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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. It must be a California thing, Paul. Joe grew up with all of those California beach babes in the Carmel area.
  2. LOL, Bill... 😂 If Bruce Springsteen had grown up in SoCal instead of New Jersey, he would have written songs like this. Killed by coral...that's the moral? Incidentally, I've had a weird fondness for surf rock for many years-- despite growing up 1,000 miles from an ocean. My all-time favorite recording in that genre is Apache, by the Shadows-- a masterpiece. 1960. Long live the Fender Stratocaster!!!
  3. Pamela, I was referring to facts, not opinions-- e.g., the facts about Walz's policy record. Any thoughts about solutions for the impoverished homeless in America? As for the people sleeping under bridges, it's complicated. I've worked with them. Some shun human contact as a result of paranoia and PTSD. Most lack the executive functions and resources to house themselves. An AJP study found that a high percentage of chronically homeless adults grew up in foster homes as children.
  4. O.K., I'll admit it. I don't know diddly about Diddy. Can somebody tell me what Diddy Wah Diddy means? Diddy is placed on suicide watch as video shows porn star inmate claim he was rapper's sex slave | Daily Mail Online
  5. "Are there no prisons? Are there no work houses?" --Ebeneezer Scrooge
  6. The Denver Post today featured; 1) An article about an RFK, Jr. campaign "rally" in Denver yesterday. (No evidence of a crowd in their photo.) Nothing about the RFK, Jr./Nuzzi affair scandal. 2) A complimentary story about Trump pledging to save Aurora, Colorado from immigrants. Nothing about Trump's lies about Haitians eating pets, or about low crime rates under Biden.
  7. The Harris/Walz critics around here are simply refusing to engage in intellectually honest discussions of the facts.
  8. Get a clue, Karl. You and Rigby, obviously, missed the point again. And, incidentally, I have posted on several occasions about Allen Dulles's history of manipulating the Warren Commission to deny the fact that JFK's Deep State assassination plot was the "exception" to the rule." Do you know what "exception to the rule" means in English? Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Paul Rigby to explain how the Crooks and Routh assassination attempts (or any attempts besides the JFKA and RFKA) were Deep State plots. Do Rigby and Kinaski think that Crooks and Routh were patsies? Contract CIA assassins?
  9. Well, obviously, the Kennedy family knows RFK, Jr. better than we do. Their grandiose brother, (and cousin) is a real screwball. He's also a traitor-- betraying liberal democracy and the environmental movement in a big way. For what? Perhaps he has a MAGA future with Fox News-- in the footsteps of luminaries like Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee.
  10. Wow... 😲 Just saw this post at DU... Shohei Ohtani makes history, becoming first MLB player in 50-50 club; social media reacts Los Angeles Dodgers superstar Shohei Ohtani joined an exclusive club Thursday night. He smacked two home runs against the Miami Marlins and swiped two bases to become the first player ever to hit 50 homers and steal 50 bases in the same season. Only a few players in MLB history had even achieved a 40-40 season, and no one had ever achieved 45-45. Ohtani blew both of those out of the water in his first season in Chavez Ravine. Ohtani was already considered the best player, and the most exciting to watch, but this solidified his case as a worldwide superstar. Here are the best reactions from social media. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/shohei-ohtani-makes-history-becoming-first-mlb-player-in-50-50-club-social-media-reacts/ar-AA1qROQ3 He went 6 for 6 with 2 doubles, 2 stolen bases, 3 homers in a row, 10 RBI's. And, from what I understand, he's also going to pitch in the playoffs. Is there anything this man can't do in baseball? Congrats to Shohei for this feat.
  11. This MAGA/Putinist spam thread doesn't belong on the Political Discussions board. If anything, it's mainly serving to derail any informed discussions about critically important political issues in the U.S. during this election season. Not to mention the fact that Paul Rigby refuses to engage in an intellectually honest discussion by answering straightforward questions about his implied Trump assassination "theories." As for Routh, it sounds like he was regarded as a mentally unstable flake by people supporting Ukrainian defense against Putin's illegal invasion. Do Rigby and Kinaski think that Routh was a decoy/patsy for a professional assassin on Trump's golf course? Also, do Rigby and Kinaski know what "exception to the rule" means in English? The JFK assassination was the "exception to the rule" in American history, along with the Lincoln assassination conspiracy. Most of these assassination attempts, as Allen Dulles told the Warren Commission, were, in fact, perpetrated by lone nuts. Stephen Sondheim even wrote a musical about American Presidential assassins. Stephen Sondheim’s ‘Assassins’ lays bare the bizarre role of guns in American culture (theconversation.com)
  12. Addendum: Pamela, you also avoided commenting on the Minnesota Reformer's comments about Tim Walz's legislative efforts on behalf of the homeless, while you blamed Tim Walz for homelessness in Minneapolis.* Can you think of anything Republicans in the U.S. have ever done about the problem of homelessness-- other than persecuting these impoverished people? * Housing Minnesota lawmakers increased the state’s spending on housing about ninefold with a $1 billion spending package — paid for with part of the $17.5 billion surplus in 2023 — to increase affordable housing, prevent homelessness, expand homeownership opportunities and provide rental assistance to thousands of households. A bipartisan group of lawmakers aimed to increase housing construction by overriding local zoning laws that restrict development and economic inclusion. Most of those proposals failed to get enough support, however, although Walz did sign a bill ending an environmental lawsuit against Minneapolis over its pro-density 2040 plan.
  13. Hey, I just heard that Psycho Donald is also planning to come to Aurora, Colorado-- in response to the trumped-up MAGA hype about a few young Venezuelan refugees in a local apartment building (?) breaking some laws. Stop the presses!! Before Aurora gang claims, CBZ Management's bad inspections, tenant complaints (denverpost.com) Incidentally, this roach-infested apartment building is about one mile from where I grew up (in northeast Denver.) That neighborhood has been chronically impoverished for years-- the site of pawn shops, pay day loan sharks, low budget motels, crack houses, and prostitution. But, obviously, the Venezuelan refugees ruined the neighborhood... 🙄
  14. Karl, The fact that you're quoting a corrupt MAGA sleazeball like Rudy Giuliani tells us all we need to know about your "knowledge" of American politics. You remind me of those MAGA football players from Nebraska -- the "N" on their helmets stands for, "Knowledge." 🙄
  15. It looks like the MAGA spam on the Political Discussion board is now derailing any informed discussions about American politics.
  16. Pamela, I was the Medical Director of a University of Colorado project to place homeless mentally ill people in stable housing here in Denver back in the mid-90s. It worked, but the city had to spend the money to hire intensive case managers. (They were forced by a court order, following a class action lawsuit.) The problem of homelessness in the U.S. has worsened during the past 30 years, since our UCHSC project. Part of the homelessness problem is related to the historic increase in U.S. wealth inequality resulting from Republican tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%-- in 2001, 2003, and 2017-- which have resulted in wealthy people buying residential property and raising rents for the working poor. Many poor people are earning sufficient wages to afford rents. Meanwhile, I noticed that you completely avoided commenting on the detailed article I posted (above) about Tim Walz's truly stellar tenure as Governor of Minnesota, and his recent public statement about Trump's tax cuts for billionaires. Any thoughts about this one?
  17. I was genuinely baffled earlier this year when it became apparent that the Republican Party was going to re-nominate the sociopath who incited a mob attack on the U.S. Congress on January 6th-- the con man and felon whom Presidential historians have accurately rated as the worst President in American history. This week, David Corn has published an interesting cover story at Mother Jones which theorizes that Trump's bizarre 2024 popularity is predicated, in part, on historical amnesia about his disastrous Presidency. IMO, the "amnesia" about Trump's disastrous tenure in the White House is also a function of primary ignorance-- Fox News, Newsmax, and the MAGA propaganda establishment has systematically suppressed news coverage of Trump's lies and blunders, for years. This was demonstrated in a UC Berkeley experiment a few years ago, in which Fox News watchers were paid to switch to CNN, and became more accurately informed about Trump's failures, and current events. Millions Have Amnesia About the Worst of Trump’s Presidency. Memory Experts Explain Why. How Trump is benefiting from the limits of our memory. Millions Have Amnesia About the Worst of Trump’s Presidency. Memory Experts Explain Why. – Mother Jones September 17, 2024
  18. So, I usually call out songs for Alexa to play on my Amazon Echo Star speaker while I exercise. My favorites are funky old hits and classic rock & soul songs with a good, driving beat. But yesterday, I suddenly remembered an old 45 rpm recording that our gym teacher used to play during calisthenics when I was in elementary school. I hadn't heard this song for over 60 years! I said, "Alexa, play Chicken Fat!" Does anyone else remember this song from the early 60s? 😎
  19. This is like the plot of a Coen Brothers movie. Frances McDormand's cat goes missing in a small town in Ohio, and Trump Republicans end up shutting down the community with bomb threats and death threats against Haitian immigrants accused of eating cats. 🙄
  20. Billionaire Elon Musk Shared Memes Made by FSB Propaganda Machine (msn.com) September 17, 2024 Has Elon Musk’s careless posting finally caught up with him? Just one day after having to play off his horrific take on the second attempted assassination of Donald Trump as a “joke,” the Tesla CEO is back in the hot seat again for sharing anti-Ukrainian content that, as it turns out, was actually generated by a Russian psychological operations team. The meme in question, posted by Musk last October, features a strain-faced President Volodymyr Zelensky with the caption: “When it’s been 5 minutes and you haven’t asked for a billion dollars in aid.” Several outlets, including RFE/RL, have now obtained leaked documents that reveal the image had been created by the Social Design Agency. A Moscow-based company, the group was hired by the Kremlin to use propaganda and disinformation to sow discord over Western support for Ukraine amid the conflict. Who’s laughing now?
  21. More of the Koch/Federalist Society pro-corporate agenda coming to fruition. The Koch/James McGill Buchanan strategy, for the past half century, was to stack the courts with pro-corporate, pro-states rights Republicans in order to cripple pro publica Federal interventions that benefit the American people-- including protections for voting rights and pollution mitigation. . Alarm as Trump Judge Sides With Company Claiming NLRB Is Unconstitutional "This is yet another move by a Trump-appointed judge in favor of wealthy corporations." September 17, 2024 Alarm as Trump Judge Sides With Company Claiming NLRB Is Unconstitutional | Common Dreams
  22. So, tell us in plain English, please. In your "theory," was Crooks a decoy/patsy, and the expert assassin missed?
  23. Nonsense, man. The only sociopaths undermining American democracy are Trump and his GOP goons, as we have witnessed since January 6th. As for bullets, the U.S. is a nation where guns outnumber people, and gun homicides are daily occurrences. It isn't Austria or Ireland. If you and John Cotter ever study American history, you will learn that the vast majority of Presidential assassination attempts have, in fact, been perpetrated by disgruntled loners with guns-- men like Thomas Crooks and Ryan Routh. The JFK assassination was an exception to the rule, as was the Lincoln assassination conspiracy. You will also learn that Trump is the virtual opposite, politically, of John F. Kennedy. Two reasons that some people in the MAGA-verse mistakenly believe that Trump is a Deep State victim are; 1) They get constant false information and innuendos from Trump and his MAGA propagandists, and 2) They don't know that Trump has been a historic disaster for the U.S., and that many people might logically wish that he didn't exist. Fortunately, for Trump, most homicidal maniacs in the U.S. are right-wing Republicans.
  24. Geez, RoJo doesn't seem to realize that Trump has had a Praetorian Guard for the past eight years. We taxpayers have been paying for it. Didn't RoJo watch the motorcade in Fulton County when Trump surrendered? Surely, RoJo knows that Trump's Praetorian Guard deleted their J6 texts and Emails, after they were instructed by Congress to preserve them.
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