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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. If they had a Pulitzer Prize for Meme of the Year, this would get my vote. The only thing missing is a mug shot of the Joker, himself.
  2. What to know about Japan releasing Fukushima water into the ocean : NPR
  3. Great job by Jeff Carter here. My only suggestion is that the essay could be entitled, "Old Vinegar in New Bottles." Will we have to re-post Jeff's summary* in response to the Prouty detractors crawling out of the woodwork to re-post their old McAdams tropes? What else can we do in response to Swiftboat Vetting defamation techniques? * "Therefore, the two express “hatchet-jobs” directed at Prouty in 1991 and 1996 - the Esquire piece and the ARRB interview - both promoting the pretension that Prouty was unstable and his concepts were easily “debunked” by the official record, have proved to be fundamentally in error, first over the NSAMs and second over the military intelligence units. To this day, Prouty’s detractors still cannot articulate where exactly he is wrong - about the assassination or about his experiences during his military career. This is why such criticisms invariably fade into a drab curtain of distraction, stained with reference to the Liberty Lobby, Scientology, Princess Diana, and other irrelevancies." -- Jeff Carter/August 16, 2023 Old Wine in New Bottles: Fletcher Prouty’s New Critics Recycle the Past (kennedysandking.com)
  4. Wagner leader Yevgeny Prigozhin aboard plane involved in fatal crash, Russian Civil AviationYevgeny Prigozhin reportedly in plane crashAccording to the Tass news agency, reported by Reuters, the Russian Civil Aviation Authority have said that Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner mercenary group, was on the list of passengers on the plane.Read more: www.theguardian.com/world/live/2023/aug/23/russia-ukraine-war-live-updates-drones-downed-moscow
  5. The schadenfreude this week is intense... 🤥 Gamblers Are Betting on Trump’s Weight August 22, 2023 at 12:52 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Oddsmakers are offering bets on how much Donald Trump will weigh at his booking at the Fulton County jail on Thursday, the Daily Mail reports. One bookmaker has set the over/under on Trump’s weight at 273.5 pounds and 77% of gamblers have taken the over.
  6. Well, Steve, I hope that Fulton County enforces the terms of his bail. The prosecutor and jurors in Fulton County have already received threats.
  7. What nonsense. "Bad faith" is the most inaccurate description I can imagine to describe my comments on this forum. It is true that my fairly recent interest in studying the JFKA literature was kindled by evaluating a patient a few years ago whom I, at first, suspected of being delusional. He turned out to be quite sane. What of it? People tend to focus on various subjects of interest in the course of their lives. In fact, I know a lot of intelligent, educated people who have been misled by the Mockingbird cover up of the JFKA in our M$M. They remain in the dark. The same thing is, certainly, true about 9/11.
  8. I'm not well read? Get a clue, Mathew. I won the Gordon Rhode Dewart Prize in the Humanities, and graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa at Brown, with a major in American Studies (graduating, incidentally, the year JFK, Jr. enrolled at Brown and majored in American Studies.) I've probably forgotten more about American history than you'll ever know. As for your Ron and Rand Paul libertarian horse manure, post it on your MAGA Water Cooler board. Anyone who still thinks libertarianism is a viable political philosophy for a functional, equitable American society hasn't studied or understood the history of the Gilded Age, the Progressive movement, the New Deal, or basic macroeconomics. You 21st century Koch Republicans have no in-depth understanding of the historic failures of laissez faire capitalism. You want to repeat historic mistakes that you don't even remember.
  9. Mathew, Do you know that there's a special place called the MAGA Water Cooler for people like you? 🙄 In fact, it was set up especially for you and your fellow MAGAs, after you swamped the 56 Years thread with MAGA spam.
  10. Jim, Are you familiar with the details of Mathew Koch's initial Romper Room complaint above? On the Mark Knight thread in question, Mathew Koch was engaging in classic t-r-o-l-l-i-ng behavior-- "BUMP"-ing an inaccurate, off-topic ad hominem slur post by John Cotter, while leap-frogging the rebuttal. I'm amazed that anyone would consider Cotter and Koch's behavior, in this instance, to be acceptable on the Education Forum. John, I can't possibly correct all of your bizarre, mythical concepts of reality, so I'll take a break. Did you study any science at a collegiate or graduate school level? As for the subject of this thread, do let us know what you imagine to be America's "dire straits," from which only RFK, Jr. can save us. Edited August 7 by W. Niederhut
  11. Mathew, Why are you posting this on the JFKA board? Isn't there a designated forum board for questions and complaints for the moderators?
  12. I've never been a Max Boot fan, but I wonder if Michael Griffith and the Prouty defamers around here have read Boot's book on Lansdale. If I recall correctly, Griffith or one of the other Prouty bashers claimed that Lansdale had no motive for participating in the JFK assassination op.
  13. During the 2016 GOP Presidential primaries, a number of candidates attended a major Koch-fest to court the patronage of Los Hermanos Koch-- Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, et.al. They looked like a bunch of Koch lackeys. Trump astutely declared that he would not attend the Koch-fest, because he didn't need anyone else's money to fund his campaign. So, superficially, Trump looked like a non-Kochster. But, as POTUS, he promptly green-lighted the Keystone Pipeline, then signed the December 2017 Heritage Foundation-authored Billionaire Tax Cut & Obamacare Demolition Act. His administration was also heavily staffed by people from the Koch machine, including Mike Pence. So, Trump was always a Koch Trojan Horse disguised as a populist.
  14. Trump Co-Conspirator Was a GOP Koch Machine Vote Suppressor Mike Roman: Placing Obscure Trump Co-Defendantsjoycevance.substack.com/p/mike-roman-placing-obscure-co-defendants?utm_source=substack&utm_medium by Joyce VanceAugust 17, 2023Donald Trump has 18 co-defendants in Georgia. While some of them are familiar names, others may only register dimly or be complete unknowns. But they’ll take on more importance in the next few weeks. Some of them, like David Shaker, Shawn Still, and Cathy Latham, who were among Georgia’s fake electors, show up in roles where it’s unlikely they had much, if any, direct contact with the former president. Then, there’s Mike Roman.Roman has had an interest in propagating false claims of voter fraud for a long time. He was doing it as far back as the early 1990s, when he was involved in a Pennsylvania race that was overturned based on allegations of voter fraud. Before becoming an advisor to Trump, he ran a secretive in-house intelligence unit for the conservative Koch brothers organization, making upwards of $250,000.00 a year for his voter suppression work. He worked on the 2016 election, took on a White House role doing special projects that was never well defined, and was back on the campaign staff by 2018. He became Trump’s director of Election Day Operations for 2020. Traditionally that’s the type of position that involves efforts to get out the vote, but in Roman’s case, many people familiar with his work believed he would focus again on undercutting the legitimacy of the election results by pushing fake claims of fraud.Evidence that surfaced during the January 6 committee hearings placed Roman in a central role in the organization of the seven slates of fake Trump electors in battleground states including his home state, Pennsylvania. One of the allegations in the Georgia indictment is that in late November 2020, Roman was encouraging other campaign officials to contact state legislators in Georgia to urge them to unlawfully appoint Trump electors. Roman even kept a spread sheet with names and contact information for fake electors in it.
  15. Paul, You have studied RFK's history in more detail than I have. But, in a sense, he's not really the issue. What I'm looking at is the larger picture of the GOP Koch Machine in the 21st century-- which has been focused on stacking the courts with right wing, pro-corporate plutocrats, cutting taxes for billionaires, and rolling back Democratic social programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. Trump was a Koch Trojan Horse in the guise of white populist. I agree that the Democratic establishment has sold out to the military industrial complex, but so have the Republicans, who launched our Persian Gulf War, Panama invasion, Afghanistan, and Iraq Wars. So, on balance, the Democrats are the lesser evil-- given the above-mentioned domestic policy agendas. The important thing is to not let the GOP plutocrats regain control of the White House and Congress in 2024. If they do, the GOP court-stacking, Reaganomic tax cuts, and roll back of Medicare and the New Deal will only get worse.
  16. Honestly, it amazes me that some people are willing to ride in these driverless cars. I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those contraptions. Admittedly, I've always been overly mistrustful of automation. I still prefer driving with an old-fashioned manual stick shift-- especially in the mountains.
  17. So true. When my brother and I were young, we used to watch WWII-themed television shows like Combat, (and, later, The Rat Patrol) and play "war" with the kids in the neighborhood-- imitating the building-to-building combat maneuvers of American WWII GIs in Europe. They were our heroes. And we all believed that America had played the decisive role in defeating Nazi Germany-- partly because our dad (and uncles) had fought the Nazis in WWII. But our idealization of the U.S. military really got turned upside down during the Nixon years, and, certainly by 1972, we had become utterly disgusted with Nixon and the U.S. military establishment. I recall feeling depressed about George McGovern's blow out loss to Nixon in the '72 election. McGovern won only Massachusetts and South Dakota. My father, the WWII combat vet, remained a die-hard Nixon fan until the bitter end, when Nixon resigned. (After which, Nixon became an unmentionable subject in our family.)
  18. Texas woman accused of threatening to kill judge overseeing Trump election case and a congresswoman (msn.com)
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