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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Kirk, Karl Kinaski probably doesn't know that the House testimony of Trump's own staff-- Vindman, Yovanovitch, Sondland, Hill, et.al.-- in his first impeachment hearing was absolutely damning. It was the precise opposite of a "collapse." What "collapsed" is that Mitch McConnell and the Republican sociopaths in the Senate refused to even hear the damning House evidence about Trump's Ukraine-gate extortion scam. And MAGA John Roberts presided over that Republican Senate travesty. If those Republican Senators had simply done their job, they would have saved the United States a great deal of subsequent damage-- including Trump's January 6th Insurrection and his fraud-based 2024 Presidential campaign.
  2. Educate yourself, Karl. Read Dr. Fiona Hill's first person account of Trump's disastrous Presidency. She was Trump's NSC advisor on Russian affairs.
  3. Karl, We have been voting with mail-in ballots for years here in Colorado. They work very well, and voter fraud has been non-existent-- except for Trump goons (e.g., Tina Peters) who have tried to tamper with vote counts. Trump and his goons have been lying about voter fraud in order to suppress voting.
  4. Matt, This sounds like a tall tale, but my niece did some genealogical research and documented that my 4th great-grandfather was a scout and military aide-de-camp to General George Washington in the Revolutionary War. His grandson (my grandmother's paternal grandfather) later fought in the Army of the Potomac in the Civil War, (from Iowa) then migrated to the Colorado Indian Territory to prospect for gold after the war. The most surprising discovery was that an ancestor of ours was an early 17th century Dutch merchant who purchased a large section of what is now Brooklyn (New York) after the Dutch purchased Manhattan from the Native Americans. My Dutch ancestors in New York intermarried with the Roosevelts back in the day.
  5. Perhaps Trump will take another stab at extorting Zelensky to make a false statement about a Democrat. I'm reminded of Trump's former NSC advisor, Dr. Fiona Hill, reporting that she, "never saw Trump put America first-- not once." Former top Trump Russia adviser details the sharp contrast between the former President and Biden | CNN Politics February 20, 2022 Excerpt “There’s no Team America for Trump,” Hill recalled. “Not once did I see him do anything to put America first. Not once. Not for a single second.”
  6. Speaking of MAGA mouthpieces, have Rigby and Kinaski looked into the latest apparent conspiracy to assassinate Vice President Kamala Harris? I wonder if Jimmy Dore and the MAGA financial planner/YouTube guy, Martenson, have done any investigative journalism on this Arizona shooting. Shots fired into Harris campaign office in Arizona (axios.com)
  7. Ken Klippenstein Suspended From X After Publishing Dossier (mediaite.com)
  8. Jesse Watters, Karl? 🙄 No educated person takes that clown seriously.
  9. And, sticking with your metaphor, Matt, some apples are bad as a result of being eaten by worms. 🤥
  10. Trump's Sexual Assault Accusers Speak Out in Election Ad (mediaite.com)
  11. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Has a New Plan to Paralyze the Vote Count in a Critical Swing State Last edited Tue Sep 24, 2024, 07:19 PM (Slate) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is taking increasingly bizarre and contradictory positions in his ongoing crusade to inject pandemonium into the 2024 election. Right now the former third-party candidate is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to restore his name to the ballot in New York, asserting a constitutional right to run for president in the state. At the same time, he is asking the Wisconsin Supreme Court to remove his name from the ballot in that state, asserting a constitutional right not to run there. Moreover, because it is too late to print new ballots in Wisconsin, Kennedy is demanding that clerks manually place stickers over his name on some 4 million existing ballots. Election officials say this untested improvisation could jam up voting tabulators, making it impossible to scan ballots in a key swing state on Election Day and requiring a drawn-out hand count instead. That may well be the point: Kennedy’s tactics reflect an evident desire to sabotage the efficient administration of the election and undermine trust in its outcome. He appears eager to aid Republican candidate Donald Trump by acting not as a surrogate but as a chaos agent, sowing confusion and doubt at every turn. At this point, RFK Jr. is running Schrödinger’s campaign, simultaneously seeking and disavowing the presidency in different states. After striving to get his name on the ballot in as many places as possible, Kennedy suspended his third-party run last month, endorsing Trump over Kamala Harris. The former candidate is now trying to take his name off the ballot in battleground states for fear that he might siphon off votes from Trump. Yet he is still fighting to keep his name on the ballot in other states, including New York. It is not entirely clear why Kennedy cares about staying on the ballot anywhere; his overall strategy, however, reflects an intent to destabilize the election and abridge the early voting period, as he did in North Carolina. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/09/robert-kennedy-jr-wisconsin-vote-sticker-trump.html
  12. Possibly, Bill. And there's also a lot of GOP election skullduggery going on at the state level right now. Counting and certifying the 2024 votes is going to be another MAGA sh*t show. For the GOP, it's all about maintaining and acquiring power without an electoral majority.
  13. More Than 400 Economists Endorse Kamala Harris September 24, 2024 at 7:47 am EDT By Taegan Goddard “More than 400 economists and former high-ranking US policymakers are endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris and her vision for the American economy,” CNN reports. “The mass endorsement lands as Harris tries to erode former President Donald Trump’s lead on the economy, a critical issue that many Americans say could decide their vote this election.”
  14. I'm going up to Estes Park tomorrow, to enjoy the autumn aspens and play some end-of-the-season golf. It used to be pleasant around Labor Day, (70 F) but global warming has shifted the cooler weather three or four weeks later in the year. Just saw this article from the local news. * I was up in Estes last October when they had to close one of the golf courses after it was overrun by elk herds. I had to abandon a decent approach shot (by the green) on my final round on that course because of a testy bull trotting near the green. Would have parred that hole. * Colorado mountain town recognized as one of the best places to visit this fall (msn.com)
  15. The Key Cases Impacted by Supreme Court Chevron Deference Ruling — ProPublica September 23, 2024
  16. ‘Absolutely Insane!’ Joe Scarborough Slams Media For ‘False Equivalency’ — Ignoring ‘Crazy’ Trump Policy Answers To Attack Harris September 23, 2024 Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough slammed the mainstream media for “false equivalency” and siding with the “anti-anti-Trumpers” by ignoring the “crazy things” former President Donald Trump says when questioned on policy and, instead, attacking Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris. After a review of the polls following the opening of Monday morning’s show, Scarborough and co-host Mika Brzezinski ran back clips of Harris answering a question on reducing living costs and comparing it with Trump’s “nonsensical” answer on child care assistance, talking about tariffs on foreign nations during an event with the National Association of Black Journalists. Scarborough then attacked the mainstream media for its “false equivalency” in coverage of the candidates, lambasting the Wall Street Journal and New York Times columnist Bret Stephens for publishing a critical analysis of Harris’s policy-based responses to voters’ questions over the weekend.
  17. Steve, Trump is the child of immigrants, like four of his five children. So, his contempt for "immigrants" is really about racism-- contempt for dark-skinned people. Trump's father was active in the KKK.
  18. MAGA SYLLOGISM-OF-THE-MONTH (The fallacy of overgeneralization) The Deep State assassinated U.S. President John F. Kennedy. Donald J. Trump was a U.S. President. Therefore, the Deep State attempted to assassinate Donald J. Trump.
  19. Kirk, I agree that corporate money funds both parties, but consider the major party differences on; 1) Tax policy (including corporate tax rates) 2) Big Pharma 3) Big Oil 4) Protective tariffs 5) Labor unions 6) Minimum wages
  20. No. The worst nitwits are the genuinely clueless guys who think that the difference between contemporary Democrats and the plutocratic Trump/Koch GOP is a "false dichotomy." 🙄 That's a good example of the Dunning-Kruger Syndrome-- i.e., people who are too ignorant to recognize their own ignorance.
  21. Trump’s Nemesis Returns to Protect the Vote in Georgia September 21, 2024 at 10:28 am EDT By Taegan Goddard “Brad Raffensperger is all too familiar with attempts to subvert U.S. democracy,” the Financial Times reports. “The Secretary of State for Georgia was on the receiving end of the infamous Donald Trump phone call after the 2020 election, when the then-president urged his fellow Republican to ‘find’ the 11,780 votes he needed to win the state. Raffensperger refused and death threats ensued.” “Almost four years on from the unrest that followed the last presidential election, Raffensperger is again in the crosshairs of the Trump faithful, as he battles a MAGA-friendly majority on the swing state’s election board who passed last-minute laws that critics claim will pave the way for post-election legal chaos, if not violent unrest.”
  22. Get a clue, Karl. Who sabotaged the 2024 bipartisan Senate Border Security bill? My guess is that your MAGA propaganda sources have told you nothing about what actually happened this year.
  23. This Rigby/Kinaski garbage thread belongs at the MAGA Water Cooler. It stinks. Rigby & Kinaski's sources-- X-Twitter, Russia Today, Strategic Culture, Zero Hedge, Jesse Watters? And neither one of these two disinformazia ampligandists will answer a straightforward question. To wit, were Crooks and Routh designated Deep State patsy/decoys or expert assassins?
  24. True, John. I can't picture a white supremacist nitwit like Trump singing kumbaya. Trump's problem lately is finding any decent songs that respected artists haven't barred him from playing at his fascist MAGA rallies. He's almost reduced to playing crap by Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, and the Horst Wessel Song.
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