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Derek Thibeault

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    East Coast
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    Genealogy, Politics, JFK and Political Assassinations, History, Baseball

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  1. With every lie these grifters were telling also had some truth in it. I think Casolaro and this filmmaker were trying to figure out what the truth parts were .
  2. True basically he was saying nothing is real or what you think it is. So what is real?
  3. I just finished this series - it was stunning. First I heard of this case, but when that reporter gave that story of Nichols showing her multiple Zapruder films my head snapped around. She said it with 100% confidence. It was chilling, and I didn't expect it. Are there multiple copies out there somewhere. How real did the one she described look. I mean we hear stories of the limo slowing down and removed or changed frames. If anything was different, the public would never see the real one because it would expose the real murder. The Octopus is tied into everything. The same people are connected to a lot of bad things. Bush is implicated quite highly. Nichols may still be alive.
  4. What amazes me, that after the assassination so many of the crowd people take off and no one ever identified most. Why didn't all of them make a statement or reach out - such a big case get their few minutes? A lot directly on the plaza did, but what about all the ones just before it. Can they all be identified? I always thought this was Milteer, but I had a copy of Crossfire for a long time.
  5. Is the Dale Myers book a good reading of the Tippit murder?
  6. Love watching these guys. Looking forward to watching this. They really push out some great info about the assassination along with some other very interesting stories. Like Out of the Blank this is good watching.
  7. I have talked about her on here as well and she just seemed to fade away - I believe she may have moved, but can no one find out when she passed away? Curious, what did she tell her kids. Where are they? Collateral research needs to be done, did she remarry - what did she tell that person, etc... Are any people from that neighborhood still alive?
  8. I am shocked, I hate this guy and his show, and yet he takes this on. Why is FOX jumping on this. I always thought most people leaned Dem or anti-political party on this issue. Jim did a great job because this will get to a lot of people. Why why why? I guess it's good if anyone is talking about it. But where were they 4 years ago?
  9. So when Trump released the records but did not release all of them like he said he would, did Tucker do a segment bashing Trump and/or the CIA? I don't remember - my guess is no, but I don't remember. So when I turned to him just to see what he was saying, I was shocked he was talking about it.
  10. The NBC thing was interesting. I know the media, especially ABC and Fox, have played plenty of programs pro WC - but NBC also being part of it. Ridiculous that they still feel the need all these years to not have a free and open discussion on it. I would still love to see a docuseries on exploring the different parts of the case. The Hunt for Oswald garbage on the history channel was awful. We need more people to see this from our point of view, and even in the community there are different view points. I think the podcast Out of the Blank has been doing a tremendous job talking to people. I hope Biden does the right thing, but my hopes are not up.
  11. "Major Break" could be overdramatic. I hope it's something, but have gotten my hopes up before.
  12. I went there as a kid for a field trip, since I live in NH. I never hear of any conferences up here. I wish. I saw a speaker at a t a college up here once, can't remember who it was, thought it was Robert Groden, but it was 30 years ago. The JFK Library in Boston is an amazing building that could hold a conference. I expect they want to celebrate his life not rehash his death, but it's a great building, and it could bring in some money. I used to be a member, but it's been awhile since I have been there.
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