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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Breaking... Hezbollah Opens a Second Front in Northern Israel | National Review October 11, 2023
  2. The carnage in Israel and Gaza is horrific enough, but I'm also worried that this will escalate into a wider, catastrophic war between Israel and the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah Axis. There are reports today of Syrian rocket attacks on northern Israel and Israeli tanks amassing at the Syrian border. And Ayatollah Khamenei is openly praising the Hamas attacks on Israelis.
  3. Unusually quiet at the Water Cooler today. What can we say? I'm guessing that we're all in shock about the tribal carnage in Israel. Professor Juan Cole published an insightful op-ed at Informed Comment last night. Tribalism versus International Law in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (juancole.com)
  4. Republicans turn on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as he launches independent bid Donald Trump’s campaign joins the Republican National Committee in attacking his nascent bid, as Democrats outside his immediate family largely stay silent https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/10/09/republican-leaders-attack-robert-kennedy-jr-independent-campaign-announcement/ October 9, 2023
  5. It mirrors his curious position on Trump. RFK, Jr. has been strangely reluctant to say anything bad about Donald Trump. Meanwhile, in a change of subject, some people are wondering if Trump compromised Israeli security by sharing classified intelligence with Putin. (Putin is aligned militarily with the Tehran-Damascus-Hezbollah Axis.)
  6. Good answer. So, here's my question, Jim. If you were organizing a college level course on the history of the JFK assassination, which essential books and/or documentary films would you use in the course?
  7. Projection. The only "source" claiming that Chiang flew straight from Cairo to Karachi is Michael Griffith, himself. Then, after Griffith's narrative about Chiang's putative itinerary was debunked, he moved the goalposts by blathering about Churchill's "jumpsuit" and, once again, claiming that Prouty was a "white supremacist," etc., etc. Has anyone ever seen Griffith acknowledges his numerous debunked claims during the past year on this forum? Rather than acknowledging his errors, Griffith simply re-posts them, ad infinitum.
  8. So sick of Michael Griffith's verbose McAdams-style forum fiction defaming Col. L. Fletcher Prouty. The Cairo-Tehran-Karachi timeline is not my "theory" about Prouty. It's arithmetic. My "theory" is simply that Prouty was always a straight shooter and a credible historical witness who flew Chiang's delegation to Tehran. He wrote honestly about his experiences and observations-- including his observations about the drafting of the McNamara/Taylor Report, NSAM 263, and Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza. Griffith began his latest defamation of Prouty by describing a lengthy, multi-page scenario purporting to show that Chiang and his delegation couldn't possibly have conferred with Stalin in Tehran on the evening of 11/27/43, or during the day and/or evening of 11/28/43. People can do the math without my assistance.
  9. Indeed. And now former President P*ssy Grabber is endorsing Congressman Wang-Doodle for Speaker. Dirty birds of a feather stick together.
  10. Exactly. Even the GOP's star legal witness, Jonathan Turley, told the House Impeachment committee that there was "no evidence" justifying a GOP impeachment of Joe Biden. Michael Griffith continues to make stuff up. Meanwhile, it's somewhat frustrating to see my comment about the lack of any real connection between Trump's 91 grand jury indictments and the JFK assassination reduced by Ben Cole to yet another Ben Cole trope about red and blue kool aid. My comments about Gil's central question on this thread had nothing to do with partisan kool aid. My point was that Trump has been indicted by grand juries for committing crimes.
  11. It's about 1,200 miles from Cairo to Tehran, and 1,200 miles from Tehran to Karachi. Planes like the Lockheed Lodestar had a maximum cruising speed of 250 mph in 1943. So, leaving Cairo on the morning of 11/27/43, Chiang Kai-shek could have been in Tehran within six hours. He and his delegation could have been in Tehran by the afternoon of 11/27/43 and remained in Tehran for another 36 hours. They could have then flown to Karachi in six hours on 11/29/43. Nothing in Griffith's alleged Prouty-defaming timetable refutes Prouty's account of flying Chiang's delegation to Tehran.
  12. Geez... More Michael Griffith bunk to de-bunk? This never ends. To simplify, bear in mind that Michael Griffith's objective in all of his Prouty posts has been defamation-- to claim that Prouty is a "nutty" conspiracy theorist and an unreliable historical witness. The most important example is Griffith's repetitive denial of Prouty and General Krulak's positive identification of Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza. They, certainly, ID'd their old colleague, Ed Lansdale in Dealey Plaza (and wondered what Lansdale was doing in Dealey Plaza!) but Krulak didn't want to end up on the wrong end of a CIA shotgun, and declined to publicize his awareness of Lansdale's presence in Dealey Plaza. As for the Chiang Kai-shek issue, Prouty wrote (in JFK-- The CIA, Vietnam, and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy) that he had personally flown members of Chiang's delegation from Cairo to Tehran in a VIP Lockheed Lodestar. Prouty was less specific in his book about transportation arrangements for Chiang and his wife from Cairo. Prouty also reported that Chiang's meeting with Stalin in Tehran was "one of the best kept secrets of WWII," and was unknown to historians who have written about Tehran. The 11/26/43 NYT cable that I posted (above) indicates that Chiang was, in fact, invited to attend the 11/28/63 Tehran Conference to meet with Stalin. Looking at Michael Griffith's own reported timeline, (above) we have; Chiang and his wife leaving Cairo on the morning of 11/27/43. Chiang and his wife arrived at Ramgarh on the morning of 11/30/43. Chiang and his wife arrived in Chungking on 12/1/43. How does Griffith's timeline prove that Prouty was not telling the truth about Chiang and a Chinese delegation (that Prouty personally flew from Cairo to Tehran) being in Tehran? Answer: It doesn't. It's another one of Michael Griffith's numerous Prouty defamation nothing burgers.
  13. Jim, I couldn't have said it any more clearly. Some of our forum members need to work on their reading comprehension skills. Obviously, there's a straight line between the Deep State and the JFK assassination. My point is that Trump wasn't indicted for 91 felonies by the Deep State. He was indicted by grand juries, based on the evidence of his crimes. Nor has Trump been an heroic JFK Truther. In fact, he blocked the release of the JFK records in 2017--the year they were finally due for release. Trump was never an adversary and victim of the Deep State-- as he and his Trumpagandists in the media have been saying since 2017. He's a con man and a serial felon.
  14. And, today, Trump is insulting his former Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, after Kelly recently reminded the public of Trump's history of disparaging U.S. veterans, including those wounded and killed in action. Trump just announced that Kelly is, "dumb." Apparently, Trump only hires the best dummies.
  15. C'mon, Gil. I appreciate your informative posts and inquiries about the JFK assassination here on the forum, but, surely, you don't believe the false Trump/Fox narratives claiming that the prosecution of Trump's serious felonies is a result of persecution by the Deep State, do you? Trump (and Fox) started promoting these false "Deep State" persecution-of-Trump tropes in 2017, after evidence emerged of Russian interference in our 2016 election, (on Trump's behalf) and after the FBI began to investigate Michael Flynn's illegal December 2016 phone calls to Sergei Kisylak (about the Obama era sanctions against the Kremlin for interference in our 2016 U.S. election.) In essence, Trump and his Fox Ministry of Propaganda began, in 2017, to blame the "Deep State" for Trump's crimes-- despite the fact that James Comey and the FBI had played a major role in getting Trump elected in 2016! The same thing happened after Trump's J6 mob attack on the U.S. Congress. Tucker Carlson repeatedly promoted the false "Patriot Purge" narrative about Trump's coup attempt-- essentially blaming Trump's multi-faceted efforts to overturn the 2020 election on the Deep State. But, let's be clear. Trump wasn't indicted by the "Deep State" for 91 felonies this year. He was indicted by grand juries-- based on evidence of his serious criminal conduct.
  16. I had never heard of Patrick McHenry until yesterday. According to Wikipedia, he launched his political career with the College Republicans, then worked for Karl Rove. I don't fault him for being vertically challenged, but he has a history of inappropriately insulting Senator Elizabeth Warren in the House and, now, Nancy Pelosi. Sounds like a smaller, thinner version of incel Rush Limbaugh with a bow tie.
  17. Hear, hear! I was very impressed by Adam Schiff's commentaries during the Nunes Memo scam and the Congressional J6 hearings. Schiff would be a great U.S. Senator, and, perhaps, more. That said, I don't know much about the other Senate candidates, nor do I live in California.
  18. The thing about this repetitive John McAdams/Michael Griffith "Swift Boat Vetting" defamation of Col. L. Fletcher Prouty is that the same old defamatory tropes can be repeated indefinitely on social media. Rinse and repeat the bunk until people believe it's true. The CIA propaganda people have been aggressively trying to discredit Prouty for more than 30 years for his insights about NSAM 263 and his identification of Allen Dulles's favorite black ops man, Ed Lansdale, in Dealey Plaza (which was corroborated by General Victor Krulak.) And, despite posting book-length, repetitive smears here about Prouty, Michael Griffith has never even read Prouty's own book, describing the details of his work on the McNamara/Taylor Report, NSAM 263, and his trip to Antarctica in November of 1963. Nor has Griffith posted his sources for insisting that Chiang Kai-shek's delegation never met secretly with Stalin in Tehran-- despite the fact that Chiang was, in fact, invited to Tehran. How are people supposed to respond to this kind of redundant Swift Boat Vetting propaganda? The consensus after 2004 was that John Kerry needed to respond more aggressively and repetitively to the repeated Swift Boat Vet ads on television. The smear job worked. But, honestly, it becomes tiresome and boring to respond to Griffith's repetitive defamation of Prouty on the forum. I'm taking a break from the task.
  19. Thanks for posting this, Ben. Here's a tribute to my alma mater-- but these are not the same polite lyrics we used to sing at football games back in the day... 🤥
  20. Ron Bulman just posted a White House press release from October 2, 1963 about JFK's intention to get out of Vietnam by December 31, 1965. (It's on Ron's "SIXTY" thread.) I wonder how Michael Griffith will Liberty Lobby this one... 🤥
  21. Interesting, Ron. For some reason, (plain old ignorance?) I thought that JFK was keeping his NSAM 263 Vietnam withdrawal plan under wraps until after the 1964 election-- to avoid being accused of going soft on communism. But, on the contrary, it looks like the White House went public with JFK's plan to get out of Vietnam.
  22. 15% Say They Would Back Third Party Candidate October 2, 2023 at 12:25 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard A new NBC News poll finds that almost 15% of registered voters said that they will vote for a third party or independent candidate if given the option in 2024. However, the test did not include candidate names or information about them.
  23. But, Matt, with their Big Oil bankrollers, the "No Labels" people will most likely be able to buy enough television ads to siphon significant votes away from the Democrats. It's the Age of Citizens United Dark Money Plutocracy. Obviously, their goal is to regain plutocratic GOP control of the White House and Senate (and to maintain control of the House and SCOTUS.)
  24. The Tehran Conference was scheduled to begin on November 28, 1943. FWIW, here's a New York Times article dated November 26, 1943. Chiang Kai-shek Is Invited to Join Roosevelt-Churchill-Stalin Talk; CHIANG IS INVITED TO STALIN PARLEY By James B. Reston Nov. 26, 1943 LONDON, Nov. 25 -- Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek has been invited to any meeting that President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Premier Stalin may hold in the near future, it was learned today.
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