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Paz Marverde

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Everything posted by Paz Marverde

  1. Yes, it's just my English could not be enough good to understand the audio
  2. I am really interested in knowing more about the possible connection between George W. Anderson and this: Thanks in advance
  3. Jim, I do thank you, and I add that I am simply astonished that one as vile as TG is still allowed to be here. He received a warning, his posts being restricted to just one per week. He did not learn the lesson and, when back, he immediately started offending and insulting you in a shameful way. How is it possible that someone here could write "Jim DiEugenio, Stalin's buddy" without being expelled? Enough is enough
  4. Legendary CIA officer William Harvey ran Staff D and its ZR/RIFLE program during the early 1960s. The secrecy of Staff D's signal intelligence work presumably made it a good place for the secret assassination program.
  5. https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=KUTUBE/D
  6. I absolutely agree with you. Thanks for saying it
  7. LQ.jp2 Huff returned to Japan to pick the team of investigators up on 1/31/64. He said he knew that they were investigating Oswald the entire time they were in Japan. On that return flight Captain Cruse was pilot of the plane. Huff said that on the return flight the investigators allowed him to see the report they had prepared. He said it was typewritten in final form and consisted of about 20 pages. He said he looked it over for about 30 minutes. He said it was classified "For Marine Corps Eyes Only". Huff said he had been granted a Top Secret Clearance previously. Huff said that the report seemed to consist of interviews of persons: he recalled the conclusion to be that Oswald was not capable of committing the assassination.
  8. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/docid-32248464.pdf
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