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Mathias Baumann

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Everything posted by Mathias Baumann

  1. Hello Joe, I've found a different link here: https://archive.politicalassassinations.net/2013/08/recorded-voices-of-lee-oswald-and-ernst-titovets/ Maybe this one will work.
  2. Joe, that's an interesting observation. Here Oswald can be heard reading to Ernst Titovetz: http://www.russianbooks.org/oswald/tapes.htm The tape was recorded for the purpose of helping Ernst improve his English pronunciation.
  3. Jeremy, this may be interesting: The DLPT5 is designed to assess the general language proficiency in reading and listening of native speakers of English who have learned a foreign language as a second language. The DLPT5 tests measure proficiency as defined by the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Skill Level Descriptions, levels 0+ – 4 (see Appendix A). All DLPT5s will be delivered on the computer. DLPT5s in many languages include both a Lower-Range test and an Upper-Range test. The Lower-Range test measures ILR proficiency levels 0+ - 3, while the Upper-Range measures ILR proficiency levels 3 - 4. Examinees will normally take the lower-range DLPT5; those who receive a score of 3 on this test may be eligible to take the upperrange test, depending on the policy of their institution. The DLPT5 will be used to make operational readiness, incentive pay, and training decisions for civilian and military language analysts in the United States government. Source: http://www.dliflc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Generic-Fam-Guide-MC-CBu-updated.pdf As far as I know Oswald took only one Russian test. So it probably was "only" a lower-range test.
  4. Jeremy, what do we know about the "other US military types who defected"? Were they given Russian tests too?
  5. Dr Norwood: I agree that Delgado may not be a first class source. But what about the Warren Commission? Why did they believe that Oswald was trained in foreign languages in Monterey? Where did they get this information? That's a question that has never been resolved. Oswald did well on his exam, much better than could be expected after just three months of self-study. But he could've done much better. He did not reach the level of a native speaker. I think we agree on this, don't we? But if we suppose that Oswald grew up in a bilingual home I would've expected a much better result, especially in listening comprehension. Concerning his alleged Polish accent: Well, it seems opinions were divided on this matter. His wife believed his accent to be Baltic, if I remember correctly.
  6. "after World War II" is not the same thing as "1945". It takes many years to establish an efficient foreign language program. Teachers have to be trained, school books need to be written... That just doesn't happen over night. It seems that compulsory Russian language instruction in Hungary started in 1950. -> http://ludens.elte.hu/~deal/pages/novelty/htm2/vol91/lukacs.html
  7. Dear Jim, if I remember correctly your explanation for Oswald's remarkable fluency in Russian was that he learned it in school in Hungary in the late 1940s. I found believable evidence on the internet that Russian was not taught in Hungarian public schools until many years later. I still think that the most likely explanation for Oswald's language skills is that he took a fair amount of lessons, probably one-on-one lessons. I remember that someone posted an interview with Oswald's Marine buddy Delgado, who thought that Oswald learned Russian in Berlin (Berlitz?). That seems like a plausible explanation to me. Now I accept that there is no evidence that Oswald ever took lessons at a Berlitz school. But he almost certainly did not learn Russian in Hungary. So what is your current theory now? Where and how did Oswald learn Russian, in your opinion?
  8. Francois, of course you forgot to put on your list "conspiracy theories" that DID turn out to be true. Such as: - the NSA spying on Internet users - Iran/Contra - Propaganda Due - Operation Gladio - MK/Ultra - etc. or my personal favorite: how NATO tried to kill Qaddafi and accidentally shot down a passenger jet killing 80 innocent people. --> https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jan/28/italy-ustica-plane-crash-missile https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/11/world/europe/itavia-flight-870-ruling-adds-support-to-a-theory.html
  9. A broken coke bottle? The "kid" was not by any chance a young Afro-American?
  10. But the shot from the front (the grassy knoll) was found on the Dictabelt - so it was a high-powered, supersonic bullet. That is not consistent with what the doctors at Parkland Hospital found, is it?
  11. And what about this story? Tippit had a second uniform in the back of his car? Are there any photographs of the car that show that uniform?
  12. Interestingly Larry Crafard had worked at the Fairgrounds before he was employed by Ruby. According to Laura Kittrell, Crafard impersonated Oswald. Is this story true?
  13. Well, first of all you have to keep in mind that what the researchers found were sonic shock waves that occur when a bullet breaks the sound barrier. So they wouldn't have found a bullet that traveled below the speed of sound, such as a small caliber bullet. Secondly, in the reenactment they only test fired rifles from the book depository and the grassy knoll, not from, say, the County Records Building. Without material to compare them to it was not possible to positively identify other sound events as rifle shots. But 4 shots is enough to show there was a conspiracy.
  14. Well, I guess that depends on your definition of the word "genuine". I think the photo shows Kennedy's back. And I don't think that it is a forgery of any kind. But I'm wondering what all those hands are doing. My guess is they are pulling and pushing on Kennedy's skin in order to move the bullet hole where they want it to be. I think the wrinkles in the nape of the neck are quite telling... What do you think?
  15. As can be seen in the following photographs measurements of a point on a person's skin can vary by several centimeters depending on one's posture: In the famous back wound photo Kennedy is prostrate on his belly, not sitting upright as he was at the moment he was shot. What are the doctors doing with that ruler? Are they measuring something? Or are they manipulating his skin?
  16. Well, that would explain why he chose a chapter that had the letters "SEX" in it. Some of Garrison's "silly theories" were even endorsed by the House Select Committe, such as Oswald's connection to Guy Bannister and David Ferrie.
  17. John, interesting idea. But I think a shot from a train would be hard to synchronize with the arrival of the motorcade in Dealey Plaza. Especially considering the fact that the motorcade did not arrive on schedule.
  18. At least 4 shots. 3 from the rear, possibly the School Book Depository - although the HSCA's experts could not rule out the Dal-Tex building as a possible location. I think the "Magic Bullet" may have been fired from one of the lower floors of that building. In another thread I have shown that the people right in front of the TSBD did not appear to be startled at the moment the famous Altgens photo was taken, about 2 seconds after Kennedy begins reacting to an external stimulus. Moreover we have the testimony of the two people closest to the alleged source of gun fire, TSBD workers Williams and Jarman, who thought the first shot came from outside the Book Depository. They believed it to be a motorcycle backfire - although the 150 db sound had supposedly come from right above their heads. Now add to this the fact that the wounds in Kennedy and Connolly cannot be reconciled with a trajectory from the 6th floor (http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/m_j_russ/hscawech.htm) and the fact that the bullet supposedly found in Parkland Hospital was almost pristine and you get a pretty clear picture, in my opinion. The fourth shot may have come from the grassy knoll. A different kind of ammunition was probably used. This is from Mike Yardley's homepage: It should also be noted, that a rusty rifle shell was found on the roof of the County Records building in the 1970s. So as many as 5 shots may have been fired in total.
  19. I'm aware of those other studies. However I think there's a number of reasons to believe that Weiss & Aschkenasy got it right: - They found that the microphone traveled at about 11 mph. Almost exactly the speed of the motorcade. - They concluded that 3 shots had been fired from the book depository - where three bullet shells had been found! Strange coincidence, isn't it? - They found N-waves indicating sonic shock waves - how would you find that in random noise? - They've always stood by their conclusions and have offered possible explanations for the crosstalk phenomenon. - They're corroborated by a great number of witnesses - including a police officer who smelled gun powder on the grassy knoll. - The HSCA's photographic experts found an unidentifed adult person behind the picket fence. - Strangers showing phony Secret Service credentials were encountered by police officers on the grassy knoll.
  20. I don't believe that Oswald was innocent. I think he was part of a plot to kill JFK. So it doesn't surprise me that he betrayed a guilty conscience.
  21. There are numerous scientific experiments that show that bullets deform when they hit solid objects. Only a few years ago the Italian military again confirmed this when they test fired Mannlicher-Carcano bullets. The Dictabelt analysis is a scientific study that corroborates what dozens of witnesses either heard, saw or smelled on the grassy knoll. Based on this evidence the House Select Committee concluded that there was a second shooter, like it or not. And the odds of random noise creating the sound pattern found on the tape are minuscule. Concerning Robert Oswald: Where exactly was he when President Kennedy was shot? Next to his brother Lee in the 6th floor window? How exactly does he know that his brother acted all alone and not as part of a plot?
  22. A question to all members of the forum: What do you think is the dark area above Morales' eyebrow that can be seen in the photos linked above?
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