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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Matt, Most people don't know that Rudy Giuliani was forewarned about the impending demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11-- as he told Peter Jennings on 9/11. Giuliani later gave a different story to Phillip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission-- denying that he had been forewarned about the anomalous, impending collapse of the Towers. When Giuliani told NYFD personnel on 9/11 that the Towers were going to collapse, they thought he was nuts, because steel skyscrapers don't rapidly and abruptly collapse as a result of fires. The NYFD continued to send firefighters into the Towers, to evacuate trapped civilians. David Ray Griffin, and others, have discussed this issue in detail. Giuliani also lied about the toxicity at Ground Zero after the explosive demolitions on 9/11. Giuliani Gives Contradictory stories about the Impending Building Collapse (911truth.org)
  2. Speaking as a former player, I can tell you that tennis matches don't have anything to do with karma, John. Karma is when anti-vaxxers die of COVID and Putin's murderers get whacked in Ukraine-- as we have repeatedly witnessed.
  3. Look it up, laddie. You will learn that I have told you the truth about the police reports of guns in Trump's J6 MAGA mob. In fact, Trump was told that his MAGA mob had guns, prior to his infamous Ellipse speech. That was when he famously told his security people to, "Take down the magnetometers. They're not here to harm me." See if you can finally figure that one out.
  4. False. The fact is that police on the Washington Mall reported that people in Trump's J6 mob had guns. Those police audio recordings were made public during the Congressional J6 hearings. They were also the back story for Trump's comment before his Ellipse speech, "Take down the magnetometers. They're not here to harm me." These facts were reported, under oath, by Cassidy Hutchinson, Mark Meadows' administrative assistant. Look it up, Mathew. P.S. "Wasting." Not "waisting."
  5. I heard those police recordings about guns on the Mall with my own ears-- during the Congressional J6 hearings last summer. Look it up, fella. It's not my responsibility to educate people who buried their heads in the Fox News sand and refused to watch those historic hearings. Cut your own mustard.
  6. Study the Congressional J6 Investigation testimony, Mathew, especially Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony about discussions between Trump, Ornato, and security personnel prior to Trump's incitement speech at the Ellipse. Trump said, "Take down the magnetometers. They're not here to harm me." Remember? The J6 Committee also played recordings of police on the Washington Mall reporting that people in the MAGA crowd were armed with guns-- prior to the Ellipse speech. It's a shame Fox News censored coverage of that testimony. Instead, they promoted their bogus "hearsay" meme-- repeated endlessly by Jim Jordan and the Fox propagandists.
  7. This is one of the finest Education Forum posts of 2023, Denny... 🤥 Thanks for sharing. I especially liked the thumpity thump elevator scenario. As for the ballyhooed MAGA tropes about Trump being an heroic victim and adversary of the "Deep State," let's not forget that Secret Service and Pentagon officials deleted their January 6th texts and Emails, and did nothing to protect the U.S. Congress for three hours on January 6th, despite knowing, in advance, that Trump's MAGA mob was dangerously armed. If that wasn't dereliction of duty, what is?
  8. Matt, Any good reference links on this one? I'm still wondering about a number of unindicted people who may have been involved in Trump's J6 election subversion plot-- including some members of Congress, Roger Stone, Generals Michael and Charles Flynn, Chris Miller, and the Secret Service.
  9. FAFO... Peter Navarro is going to jail. Ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro found guilty of contempt of Congress (msn.com)
  10. Roger, We have had some good threads on this subject, with informative commentaries by James DiEugenio, Larry Schnapf, and other forum members. Is there a good reason for starting new, duplicate threads, rather than posting updated commentaries and news on the existing threads? In my study of the Education Forum archives, the standard practice has been for members to post updates on existing threads, rather than starting numerous new, redundant threads on the same subject.
  11. The subject of Enrique Tarrio's December 2020 visit to the White House has been raised by historian Michael Beschloss today. Tarrio claimed that he was "invited" to the White House prior to January 6th. Trump White House officials claim that Tarrio's visit was merely a "Christmas tour." I wonder. www.democraticunderground.com/100218251044
  12. I'm, frankly, appalled that some members of this forum, apparently, don't find it objectionable for a member to have posted multiple, redundant threads about the same topic-- the Biden "snuff job" on the JFK records. Some of these redundant anti-Biden MAGA spam threads were even posted on consecutive DAYS-- after a number of forum members had complained about the partisan, anti-Biden spamming of the JFKA board. The point of this partisan spamming was obvious to those of us who have tried to debate about contemporary political subjects with Ben Cole during the past two years. It was the main reason that the 56 Years thread was removed from the JFKA board and closed. Redundant spam. One or two informed threads by James DiEugenio and Larry Schnapf about Biden's actions would have sufficed-- and, in fact, we have had some good discussions here about what Biden (and Trump) have done to the JFK Records Act. Also, I notice that Roger Odisio, in particular, and Mathew Koch, are continuing to post complaints about the moderators on this JFKA board, instead of posting their complaints on the designated board for the moderators.
  13. Get a clue, Roger. Apparently, you are unfamiliar with Ben's history of repeatedly pushing false MAGA narratives on this forum. Last year, Ben spent months promoting Tucker Carlson's bogus "patriot purge" narrative about Trump's J6 attack on the U.S. Congress, while adamantly refusing to watch the Congressional J6 hearings, which he derided as a "circus." (See the 56 Years thread for details.) Ben has, similarly, insisted that the 2016 Trump campaign's well-documented involvement with Russia was a "Russia hoax," while refusing to read the (redacted) Mueller Report, or the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. This year, after Tucker Carlson's surprising commentaries about the JFK assassination and records, Ben has started numerous redundant threads (roughly 20) about Biden's "snuff job" on the JFK records. Most of these redundant anti-Biden threads have paralleled the bogus propaganda narratives in the MAGA media framing Trump as a victim and adversary of the Deep State-- as if Trump, himself, hadn't blocked the release of the JFK records! On the campaign trail recently, Trump has been running with this bogus narrative by declaring that he will, "obliterate the Deep State" when he is re-elected. But this is not really the partisan wedge issue that Trump and his MAGA propagandists are selling, is it? If anything, Christopher Wray and the Trump era FBI obstructed FBI investigations of Trump, and James Comey's FBI promoted his election to the White House.
  14. It's ironic that you accuse me of missing the point, Roger, when you have completely missed the point of my comments on this subject. My point was that, in our current polarized political environment, it behooves us to acknowledge that both Trump and Biden have failed to release the JFK records. Yet, on this forum, we have had multiple, redundant 2023 threads about Biden's "snuff job" on the records, and only one thread (since 2020) about Trump's similar snuff job on the records. Simultaneously, Trump has been posing as an heroic victim and adversary of the Deep State, while his propagandists in the MAGA media have suddenly begun talking about Biden and the records. Better late than never, but where was Tucker Carlson when Trump blocked the release of the JFK records in October of 2017 and April of 2018? And do I need to remind you that the Fox Trumpagandists have been pushing false narratives blaming the Deep State for Trump's crimes (including J6) since 2017?
  15. Jim, It's truly appalling that Trump and Biden blocked the release of the JFK records. No argument from me. As for bashing Biden selectively about the issue, do any of us really want to see a deranged psychopath like Donald Trump back in the White House? If nothing else, consider the future consequences for climate change mitigation and GOP stacking of the SCOTUS with more right wing ideologues-- Citizens United, Shelby v. Holder, the overturning of Roe v. Wade, etc. Under the circumstances, IMO, it would be reasonable to include some criticism of Trump's "snuff job" on the JFK records with your criticism of Biden's snuff job. Both Presidents have failed us on the issue.
  16. Understood. But my point is that, in our current polarized, binary political environment, all attacks on Biden (which happen 24/7 in the right wing media) are, in essence, "political." We all know Biden blocked the release of the JFK records, and we're all angry about it, right? We don't need 20 redundant Ben Cole threads on the subject. Meanwhile, Trump is now pretending to be a heroic victim and adversary of the Deep State-- despite caving to the CIA when he had the authority to allow the JFK records to be released in October of 2017. In a recent campaign speech, Trump even said that he would "obliterate the Deep State," if re-elected. He's attacking the Deep State to aggrandize himself and make excuses for his serial felonies. Trump's recent "obliterate the Deep State" comment reminded me of his 2016 claim that, "When (he) is President, the American people are going to learn who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11." Then, after the 2016 election, Trump never uttered a syllable on the subject of 9/11. And he clearly discerned on 9/11 that the WTC Twin Towers were demolished by explosives. It's on video! So, based on his history, there's no reason to believe anything Trump says about anything, including the Deep State.
  17. Jim, How many redundant Ben Cole threads do we need on the same topic of denouncing Biden's "snuff job" on the JFK records, in your opinion? Also, shouldn't we be fair-and-balanced about condemning Biden's snuff job and Trump's snuff job on the JFK records? They both caved. The unfortunate truth is that America's political future has, apparently, devolved to a choice between Biden Democrats and Trump's right wing MAGA cult. Bernie Sanders said as much during the past week-- that people need to support Biden to keep Trump and his climate change denying reactionaries out of D.C. Given our binary political options, Ben's incessant Biden-bashing is, by default, Trump-promoting. It's toxic. Under the circumstances, I opted to be fair-and-balanced on this thread by sharing a Trump meme, to go with Ben's Biden meme (above.)
  18. Indeed. And here we go again, for the umpteenth time, with Michael Griffith's repeatedly debunked McAdams propaganda tropes-- falsely claiming that Prouty was an "anti-Semite" and a "Holocaust denier." On review, Prouty had praised Noontide Press for having the courage to publish The Secret Team (which promptly disappeared from public circulation.) His praise of Noontide's editors had nothing to do with Holocaust denial or Israel. It was about their willingness to publish his book about CIA Special Ops. I also previously posted Prouty's letter to the Washington Post, explaining his observations about an oil pipeline to Haifa-- debunking Griffith's repeated false trope about Prouty's alleged anti-Semitism. And, since Griffith is repeating the old McAdams lies, let's repeat Prouty's comments debunking his alleged "anti-Semitism." Col. L. Fletcher Prouty Responds to Accusations of Involvement in Right Wing Extremist Groups Interview Date: April 3, 1996 "Esquire magazine published an article, in which they just made up these things, I've never written for Liberty Lobby. I've spoken as a commercial speaker, they paid me to speak and then I left. They print a paragraph or two of my speech same as they would of anybody else, but I've never joined them. I don't subscribe to their newspaper, I never go to their own meetings, but they had a national convention at which asked me to speak and they paid me very, very well. I took my money and went home and that's it". I go to the meeting, I go home, I don't join. That sole speech was years ago and was no different than the speech I gave at the Holocaust Memorial Conference. I spoke my own words and ideas. I do admit to having been a rather active public speaker for all types of audiences, on a commercial except for Rotary, They're gratuitous from my point of view. "The funny thing was two months earlier I had spoken at the Holocaust Conference for the second annual meeting of the Holocaust Group which I learned later the Liberty Lobby is completely opposed to. Dr. Littel, of the Holocaust Memorial organization invited me to attend and make a few comments,as others were requested. Col. Prouty has been asked to attend at the Holocaust Conference again later this year ! Well, they put all this in this Esquire magazine but did it all backwards, as though I was a member, writing with these people or joining them. The only club I've joined is the Rotary Club !". The attempt of character assassination is a sign you have become a small threat. Others, at the levels I know of, have played up that as though I had been converted to something. It is just their "gentlemanly" tactic of dealing with people they can't handle otherwise.. In fact it is a CIA characteristic trait...as I well know. When they can't handle you, they attack your character. This classic was found on the internet; " An essay written from a leftist perspective by Chip Berlet, deals with the ties, and Mark Lane, and the extreme right-wing paranoid Liberty Lobby. Nothing here shows Prouty to be a National Socialist or an anti-Semite, but shouldn't he show better judgment in whom he associates with?" This implies I associate with National Socialists, or why else write it! The writings of Furhmann, Perry, Berlet, Posner, etc. are slick, cleverly written, but not based in the true facts. I wonder what they do for a living? where they work? Who pays them to write? My credentials are laid out for all to see. L.Fletcher Prouty
  19. Biden ‘too old to run’ again, nearly three-quarters say: poll | The Hill
  20. For Ron Bulman-- apropos of our discussion of the recent Texas heat wave and increasing utility bills... Rising Temperatures mean more Air Conditioning and Electricity Use: Rooftop Solar is the perfect Solution (juancole.com)
  21. Geez....where have we seen this redundant MAGA Ben Cole anti-Biden spiel before? 🙄 Ben has now started about 20 redundant EF threads about this exact same topic-- Biden's decision to withhold the JFK records. In comparison, there have been 1 or 2 EF threads (since September of 2020) about Trump's historic decision to block the release of the JFK records. They are on the Political Discussions board, where they belong.
  22. Here's hoping. I was thinking about this subject the other day, and the fact that LBJ announced in late March of 1968 that he would not seek re-election. There's still plenty of time for Biden to retire and allow some younger Democrats to vie for the nomination.
  23. Ron, In a strange turnabout, I've been arguing with some TCU detractors today on a college football forum. I have referred them to some stats showing that TCU has been one of the most underrated teams in modern NCAA history. In fact, TCU was the single most underrated team in the entire NCAA in 2022. They don't get much respect, considering what they have accomplished. 2022 Overrated/Underrated Teamsstassen.com/preseason/over-under/2022.html
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