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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Here's hoping. I was disappointed when they assigned the case to Cannon, instead of assigning it to the judge who approved the original Mar-a-Lago search warrant.
  2. That's rich, John. You have refused to answer Kirk's questions about your claims (regarding America's "dire straits") for the past 48+ hours, then you accuse others of "debating in bad faith?" You're, obviously, a debating legend in your own mind. It seems like every attempt to debate with you ends with you declaring that you are brilliant and your adversaries are disingenuous idiots.
  3. I'm, frankly, astonished that Trump was able to use a four-syllable world like "emblematic." Trump Unironically Blames Biden for U.S. Women’s World Cup Loss (thedailybeast.com) In an apparently unironic statement Sunday, former President Donald Trump appeared to blame his successor for the recent loss suffered by the U.S. women’s soccer team, saying their premature exit from the World Cup was “fully emblematic of what is happening to the our once great nation under Crooked Joe Biden.” “Many of our players were openly hostile to America - No other country behaved in such a manner, or even close. WOKE EQUALS FAILURE. Nice shot Megan, the USA is going to Hell!!!” Trump wrote on Truth Social, complete with an apparent reference to a penalty kick miss by star forward Megan Rapinoe.
  4. Kirk, 48 hours later, John Cotter is still refusing to answer your question about the identity of the Dire Straits. I think the answer is, "Mark and David Knopfler, John Illsley, and Pick Withers." 🤥
  5. Ron, My sister in Tucson has solar panels on her Spanish adobe house, and her AC/electricity bills have been reasonable, even in 105 F weather. Texas seems like a prime market for solar energy conversion, other than the fact that Big Oil controls the government.
  6. MAGA Ben Cole's article here by Matt Taibbi is one of the most ridiculously inaccurate things I've ever read on the subject of Trump's serious, historic crimes. Taibbi missed his calling. He should have been a used car salesman. Trump, obviously, conspired to obstruct the Congressional certification of Biden's election-- a 20 year felony. He also organized slates of False Electors in multiple swing states, and directly pressured state officials to illegally alter vote counts. Subsequently, he mishandled top secret classified agency documents and hid them from government officials after refusing to relinquish them.
  7. Mods, Is there any way to get Ben Cole's MAGA spam off of this forum? It belongs on the MAGA Water Cooler thread. Ben's latest redundant anti-Biden MAGA spam is reminiscent of his "patriot purge" MAGA spam about J6 that ruined the 56 Years thread.
  8. Sandy, I stand corrected on this one, and I agree with you, and with David Josephs' "proud of the home town kid" interpretation. The context that I overlooked is that this article was published in the Times of Israel, not in a U.S. newspaper.
  9. So, Trump's attorneys have requested a three day delay for Monday's protective order hearing. Jack Smith responded... Jack Smith has filed a motion asking the Judge to reject the proposed three day delay Jack Smith rejects the need for delay Here is a link to the latest motion filed by Jack Smith https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149.12.0_1.pdf The defendant’s extension motion proposes unnecessary delay to normal order. The defendant suggests that the delay “will enable Defendant to fully assess the Proposed Order and advise the Court of applicable law.” ECF No. 11 at 1. Nothing prevents defense counsel from doing just that on the schedule already ordered by the Court. To the extent defense counsel wants to confer further, Government counsel is available at any time—evenings, weekends, or holidays. And if the Court enters the proposed protective order and the defendant later is dissatisfied, the defendant can seek to modify the order at any time.
  10. Hooray! We need a judge who will finally set some limits on Trump's inappropriate, threatening conduct. He's going to get some people killed, IMO. Hopefully, this D.C. judge will also schedule a speedy trial date-- thwarting Trump's efforts to run out the clock.
  11. It's a good point. The larger issue obviously, had to do with the Cold War and the military industrial Pax Americana. But personal vendettas may have also played a role in motivating the murder. Allen Dulles, General Charles Cabell, Lemnitzer, Burke, LeMay, Cord Meyer, William Harvey, the JMWave personnel, and even Ed Lansdale had axes to grind.
  12. Kirk, I think John Cotter is getting at the issue that only RFK. Jr. can save the US from the dire staits of science-based public health policies. 🙄
  13. Yes, and notice that Meadows was not indicted. He was in phone contact with Trump's Willard Hotel cabal on January 5th, but Cassidy Hutchinson, apparently, persuaded Meadows to not attend the Willard Hotel meeting in person. He must be singing to the prosecutors.
  14. He has expressed no outrage about any of Trump's serious crimes, to my knowledge. But he did recently express some outrage about the trumped-up GOP Biden-Burisma nothing burger.
  15. Sandy, As written, the headline could be construed as anti-Semitic, IMO. In our pluralistic society, it is generally considered inappropriate to specify a subject's religion or ethnicity in a headline story about something other than religion or ethnicity. As I mentioned, (above) would we consider it appropriate to write a headline like, "Presbyterian Spy Implicated in JFK Assassination Plot," or "Donald Trump's Grandfather Was a German Pimp?" And, BTW, some Jewish intellectuals have been accused by the ADL of Anti-Semitism, (e.g., Ron Unz and Alan Sobrosky) although, to my knowledge that sobriquet has not been applied to Kampeas.
  16. It's not a theory, Ben. It's a fact. Do you know the difference between theories and facts? Obviously, you haven't studied the FBI files on the subject that have been posted here on the forum. Do some remedial homework.
  17. I agree that the phraseology is inappropriate and anti-Semitic. Was Efron spying on behalf of Israel or the U.S.? If he was working for the Mossad, he should be referred to as an "Israeli spy." If he was working for the CIA, he should be referred to as an "American spy." As written, the lead post is like writing, "Presbyterian Minister's Son Created a Monster as CIA Director From 1953-61, or Sociopathic German-Scottish President Tried to Violently Overturn a U.S. Electon.
  18. John, Much of what you quoted here is complete garbage-- including Goldacre's claim about allegedly small patient sample sizes in FDA drug trials. (Incidentally, Obama's FDA Director was a classmate of mine at Harvard-- an exemplary physician, like her father, whom I had an opportunity to meet back in the day. He was President of the Institute of Medicine.) The statistical power of any controlled medical treatment study is a direct function of n. That's Statistics 101 stuff. I don't want to hurt your feelings but, to be honest, I don't want to waste anymore of my time trying to converse with you about medical evidence and the scientific method. If you want to post some peer-reviewed data from reputable scientific journals, I'll take a look. Thousands of unvaccinated people, like you, died of COVID because they "did their own research" on YouTube and the internet. And, unfortunately, RFK, Jr. was a major propagator of anti-vax disinformation during that deadly world crisis.
  19. Apologize for what, Mathew? Telling the truth? What "sin" are you referring to? Do tell. Meanwhile, my spiritual advice for you (and other MAGAs) is to focus on your own sins. If you are interested, I can list some rather glaring examples of GOP hypocrisy about sexual peccadilloes. (P.S. I'm Dr. Niederhut.)
  20. Get a clue, Mathew. You completely missed the point I was making about the MAGA/Ben Cole double standard here regarding media coverage of sexual peccadilloes. Ben is morally indignant about press coverage of candidate RFK, Jr.'s sexual history, but said nothing about a MAGA Congresswoman showing d*ck pics of a private U.S. citizen (Hunter Biden) on the House floor, or the fact that Don Trump, Jr.'s home-wrecking girlfriend was fired by Fox News for sexually harassing her assistant. As for Operation Mockingbird, where were they before the 2016 election, when the public really needed to know about P*ssy Grabber Trump's sexual assault history and his extra-marital flings with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal? Finally, my point about the film, Sound of Freedom, is that teen sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell's old buddy, Donald Trump, is the last guy on the planet who should be preaching about the evils of teen sex trafficking. Trump is a guy who used to walk unannounced into the girls' dressing rooms at his teen sex pageants-- and he has also been accused of having sex with underage girls. He has also made frequent sexual comments about his own daughter, Ivanka. In other words, my (above) comments weren't about sexual mores per se. They were about MAGA hypocrisy.
  21. So, I was walking around the park early this morning when this song spontaneously popped into my head. It was playing on an internal tape to the tune of the Beatles' song, Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Bang! Bang! Jack Smith's silver hammer came down upon his head! Bang! Bang! Jack Smith's silver hammer made sure that he was dead!
  22. Yeah, Kirk, MAGA Ben Cole continues to blame Operation Mockingbird for any negative press RFK. Jr. receives. Ben found the Op Mock hammer, and now he thinks everything is a nail. In the Donald Trump era, it's hard to imagine the public getting seriously worked up about any politician's sex life. Private citizens like Hunter Biden are another matter. Curiously, Ben has been dead silent about Marjorie Taylor Greene recently showing Hunter Biden d*ck pics on the floor of the House. In other news, I've never heard MAGA Ben whine about the fact that Don Trump, Jr.'s home-busting girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle was fired by Fox for sexually harassing her assistant. (Just another in a long list of Trump family sexual peccadilloes.) The real kicker is that the MAGAs are crowing about Trump endorsing the new QAnon flick, Sound of Freedom, without realizing that Trump is a convicted sexual predator and old friend of teen sex traffickers Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein. Compared to Trump, RFK, Jr. is practically a Puritan.
  23. The co-conspirators identified, to date, are Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, and Sidney Powell. I'm wondering about Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. There are also reports that the DOJ has evidence that Mark Meadows was in contact with Oath Keepers and Proud Boys during the January 5th Willard Hotel "War Room" conference (that Cassidy Hutchinson advised Meadows not to attend.)
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