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Karl Hilliard

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Everything posted by Karl Hilliard

  1. First of all I remind the readers of the marital privilege clause about compelling someone to testify against their spouse. Now if one does not believe that the Feds were twisting both of Marina's arms, I would say they are extremely naive. Probably the "biggest" and and most pronounced statement of pure resounding fiction would be Marina telling the Commission that she took those back yard pictures. Those photos are a fabrication intended to frame Oswald and I don't care who doesn't agree. I was always curious...Where were those backyard pictures printed? It was demonstrated that Marina didn't even know which end of that camera was up. [It was a twin lens reflex] Does anyone find it strange that no other pictures were ever offered or produced? [Conceivably taken with that camera] Where are the family pictures? A little girl playing in the park? Family life in Dallas...Oak Cliff....Fort Worth? I have a copy of 'Marina and Lee' by Priscilla McMillan ....there is nothing [really] ....photos in Moscow [A cover photograph and you can't even see the child] No shutter bugs were these people.
  2. More http://jfkfacts.org/oswalds-wallet-planted-at-the-tippit-crime-scene/ The WFAA film...
  3. Another [shorter] version of the film...The mystery man appears @ 1:43
  4. Curious....Why would anyone photoshop the film?
  5. Larry Sneed interviewed Mr Roy Lewis [another book order filler at the TSBD at the time] for his book [No More Silence]....Lewis made the comment that Oswald 'hated haircuts'. There was a barber who came forward and stated that Oswald drove to his shop in Irving [?] on occasions maybe every two weeks. As it was determined that Oswald didn't drive, the WC Report ignores this. As another note on Mr Lewis...the WC changed his testimony and in the report states that "he could not remember anything in Oswald's hands" when he came to work on that day. Roy Lewis actually testified that "he saw nothing in Oswald's hands". Oswald's 'girlfriend' FWIW...in her book said that Lee would reluctantly go to the barber and walk out basically unclipped. I found a PDF file from 'Me and Lee". Item # 31 https://books.google.com/books?id=QgQCBAAAQBAJ&pg=PT639&lpg=PT639&dq=lee+oswald's+barber+shop+haircut&source=bl&ots=cPy3p1xCQR&sig=vlPzftnQu1qZD-x3WQLXSmHUogI&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJw7uetNfWAhVrx1QKHai-ADMQ6AEIPTAG#v=onepage&q=lee oswald's barber shop haircut&f=false https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c5/a0/15/c5a015f13a723038ed9a7c2d906b29c1.jpg
  6. Never mind exhumations and school records [all moot now]... There was an Oswald impersonator and he was a dead ringer in appearance to the accused and part of a conspiracy. Also, it has been established that the FBI made every effort to doctor records that might point away from the lone shooter story.
  7. What the Report said and what the Testimony in the Hearings said were too often not the same.
  8. Bump Quickly, Ms Markham stated a couple things that interested me.... Others [I think Scoggins also] saw the killer walking from east to west down 10th St. This [if you map it] is going towards the downtown Oak Cliff area towards the Texas Theater. Where in hell was he coming from? Cars [back then] had side vents. Maybe that's what Ms Markham saw. She was scared. That translates to some people as 'screwball'. She denied talking to Mark Lane and reporters. I understand the DPD dusted for prints from Tippit's car. If Oswald's were lifted, we would certainly have heard no end to that. https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4499/37221953390_cc2207409c_b.jpg
  9. The film is washed out a lot. I have color movies I took in the Navy that did that. Anyway Lovelady....?
  10. I don't know if this youtube clip has been posted in the thread here. I did post it on another forum. It contains a view from the backside of the main TSBD front entrance. It shows the view of a guy that appears in a clip on the 1st page of this thread. It could be this prayer man individual. At 4:42 a guy with a red checkered shirt. I say it is Billy Lovelady At 5:44 .... same guy. At 6:25 I see a different guy at the lower right step out hands in pockets ..not bald on the back of the head like Lovelady.... Wearing a different shade of long sleeve shirt not reddish but brownish...one like described by both Roy Truly and Officer Baker. I think that guy @ 6:25 is Lee Harvey Oswald . He is wearing the brown shirt that has been described several times in the case. There is no evidence of a grey jacket. The man seems to look onward with a bit confusion or puzzlement. He does not seem to be in an all fired hurry to depart the area. If there is playback difficulties...look up the title on youtube and try it there
  11. You do not fill out your own medical forms [height weight etc] in the military service.
  12. Of course I had checked the information on taxes from distant years.... "Is there a time limit for the IRS to collect back taxes? As a general rule, there is a ten year statute of limitations on IRS collections. This means that the IRS can attempt to collect your unpaid taxes for up to ten years from the date they were assessed. Subject to some important exceptions, once the ten years are up, the IRS has to stop its collection efforts." https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/time-limits-irs-collections.html What about those paper routes some of us had when we were kids? They were legally taxable. [Military pay wasn't much better] I never received any w-2 forms from the Navy. Why not? They would have come to my home address? My super straight parents would have kept them and notified me. In fact my mother or father would have done my taxes for me. I would have signed forms and so on. Concerning the 1956 Oswald tax forms, did I read earlier in the thread that the FBI didn't/couldn't have find out what his earnings were for the rest of that year? I'm sure that's not correct. I think they did and chose to ignore it. Was there any conflict in Social Security numbers? Another anomaly in the story...both Oswald and his imposter are described as 5'8"-5'9" 140-150 lbs and yet the separation papers and ID states 5'11". Never resolved.
  13. Of course I had checked the information on taxes from distant years.... "Is there a time limit for the IRS to collect back taxes? As a general rule, there is a ten year statute of limitations on IRS collections. This means that the IRS can attempt to collect your unpaid taxes for up to ten years from the date they were assessed. Subject to some important exceptions, once the ten years are up, the IRS has to stop its collection efforts." https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/time-limits-irs-collections.html What about those paper routes some of us had when we were kids? They were legally taxable. [Military pay wasn't much better] I never received any w-2 forms from the Navy. Why not? They would have come to my home address? My super straight parents would have kept them and notified me. In fact my mother or father would have done my taxes for me. I would have signed forms and so on. Concerning the 1956 Oswald tax forms, did I read earlier in the thread that the FBI didn't/couldn't have find out what his earnings were for the rest of that year? I'm sure that's not correct. I think they did and chose to ignore it. Was there any conflict in Social Security numbers? Another anomaly in the story...both Oswald and his imposter are described as 5'8"-5'9" 140-150 lbs and yet the separation papers and ID states 5'11". Never resolved.
  14. Oswald's tax returns were probably forged [oodles of other documents too most likely] J Edgar Hoover told his agents [without a doubt] not to give the Commission what they need..not what they want..but what they'll accept. So they got photocopies of everything. There might be some originals in the archives but I doubt that too. About military pay and tax forms...I never did file during my tour of duty...not a single dime and I didn't know any fellow service member that did. The Navy never provided any W-2 forms so I guess I skated through that but I never saw any 1040 tax forms or H&R Block anywhere. In the John Anderson book...he mentions that Marina and Lee traveled to various cities in the Soviet Union 'without permission' I guess from the OVIR [name for local state dept office] ...I asked my wife who was born and raised in the USSR about this permission stuff and she told me that it was nonsense. If you wanted to go somewhere, you bought a ticket and got on the train. A fellow by the name of Popkin [I think] wrote a book called The Two Oswalds. There was an imposter who used Oswald's name and looked like his twin brother. This guy drove around about a month before the assassination...went to rifle ranges....talked loudly ....made sure everyone heard Oswald's name. The imposter must have gone to Mexico while Oswald left New Orleans with Cubans ...came to Dallas and visited the Odio sisters. I live in the Dallas area and you can go everywhere on the assassination tour on a bus...it's easy. Get in touch..come in November if you haven't been...do it. Karl
  15. A retired Texas land surveyor. Hold conservative views though not really overtly political. Wish to contribute some useful information and possibly clarify some dis-information.
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