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Ron Bulman

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Posts posted by Ron Bulman

  1. On 3/23/2024 at 12:18 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

    Jim D-

    Well, let me ask this--

    1. Suppose an old b/w film emerged, showing Dallas Police Department officers leading LHO to TSBD/6 shortly before the JFKA?

    What would you conclude about at least some members of the DPD? I think at a minimum, you would conclude the DPD'ers had been made into unwitting participants in the JFKA, and possibly worse. 

    2. Videos have emerged, that were suppressed by the Jan. 6 committee, of Jacob Chensley, aka Mr Buffalo Horns, QAnon Shaman, being led into the Senate chambers by Capitol Police officers, who even unlocked doors for him. Mr. Buffalo Horns is then copiously photographed in the Senate chamber, and he then somehow gets up to the Senate Gallery (viewing balcony for citizens and others) and is again copiously photographed screaming down upon the Senate Chambers. 

    So Capital Police themselves aided an "insurrectionist" to gain entry to the Senate chambers, and possibly the gallery. This is on video, this is not debatable. 

    Chensley, sadly enough, fits the profile of an easily manipulated mentally troubled individual---the Sirhan Sirhan, the Richard Case Nagell, the Chicogaon Thomas Vallee type--who was put into action. 

    Why did the Jan. 6 committee, which included Deep State champion Liz Cheney, suppress the video of Chensley being led into the Capitol? 

    I am keeping an open mind. 

    Add on, here is the Columbia Journalism Review review of the media-Russiagate follies: 


    Like I say, I am keeping an open mind on how many times the Deep State has deposed a President in the postwar era. 

    This is part two of my previous post.  Here Ben brings up Jacob Chansley three times.  That's what did it.

  2. On 3/22/2024 at 7:01 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

    Operation Mockingbird lives? 

    I've read this thread as it develops but wondered tonight, how did we get from Ron Paul thinks the CIA killed JFK/Tucker Carlson thinks it's funny Dulles was on the Warren Commission to what it's become?  I think this may have been the start of the hijacking.  Thankfully nobody bit on Russiagate here.  Please don't.

    To be continued shortly/see my next post.  

  3. Regarding Nixon and LSD Attack, from pages 306-306.  I don't remember ever reading anything about this.

    In September 1977, in a closed hearing, Gottlieb told a group of U.S. Senators that during one of President Nixon's trips overseas in 1972 "members of his staff were drugged," and "displayed signs of disoriented behavior."  Senator Edward Kennedy incredulously asked Gottlieb "Members of the Presidental party?"  Gottlieb replied, "Yes, And specifically it included the President's physician himself and some of his associates."  . . .

    Replied Gottlieb, "My remembrance is that they decided it was an "indeterminable" thing, that long after the incident they could not, at least unequivocally, conclude that this behavior was due to some covert drugging."

    Gottlieb was reluctant to go into detail, couldn't remember exact dates for Kennedy.  Declined comment to reporters.  Dr. Kasch refused to answer any questions.

    The incident involving Nixon's staff occurred in May of 1972, Gottlieb claimed Nixon was on Moscow for a summit conference with the Russians.  . . .   One of the men in the President's party was especially affected.  At one point the drugged man begged the Secret Service to have him flown back to the United States.  "I can't stay here any longer," he said, "I'm losing my mind.  I'm falling apart, I'm falling a part.?  For months after the man had returned to Washington, D.C., he acted so bizarre that he was sent twice for psychiatric observation. . . .  physicians concluded he may have been given LSD or BZ in a time released form.

    Another member of Nixon's summit party was also strangely affected long after the trip.  this man, a White House staffer, had actually been apprehended by Soviet security and intelligence agents outside the Kremlin where he had wandered late one night.  There, on Moscow's streets, he had walked aimlessly about, asking people where he could find Rasputin and "what time did the pharmacies open."  The man had also reportedly thrown his passport away, telling Soviet agents that it contained "tracking devices inside."

    Said Gottlieb, "We kept a close eye on these men for a number of years after they were drugged.  We were concerned about their well being."

    Krulak in the next day or two.    

  4. The chapter on MKULTRA is interesting.  It wasn't just about LSD and other drug experiments though those seem to be a major focus.  

    The focus of what I've read before was on the experiments at safe houses in Greenwich Village and then San Francisco.  Also, Detroit and Chicago.  Not just this chapter but scattered throughout the book thus far are references and details of the program.  Such as experiments on (paid) volunteers, unwitting mental patients, federal prisoners, at "respected" universities and hospitals.  The names of such and their employee's is interesting.  E.G., hypnotism and magic are discussed elsewhere.

    These are the subtopics in the chapter. 

    - The Occult Side featuring Alester Crowley, a demented and perverted person?

    - Ken Kesey, Acid Tests, see prior post.

    - Cancer and MKULTRA, short, not much there, but elsewhere?

    - Radiation and MKU, experiments on people.

    - Dr. Robert Hyde and LSD.

    - In turn, Producing a Model Psychosis.

    - Nixon and LSD attack.  More tomorrow.

    - Krulak to McNamara on CIA op in Cambodia.   

  5. Pete, Neale this is fascinating.  Not sure of where but over the years I've read about other claims of JFK's body going to a different facility first for bullet removal.  Maybe some from Best Evidence, In The Eye of History or elsewhere, even on here.

    Others here might remember a story of the body going to Walter Reed Army hospital first before Bethesda.  Which the body initially was supposed to go to for the autopsy itself but Jackie preferred the Naval facility as JFK had been in the Navy.

    Then another story of an animal morgue, a hundred or so yards away.  Where forensic pathologists and technicians in training went to practice on animal carcasses before progressing to humans.

    Look forward to reading/watching more on this.  Documentation of an older morgue would be interesting alone.

  6. I am finally, slowly working my way through Hank Albarelli's A Terrible Mistake - the Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments.  It has 706 pages of text, 826 total including the Appendix, Photographs and Documents, Notes and Index.  I ordered it in great part because I'd read it offered more information on George Hunter White, Pierre Laffite and others.  I also ordered it because I'd seen the Documentary Wormwood and read that was based in part on this book but didn't do the book justice.  Boy Howdy, is that an understatement.  I didn't count on the depth and detail in the subtitle part, "and The CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments."  A mistake on my part.

    I've finally made it to the actual chapter 6 on MKULTRA.  In Book Two - From Brainwashing to LSD.  The part about Harold Blauer was in Book One 1953-1956. 

    I thought I knew a little about Dr. Harold Abramson, the "psychiatrist" in NYC the CIA was taking Dr. Frank Olson to when he "jumped" out of a hotel room window on the 13 floor.  After being dosed by his employer a week before with LSD, having a bad trip, and paranoid flashbacks, acting erratically.   

    How little I did know.  He was an allergist.  His only medical qualification.  Only the CIA considered him a psychiatrist.  One they gave many thousands of dollars to, to study the effects of LSD on human beings.   From pages 285/286.

    "By all accounts, Abramson enjoyed turning his friends on to LSD as much as George (Hunter) White did.  Former colleagues of Abramson's recall LSD sorties held at his Long Island home.  Said one former colleague, who declined to be identified, "These LSD parties were held well before the hippie stuff of the 1960's and 70's, but were just as wild and crazy, right along with all the sex and what have you."  Said another, "You'd be very, very surprised at who attended some of these events,  ..."

    Then on pages 291-292.  MKULTRA and Ken Kesey's Acid Tests.

    In Jr College, 1975-76, I read Ken Kesey's Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, the Merry Pranksters, the bus, the US tour, the acid test in the woods.  Then One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and saw it in a theater. 

    "A talkative Gittinger also revealed that at least two other CIA researchers from TSS's Chemical Division had attended, as "curious observers," Ken Kesey's "Trips Festival" in La Honda, California and an "Acid Test" at San Francisco's Longshoremen's Hall.  The "Trips Festival" held in 1966, featured what Gittinger called "an oddball mix of music, merriment, and bizarre behavior."  Music for the event was provided by Big Brother and the Holding Company, featuring, a then unknown Janis Joplin.  LSD was liberally distributed by the legendary San Francisco outlaw chemist Owlesy Stanley.  Stanley described the event:

    It was completely out of control... Back in those days, we were really rough with [LSD].  A large dose was really rough.  It would be a hell of a jolt for a guy in his late thirties to suddenly come face-to-face with the universe that way.

    A few weeks latter, Gittinger's two TSS colleagues attended one of the earliest "Acid Tests" held outside San Francisco.  The "test" (really a psychedelic party) featured huge bowls of LSD spiked punch nobody had any idea how much of the drug had been added to the mixture of fruit juice and soda.  Music was provided by a group called the Warlocks , soon to become the Grateful Dead. 

    Recalled CIA man Gittinger.

    Once, after the LSD parties had become more commonplace, [Alfred] Hubbard and some doctor, I can't remember his name, tried to attend one event.  It was crazy from the start.  These two bald-headed, portly guys in dark suits walking into the middle of all this madness.  You can imagine the paranoia count went through the roof as they tied to mingle with the crowd and people began melting away from them. . . .  At least when we went to these things we made an effort to blend in with things."

    The musical story of the merry pranksters US tour.



  7. On 3/20/2024 at 7:18 AM, Tom Gram said:

    Meanwhile, in 1960, Preston Bush was running Nixon's campaign… 

    I don't think I ever knew this.  Not to detract from the thread topic or hijack it but I think it could be important.  Maybe I've read it, and it went right over my head or I've forgotten it.  First, are we possibly talking about Prescott Bush here, father of GHWB?  If not, is Preston related to those two, how so?

    Prescott helped finance RMN's first Congressional (smear) campaign in California.  If he was possibly still financing him in 1960 or "running Nixon's campaign" (through a surrogate?).  Defeat by JFK by 1% would have still stung when he said he never forgave JFK for firing Dulles.

    The Nixon-Bush Connection Runs Deeper Than You Know | Business Insider

  8. On 3/16/2024 at 12:39 AM, Benjamin Cole said:

    It is hard to believe anything Trump says. If Trump now says he will open up the the JFK Records, why would anyone believe him?

    We know Biden will not open up the JFKA Records.

    There is a third candidate, whose name cannot be mentioned, who would open up the JFK Records, given his family history and background.

    So it stands. 

    Is this unmentionable third candidate, who is loathed by establishment DC and media, a "spoiler" ...or are the two extant political parties crapulent and feculent in every way, and "spoiling"  a chance for an American renewal and transparency in government? 

    Stay tuned.


    I'm bumping this for Keven.  The Ben Cole W is referring to is Benjamin Cole.  Pretty much everyone here has referred to hm as such since he joined, he's never complained that I remember.  Who is Ben Cohen?  Related to Michael or Mickey?

    This post is also the reason I first thought this thread might need to be moved.  The "unmentionable third candidate, whose name cannot be mentioned", "this unmentionable third candidate . . . a "spoiler" . . . a chance for American renewal and transparency in government?"

    This is a recurring theme with Ben in multiple threads.  Thankfully no one has taken that bait, yet.

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