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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. This is yet another inaccurate, defamatory-- even libelous-- ad hominem Education Forum post by John Cotter. The man knows nothing about the medical sub-specialty of psychiatry, and even less about my 40-year psychiatric career at Harvard and the University of Colorado. One of my original objections to Cotter's inaccurate, repetitive ad hominem posts about psychiatry (and his misperceptions of my career) was that the posts had nothing to do with the political topics under discussion. That remains the case today, and Cotter is, obviously, determined to impugn my professional reputation, despite knowing nothing about my work or about psychiatry. I probably don't need to remind the forum that Cotter believes Thomas Szasz's old pop nonsense about mental illnesses being a "myth." Anyone who has actually worked with mentally ill people knows that there is nothing "mythical" about psychotic illnesses and serious mood disorders-- not to mention neuropsychiatric disorders like autism spectrum disorders, OCD, and dementia. Given his intractability and irrationality, I really must finally object to Mr. Cotter's continued membership on this forum.
  2. Gotta love Bernie. His heart was always in the right place, which is why I voted for him in our last two local Presidential primaries.
  3. "He is just daring the judge now": Trump targets Chutkan in Truth Social attack (msn.com)
  4. Interesting story, Joe. Well told. Unlike Donald Trump, you had a legitimate medical deferment. My brother and I missed the Vietnam War draft by one and two years, respectively.
  5. As part of my diplomatic outreach to YouTube scholar Mathew Koch and the Trump cult, I thought it would be worthwhile to post a recording of Donald Trump's "perfect phone call" to Brad Raffensperger. Fulton County indictments are expected this week, Mathew... 🤥
  6. Well, Leslie, I need to read your book. Honestly, I have hesitated to buy Coup in Dallas, because of the questions swirling around about the authenticity of the Lafitte datebook, but this is interesting historical material in its own right. Also, it sounds like you have had direct experience with some of these institutions in the Dallas area.
  7. Huh? Red herring? We're talking about major U.S. public policy fundamentals that impact the welfare and prosperity of the citizenry, John. Explain how RFK, Jr.'s economic policy proposals (on taxes, healthcare, and labor) differ from those of progressive Democrats and the right wing, plutocratic Republican Party. You seem confused about the reality of the American political spectrum.
  8. My question. What happens when Trump violates the order by disclosing Sensitive Material? I can't picture Stable Genius keeping his mouth shut about Pence and Mark Meadows ratting him out.
  9. James Carville’s uncensored thoughts on Trump, No Labels and Democrats’ future | The Hill
  10. "No Labels" Joe Manchin isn't sure he's a Democrat. In other breaking news, Liberace may have, actually, been gay. 🤥 Joe Manchin says he’s thinking ‘seriously’ about becoming an independent - The Washington Post
  11. No problem, John. That admirable habit shouldn't prevent you from answering my basic question (above) about the comparative tax, labor, and healthcare policies of Republicans, Democrats, and RFK, Jr. Where is RFK, Jr. on the policy spectrum for these issues that so profoundly impact the welfare and prosperity of the citizenry? For example, would RFK, Jr. roll back Republican tax cuts for corporations and billionaires? Would he support funding of Democratic programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare? Would he support the labor unions, which are now endorsing Joe Biden?
  12. It's fascinating stuff--and mostly new for me-- the nexus between the U.S. military/intelligence community and the titans of corporate industry and finance. I knew that there were close links between Wall Street and the "founding fathers" of the CIA, but have read very little about these Texas tycoons. Media moguls like Henry Luce, (Skull & Bones) Katherine Graham, William S. Paley, et.al., were also in the loop on the Warren Commission cover up. If I recall correctly, Henry and Claire Booth Luce had a special antipathy for JFK. One of the researchers here mentioned Dresser Industries, and I think Russ Baker mentioned GHWB's work for Allen Dulles and Dresser Industries after Poppy's graduation from Yale. I think Zapata Oil was also a CIA front company before (and after?) it merged with Pennzoil.
  13. The Uncle Clarence Thomas corruption story keeps getting worse. I guess we all owe GHWB a big, "Thank You," for nominating this Republican turkey for a seat on the SCOTUS. (Anita Hill was right all along, as I suspected during her Senate interrogation by Arlen Specter.)
  14. John, I confess that I am not a YouTube scholar. But I wonder if you would be so kind as to describe the differences in U.S. Republican and Democratic tax, labor, and healthcare policies during the past 40 years, and the differences, if any, between these and RFK, Jr.'s policy positions.
  15. It would behoove John Cotter to study the history of Republican "supply side" tax cuts for the wealthy during the past 40 years of U.S. history, and the related increase in U.S. wealth inequality. John seems to be persistently delusional about the alleged "plutocratic" equivalence of America's two political parties, in relation to major issues like tax policy, labor policies, and healthcare funding. And where does RFK, Jr. stand on these critical policy issues? Has RFK, Jr. criticized plutocratic Republican tax, labor, and healthcare policies? Or is he a pseudo-populist playing to the Fox MAGA-verse?
  16. More of Trump's escalating stochastic terrorism? And Trump is, apparently, planning to run television ads in Atlanta attacking Fulton County prosecutor Fani Willis. Is this legal? If so, it shouldn't be. IMO, the guy needs to be in jail on a gag order. Are the judges going to wait until someone gets killed?
  17. Matt, I knew the 2023 GOP House would be a sh*t show, after they eked out that slim majority in the 2022 election. But, honestly, it has been even worse than I imagined. Kevin McCarthy will go down as one of the worst Speakers in history. At least some of the Republicans joined the Democrats to raise the debt ceiling and pass the 2023 budget bill-- sans Medicare & Social Security cuts. Are there a handful of semi-honest Republicans in the House who would put the kibosh on a truly ludicrous Biden impeachment vote? Let's hope so. I know that Mango Mussolini has already threatened to primary any House Republicans who refuse to vote for a Biden impeachment. It's still the Age of MAGA Stupid in the Republican Party.
  18. If I understand the story correctly, some Caucasian boaters jumped a black security guard on the docks in Montgomery, Alabama over the weekend, and ended up getting their asses kicked... 😂
  19. So, after agreeing in court last Thursday to refrain from threatening witnesses and judicial officials involved in his J6 seditious conspiracy case, Donald Trump has been incessantly attacking witnesses and judicial officials involved in his J6 seditious conspiracy case. Sociopaths only respond to the threat of external consequences. They have no internal (moral) regulatory apparatus.
  20. Here is Trump's lawyers' response to Jack Smith's request for a protective order. They refer to Trump as "President Trump" and claim that the order restricts President Trump's First Amendment rights during a political campaign. On brief review, I don't see any references to Trump's recent threats against judicial officials or his intimidation of witness, Mike Pence-- direct violations of the magistrate's order last Thursday. TrumpOrder - DocumentCloud
  21. John, I can't possibly correct all of your bizarre, mythical concepts of reality, so I'll take a break. Did you study any science at a collegiate or graduate school level? As for the subject of this thread, do let us know what you imagine to be America's "dire straits," from which only RFK, Jr. can save us.
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