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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Since this is a scholarly forum, I wanted to add a few possible sales items to Joe's proposals for the Trump Presidential Library gift shop. 1) An inflatable Stormy Daniels blow up doll. 2) A Mike Pence doll with a gallows and noose that fits around the V.P.'s neck 3) A Rudy Giuliani doll with a supplemental blonde wig and pink dress. 4) Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan dolls with detachable Presidential Medals of Freedom. 5) A Kimberly Guilfoyle doll that yells loudly when you pull a string.
  2. I thought Trump's entire Presidential library was erased when he got kicked off of Twitter... 🤥
  3. There seem to be converging lines of evidence about the Trump administration blocking security measures to protect Congress on January 6th-- ignoring FBI warnings, not responding to requests for National Guard intervention, not providing riot gear to the police, etc. I saw an article today about how the Trump administration has long been suppressing DHS surveillance of right wing domestic terrorists-- even after Christopher Wray told Congress last year that right wing groups posed the greatest terrorism threat to American citizens.
  4. I knew Dr. Michael Holick in 1981, when he was a young Attending Physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital during my three month MGH medical clerkship. He's the guy who first identified the structure of the 25-hydroxy Vitamin D molecule (when he was a biochemistry grad student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.) Brilliant guy, and unpretentious. The first thing he told me was that the residents and interns at MGH were excellent, and smart enough to ask questions when they were unsure about what to do. Boston University doctor: Vitamin D can help reduce coronavirus risk by 54% www.bostonherald.com/2020/09/17/vitamin-d-can-help-reduce-coronavirus-risk-by-54-boston-university-doctor/ January 14, 2021 Dr. Michael Holick, Professor of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics at Boston University School of Medicine and his colleagues studied blood samples from Quest Diagnostics of more than 190,000 Americans from all 50 states and found that those who had deficient levels of vitamin D had 54% higher COVID positivity compared to those with adequate levels of vitamin D in the blood. The risk of getting coronavirus continued to decline as vitamin D levels increased, the study, published in the Public Library of Science One peer-reviewed journal shows. “The higher your vitamin D status, lower was your risk,” Holick said. The vitamin is easy to find and relatively cheap in drug stores, and taking vitamin D pills comes at no risk. “It’s perfectly safe,” Holick said. “It’s considered to be, by many, the nutrient of the decade,” Holick said. A deficiency in the nutrient alters the immune system, making one more likely to get upper respiratory infections. The average adult needs around 2,000 units of vitamin D a day, Holick said. He said he’s been taking 6,000 units a day for decades and is in great health. Several other studies on vitamin D have shown its benefits to the immune system. Research published with the National Institutes of Health showed people with lower vitamin D levels were more likely to self-report a recent upper respiratory tract infection than those with sufficient levels.Another study of more than 11,000 participants published in the British Medical Journal found vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of acute respiratory tract infection among all participants.
  5. I kind of hate to admit that Donald Trump is correct about anything but, in truth, Mike Pence is a p*ssy. 🤥
  6. IMO, Donald Trump admires his own tremendous wonderfulness too much to commit suicide. (Recall that Nero only offed himself because he was about to get lynched by an angry mob.) I do wonder whether Trump will flee the country, though, to avoid prosecution in New York-- assuming he can be perp-walked out of the White House after January 20th. Meanwhile, Colorado Rep. Jason Crow is asking the Army to do supplemental security screenings on military personnel deployed to Washington, D.C. for Biden's inauguration. I shudder to think about how many armed Trump fans in uniform are going to be providing "security" for Joe B(!)
  7. Working Hypothesis: Trump blocked security interventions against the January 6th attack on the U.S. Congress. FBI report warned of ‘war’ at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no indication of looming violence FBI report warned of 'war' at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no indication of looming violence - The Washington Post
  8. "I was originally designed as an SA Storm Trooper but, this time, I was re-programmed and sent back from the future to help prevent a fascist coup."
  9. The Terminator has also supported climate change mitigation policies and clean energy, hasn't he?
  10. Or, God forbid, Clint Eastwood. There must be a special, poorly-maintained golf course in Dante's Inferno for myopic old Republicans like Jon Voigt, Charlton Heston, Clint Eastwood, and Jack Niklaus. All sand traps, rough, and no fairways. At least Schwarzenegger won't end up there. He'll be stuck in a mud pit with 'roid raging body builders and All Star Wrestlers.
  11. Joe, I don't know any details beyond what Dr. Fiona Hill told the media. Trump was deliberately 'trying to stage a coup,' a former White House national-security official says Trump was trying 'to stage a coup' says former WH advisor Fiona Hill - Business Insider
  12. And not only the Zapruder film. Here's Dan Rather watching a video of the expert demolition of WTC7 on 9/11.
  13. Thanks for posting this, Mr. Caddy. I was aware that Nixon didn't trust Helms and the CIA, but I have always been puzzled about the Company's motives for sabotaging Nixon, a Republican Cold Warrior and hawk. JFK wanted to break the CIA into a thousand pieces and cast it to the wind. At most, it sounds like Nixon wanted to marginalize the CIA and delegate some of their functions to the NSC (and Kissinger.) Interesting that both JFK and Nixon fired a CIA Director before their demise.
  14. Not surprised to hear that Roger Stone is involved in more dirty tricks-- except that this time, unlike his Brooks Brothers Riot, people are getting killed. Meanwhile, former NSC advisor, Dr. Fiona Hill, posted today that Trump has, in fact, solicited military support for his coup d'etat, prompting a letter of condemnation from former Pentagon chiefs. (Never thought I would see the day when I agreed with Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld about anything.)
  15. Steve, This is exactly right. Sociopaths like Donald Trump only respond to the threat of external consequences for their sociopathic conduct. Trump is like a wife beater when the cops arrive at the door. He only pretended to concede when his advisors warned him that he might be removed from office. Mary Trump hit this nail on the head, again, today. Mary Trump To Lawmakers: Ignore ‘Performative’ Trump Speech, He Must Be Impeached “There was not any truth in it at all, and if you listen carefully, he doesn’t actually concede the election.” Mary Trump To Lawmakers: Ignore 'Performative' Trump Speech, He Must Be Impeached | HuffPost
  16. Someone at the Democratic Underground reported that Pence refused to take a phone call from Schumer and Pelosi today. Meanwhile, Andrea Mitchell allegedly reported that Trump has banned Pence from the White House. This is looking more and more like a coup in progress.
  17. Mr. Caddy, Can you comment on the subject of why Hunt, Helms, and the Company wanted to sabotage Richard Nixon? I never understood the whys and wherefores of that aspect of the Watergate op.
  18. Kirk, To me, it sounds like these compositions were very similar, stylistically, to what Bob Dylan and the Beatles had recorded a year earlier, in 1965-- the Highway 61 Revisited album, (e.g., From a Buick 6) and Ticket to Ride. Do you know if Zevon was playing an Epiphone Casino (above?)
  19. A related film about CIA cocaine trafficking during the GHWB years is Kill the Messenger, about the late San Jose Mercury journalist Gary Webb. Kill the Messenger (2014 film) - Wikipedia Now, back to this interesting discussion of alleged Russian hacking...
  20. No disrespect intended, (at all) but Gerry and the Pacemakers would be a perfect name for a geriatric, Baby Boomer rock band with cardiac issues.🤥 But, on the subject of 78 year-old Liverpudlians, you rockers should check out Paul McCartney's new album, McCartney III, which was released on December 18, 2020. Paul wrote and recorded these songs and instrumentals by himself last year-- guitars, drums, keyboards, vocals, etc.-- at age 78! Great piece of work. When did he learn to play the drums so well? It's a triumph of the human spirit, and flesh, by an extraordinarily talented septuagenarian rocker struggling with anxiety about foxes scaring his chickens and lambs, aging, losing his faculties and romantic partner(s.) Highly recommended, especially for the over 60 crowd.
  21. Not sure where to post this, but I've been listening to Paul McCartney's new album -- McCartney III-- which he recorded by himself in his studio during the COVID lockdown last year. Interesting, original songs and instrumentals by an old Beatle who is approaching his 80th birthday. You go, Sir Paul!
  22. Trump’s Lost Cause The fight underway to keep Trumpism alive post-presidency has an ugly and worrisome precedent in American history Trump's Lost Cause: Jamil Smith Commentary - Rolling Stone
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