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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. John, I prefer to get my medical opinions from sources like the New England Journal of Medicine. I once had the privilege of dining with Dr. Arnold Relman, the late Editor-in-Chief of NEJM. Dr. Relman advised the medical students at the table to eschew owning stocks in pharmaceutical companies. I took his advice. Remind me again, if you will. What educational background does RFK, Jr. have in biology, medicine, and statistical analysis that qualifies him to disagree with highly trained, reputable experts in virology, immunology, and epidemiology? From what I have heard, his college roommate at Harvard wrote RFK, Jr.'s senior (political) thesis.
  2. Geez...How much bile can a person jam into a single post, John? You have earned my vote for the 2023 Education Forum Dyspeptic Rhetoric Prize. BTW, is it considered a racist insult in Ireland to refer to leprechauns? Most of what I know about the subject comes from watching the 1959 movie, Darby O'Gill and the Little People, with my daughters when they were young. (Starring Sean Connery!) πŸ€₯
  3. John, Dr. Hotez is quite correct. Studying and discerning scientific facts isn't talk radio or politics. It isn't about rhetoric and public grandstanding. It's about scientific data and its proper statistical analysis. What background education has RFK, Jr. had in science and medicine that qualifies him to disagree with educated medical experts?
  4. A long time coming...a year after the Congressional J6 Committee exposed Trump's involvement in the coup plot!!
  5. An astounding 91% of Fox News viewers in a recent poll believe that Trump has not committed any crimes!
  6. Yeah, the important thing is to impeach Joe Biden-- regardless of any evidence of misconduct. Trump has even threatened to primary any Republicans in the House who do not vote for a Biden impeachment. MAGA!! πŸ™„
  7. Yes, curiously, Ben started a duplicate thread on the subject of the Datebook's authenticity, while simultaneously recommending that duplicate threads on the subject should be consolidated... πŸ™„
  8. Yes, and we now have yet another forum thread-- a duplicate-- on the subject of the authenticity of the Lafitte Datebook, which has been discussed so eloquently on this thread.
  9. Well, honestly, these reports raise a lot of serious questions for me about RFK, Jr.'s personality. Why would he now deny being an anti-vaxxer? Does he have a habit of not telling the truth? I wondered about this issue when I first read about Kennedy family members-- including RFK, Jr.'s own sister-- criticizing his anti-vaccine propaganda during the pandemic. Obviously, they know him better than we do. Why would they bash their own brother and cousin? And why are his key staffers mainly associated with his anti-vaccine organization? Is he getting any sound advice from informed people? He has also exhibited poor judgment, IMO, by declining to criticize Trump's blatant criminal conduct, (during and after his Presidency.)
  10. Geez, John. Do you know more about my metaphorical intentions than I do? You must be remarkably clairvoyant. And your clairvoyance has even enabled you to discern my alleged anti-Hibernian racism (which, oddly, hasn't prevented me from learning a lot of Celtic music over the years, and being a James Joyce fan.) As for the thread topic, I'm genuinely puzzled by Biden's alleged decision to deny RFK, Jr. Secret Service protection, and would like to know more about it. I suspect that we haven't heard the whole story.
  11. At present, the Koch Machine doesn't really have a viable GOP Presidential candidate for 2024. (Mike Pence has always been a Koch sucker, but no one likes him.) DeSantis has face-planted. I wonder if they'll try to bring back John Kasich. And Ted Cruz is always waiting in the wings.
  12. Steve, On the subject of the revenge motive, (and Nazi bankers) I'm reminded of Prescott Bush reportedly saying that he "would never forgive" JFK for what he had done to Allen Dulles. Also, Cord Meyer, the former Yale Bulldog running Operation Mockingbird, must have resented JFK for his affair with Meyer's ex-wife, Mary Pinchot Meyer. FWIW, E. Howard Hunt had included Cord Meyer (and LBJ) in his death bed list of JFKA conspirators.
  13. Georgia judge rejects another Trump bid to halt Fulton County election probe (nbcnews.com)
  14. Trump is really decompensating lately, apparently, in response to all of the criminal indictments. Creepy stuff. Likely to precipitate deadly MAGA violence, IMO. Trump Calls Biden β€˜Dumb Son of a Bitch’ at Pennsylvania Rally – Rolling Stone
  15. John, The "little green men" was intended as a humorous metaphor for your delusional notions about American politics. As for your silly allegations about Biden's "murderous turpitude," I notice that you and Paul Rigby have been completely silent about your bona fide serial murderer and war criminal in the Kremlin-- the guy who throws his critics out of windows and launches missiles into residential buildings in Ukraine.
  16. Yes, we get the drift... It's the feculent odor of MAGA flatulence that has been so ubiquitous on this forum in recent months. πŸ™„ We, obviously, need to worry about Biden's alleged "murderous turpitude," eh, Ben? (Although, to be honest, Biden's critics haven't been poisoned or thrown out of windows like the critics of Paul Rigby's hero in the Kremlin.)
  17. You're wrong again, Mathew. I was in the HMS class of '83... πŸ™„
  18. Paul, When Putin shocked everyone by invading Ukraine, I agreed with the concept of U.S. and NATO support for Ukrainian sovereignty-- if it could be done judiciously, without escalating to WWIII. I also expressed regret that more wasn't done to prevent a war. At this point, it looks like a bloody stalemate that is accomplishing nothing of value-- so, if Putin is open to negotiations, I think a peace agreement should be pursued, rather than further escalation. Also, Biden taunting Putin seems, frankly, stupid.
  19. Karl, We already have a Political Discussion thread on this topic. Why did you start a duplicate thread?
  20. Ben, When I raised the issue here of Operation Mockingbird distorting and suppressing coverage of JFK Revisited two years ago, you expressed skepticism about Mockingbird's existence. Now you have finally discovered Mockingbird, and you are using the concept to reinforce your erroneous paradigms about America's partisan political conflicts in the 21st century. You're like the proverbial man who finds a hammer and thinks everything is a nail. See if you can figure out which political party in the U.S. today is, in fact, predicated on blind loyalty to an authoritarian wannabe dictator (and compromised puppet of an actual Kremlin dictator.) (Hint: They're the guys who attacked Congress to overturn the results of an election.)
  21. This is a duplicate non-JFKA thread, with a redundant serving of MAGA Ben Cole's moronic Biden "dictator"/"snuff job" trope. It should be moved to the MAGA Water Cooler board.
  22. But...but what about Biden's "murderous turpitude?" πŸ€₯ And what about Ben Cole's redundant MAGA trope about the equivalence of Donks and 'Phants?
  23. Still listening to your little green friends, eh, John? "Joe Biden's murderous turpitude?" Huh? Your bizarre concepts about U.S. politics never cease to amuse. πŸ€₯
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