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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. The Spy Who Came in from the Cold is one of my favorites from that era. Richard Burton was terrific as Alec Leamas. And let's give Larry McMurtry a nod for writing the 1962 novel that Hud was based on-- Horseman, Pass By. Among other interesting details about McMurtry's life and work is the fact that he studied creative writing as a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford, with Ken Kesey, from 1960-61.
  2. Thank goodness. Kudos to the legislators from both parties who derailed the Trump/MAGA efforts to sabotage the U.S.
  3. Paul, You missed the point. My criticism of disinformation is not about self interest, or "taking things personally." It's about a moral commitment to discerning and telling the truth vs. repeating falsehoods. Ignoring falsehoods is not an ethical solution to the problem of government-promoted disinformation. People involved in JFK's assassination, and the cover up, have been systematically promoting falsehoods in our mass media (and social media) for almost 60 years now. IMO, we should be committed to telling the truth, for ethical reasons.
  4. Paul, This is one reason why I have been re-posting old Forum threads here, in the context of new threads about redundant disinformation. DiEugenio's detailed debunking of Bugliosi's pseudo-historical book, Reclaiming History, is a good example. We discussed it a few years ago here, but now David Von Pein is shamelessly referencing it again, as if it hadn't been debunked.
  5. People can read the pervasive, redundant Mockingbird disinformazia about the JFKA anywhere, including the 6th Floor Museum. We don't need it on the Education Forum, IMO.
  6. Yo, Griffith, you and your fellow far right OBL conspiracy theorists never explained why CIA Chief Operating Officer Buzz Krongard was linked to major short-selling of United Airlines stock prior to 9/11. Whenever the subject comes up, you become uncharacteristically silent. The truth is that there are major holes in Phillip Zelikow's nutty OBL/Al Qaeda conspiracy theory about 9/11. Among other major omissions, Zelikow suppressed all of the witness testimony about explosions in the WTC Twin Towers. Call it the Lee Bowers Syndrome. Like the Warren Commission, Zelikow chaired the 9/11 Commission with a pre-written narrative, and systematically ignored and/or suppressed all of the contrary evidence debunking his OBL/Al Qaeda conspiracy theory about 9/11. And, as in the case of the JFK assassination, the M$M has systematically suppressed and defamed all of the evidence debunking the official government narrative about 9/11, for decades.
  7. Bump. My question. How did the Warren Commission buglioser, David Von Pein, get re-admitted to the Education Forum, after he was banned for repeatedly posting Mockingbird disinformazia?
  8. Newsflash. James DiEugenio demolished Bugliosi's fraudulent pseudo-history book, Reclaiming History-- blow by blow by blow. Do some honest homework.
  9. The document is probably in Riyadh. Meanwhile, Trump posted on Truth Social today, "We are Magadonians. We stick together." Did he just watch Oliver Stone's movie, Alexander, or what?
  10. Good news and bad news for long suffering Denver Nuggets fans. The good news is that the Nuggets won Game #1 of the NBA Championship series against the Miami Heat in Denver last night. Suddenly, WaPo and the national media are writing glowing articles about Denver's Serbian phenom, Nikola Jokic. The bad news is that Miami couldn't buy a bucket during the first three quarters of last night's game. If they had made some basic shots, they could have won.
  11. Gerry, I advised you to study the history of CIA asset, C.D. Jackson, and his purchase and suppression of the Zapruder film-- in order to promote the CIA's false Lone Nut narrative. Secondly, I reminded you that Allen Dulles aggressively promoted the Lone Nut narrative on the Warren Commission-- while working with Angleton, Hoover, et.al., to suppress the contrary evidence. Here's strike three. The CIA issued an executive order ordering all agency personnel to do whatever was necessary to promote public acceptance of the Warren Commission Report-- the false Lone Nut narrative.
  12. What's sad is that you and a few other newbies around here have been cluttering the forum with debunked nonsense-- quoting Bugliosi, denying the CIA/Mockingbird cover up of JFK's assassination, posting false, defamatory propaganda about Prouty, and denying JFK's NSAM 263 policy.
  13. I notice that some of the members here are starting threads and endlessly debating about debunked JFKA disinformation lately-- e.g., ignoring the fact that the fatal head shot blew the occipital skull (Harper) fragment behind the limo, extravasating the cerebellum, and that the sham Bethesda autopsy "findings" bore little resemblance to the Parkland medical observations. Two particularly absurd posts were David Von Pein referencing Bugliosi's meticulously debunked Reclaiming History disinformazia, and Gerry Down arguing that the CIA wasn't necessarily involved in the JFKA op and psy op! To these absurdities, we have Kevin Shahrdar postulating that Fletcher Prouty was complicit in JFK's murder, and Michael Griffith endlessly arguing that JFK wasn't determined to get out if Vietnam in 1963. What has happened to the Education Forum?
  14. That's inexcusable. Organized crime is one thing, but hitting golf balls into the foursome in front of you is downright uncivilized.
  15. Oh, no... This has turned into another David Von Pein JFKA Disinformarion thread. I remember this Von Pein horse manure from the first year I joined the Education Forum.
  16. 1) Their claims about the head wounds were completely inconsistent with the observations of the Parkland physicians. 2) The inexperienced clown who conducted the autopsy didn't even preserve his notes, as I recall, and his work was being supervised by cigar smoking military brass-- non-physicians. They also ended up with the wrong brain. It was like the scene from Young Frankenstein, where Marty Feldman retrieves a brain belonging to Abby Normal.
  17. Mark, I can't post links or post/view photo enlargements because my internet service is out of order this week, but my source for the Life Z-film photo reversal (and Hoover quote) is John Simkin, himself. See Simkin's Spartacus article on Life magazine. You should also read the Spartacus article on C.D. Jackson, the CIA asset who purchased and locked up the Zapruder film for the Company.
  18. What amazes me, after studying the bona fide JFK research literature in recent years, is the remarkable accuracy of Oliver Stone's JFK films. He used the most knowledgeable people on the planet for those screenplays-- including a lady from Yale, (for JFK) and DiEugenio.
  19. Seriously? Have you ever attended an autopsy? The Bethesda autopsy was a complete fraud, organized to promote the false Lone Nut narrative. They didn't even have a qualified, reputable pathologist-- for an autopsy on the President of the United States!
  20. I don't base my opinions on propaganda and mass delusions. Never have. Never will. I learned in medical school to trust my own perceptions. Amazingly, many people disregard the evidence of their own eyes and ears in order to follow the crowd, the mass media, and alleged authority figures. Nixon once marvelled, perceptively, that, "People will believe anything they hear on television."
  21. It's amazing how much time some people on this forum waste discussing the falsified, pseudo-autopsy "findings."
  22. James DiEugenio is the ultimate JFK Truth warrior. Am I the only one around here who is annoyed by his moronic nit-picking detractors? As for the substance of DiEugenio's latest on-target commentary, the last thing we need in the U.S. is another bogus, pseudo-historical film about the JFK assassination. I wonder if a CIA shell company is funding this film about the Mafia killing JFK.
  23. Steve, Fortunately, for America, Boebert's debt ceiling vote was irrelevant, in any case. I think the House bill passed with over 300 bipartisan votes. Trump and his MAGA morons failed to sabotage the country, (by defaulting on their debts.)
  24. Not to hijack this discussion about the throat wound, but the most telling wound seen on the "Death Stare" photo, as I recall, is the obvious entry wound in the right upper forehead. That was the entry wound that knocked JFK's head violently backward, while blasting the occipital (Harper) skull fragment behind the limo.
  25. Debt ceiling-- another GOP-fabricated crisis averted. The price-- a Manchin gas pipeline and work requirements for poor kids on food stamps. MAGA. Those poor kids will be working for decades. How about some work requirements for Republican nepo babies, like Eric and Don Trump, Jr.?
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