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Paz Marverde

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Everything posted by Paz Marverde

  1. Thanks. Sent you another PM about, by the way. Please, check your inbox
  2. There was a front, in Italy, against JFK: William Harvey, Michele Sindona, Giulio Andreotti, Renzo Rocca. The extreme importance of this front is understandable watching this documentary:
  3. You are absolutely right, as you can see watching this documentary:
  4. What I can add here for now, is that there is a really deep connection – I do mean deep – between OAS (Organisation armée secrète) and the Italian right-wing politician Tambroni. Tambroni's son-in-law was a CMC member. Tambroni was notorious for using figureheads all the way. Tambroni's son-in-law was clearly a Tambroni's figurehead inside CMC
  5. Michael Clark, thank you for the links to this Forum discussions
  6. Hi. I would appreciate if you please put here all the evidence of an OAS' involvement in the assassination of JFK. Thanks in advance for your efforts
  7. The Carcano is connected to Licio Gelli and Giulio Andreotti
  8. About Hagemann and National Zeitung, stuff will be published by Michele Metta
  9. Please, Jim, do. Not for me, but for the high importance of what's inside. Thanks indeed
  10. Hagemann, of National Zeitung, was a CMC member ...
  11. OAS was deeply – I do mean deeply – connected with Fernando Tambroni. Tambroni's son-in-law was a CMC member. Tambroni was notorious for using figureheads all the way: that's what his son-in-law was
  12. If only TG had the good behavior to spend better his time. For example, reading this very simple phrase from this Forum rules:
  13. I'm the one who opened it, and it's not going off. It was and it is on Nagell and whatever related to him
  14. TG is too absorbed in his obsessions to understand. It's tragically that simple
  15. It is Centro Mondiale Commerciale di Roma. And you should watch this about, since there is a lot, lot more:
  16. Did I mention a year, in my question, Larry? Nope. In any case, it was in 1974
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