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Benjamin Cole

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Everything posted by Benjamin Cole

  1. This is so dispiriting. And the D-Party had little interest in the little GOP-hack judge Kavanaugh's support of state censorship and suppression of documents that the public deserves to see. But the Donks had an oceanic interest in Kavanaugh's activities at a high-school beer party, where 30-odd years earlier he might, or might not have, pawed a girl. "ON A MONDAY AFTERNOON, on July 9 (2018), the D.C. Court of Appeals handed down a 2-1 decision against me (Jeff Morley) and in favor of the CIA in a long-running Freedom of Information Act lawsuit. At 4:20 p.m., Judges Brett Kavanaugh and Gregory Katsas, a Trump appointee, filed a 14-page opinion with the clerk of the court in Washington. They ruled that the CIA had acted “reasonably” in responding to my request for certain ancient files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Appended to their decision was a 17-page dissent from their colleague Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson who strongly objected to their decision."--The Intercept. You can't make this stuff up.
  2. Dr. Wagner: See my q's for WN. Love the LA Philharmonic, but left L.A ten years ago....
  3. So, Silverstein was part of a 9/11 false-flag op, in order to profit from insurers? Did he also retain redevelopment rights? I guess 9/11 false-flag op required a number of personnel to install an elaborate system of demolition devices in all three towers? Were the demolition devices masked as something innocuous? Why did nobody notice? Also, back to the original question: There seems little propaganda value in WTC being demolished. Was this a favor to Silverstein to increase his insurance claims? Did the insurers never become suspicious? My brother once worked for an insurance company as an investigator. They tend to investigate suspicious and large claims (although they also tend to just raise rates and get regulatory bodies to agree).
  4. W. Niederhut: I have never looked into the 9/11 scene; too much on my free-time plate with the JFKA. But one question: I understand a false-flag op, and taking down the WTC as a false-flag op makes "sense," if one accepts it as such (it goes without saying I oppose all violence). But what would be the point of taking down WTC7? The additional propaganda value would seem minimal, even non-existant. Well, if 9/11 was a false flag op, it was successful, and for the long run. Today's headline: "U.S. carries out air strikes against Iran-backed militia in Iraq, Syria"
  5. Micah M-- My take, which I will post in a few days, if that the shot sequence is determined by the Z-film and Connally's coat and injuries, and the unyielding unchanging testimony of Connally his wife and others over the years---they all believed three audible shots, three hits. The rather clear evidence is that Connally was struck less than a second before JFK was struck (JFK in frame 313). The "tumbling bullet" striking Connally is an entirely weak argument, which I will demonstrate. Stay tuned!
  6. I second Kirk G's sentiments. I would like to see the source material on this one from John Newman, a top-notch researcher.
  7. Jamey F.--- Verily, and we are running out of innings. Obviously, many people have died, and evidence becomes aged. Soon I will post about Connally's coat and Dr. Shaw, and the Z-film, evidence which again underlines the inconvenient truth that whoever fired on Nov. 22 did it too quickly for a lone gunman armed with a single-shot bolt-action rifle. I contend this simple, digestible and true story-line could be useful in bringing about another official investigation and report on the facts, and once and for all burying the lone gunman theory. Or, at least, a full release of all records under the JFK Act.
  8. The photos are from where? Sure look like the same guy to me. Nice work.
  9. Jeez, you could a bang-up two-hour movie just on John Newman's "WWIII" virus idea (Dan Hardway had a similar observation). It has been a few decades since I read a John le Carre novel, but the LHO biography build, the WWIII virus and of course the consequences tops anything he wrote. But of course, I would happier with a real-world serious full-on re-investigation of the whole JFKA.
  10. Danny Z- You raise interesting points. There is the possibility that Weitzman and others did not want to handle the weapon, and so could not hold it in their hands and read the small print on the barrel. So Weitzman identified the rifle by its general look, and others deferred. However, Craig always insisted he saw the word "Mauser" stamped on the barrel. For me, Weitzman's most important testimony is that the final two shots were fired "simultaneously." Obviously, two shots fired simultaneously are heard as one, so Weitzman meant "nearly simultaneously." And how does one fire nearly simultaneous shots with a single-shot bolt-action rifle? Well, that and the "Secret Service man" Weitzman (and DPD'er Joe Smith) ran across near the Grassy Knoll...
  11. Well..maybe. Suppose they entered the night before, but after the building had closed up for the night. If there were no strangers...then who did the shooting? LHO? But he could not have fired a single-shot rifle as rapidly as required to do all the shooting.
  12. My best guess is LHO fired at JFK once and intentionally missed, and ran down the stairs to the second floor where he met Marion Baker and Truly. Others did the real shooting, and may have been in the TSBD, or the roof of Dal-Tex building, and of course by the Grassy Knoll area. But if the offices on the second and fourth floors were not searched after the JFKA...that opens up all sorts of questions, about places to hide people and weapons. Just a possibility. If LHO fired no shots that day, then someone else did on floor 6 of the TSBD, and no one ever saw them. Where did the actual shooter(s), who would be strangers, go?
  13. Thanks...here is one for you, from Victoria Elizabeth Adams, statement: "I am a Caucasian female, born February 8, 1941 at San Francisco, California. I presently reside at 4906 Wenonah, Dallas, Texas. I am employed as an Office Service Representative by Scott, Foreman and Cannery, Room 401, Texas School Book Depository...411 Elm Street, Dallas....and was employed employed on Nov. 22, 1963, the day President John Kennedy was assassinated...." https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh22/pdf/WH22_CE_1381.pdf So...there also non-TSBD offices on the fourth floor, as indicated by Room 401 for Scott, Foreman. Also see statement by Yola D. Hopson, who also worked for Scott, Foreman on the fourth floor. So....it is possible that someone fired at JFK, then only descended two flights of stairs, and went into a non-TSBD office.
  14. Tony K.-- Thanks for the correction and clarification. Who was Hine?
  15. My recollection is that there were offices of four publishers on the fourth floor, Caster's being one. Does anyone know if these offices were searched after the JFKA? They nearly become invisible, except for the Caster episode. Could someone descend a couple light of stairs and go into a publisher's office? Could a desk be outfitted with a false bottom? A former employee of Jack Ruby worked in one of those offices.
  16. President Biden just told the world, in Geneva, that “How would it be if the United States were viewed by the rest of the world as interfering with elections directly of other countries and everybody knew it?”
  17. Also good for a laugh is Fred Korth. One of his (Korth's) better known cases[4] was a small one heard June 24, 1948 in the County of Tarrant, Texas, when his client, Edwin A. Ekdahl, was officially divorced from Marguerite Frances Claverie Ekdahl (also known as Marguerite Oswald), whose son from a previous marriage was Lee Harvey Oswald.[5] Following the end of Korth's first marriage in 1964, he began a romantic relationship with heiress and socialite Marjorie Merriweather Post, daughter of breakfast-cereal magnate C. W. Post, twenty years his senior. He was a co-executor of Post's will. Part of her estate was her mansion on Palm Beach Island, Mar-a-Lago, purchased in 1980 by Donald Trump.
  18. I am wondering, if the DPD wanted to "enhance the evidence" against LHO, who they considered a cop-killer at the time. Let me lead into it this way: When OJ Simpson was arrested, the LAPD said they found one glove at the murder scene and the matching glove at OJ's home. Now, OJ probably did the crime, but perhaps the LAPD knew OJ would hire expensive lawyers, and they wanted to cement the case against OJ. Really, the evidence was too perfect. Would even OJ leave matching gloves at the crime scene and his own house? OK, back to Dallas. What is the timeline? The DPD arrest LHO in the Texas Theater, and lift the wallet from him. They take the wallet back to the Tippit crime scene, to cement the case against LHO. The WFAA-TV news footage, and the wallet, sure looks like LHO's wallet. I mean what are the chances of two random wallets so similar or identical in appearance? Given the circumstance, it sure looks like LHO's wallet. OK, so later, after planting the LHO wallet at the Tippit crime scene, but realizing the gravity of the situation, the DPD covered it up, and said there was no LHO wallet at the Tippit crime scene. Which brings up a point I have not heard too often. The DPD let Jack Ruby into HQ to shoot LHO, as they also wanted him dead. LHO had struck down a brother officer (from their point of view). So security was a bit lax....
  19. Seymour Weitzman (0n timing of shots): "First one, then the second two seemed to be simultaneously." For me, this is yet another forgotten nugget. Weitzman was a police officer, who had owned a gun shop. Do you think he might be familiar with gunfire? Weitzman must have known a single-shot bolt action rifle cannot deliver two shots "simultaneously."
  20. Great quote. So, in WC testimony, Walker says JR and LHO knew each other and were in a plot, and JR says Walker and his group are in a plot and out to get him. Ruby does seem disoriented in his testimony. I have wondered if Ruby was on drugs, but involuntarily.
  21. Craig C-- Interesting conjecture about the Vegas Club. No one ever saw LHO leave the scene of the Walker failed shooting, or ride a bus back home, or bury his rifle and retrieve it, and so on. So...maybe LHO hid out at the Vegas Club. Ruby had run guns to Cuba, he knew elements active in anti-Castro circles, and so perhaps Ruby's club could be used as a "safe house" for LHO for a couple of hours. Oddly enough, Walker thought LHO and Ruby knew each other. "Although he accepted the commission's finding that it was Oswald who had shot at him the previous year, Walker claimed that the commission was attempting to hide "some sort of conspiracy" that included an association between Jack Ruby and Oswald.[43]" Stiil, the planning of the Walking shooting (which I contend was an obvious planned miss) probably came from whoever was running LHO at the CIA, not the Mob. Ruby may not even have known what LHO did that night. Best regards- Ben PS Are you sure Ruby mentions Walker in his WC testimony? I tried to look it up.
  22. If JFK had done nothing else, his sidestepping the nuke war trap being set up during the Cuban Affair would make him a hero.
  23. Gil Jesus-- I am just a fan of yours, we never even e-mailed, let alone met. I too retired recently and plan to "get into" the JFK scene, which I have wanted to do my whole life. However, some problems, and I am working again more than half time---so it goes. Plus now I live in SE Asia, where it is cheap to live. I did manage to review some Dallas Police Department files online, and discovered that the window pane that deflected the bullet aimed at Walker, actually deflected the the buller lower not higher and yet the bullet struck above Walker's head. Not only that, far from the bullet nearly striking him, Walker initially thought kids had tossed a firecracker into the room. I posted that in this forum. So the whole Walker assassination attempt looks more like a biography builder, rather than true hit attempt. On this matter you have brought to us today, I see a minor discrepancy. LHO indicates he enclosed $19.95, in the blue handwriting under the red letter "D." The bill indicates $21.45 is due, or an additional $1.50 charge. I can't read the print; I assume something about shipping or taxes, or postage. So, did Klein's just eat the shipping charges (remember, in 1963 you have multiply a dollar amounts by ten, due to inflation. $1.50 back then is like $15.00 today). Was it shipped COD on the $1.50? Or, was some of this paperwork was generated after the JFKA?
  24. Joe B.-- We don't know, as the WC was a cover-up, and the HSCA became a Mob-hunt. Now, many are dead, some even naturally. Some people who have (economically) lower-class speaking patterns and social mannerisms are dismissed, and Ruby was that. His clumsy attempts at ingratiation (sandwiches) might have been successful in other circumstances. But Ruby may have had his portion of native wits. If Ruby was such a buffoon, how is it he figured out how to penetrate DPD defenses and plug LHO?
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