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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. To date, I have only disagreed strongly with two Biden Presidential decisions. 1) He should have released the JFK records. 2) He should have taken a stronger position on stopping the bombing of civilians in Gaza.
  2. Kirk, C'mon, man. How low can you go? Firstly, stop splitting. You have been pushing your bogus Good Jeff/Bad W. narrative here in our Prouty debates for weeks now. The truth is that Jeff and I are on the same page about Prouty. My opinions are based solely on studying Prouty's books. Jeff has had access to additional, more detailed, Prouty files. But our assessments of Prouty's work concur. As for disinformation, surely, you don't still believe that the mainstream U.S. media and internet bloggers like John McAdams, Fred Litwin, et.al., have promoted false narratives about the JFK assassination evidence because they have been committed to telling the public the truth, do you? That's simply ludicrous. Naive. Most people are understandably reluctant to accuse propagandists of promoting propaganda, but the examples are legion. My tendency is to, at least, mention the elephants in the room. As for PMs, I'm not sure what PMs you're referring to here. There are some forum members who seem to specialize in posting JFKA disinformation. Isn't it rather obvious? The truth is that you have always been skeptical and poorly informed about the history of CIA Operation Mockingbird-- e.g., William Colby's "Mockingbird" testimony to the Church Committee, and Carl Bernstein's subsequent landmark expose of CIA Operation Mockingbird in Rolling Stone. (I have also referenced Udo Ulfkotte's 2014 book on the subject.) Did you read Joseph McBride's book on that subject of the mainstream media cover up of the JFK assassination? To attribute people's awareness of Operation Mockingbird type propaganda to "paranoia" is naive and/or intellectually dishonest. We have 60 years of Mockingbird evidence in the JFKA case. Then there is the related concept of U.S. government "cognitive infiltration" of social media. It's especially noticeable to anyone who has studied the 9/11 research data-- ubiquitous websites (which always surface at the top of Google searches) emphatically claiming to "debunk" as "myth" the definitive scientific evidence that the WTC was demolished by explosives on 9/11. The pervasive dishonesty is nauseating. The term, "cognitive infiltration" originated with Cass Sunstein. I have posted some references on the forum in recent years about Cass Sunstein's "cognitive infiltration" proposals-- i.e., having U.S. government bloggers deployed as "cognitive infiltrators" of internet "conspiracy theory" forums, for the express purpose of undermining acceptance of evidence debunking U.S. government narratives about CIA black ops, including the JFK assassination. Are you suggesting that Sunstein's "cognitive infiltration" proposal never happened? Meanwhile, why not let these various Prouty defamers speak for themselves? I have explained why I believe Robert Reeves' characterization of Prouty as, "tricky," is dead wrong. I have done the same in the case of Michael Griffith's repeated defamatory bunk about Prouty being, "nutty," "anti-Semitic," "white supremacist," etc.
  3. I'm no expert on the subject, but isn't it illegal to out CIA agents? Isn't outing Valerie Plame what landed Scooter Libby in jail? I have read, or listened, to Prouty commentaries where he specifically mentioned his tendency to be very careful about not illegally divulging classified military or intelligence information. As an example, Prouty discussed Saigon Station ops only following the publication of the Pentagon Papers-- and partly to clarify his opinion that the CIA had falsely blamed the Pentagon (with the selective publication of the Pentagon Papers) for some of their Saigon Station black ops. For someone to call Prouty's circumspection about classified material, "tricky"-- or disreputable-- is simply inaccurate. On the contrary, it is evidence of Prouty's integrity. I raised this same issue in the context of talking about Robert Montenegro's Operation Bloodstone material. Was Prouty manipulatively lying about his USAF liaison work for the CIA, or simply obeying the law with respect to classified material?
  4. Yes, you did call that one correctly, Joe. At the time, I was hopeful that Tucker's source (Trump or Pompeo?) would come forward-- wishful thinking.
  5. Prouty's tendency to be circumspect about discussing classified intelligence-- including the identities of CIA agents-- is, apparently, what Robert Reeves defines (above) as "tricky" behavior. It's a slur, implying that Prouty was devious-- less than ethical, insightful, and honest. IMO, this is a false characterization of the man, all too typical of the CIA propaganda on the subject during the past 30 years. Hence, my response. As for Mr. Reeves' delusion that I am some sort of "gate keeper" around here-- it's silly. Forum members are at liberty to post what they believe, and we are all free to comment on their posts, aren't we?
  6. This is nonsense. Anyone who has studied Prouty's work knows that he was a consistent critic of the CIA-- based on his long-term observations as a U.S. military liaison to the CIA for Special Ops. In fact, his criticism of CIA black ops was the very essence of his post-military career witness testimony. And, yes, his book, The Secret Team, rapidly disappeared from circulation after the first printing. Meanwhile, who are these mysterious new members who have been coming out of the woodwork to repeat the same old defamatory CIA propaganda tropes about Prouty being, "tricky," "nutty," etc.? It's an odd phenomenon on this forum.
  7. Iran says 'preemptive action' by resistance front expected in coming hours | Reuters
  8. There, certainly, should be similar Trump gag orders in place in Fulton County, Georgia, and in the Fort Pierce classified records case. I can't picture Judge Aileen Cannon issuing a gag order in Fort Pierce, but, hopefully, the judge in Fulton County will impose one. Sociopaths like Donald Trump need strict limit-setting.
  9. Joe, Prouty and Krulak's identification of their colleague, Ed Lansdale, in Dealey Plaza was huge. It was, in essence, damning evidence that Allen Dulles and his Secret Team killed JFK. Basically, with that identification of Lansdale in Dealey Plaza, the jig was up, because Ed Lansdale was one of Allen Dulles's black ops golden boys, subsequent to Lansdale's stunning black ops/psy ops success with Magsaysay in the Philippines. That success in the Philippines was why Dulles had Ed Lansdale running CIA ops at Saigon Station. IMO, this is why the CIA propagandists-- contract journalists in the M$M and internet bloggers like John McAdams, et.al.-- have been so focused for the past 30+ years on smearing and discrediting Prouty-- desperately trying to convince the public that Prouty was a crackpot and an unreliable witness of CIA history, with which he had been intimately involved as a highly-decorated, respected USAF liaison to Dulles's black ops people. As for Krulak, imagine what he must have thought after seeing the photo of Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza! He would have realized that JFK's murder was, in fact, a CIA black op, and that the cover up of JFK's murder-- and framing of Oswald in the M$M-- was a CIA psy op, involving C.D. Jackson, Mockingbird, et.al. Like Prouty, Krulak also would have known that the CIA could readily murder key witnesses in the JFK murder case-- as they did, for years. Under the circumstances, Krulak would have been, understandably, terrified to be identified, publicly, as a witness of a well known CIA black ops man in Dealey Plaza.
  10. I've given up on trying to converse with Kirk Gallaway about Prouty's writings, because Kirk is determined to avoid reading them. Prouty's direct observations about his career work with Lansdale in Vietnam is quite interesting and detailed. His shock at seeing Lansdale in the Dealey Plaza photos is similarly detailed. His longtime colleague, General Victor Krulak, was also privately shocked to see Lansdale in the photos, but Krulak chose to avoid sticking his neck out publicly. This is what Kirk glibly calls a "Voo Doo Doll." Yet, we now know that Lansdale was, in fact, in Texas in November of 1963, after his "retirement" from his CIA career as one of Allen Dulles' favorite black ops experts. Lansdale told Prouty prior to November that he was planning to focus on some "fun and games" after retiring in October of 1963. Much of this history was discussed on the forum's "Lansdale Hypothesis" thread.
  11. Leslie, These Hamas murderers need to be hunted down and executed. That's a given. But the retaliatory bombing of 2.3 million trapped civilians in Gaza is a war crime. It sounds like the Biden administration is privately urging Netanyahu to limit civilian casualties in Gaza, while avoiding any public criticism of the Israeli government. Is there an acceptable solution to the crisis? I don't have the answer.
  12. Yes, of course, let's have a "substantive conversation" with Kirk-- a guy who knows nothing about the "substance" of Prouty's first hand observations, based on his years of USAF liaison contact with Allen Dulles, Ed Lansdale, and the CIA. Makes a lot of sense. Let's substantively ignore the substance of Prouty's testimony as a historical witness, and focus on bogus articles published by CIA contract journalists in the M$M, after the film JFK began to raise public consciousness about CIA black ops, Vietnam, and the JFK assassination.
  13. This is terrific. The progressive academic community is finally grasping, and discussing, the truth about JFK's assassination-- the truth that has long been exposed by marginalized independent researchers-- including Oliver Stone, et.al. Unfortunately, Jeffrey Sachs, himself, has generally been marginalized by our mainstream media.
  14. It looks like the U.S. State Department is quite deliberately prohibiting any comments about the war crimes in Gaza--the bombing of women and children, and the blockade on food, water, electricity, and medical supplies. One million of Gaza's 2.3 million trapped civilians are children. Yesterday, the Washington Post published HRW video evidence of Israel dropping white phosphorous munitions on civilians in Gaza. This is quite shocking, IMO, and will go down in history as a U.S. foreign policy abomination. US State Dept. Officials Told Not to Use Terms 'De-Escalation/Cease-Fire' About Gaza (commondreams.org)
  15. Huh? "Finding out Prouty wasn't near as credible as he first thought?" Where did you come up with that ungrammatical flamer, Kirk? Geez... Some delusions simply can't be fixed. 🤥
  16. C'mon, Kirk. Get a clue here already. Who are the scammers who have convinced you that "Prouty isn't credible?" John McAdams and Michael Griffith? Have you read JFK-- The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy, or The Secret Team? Obviously not. Yet you, like Rob Clark, continue to lecture to us on the subject of Prouty's crucial witness testimony-- based solely on the bogus disinformation tropes promoted by John McAdams and his ilk on the internet since 1992. It was a Kill-the-Messenger op directed at a man who tried to inform the public about the anti-democratic machinations of Allen Dulles and the Company. You're the poster child on this subject for how repeated disinformation works. It convinces poorly informed people that falsehoods are true.
  17. Talk about a projection. 🤥 This reminds me of that news story (in 2016?) about one of Donald Trump's former professors at the University of Pennsylvania saying that, "Donald Trump was the single worst student he ever taught" at Penn.
  18. Leslie, I just looked on Amazon. Walt Garrison's autobiography, Once a Cowboy, is selling for $125. He wrote another one entitled, Then Landry Said to Staubach, that is available on Kindle (and as a used hardback.)
  19. Rob, Your ignorance and dishonesty about Prouty's career and work is, frankly, embarrassing. I'm reminded of our last discussion on the subject, where it was obvious that you knew nothing about Prouty, and had never read either of his books. My advice is to limit your punditry to subjects that you properly understand. Also, if you really believe that Prouty's writings about Deep State history are comparable to Judyth Baker's, you need to do some serious remedial reading.
  20. Yeah, I saw that obit, Ron. Sad. Walt Garrison was one tough cowboy. I saw him many years ago (in the 80s) when he made a surprise guest appearance on the Dan Reeves Show here in Denver one night, promoting his book, Once a Cowboy, Always a Cowboy. Dan Reeves' face really lit up when Walt Garrison walked onto the set. You could tell that Dan was very fond of Garrison. At one point during the show, Garrison said something like, "Yeah, the Cowboys made me and Dan roommates, probably because I was the only guy on the team who could understand what Dan was saying." 😂 (Reeves always spoke with a heavy Georgia drawl.)
  21. Gas prices are worrisome, Doug, but what really worries me is the prospect of Sunnis and Shiites uniting in a global jihad against Israel. It could be potentially catastrophic-- even nuclear.
  22. Yes, it's unfortunate that even Kirk Gallaway has been consistently duped by the Prouty defamation propaganda in the M$M, and on social media. Kirk even believes, oddly, that John Newman had "more heft" than a highly decorated USAF colonel who served as the Joint Chiefs liaison to the CIA for Special Ops, and was involved in writing portions of the Pentagon Papers and the McNamara Taylor Report. This is what happens when people fail to study the primary source material of an historical witness and, instead, base their opinions on CIA propaganda.
  23. God bless Bernie Sanders! This is another reason why I voted for Bernie in our 2016 and 2020 state primaries. The man has been consistently right about U.S. healthcare, education, tax, and labor policies. But he is also the only prominent American politician who has had the courage and integrity to condemn the bombing of civilians-- including women and children-- in Gaza this week. Apparently, 40% of Gaza's 2.3 million residents are children. Sanders Says 'Children and Innocent People Do Not Deserve to Be Punished for Acts of Hamas' (commondreams.org)
  24. Rob Clark, as I recall, is another one of those McAdams-type Prouty defamers who, upon questioning, never read either of Prouty's books. Instead, he "did his own research" at McAdams.edu. Some of those guys come out of the woodwork here, periodically, to tag team their McAdams colleagues who are engaged in Swift Boat Vetting Col. Prouty on social media.
  25. Ah, yes...the scene where Eli Wallach shoots the grizzled bounty hunter while taking a bubble bath... I remember it well. As for the crisis in Israel, I have always had a deeply ingrained, apocalyptic concept of the end of the world-- from my Protestant childhood-- in which hostile kingdoms, with Gog and Magog, invade Israel from the north. I think that notion originated in the prophetic Hebrew Book of Daniel from (?) the 7th century B.C. As I recall, Gog is loosely associated with Russia, and Magog with Iran (Khorason.)
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