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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. Man, oh man. I am beginning to suspect there might actually "be something" in the remaining files. I have generally assumed not much "hard stuff" would be put into written form, even contemporaneously, let alone after cleansing.... But if so, why the tenacity in not releasing the files? Among Trump's many, many failings...or cave-ins. I still do not think the "smoking gun" is in the files. But perhaps there are enough dots, that when connected... There is oceanic apathy regarding this issue in mainstream US media, from CNN to the NYT-Wapo crowd to Fox...although maybe Fox is showing signs of intellectual curiosity...
  2. Maybe worth noting: https://www.anewcivilwar.com/post/what-does-transitioning-from-republic-to-empire-tell-us-about-america-s-future
  3. Right. Your real-world example is why I stick to the standard, "Innocent until proven guilty in an open court of law, jury-trial by peers, and provided with intelligent aggressive defense counsel." Remember, a government investigation (the WC) found LHO guilty. LHO was never represented in open court, by a skillful lawyer aggressively challenging the evidence, and providing broader context.
  4. Yes, I was unaware of the earlier hostilities between the CIA and the Kennedys. Fascinating. Also, ex-President Truman, in the near-immediate aftermath of the JFKA, penned an editorial that the CIA operational powers should be eliminated. The timing is interesting. “There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel that we need to correct it.” President Harry S. Truman wrote those words in an op-ed for the Washington Post on Dec.22, 1963, entitled “Limit CIA Role to Intelligence.”
  5. Verily. And then...mysteriously, the protestors/agitators start walking unmolested into the Capitol, in other videos. Actual participants in the scrum----not reporters, not CNN blabbermouths, not Fox foggers----believed they had been let in as part of political theater. That is Pauline Bauer's assessment. She was there, she breached the Capitol, she believed they had been let inside.
  6. You are correct. Biden was sworn in on Jan. 20. I stand corrected on that point.
  7. More oddities regarding the 1/6 scrum at the Capitol. This is what a woman named Pauline Bauer posted on her Facebook page, by smartphone on Jan. 6. This is from the Capitol Breach official website (see link below). This woman, correctly or otherwise, believed the protestors were "let in" to the Capitol. Now this is a raw observation, this is not a view filtered by the media. But this sentiment is echoed by many. Like many others on Jan. 6, Pauline may have some mental challenges, for she posted her excursion on Facebook for the world to see, and then was arrested. Pauline believes what happened on Jan. 6 was political theater. Sometimes the gadflies are right.
  8. Tara Reade, the former Senate staffer who alleged last year that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993, fired back at White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki for claiming that the allegations made against the president were "heavily litigated" during the 2020 election cycle. Maybe Biden needs to be impeached.
  9. Excellent. But not "Oliver" is breaking through. "Oliver and Jim" are breaking through.
  10. Verily, I was interested from the day it happened (I was in third grade), but as a youth believed the Warren Commission-CBS take. Saw a bootleg copy of the Z film in college, still fence-sat. Read books, magazine articles here or there over the decades---remember, before the internet, unless you were an insider in the JFKA research community, you were basically adrift. No one to talk to. Discovered Mary Ferrell, James DiEugenio online eight years ago, and it has been downhill ever since. For me, the JFKA is important in its own right, and that's enough. A fellow human being was murdered, and that is everyone's business. But on top of that, it is terrific window into history and how government works. Read DiEugenio, or the books he recommends.
  11. Well...the NY AG conducted an investigation, and said accusers said Cuomo abused them. Cuomo has not yet faced his accusers, and has not been found guilty in a court of law in a jury trial. Even Cuomo is innocent until proven guilty. I am not a New Yorker, have no dog in this fight. Government investigations...remember HUAC? How about that mother of all investigations, the Warren Commission? They found LHO guilty, and no one prepared a defense. The HSCA answered the call?
  12. This may neither here nor there, but it worth pondering. I was thinking about Governor Cuomo, who I know nothing about, and he could be even worse than pictured. On the other hand, the media has totally embraced the idea that an investigation and accusations are the equivalent of "guilty as charged." Some op-ed'er in the Los Angeles Times even wrote that the accusers would have no reason to make up their stories. Really? They might be jilted lovers, or women who take extreme offense at the most minor of indiscretions. They might be bribed. They might have a record of making accusations. They might have spite as someone else got promoted and not them. They might think they can get a cash settlement of some sort. They may be lime-light seekers. They may be vulnerable to a suggestive line of questioning, and seek approval from the inquisitors. They may be women who acted flirtatiously with Cuomo, then became indignant when he followed the cues. Until there is a vigorous defense, heard before a jury of peers, what we see could be a glorified witch-hunt. Cuomo (yes, even Cuomo) is entitled to be considered innocent until proven guilty. Well, that used to be the standard. This is why I contend there should be a vigorous legal defense for Mr Buffalo Horns (if he is ever allowed to have a jury trial). He appears to have been mentally challenged, given to delusions, but non-violent. What if someone induced the penniless Mr. Buffalo Horns to travel to DC, and gave him $500 to enable the travel? (Someone evidently gave him $500, we don't know who.) Suppose then then another confident advised him to enter the Capitol after the building was already breached. In other words, Mr. Buffalo Horns was a theater-prop, more than a criminal. The legal system and jury-trial system, as we all know, can be gamed. Armed with inferior counsel, and facing a hostile judiciary and media, Mr. Buffalo Horns might get slaughtered in court, and publicly. But at least there would be a jury. But even more easily gamed are investigations made up of accusations, but zero opportunity to hear out the case on context, or for the accuser to face his/her accusers.
  13. W.- Some attackers, under their tin-foil hats, or Buffalo-Horned headdress, heard directives from Trump? And are kept in solitary confinement for six months and counting? Meanwhile, guys who breached the Capitol, wearing body armor, packing 24 rounds of ammo and a pistol, and a gas mask...are let go immediately without posting bail? You realize the first actions of the Biden Administration Justice Department were to--- 1) Let Christopher Alberts go free immediately (the body-armored, gun toter, Capitol breacher) 2) Put Mr Buffalo Horns behind bars permanently. Huh? Here is another curiosity: Enrique Tarrio, the Afro-Cuban chairman of the Proud Boys (and evidently a lifelong hood and FBI informant), was arrested in Jan. 4. in DC. "Tarrio was also charged with two felony counts of possession of a high capacity feeding device after two high-capacity firearms magazines were found on Tarrio when he was arrested.... As a condition of his release on bail on January 5, 2021, (Enrique) Tarrio was banned from entering Washington except for trial or meeting with his lawyers.[41][42][43] The FBI later said they had arrested Tarrio in an attempt to prevent the storming of the United States Capitol.[34]. WIKI ---30--- Huh? They released Tarrio on Jan. 5, because they wanted to prevent him from "storming the United States Capitol?" And he had been arrested with some sort of devices intended to enable automatic weapons fire? Frankly, none of this makes any sense to me. It was not the Trump Administration that let the heavily-armed Christopher Alberts go free immediately, but but put Mr. Buffalo Horns into prison for good. And why did the FBI release Tarrio the day before Jan. 6? Trump and Bannon organized this? Roger Stone?
  14. I just wish the DiEugenio-Stone documentary could go on-air in the US before Biden makes the call on whether to release the JFK files.... How punked is US media? You mean no network would run this on-air as a four-night special? That has to get higher ratings than the usual jibber-jabber....
  15. "The Proud Boys are having a rough time. The self-described "Western chauvinist" drinking club has long been a refuge for white supremacists, anti-Semites and assorted extremists seeking a veneer of legitimacy. But in the wake of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol last month, the group is in some disarray, as state chapters disavow the group's chairman and leaders bicker in public and in private about what direction to take the Proud Boys in. Proud Boys chairman Henry Tarrio, who goes by Enrique, was arrested days before the Capitol riot and charged with two federal weapons charges. Three weeks later, Tarrio was outed as a longtime FBI informant, a role he has now admitted to. "---USA Today. ---30--- A longtime federal informant? Huh? This is Enrique Tarrio, the white supremacist: So...the leader of the Proud Boys was actually working for the national security state...and appears to Afro-Cubano in heritage. But Tarrio was arrested before the scrum at the Capitol. Yes, it is all clear now.
  16. MK-- OK, due to your suggestion, I have in fact pitched Slate magazine and will try Salon tomorrow. I will need adult diapers if I can get this story published in a "major" outlet.
  17. OK, you have final word, on the strength of your convictions, if not arguments.
  18. W.--"To wit, why did Christopher Wray's FBI fail to protect Congress from Trump's mob? Did the Trump administration suppress the FBI intelligence, or did Wray's people fail to provide it?" Exactly! Are you making my argument for me? This is an interesting question, no? Interestingly, even AOC and Tucker Carlson have asked variations of this. But how on earth could Trump & Co. "suppress intelligence" gathered by the expansive, panopticonic national security state? A national security state that repeatedly shown itself impervious to White House and Congressional oversight? We know the national security state-globalist community, which has run military-foreign policy and operated with impunity for decades (essentially, since WWII), wanted Trump out, not in. Look at Liz Cheney for clues. So...what happened on Jan. 6? Are you suggesting a ninth-inning (actually, an after-the-game) alliance between Trumpers and the national security state to upend a national election that would bring an establishment candidate back into the Oval Office? That strikes me as unlikely. Are you suggesting that Christopher Alberts breached the Capitol on Jan. 6, armed with a pistol and 24 rounds, and body armor, and a gas mask, and then was immediately released on own recognizance, no bail posted...as he was a Trumper? Or...as he was a government infiltrator, instigator, asset or provocateur? The Jan. 6 scrum has proved a useful propaganda platform for...whom? As you often ask, who benefited from 9/11? Who benefited from the JFKA? And who benefits from the Jan. 6 propaganda platform? The LIz Cheneys of DC, whether they are Donks or 'Phants, no?
  19. Pete M.-- There is little disputing Trump was a lulu and a skunk. The question here is, was Jan 6--- 1. Just a scrum. The marginalized and nuts ran wild for a few hours. 2. A scrum, but there were provocateurs and leaders, taking orders from Trump and high associates, who led the occupation of the Capitol. 3. A scrum, bu there were non-Trump informants, plants and provocateurs who instigated violence at the Capitol and the occupation. On No. 2: I am puzzled. If these there were instigators working for Trump, and breached the Capitol---in at least one case carrying 24 rounds of ammo, a pistol, wearing body armor and carrying a gas mask---why were they immediately released, not even posting bail? And why is Mr Buffalo Horns still in prison, and cannot post bail? Does this add up to you?
  20. Yay for Stone and DiEugenio! The world and US media has changed. Many times, Fox presently is often more skeptical of the national security state and related globalism than others in mainstream media, such as CNN, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo. It is what it is. Sheesh, CNN-MSNBC feature a roll-call of former intel and CIA officials providing "analysis." 20 years ago, I would not have believed it.
  21. Matt A.-- You could be right. But I hear two big versions out there. 1. There was a scrum, but some Trumpers were instigators or provocateurs, and led the occupation of the Capitol. 2. There was a scrum, but there were provocateurs in the crowd, who had unknown motives, and may have been government infiltrators, assets, informants or agents. At this stage in the investigation, which will be an investigation conducted by the federal government...why are you so sure of one version or the other? Like LHO was responsible, and alone, as determined Nov. 25? And why was "Christopher Alberts" released immediately (despite having 24 rounds of ammo, pistol, a gas mask, and wearing body armor), but Mr. Buffalo Horns is still behind bars six months after Jan. 6? How does this add up?
  22. The suspect, Rashan Abual-Ragheb, was, apparently, photographed by an informant on the sidewalk in front of the Kimpton George Hotel in DC. See in original post: "CHS 2 encountered a woman on the sidewalk of the Kimpton George Hotel in Washington D.C. dressed in distinct clothing and making a scene (attachment 4, which was photo taken by CHS)." CHS stands for "confidential human source." By the lights of many, she is a dangerous subversive.
  23. Kirk G-- An interesting question is, how many of those people on Jan 6, immediately released after arrest, despite showing up bearing arms and wearing body, and carrying gas masks...were government agents or assets? Not all. Perhaps not half, even. One-quarter? Could they have acted as provocateurs? It appears the Jan. 6 scrum was thick with informants. Here is one of the rioters arrested Jan. 6, her name is Rashan Abual-Ragheb. "On January 6, 2021, Confidential Human Source #2 (CHS 2) advised the FBI Philadelphia that on the night of January 6, 2021, CHS 2 encountered a woman on the sidewalk of the Kimpton George Hotel in Washington D.C. dressed in distinct clothing and making a scene (attachment 4, which was photo taken by CHS)." So, there were "confidential human sources" or informants in the scrum. How many? Enough to take pictures of women like this. Along with Mr Buffalo Horns...a nation could have been toppled. That said, I congratulate you on reading primary documents, and thinking for yourself. We should all do so. If you have a different take than me, that's fine.
  24. Yes, at https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases The Justice Department in fact presents evidence of people being tracked by smartphone-GPS. They have maps of suspects and their locations, every few minutes. Spooky. Given their prolific posting online before Jan. 6, yes the government knew a bunch of gadflies and kooks were headed to DC, and some might be dangerous. Did the government "allow" the Capital scrum to enter the building? Why? Another line of inquiry---- OK, the Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbit to death--who was he? His ID is being kept from the public. So...what if the unknown Capitol officer works as a reservist in military intel? What if he was the Capitol Hill Police Department's CIA liaison? Suppose he was an embedded CIA asset? It is said on this forum the CIA had assets embedded into the Dallas Police Department. I can imagine no better police department in the world (from the CIA's perspective) into which embed assets than the Capitol Police Department. Imagine the info gathered, the ability to place bugs, the compromising information gathered. It is reasonable to assume the CIA has assets embedded into the Capitol Police Department, no? In fact, it is a matter of record that the CIA has spied upon Congress before. So...of all the Capitol Police officers, why did this one choose to fire upon an unarmed woman climbing through a window? I can imagine no more inflammatory action. Imagine you are a protestor and you see another unarmed female protestor shot to death. Interesting....
  25. In the vernacular of the street, "This don't add up, no way and no how and nowhere!" Well...maybe the streets I grew up on were rather corny.
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