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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. And they will still have Joe Manchin and their third party "No Labels" fraudsters to undermine the Democrats.
  2. Agreed. And one of the most disturbing things RFK, Jr. said in his recent Vanity Fair interview was that he views attempts to censor disinformation in the U.S. (e.g., re COVID vaccines) as a greater threat to our democracy than Trump's J6 attack on Congress! That is simply ludicrous. The Trump cult poses the greatest threat to American democracy and the rule of law in our nation's history-- with the exception of the Civil War. This ludicrous claim is also consistent with RFK, Jr.'s persistent refusal to criticize Trump and his proto-fascist cult.
  3. This abundant "California water" promise reminds me of Trump's 2016 blather about having a "terrific healthcare plan that will cover everyone and cost less." He never had a healthcare plan! He reflexively caters to people's wish fulfillment fantasies without intending to fulfill his unrealistic promises.
  4. So, Griffith, enough of your defamatory blather. Post the source for your claims about Chiang's travel itinerary, as I requested (above.) We all know that there has been a lot of McAdams-type disinformation published about Prouty since 1992. Show us the source of your "information" smearing Prouty's account of the Tehran Conference. Then tell us why Prouty flew the Chinese delegation from Cairo to Tehran in a VIP Lockheed Lodestar. Your explanation goes here:
  5. RFK, Jr. is, obviously right about the longstanding influence of the CIA (Mockingbird) in the U.S. mainstream media, and the author of this Vanity Fair piece isn't about to address that issue honestly. Score one for RFK, Jr. But what troubles me the most about this article is the author's description of RFK, Jr.'s affect and cognitive style-- his irritability, paranoia, and cognitive rigidity. As a psychiatrist, I'm wondering, among other things, about 'roid rage-- the tendency of anabolic steroids to induce irritability and paranoia. Is RFK, Jr. suffering from 'roid rage? As the author points out, RFK, Jr. presents as angry and stubborn, lacking in humor and apparent humility. He, certainly, exhibits no genuine courtesy or affability-- even in an interview with a nationally published journalist! (Not very judicious, to say the least.) The author's observations about the COVID death statistics in relation to the introduction of vaccines in various countries happens to be correct, and RFK, Jr.'s published claims about vaccine-induced morbidity and mortality are scientifically false. But RFK, Jr. seems to be unable to reason in a calm, intellectually honest way about his mistake. Instead, he angrily accuses the journalist of lying! Oddly, he also denies being an "anti-vaxxer." (Mark Knight started a thread on this subject recently.) This seems to be part of a more generalized tendency in RFK, Jr. to interpret any disagreement with his opinions as a nefarious attack by people aligned with Big Pharma, the Democratic Party, and/or (?) Mockingbird. Is he intellectually grandiose? Finally, I'm also, again, perplexed by RFK, Jr.'s tendency to downplay the serious threat of Donald Trump's proto-fascist MAGA cult-- and J6 mob-- to American democracy. In a nutshell, this article confirms a lot of concerns that many of us have expressed about RFK, Jr.'s candidacy this year. And there are reports today that RFK, Jr. may opt to run as a third party candidate-- contrary to his previous claims on that subject.
  6. I wonder, Leslie. The danger of RFK, Jr.'s third party candidacy is that he could tip the Electoral balance to Trump's fascist cult in 2024-- in the same way that George W. Bush was tragically "elected" in 2000 by Ralph Nader's third party candidacy. (Incidentally, Ralph Nader just endorsed Biden this week, acknowledging that we need to keep Trump out of office in our American "duopoly.")
  7. I'm responding to Michael Griffith's latest Prouty defamation post in red (below.) Michael Griffith wrote: You need to learn to read a bit more carefully, and you need to watch Prouty's 1994 interview. I did not say that the FDR-was-poisoned theory was Prouty's theory. I said that in the 1994 interview, Prouty took the nutty theory seriously, which he plainly did. Go watch the video. The theory originated with the paranoid madman Joseph Stalin. Prouty also took this craziness seriously in his writings. Huh, Michael? I need to "read" a video "more carefully, eh?" Makes a lot of sense. The truth is that you need to read Prouty's book, at long last. He never wrote that he believed Stalin's theory about Churchill poisoning FDR. His reference to Elliott Roosevelt's own writings about the 1946 meeting with Stalin appears on page 17-- in the context of discussing Churchill and FDR's well known disagreements about the post-WWII destinies of European colonies in Asia. I have no explanation for Elliott Roosevelt not mentioning the Nationalist Chinese delegation's visit to Tehran-- unless Roosevelt understood that the delegation's meeting with Stalin was supposed to be off the record. Oh, please. So Elliott didn't mention this historic secret meeting because, gee, it was supposed to be off the record, as if he would have seen that as a reason not to talk about the meeting! I mean, you can't really believe that. Oh, please. Are you claiming that FDR and Stalin couldn't possibly have had an agreement that any secret Nationalist Chinese meeting with Stalin (in Tehran) needed to be off-the-record? And, if so, that Elliott Roosevelt opted to respect the terms of that agreement? The obvious explanation is that he didn't mention seeing the Chinese delegation because he never saw them--not at Habanayah Airport in Iraq and not in Tehran. Again, we know that Chiang and his delegation flew back to China right after the Cairo Conference, and that they stopped in Ramgarh, India, on 11/28/43, two days after leaving Cairo, to visit Chinese troops who were being trained there. Post your source and reference link about the specific timing of Chiang's flights from Cairo to India -- proving that Chiang and/or his delegates couldn't have flown to Tehran en route to India. And, when, pray tell, could this alleged meeting have even occurred? Not surprisingly, we have a virtually hour-by-hour accounting of Stalin's whereabouts during the conference. This is on top of the fact that not a single Soviet, Chinese, American, or British source, official or unofficial, says one word about a Chinese delegation being in Tehran. Prouty specifically wrote that historians were not aware of the Nationalist Chinese delegation's meeting with Stalin in Tehran, and that it was "one of the best kept secrets of WWII." Conversely, to believe your hypothesis, we would have to posit that Prouty was not telling the truth about flying Chiang's delegates from Cairo to Tehran on a VIP Lockheed Lodestar. Under the circumstances, I believe Prouty, not your hypothesis.
  8. RFK Jr. to Launch Independent Bid September 29, 2023 at 3:10 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 142 Comments Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to announce he will run for president as an independent on October 9 in Pennsylvania, Mediaite reports.
  9. As usual, Michael Griffith has posted another series of false claims about Col. L. Fletcher Prouty. Griffith refers to Prouty's "nutty theory" that Churchill had poisoned FDR. This is inaccurate, like so many of Griffith's defamatory Education Forum posts about Prouty. On page 17 of the paperback edition of Prouty's book, JFK-- The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, (Sky Horse/2011) Prouty referenced Elliott Roosevelt's own account of his 1946 meeting with Stalin in which Stalin theorized that Churchill had poisoned FDR. It wasn't Prouty's "nutty theory." On page 16 of the same book, (op.cit.) Prouty published a detailed account of his role in flying Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese delegation from Cairo to Tehran in a VIP Lockheed Lodestar. While Prouty stopped to re-fuel the Lodestar in Habbaniya, Iraq, Elliott Roosevelt landed at Habbaniya in a U.S. B-25. Prouty spoke to Elliott Roosevelt and his pilot. There is no reference in Prouty's book to T.V. Soong "controlling Chiang Kai-shek." He merely wrote, in passing, that Madame Chiang was Soong's sister, and mentioned her celebrated appearance with Churchill, Chiang, and FDR in Cairo. I have no explanation for Elliott Roosevelt not mentioning the Nationalist Chinese delegation's visit to Tehran-- unless Roosevelt understood that the delegation's meeting with Stalin was supposed to be off the record.
  10. Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) rips the House MAGA fraudsters a new one... You go, girl !! 🤥
  11. Paul, Was CIA Operation Bloodstone based in the U.S., and New Haven-- or in Europe? I don't know much about it. But I do know that Prouty did not work for the CIA, except as a USAF liaison. As for the Tehran Conference issue raised by Griffith, I simply don't believe that Prouty was making up his highly detailed account of flying Chiang Kai-shek's delegation from Cairo to Tehran for a secret meeting with Stalin.
  12. FYI, folks. Prouty wrote highly specific details about his flight from the Cairo Conference to Tehran with Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese delegation-- even specifying the plane that he flew and his encounter with Elliot Roosevelt at the airport in Iraq where the planes re-fueled en route to Tehran. Also, Prouty mentioned a detail that our U.S. government-employed Prouty-defamer, Michael Griffith, neglected to mention. To wit, Madame Chiang Kai-shek was T.V. Soong's sister! Chiang Kai-shek's Chinese delegation's meeting with Stalin was, apparently, kept secret because Stalin was in the awkward position of being in an alliance with both Mao Tse-Tung's Chinese Communist Party, (at war with Chiang's Nationalist Army) and the U.S. and British allies fighting the Japanese, with Chiang Kai-shek. Obviously, an important part of FDR's agenda in Tehran was to elicit Soviet help in defeating Japan-- just as he had elicited Chiang Kai-shek's help in establishing B-29 bases in China, for the U.S. war against Japan. In the process, FDR must have also hoped that Stalin would ask Mao Tse-Tung to forestall attacking Chiang's Nationalist Army until the Japanese had been defeated. Prouty-defamer, Michael Griffith, apparently, didn't consider the logistical possibility that Chiang Kai-shek and his delegation could have met secretly with Stalin before the well-publicized Tehran meeting of FDR, Stalin, and Churchill at the Soviet embassy.
  13. Jeff, I just looked this one up in my 2011 Sky Horse paperback edition of JFK-- the CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy. (The relevant discission about the secret Chinese delegation at the Tehran Conference is found on pages 13-16 and 173-74.) Prouty mentioned that the secret Chinese delegation meeting with Stalin in Tehran was one of the "best kept secrets" of WWII, and has not been mentioned by historians. He points out that he, personally, flew the Chinese delegation from Cairo to Tehran, and that Chiang Kai-shek and Madame Chiang were flown to Tehran (from Cairo) with the Roosevelt delegation or another military transport. Prouty claims that the purpose of the secret Chinese meeting with Stalin was to obtain Stalin's support in dissuading Mao Tse-Tung's Chinese Communist Army from attacking the Chinese Nationalists until the Japanese had been driven from the Chinese mainland.
  14. Cliff, It's just a hypothesis, but I have seen a lot of misguided, derogatory articles about "conspiracy theorists" in the U.S. mainstream media since 9/11. Those incessant M$M generalizations about "conspiracy theorists" are misguided precisely because conspiracy theories are not monolithic. Some are accurate. Others are kooky. And, as Daniel Ganser has pointed out, "All theories about 9/11 are conspiracy theories." As for the JFKA research, it's difficult to believe that that all of the misleading propaganda tropes denigrating "conspiracy theories" since 2001 haven't had a negative impact on the JFKA truth movement.
  15. Kirk, You've always been strangely ignorant about PNAC and the science research debunking the Bush/Cheney/Zelikow 9/11 narrative. It's definitive. The World Trade Center was demolished by explosives on 9/11. It's the best kept secret in 21st century America. 9/11 was PNAC's "New Pearl Harbor event" -- staged to mobilize popular support for the multi-trillion dollar Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz "War on Terror" in the Middle East. (See General Wesley Clark's quote below about what Pentagon staffers told him in September of 2001-- shortly after 9/11.) Now we can add to that your ignorance about Udo Ulfkotte's career as a war correspondent in Iraq, and his detailed expose of CIA propaganda ops in Europe in the 21st century. Congratulations. War is peace. Slavery is freedom. Muslims blew up the World Trade Center.
  16. Good question. I have a hypothesis, Cliff. Since 9/11, (in 2001) there have been an endless array of M$M and internet articles reviving the old CIA propaganda technique of disparaging "conspiracy theories"-- despite the fact that conspiracy theories are not monolithic. (We all know that some conspiracy theories are kooky, and others are accurate explanations of military and intelligence black ops.) My belief is that the PNAC perpetrators of 9/11 have been HEAVILY invested in blacklisting any public debunking of the official U.S. government 9/11 narrative, while disparaging the scientists, engineers, professors, and scholars in the 9/11 Truth movement as kooky "conspiracy theorists." In the process, there has probably been a carry over effect-- increasing public skepticism of JFKA "conspiracy theorists."
  17. Cliff, I mentioned Operation Timber Sycamore as an obvious example of "Mockingbird" M$M censorship in the 21st century. I also mentioned Udo Ulfkotte's work as 21st century documentation of the fact that GHWB and the CIA never really abolished CIA psy ops (Mockingbird) in the M$M. As for the JFKA, look at the ridiculous non-coverage of JFK Revisited in the U.S. M$M.
  18. Cliff & Kirk, I disagree with the premise that GHWB and the CIA actually terminated Operation Mockingbird (in practice, not name) after the Church Committee hearings in the 70s. How many stories in the U.S. mainstream media covered CIA Operation Timber Sycamore-- launched in Syria in 2014? How many M$M stories covered the history of the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Necon Project for a New American Century? Before his untimely death, German journalist, Udo Ulfkotte, published a bestselling 2014 expose on the subject of CIA Operation Mockingbird, (in Europe) called Gekaufte Journalisten, which I have mentioned in a post or two on the subject here. The English translation of Ulfkotte's book was first published in paperback in 2019, as Presstitutes. Ulfkotte's description of the CIA's pervasive 21st century activity in the mass media directly mirrored the earlier William Colby/Carl Bernstein descriptions of CIA influence in the U.S. media-- controlling narratives and suppressing accurate coverage of military and intelligence ops. Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA: A Confession from the Profession: Ulfkotte, Dr. Udo, Schlademan, Andrew, Leonard, John-Paul: 9781615770175: Amazon.com: Books The best example of Operation Mockingbird in the 21st century, IMO, has been the pervasive mainstream media cover up of PNAC's "New Pearl Harbor" 9/11 op-- the so-called Great American Psy-Opera. But the M$M has also continued, to a lesser extent, to suppress honest coverage of the debunking of the Warren Commission Report. The limited M$M coverage of Oliver Stone's landmark documentary, JFK Revisited, is the most obvious example.
  19. Joe, As an addendum, I should have asked Kirk if he is familiar with William Colby's Church Committee testimony about CIA Operation Mockingbird, and Carl Bernstein's famous Rolling Stone essay on the subject.
  20. Kirk, Surely, you jest. Did you study the U.S. mainstream media "coverage" of JFK Revisited after it premiered at Cannes? I started a thread here that summer on the subject, in which I theorized that M$M coverage of JFK Revisited would provide an opportunity to discern whether Operation Mockingbird was still operational in the U.S. The answer was a resounding, yes! Coverage of JFK Revisited was widely blacked out in the most prominent mainstream U.S. news sources, including the New York Times. When the Washington Post did mention JFK Revisited, the ersatz review (by a historian from LSU named Alecia P. Long) was ridiculous. Kirk, are you aware that the CIA issued an Executive Order in 1964 ordering all agency personnel to do whatever was necessary to promote public acceptance of the Warren Commission Report? Are you familiar with the distorted M$M coverage of the JFK assassination since 11/22/63-- including the promotion of the Lone Nut/WCR narrative and the M$M defamation of Jim Garrison? The guy who wrote the book on that historical subject is Joseph McBride.
  21. Steve, I just finished reading a chapter in Jared Diamond's 2019 book, Upheaval, about voting laws and practices in modern democracies around the world. The U.S. is among the very worst in facilitating voting by its citizenry-- especially after the 5-4 Shelby v. Holder ruling by the SCOTUS, ending enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. Many modern democracies don't even require their citizens "register" to vote.
  22. Huh? In my mind? Don't kid yourself, Cory. You need to do some remedial reading about the systematically suppressed scientific and forensic 9/11 evidence. How many news stories have you ever read in the U.S. mainstream media about the pre-planned explosive demolition of WTC7 on 9/11? How about the visible serial explosions that pulverized the concrete of the Twin Towers (and more than 1,000 human bodies) into pyrocastic ash flumes over Manhattan on 9/11? Any stories in the NYT about that minor 21st century incident? How many M$M reports have you read about the fact that five "dancing" Mossad agents were arrested near Giants Stadium on 9/11, and incarcerated for 70 days by the FBI, after witnesses saw them filming and celebrating the explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers? Explain the absence of any mainstream U.S. media coverage of these highly significant, established scientific and forensic facts during the past 22 years.
  23. Yes, devolution. Here we have a rare opportunity to discuss the impact of 60 years of CIA-funded disinformation in the U.S. mainstream media promoting the WCR, yet 90% of the thread ends up focusing on more of the endless, redundant forum minutiae about ballistics, autopsy evidence, etc. Geez... Don't we all know by now that JFK was murdered by a head shot from the Grassy Knoll area? The only guys who still dispute that are Fred Litwin and the professional WCR ad men. Yet, people keep whipping that dead horse.
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