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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Shaking my head, in disgust... 🙄 RFK Jr. clarifies that his view of Jan. 6 is the conspiratorial one - The Washington Post
  2. Matt, IMO, Netanyahu is a dedicated Zionist. He first became famous as a young Mossad commando who rescued some Israeli captives on a highjacked airplane. I'd have to do some remedial reading, but I think Netanyahu's family, like those of many famous Israeli leaders-- Ben Gurion, Begin, et.al.-- were Holocaust victims and/or refugees from the Nazis. My criticism of Bibi is that he has been acting like a Nazi, himself. He thinks the Palestinians are untermenschen.
  3. Oxygen exchange would still occur at a greatly reduced rate, with concurrent hypoxia and impending death.
  4. Matt, I hate to say it but, IMO, Benjamin Netanyahu would nuke Iran if he thought it expedient for Israel.
  5. Steven, Agonal breathing is a brainstem reflex associated with hypoxia and impending death, which could have persisted even following the catastrophic cortical and cerebellar damage to JFK's brain. So, I suspect that Dr. Perry's observations in this interview are quite precise. Of course, the most salient comments are his description of the wounds-- which were inconsistent with the WCR Lone-Nut-in-the-TSBD narrative.
  6. More reality for Kevin What's-His-Face and others living in the MAGA-verse... 1) Robert Mueller never claimed that the 2016 Trump campaign did not collude with Russia. That false MAGA trope was relentlessly repeated by Trump, Fox News, and the MAGA media after Bill Barr aborted Mueller's investigation in March of 2019, and publicly misrepresented Mueller's findings. Barr also blocked Congressional and public access to the Mueller Report, which Senate Democrats had requested prior to Barr's narrow confirmation as AG, along party lines. Barr worked hard to suppress and cover up Trump's Russiagate scandal-- just as he had worked hard to pardon Reagan and GHWB's Iran-Contra convicts in 1989. 2) Both Paul Manafort and Donald Trump, himself, repeatedly stonewalled Mueller's investigation. Trump floated pardons to witnesses and, ultimately, pardoned Manafort for committing perjury to stonewall Mueller's investigation. 3) Mueller never subpoenaed Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, or Don, Jr. 4) Trump stonewalled Mueller's written questions with repeated claims that he "could not recall" details of his 2016 campaign collusion with Russian officials. See, for example; Full text of Mueller's questions and Trump's answers | AP News
  7. Was Israel's Strike on Iranian Embassy in Damascus an attempt to draw the US into the War? (juancole.com)
  8. People living in the MAGA-verse need to educate themselves about the lengthy history of Donald Trump's involvement with Russia. Do they know that Kremlin lobbyist Paul Manafort's relationship with Putin's oligarch Oleg Deripaska goes back to 2005? Do they know that Manafort and Michael Flynn were in direct contact with Kremlin officials about U.S. Ukraine-related policies in the spring of 2016-- while serving as Trump's Campaign Manager and foreign policy advisor, respectively? Here's an excellent educational resource for Kevin Hofeling and others, who remain clueless about Trump's involvement with Russia. The Trump-Russia-Ukraine Timeline - Just Security
  9. CIA 'warns Iran will attack Israel within 48 hours' as revenge for consulate strike - World News - News - Daily Express US (the-express.com)
  10. This historical timeline is a useful educational resource for people interested in the subject of Donald Trump and Russia. There is a lot of chronological detail here. Trump and Russia go way back. And Paul Manafort's relationship with Putin's oligarch Oleg Deripaska began in 2005! The Trump-Russia-Ukraine Timeline - Just Security
  11. I'm Dr. Niederhut, Kevin, a graduate of Harvard Medical School. Mr. Niederhut was my father. Now, listen carefully, young man. You have poor reading comprehension skills, and I need you to pay careful attention to what I'm telling you this final time. No response necessary. And no more MAGA spam, please. You, obviously, remain ignorant of the fact that Russiagate was NOT a hoax, as Trump and his MAGA media propagandists have repeatedly claimed during the past seven years. Even the GOP Whitewater clown at CJR repeated that lie for Trump. We debunked it long ago on the 56 Years thread. Trump's "Russiagate hoax" trope is a classic example of the propaganda technique of "repeating the lie" until poorly informed people mistake it for truth. You got played. Did you read the U.S. Senate Intel Report on Russiagate that I posted for you, (above) or were you too busy Googling and posting MAGA Russiagate denial spam to read it? Fact #1: Putin actively interfered in the 2016 U.S. election on Trump's behalf. Fact #2: Trump's campaign staff had multiple meetings with Kremlin assets, before and after the November election. Fact #3: Paul Manafort met with GRU asset Konstantin Kilimnik in 2016, to share polling data, while Manafort was serving as Trump's Campaign Manager. As for the Manafort court document you posted, (above) you are, apparently, unaware that it was a preliminary court ruling by Judge Berman, from 2018. It details preliminary charges against Manafort. Fact #4: Manafort subsequently committed perjury in an effort to conceal his secret 2016 Trump campaign contacts with his GRU associate Konstantin Kilimnik. Fact #5: Manafort also had to be put in solitary confinement during Mueller's investigation, to prevent further witness tampering. He told Trump's Assistant Campaign Manager, Rick Gates, "We'll be taken care of," while Gates was facing interrogation by Mueller's team. Finally, you need to go back and carefully study the excellent February 2019 Washington Post article by Spencer Hsu about Manafort's trial and final judgment. I took the trouble of posting it for you on this thread, and you never even read, or understood, it. If you had read it, you wouldn't have posted more inaccurate MAGA spam about the case. The details of Mueller's case against Manafort can't be summarized more accurately than Spencer Hsu has done. There's a reason Hsu has been a candidate for two Pulitzer Prizes.
  12. Geez, folks... Now I'm "helpless to navigate the propagandistic fog..." Perhaps I need to join Kevin Hofeling and Benjamin Cole in the MAGA-verse. Perhaps January 6th really was a Deep State "Patriot Purge," and perhaps Putin didn't interfere in our 2016 election to help his compromised Orange Asset become POTUS. Perhaps Stormy Daniels is Antifa and Konstantin Kilimnik works for the CIA.
  13. Trump is hoping that one of his MAGA bombers will kill Judge Engoron and AG Letitia James before this fraud case gets resolved.
  14. P.S. If Kevin Hofeling mistakenly believes that I'm an apologist for the Neocons, he needs to study our forum discussions about 9/11, Paul Wolfowitz, and the Neocon "War on Terror."
  15. Addendum: Incidentally, aside from FSB recruitment of Republicans in the Trump era, how do we account for the GOP 180 -- from the 1950s to the 2020s-- on countering Russian totalitarianism? I have an hypothesis. The Cold War Republicans-- including the Dulles brothers and the CIA apparatchiks who murdered John F. Kennedy-- were more concerned about protecting corporate capitalists from communism than about protecting democracy from totalitarianism. That's why the CIA subverted democracy around the globe. But Putin's totalitarian police state is not communist. So, many Republicans today aren't really concerned about Putin's totalitarian threats to Western democracy.
  16. It's ironic that poorly informed conservatives like Kevin Hofeling are confusing reality-based concerns about Putin's 21st century neo-Stalinist police state-- and Russian military psy ops in the U.S. and Europe-- with McCarthyism and Red Scare era HUAC paranoia. Why? Because Republicans in the 1950s were in the Cold War vanguard when it came to paranoia about the Kremlin. Nowadays, Republicans are either directly funded (or compromised) by Russia-- like Donald Trump and Ron Johnson-- or they are turning a blind eye to Putin's domestic and international crimes. Trump and his MAGA GOP cult have been shockingly silent about Putin's horrific war crimes in Ukraine, and his persecution and murders of journalists and political opposition leaders at home. Trump even declared that Putin was "a genius" after he began launching missiles into residential communities in Ukraine! Do Kevin Hofeling and Glenn Greenwald even know that Putin has been openly contemptuous of Western democracy, while funding and promoting right wing, fascist politicians, including Donald Trump, in the U.S. and Europe?
  17. IMO, RFK, Jr. is missing a few screws. There's something seriously wrong with the guy. Why would he choose to sabotage liberal democracy? He seems to be fixated at the anger stage of unresolved PTSD, from the murders of his uncle and father. But I also wonder if anabolic steroids are messing with his cabeza. As for Trump's latest campaign blather about crime, he's talking out of his derriere, as always...
  18. Agonal respiration, characteristic of impending death. And, yes, Ron, why and how did this ABC film get suppressed for 60 years?
  19. Netanyahoo Bombs the Iranian Consulate in Damascus... Is Bibi trying to jump start the Apocalypse, or what?
  20. My question. How did Trump get away with concealing the $58 million Truth Social annual loss (from 2022-23) before the company went public last week? Aren't there SEC regulations to prevent these kind of stock scams?
  21. Ron, This immediately brings to mind Francis Ford Coppola's brilliant movie, Apocalypse Now, where Martin Sheen travels up a river to the Cambodian border to find Col. Kurtz-- a Special Forces commando who has gone rogue to create a guerilla army of indigenous people. The movie is, essentially, about Joseph Conrad's turn-of-the-century African colonial novel, Heart of Darkness, but also features many spell-binding details about Vietnam, French colonialism, and the dark side of the U.S. military industrial complex. One of the greatest movies ever made?
  22. Ben, I see that you're still inordinately fond of the logical fallacy of overgeneralization, rather than studying the actual facts about Donald Trump, Russian ops for Trump, and Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. In fact, your erroneous post here goes to the very heart of the dispute on this thread (above) about reality vs. alternate reality in the case of Paul Manafort's career as a Kremlin lobbyist and Trump's Russiagate scandal. I would describe your MAGA logic thusly. The Deep State persecuted a POTUS, JFK, and Operation Mockingbird covered it up. Donald Trump was a POTUS. Therefore, the Deep State persecuted Donald Trump, and Operation Mockingbird covered it up.
  23. A day late but, for those who haven't seen it, Trump's warm, heartfelt 2024 Easter greeting to America is worth reading. IMO, Donald needs to reduce his Adderall dosage... 🤣
  24. Education Forum Easter humor update... MAGA warrior, Kevin Hofeling, posted the following diatribe about the notorious EF lib "keyboard warrior," Kirk Gallaway, today. It's even funnier than Trump's ALL CAPS Easter rant... Did Herr Hofeling know that Kirk was referring to our old MAGA friend, Mathew Koch? How will Kirk ever live this down? 😂 Hofeling: Listen up, keyboard warrior, your verbose drivel reeks of intellectual impotence. You prance around like a self-appointed gatekeeper, wielding your thesaurus like a blunt weapon. But let's dissect your pitiful attempt at wit, shall we? First, you label our new forum member as "sophomoric." Ah, the classic move of the insecure intellect: belittle those who dare challenge your echo chamber. Perhaps you should take a break from your pretentious soliloquies and engage in some actual critical thinking. It might do wonders for that intellectual constipation you're suffering from. Next, you invoke the illustrious "Koch ll." A name dropped with the reverence of a cult leader, as if it grants you access to the inner sanctum of enlightenment. But let's be real: your knowledge of Koch is about as deep as a kiddie pool. You're like a flat-earther trying to explain quantum physics—utterly out of your depth. And what's this about "militant homage" to conspiracy superheroes? Are you auditioning for the role of Captain Obvious in the next Marvel movie? Newsflash: your tin-foil hat isn't a fashion statement; it's a cry for help.
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