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Mathias Baumann

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Everything posted by Mathias Baumann

  1. Of course there is a good sales tactic that would convince me, and, I'm sure, many others on this forum. If your book contains any new, original ideas or evidence I'd seriously consider buying it, no matter which theory they support.
  2. Did he really HEAR the back shot or did he just SEE the impact of the bullet on Kennedy's back? If you look at the bystanders in Altgens 6 none of them seems startled by the sound of a high-powered rifle being fired. Some of them are still smiling.
  3. But in the Zapruder film it appears as if his hands never actually touch his throat. I think it was Robert Harris (but I could be wrong) who's argued that this was some kind of neurological reaction to being hit in the back.
  4. Interesting discussion here. I want to add an interesting point that has not come up so far I think. When Oswald left London for Helsinki, he may have been on the same plane as General Walker, according to Gene Kelly: Another strange coincidence that seems to tie Oswald to Walker. Almost as strange as the mysterious John Martin film. http://emuseum.jfk.org/view/objects/asitem/classification@Films/10/title-asc?t:state:flow=f3376116-a274-44c2-864b-d11822ad8a2d
  5. Shellfish toxin can cause what is called paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Could that explain Kennedy's grasping at his throat?
  6. I like this photo. Look at the people standing in front of the School Book Depository. None of them appears startled by the sound of a high-powered rifle fired just a few meters above their heads.
  7. Well, if you avoid answering any of the questions I posted here you could at least tell us if you've done any original research for your book or if it's just a summary of information that can be found for free on the internet. I've read the websites of David Reitzes and John McAdams and I've noticed that they do not provide satisfactory answers to the most puzzling questions. Instead they spend a lot of time on debunking the more ludicrous conspiracy theories. They usually avoid questions raised by serious researchers. And funnily some of the material they post contradicts their own conclusions. For instance, McAdams has posted the HSCA testimony of Dr Cyril Wecht on his website, which clearly shows that the medical panel's ultimate conclusion concerning the single bullet theory was utterly wrong, because it didn't take into account Kennedy's posture at the moment he was hit. The Zapruder film proves that Kennedy was in an upright position when the bullet hit him, so the shot could not have come from the 6th floor of the School Book Depository. Another example would be the Jefferson Morley article on Jane Roman. It provides evidence that CIA's counterintelligence had a "keen interest" in Oswald. Yet curiously after he's met with a KGB assassin he's taken off the FBI's watch list. McAdams simply ignores this fact and hopes his readers don't notice. So if you want to promote your book here you should at least tell us if it adds anything substantial to the understanding of the case and give es some examples. Just saying "it's all in my book so please buy it" is not a good sales tactic. There are hundreds of books on the JFK assassination, so why should we buy yours?
  8. That would certainly explain why he missed out on the once in a lifetime chance to see his hero JFK come to town. Could Ruby have been a co-conspirator? Did he know Oswald? Could that explain why he knew the precise name of the "Fairplay for Cuba Committee" and his evasiveness when asked about Tippit or his various trips to Cuba in 1959? Is it true that J.D. tippit was a marksman?
  9. The mythbusters demonstrate that a frozen gelatine bullet fired from a high-powered rifle at short range would only cause a very shallow wound. The relevant part starts at about 23:00.
  10. Hello Cory, what do you think of this story? --> https://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/news/grimsby-news/who-albert-osborne-how-find-691238 "Grimsby-born soldier turned Soviet Union Spy Albert Osborne has long been touted as one of the prime suspects in the John F Kennedy assassination plot. Some experts believe he worked as a "handler" for killer Lee Harvey Oswald - and the pair were seen talking together on a bus in the hours leading up to JFK's death in Dallas on November 23, 1963. [This of course is incorrect: They were seen in late September 1963 on a bus to Mexico.] And documents unearthed in the 1970s show the FBI had Osborne marked as a major suspect in its massive investigation. Today, as thousands more secret documents - known as the JFK Files - were released to the public , it emerged that a anonymous caller tipped off the Cambridge News that something big was about to happen - 25 minutes before JFK was shot. And it is thought that caller was in fact Osborne, and that he was calling from Grimsby, where he was staying with his sister."
  11. One important question I forgot: - Why was Oswald taken off the FBI's watch list after he supposedly met with an alleged KGB assassin?
  12. That would depend on the quality of your answers of course. After all I've joined this forum to learn why President Kennedy had to die not to promote any particular pet theory. If Oswald really was the lone killer, then so be it. But of course there's a mountain of evidence to the contrary, some of which I've addressed in my previous post.
  13. Maybe the author could tell us if he managed to find the answers to the following questions: - Why was the back wound so much lower than the throat wound? - How did the HSCA's acoustics experts find sonic booms in random noise? - Why did the Dallas Police fail to protect Oswald although they had received threats against his life? - How did Ruby enter the basement of the Police Department without being seen by the policemen standing guard? - Why did Ruby kill Oswald? - Why did Oswald kill Kennedy? - Who was the Oswald impostor who called the Soviet embassy in Mexico City and why did he call? - Who was behind the plots in Chicago and Tampa? - Who killed Johnny Roselli and why? - What did Roselli's friend David Morales mean when he said "We took care of that son of a bitch, didn't we?" If it doesn't answer these questions the book is probably not worth reading.
  14. That "rambling on tactic" becomes especially obvious when the Warren Commission ask Ruby if he knew Tippit. Add that to the fact that Oswald was heading in the direction of Ruby's home and you'll understand how Tippit ended up in that calm neighborhood far from any crime scene. But when Tippit failed to carry out his assigned task Ruby himself had to step in... According to one of James di Eugenio's recent posts Jim Garrison had a job application filled out by Oswald that cited Ruby as a reference. Unfortunately that document has since disappeared.
  15. Hello James, would you care to you elaborate on this? What's your source for this? What happened to the document? Why did Garrison not go public with this explosive Information? Did the application refer to Ruby specifically or just one of his clubs?
  16. Hello Joe, that might be an interesting parallel to the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme. He was most certainly killed by agents of the Apartheid regime in collusion with racist members of the Stockholm police force. Palme had always been a staunch champion of the anti-Apartheid struggle. I've always believed that perhaps we could understand the Kennedy assassination better if we took a closer look at other instances of political assassinations in order to find a common "modus operandi". Here's more on the Palme murder: http://www.withmaliceandforethought.com/pdf/olof_palme.pdf There's even a (very) tenuous link between the Kennedy assassination and the murder of Olof Palme: CIA contract agent Michael Townley. Gaeton Fonzi believes that Townley was involved in the bombing of Chilean dissident Letelier, which was probably orchestrated by David Attlee Phillips. And Townley claims that in 1979 the Chilean government ordered him to kill Palme, but he refused to do so. --> https://www.nytimes.com/1986/06/09/world/swedes-seek-palme-case-clue-in-76-assassination-in-us.html
  17. Dear Cliff, thank you for your answer. You've stressed the importance of the physical evidence in this case, and I definitely think that's the right Approach. I would be glad if you could help me understand the evidence a bit better. That's the way I see things: The holes in President Kennedy's clothes clearly show that the Warren Commission's single bullet theory can't be correct. The holes can't be reconciled with a trajectory pointing back to the 6th floor of the School Book Depository, because that would imply that the bullet left Kennedy's body at an upward angle if it were to hit governor Connally in the armpit. The wound in Kennedy's back however was, if the official autopsy Report is to be believed, very shallow and no path through the body was found. So if the Warren Commission is right and only 3 shots were fired that day, that leaves us with only two possibilities: 1) Kennedy and Connally were hit by the same bullet 2) Connally was hit by a bullet, but Kennedy wasn't. Whatever hit him in the back didn't possess the force necessary to penetrate deep into his body. That would rule out a bullet from a rifle. Considering his strong reaction as can be seen in the Zapruder film it does appear more likely that he was indeed hit by a shot. Now if we assume that more than 3 shots were fired, one of which hit the president in the back, we're confronted with 2 big problems: 1) Why was no bullet path found? 2) Why was no extra bullet found? Robert Harris may not have his trajectory 100 % correct, but I think he might be on the right track. After all, we don't know for sure which exact posture Kennedy was in when he was hit.
  18. But what if the shot came from a position much lower than the 6th floor? One of the lower floors of the DalTex building for instance? That's where Robert Harris thinks the shots came from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvqCtaBkyyE I'm no expert in 3d modeling but if his calculations are right, then the single bullet theory would make sense after all. Then the only mystery left would be why the doctors couldn't find the bullet's path through the body.
  19. https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/lee-harvey-oswalds-carcano-rifle-shooting-it-today/
  20. https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/lee-harvey-oswalds-carcano-rifle-shooting-it-today/
  21. https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/lee-harvey-oswalds-carcano-rifle-shooting-it-today/
  22. Paul, why would Michael Paine take photos of military installations?
  23. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of Maurice Phillips's book De Dallas à Montreal? He had a link to the PDF on his website but unfortunately it's no longer working. Any help would be appreciated.
  24. David, it seems some of those Italian rifles ended up in the hands of the Cuban insurgents: Ruby was involved with Rothman: Did this firm by any chance sell Mannlicher-Carcano rifles...? Senator John F. Kennedy wanted to put a stop to all that:
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