11/22/63 to I thought a DPD officer, maybe it was Walthers.


  13. On 6/14/2024 at 7:10 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    A slight aside from US and World affairs.  I heard an advertisement for this on the radio and thought what a hokey cornball name for a festival.  Couldn't they come up with Something better than this?  Naturally I had to google it.  Is Arkansas moving west?  Now I'm in the mood for a BLT.


    Matt, that's the Baker Hotel built in 1929 to take advantage of the "healing" waters in Mineral Wells, TX (they have a little lithium in them, among other "minerals").  Modeled after the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs, AR. Hosting from the 1930's -50's, Clark Gable, Judy Garland, Ronald Reagan, the Three Stooges, Bonnie & Clyde and John Wayne among others.  1st Hotel in Texas to have a swimming pool when it opened then air conditioning in the 1940's.

    Business died off in the later 1950's and it closed in 1963.  Re-opened in 1965, closed for good in 1972.  National Historic Landmark in 1982.  Several plans to update and re-open since fell through.  Hence, when a new plan would come up, locals answered "when pigs fly."  Until 2019.  Bought by a guy (and investors) who does this for a living.  Not real far from being done.  Was to re-open in 2023, now 2025.  Still, I think the "Baker Festival" sounds better, not as catchy I guess.

    Baker Hotel (Mineral Wells, Texas) - Wikipedia

     Home | The Baker Hotel and Spa

    It used to be a thing for local kids to break in at night while it was closed and go ghost hunting.  An east Texas "red-dirt" musician named an album after it.  As Matt's in the music bizness here's the title song.


  14. 9 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Well, Paul, this is the Education Forum.

    If we compare the actual historical record of the two U.S. parties on healthcare, there is no equivalence whatsoever.

    Ted Kennedy and the Democrats established Medicare-- a program that dramatically reduced senior poverty in the U.S., and enabled affordable medical care for an aging population that was difficult to affordably insure.

    Ronald Reagan opposed Medicare, and the Koch/Tea Party House actually passed a 2011 budget bill that would have ended Medicare, as we know it, for future retirees.

    Trump's December 2017 tax cut bill for the rich also mandated cuts for Medicaid and Medicare.

    Similarly, the Tea Party House voted repeatedly to abolish Obamacare-- the first legislation in U.S. history to establish a framework for universal healthcare coverage.

    Where's the equivalence?

    As for tolerance, should we "tolerate" the attempted violent overturning of a lawful U.S. election by a corrupt POTUS who refused to accept the results?


    Why did you do that W?  You forced me to respond.  


  15. On 6/13/2024 at 6:38 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

    Shouldn't this thread be moved to the Robert Kennedy Assassination section? 

    Some EF-JFKA participants must be squealing....

    Did you read my post?  The thread originated in the JFK Assassination Debate part of the forum in December 2018 when there was no RFK Topic section.  It existed there a year before it died.  I bumped it because I want to review it regarding a specific point after having difficulty finding it, and, to expose it to newer members who likely have not ever seen it as I believe it's an interesting and informative thread.  As Stated Above, I intend to move it to the RFK Topic section in 2-3 days where it will be easier to find.  It's been where it's at for over five years.  I don't think 2-3 more days will hurt anything.  Maybe someone new to the forum will find it interesting and informative.  As I found it and only a moderator can move it Mark may do so sooner.  

  16. Bumping this thread as I couldn't find it using the forum search feature.  I wanted to review it regarding one aspect.  I looked on-line for RFK assassination A Lie Too Big to Fail.  It brought up another one-page forum thread on it which had a link to this one.  I realize per current forum procedure it should be moved to the RFK topics area and I intend to do so.  As it originated in the JFK Forum pages.  As the last post in it was from Bart Kamp (deleted when he left, darn it Bart!) was in November 2019 I thought newer members since then have probably never seen it.  I thought it was pretty interesting and thought others might find it so.  So, I just bumped it and thought I'd leave it here 2-3 days for exposure before it goes to the RFK topics, where it will be easier to find in the future.

  17. 18 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Trump, followed by Biden have kept the records in the vault. 

    Biden takes the cake, having (apparently) done a permanent snuff job on the records. 

    So, Trump was a bad guy for not releasing the records when he could have.  But "Biden takes the cake," so he must be much worse than Trump?

    "if-rfk2 Elected"

    None of that is about current politics?

    I understand "could-JFK-records-still-be-kept-in the-vault?", by Any Future President who sought to release them.

    This thread to me has become toxic.  It has people I respect arguing with each other.  Can the subject not be discussed without reference to current candidates?  It seems not.  As mentioned in another thread, in relation to this one, other member(s) have requested/suggested it be moved.  I don't like censorship by doing so myself.  But if letting it run wild and develop into chaos is the alternative?  

    Some have suggested the moderators vote on moving any thread.  There are only two of us at the moment.  Mark is settling in at home after getting married last weekend.  I don't want to go running to him at this time.  He was here yesterday, and took action on at least three items, independently, he'll be back.  I think I have an idea what he would do/say.  We will wait a while and see.  If things get worse, I'll move it and he can move it back if he chooses to.

  18. I am still a moderator.  Mark Knight is still a moderator and administrator.  James Gordon is the owner of the site.  Kathy Beckett resigned over a year ago.  Anyone following recent developments should know James has reasserted his ownership rights and taken away Sandy Larsen's administrator and moderator positions at least in part because of the "Pat Speer controversy."

    As this thread is leaning into the possible connection between the JFK assassination and the RFK assassination I need to comment further.  As a moderator I say talk about that all you want, in another thread on that topic.  But, current politics has no business in the JFK Assassination Debate itself more especially during this time in an election year.  The JFK Assassination Debate should not be used as a springboard for any of the candidates. Nothing about any of them.  Such is a proven distraction that leads to arguments.  James or Mark can override me at any time, but I will delete any such references or move threads relating to such.  At the moment we have been asked by more than one member to remove a thread of this nature because of its content and title which I was already considering. 

  19. 22 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Ron, So posting Big Bird  and some meme of the Joker is not demeaning and insulting, besides being a lot of childish nonsense we can do without?

    Over the years there's a considerable amount of information that has been accepted as fact by no real standards of proof but by virtue of nothing more than someone was impressed with somebody's presentation.






    Big Bird/The Joker were dealt with this morning by Mark.  Keven is taking a vacation from posting for several days.

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