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Tony Krome

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Everything posted by Tony Krome

  1. According to Fritz, Oswald and he had a lengthy conversation regarding the backyard photos. Oswald explained that he suspected the image of his face was taken "in the hall" of the DPD. This image was then superimposed onto the backyard photos. Oswald, at the same time, was declaring his innocence, and if fact told the world just that. In order for any credibility, in a future courtroom setting, Oswald would have taken into account, during interrogation, that anything he said that could incriminate him would be used against him. When shown the backyard photos, Oswald confidently declared they were fake. You and Mr. Cohen have the backyard photos as "real", and therefore you have Oswald incriminating himself. Not only that, but you must think Oswald is quite the fool. Here's why; 1. The "real" backyard photos were in the Oswald family photo album. 2. You say Marina actually took the photographs. 3. A backyard photo was given to DeMohrenschildt. The above evidence, if Oswald knew existed, when presented by the prosecution in a courtroom, would demolish Oswald's credibility. If the backyard photos were real, Oswald must have decided on Saturday, to sink any chance of a credible defense. Again, if they were real, Oswald was better off admitting they were because the indiscernible weapons in the backyard photos can't be tied to the weapons in evidence on the 22nd. Those rifleman pistoleer photos look a little out of place on that page ... ps. Recall Marina said she took a photo, then after presented with two photos, she said she must of taken two photos. When another photo was later found in 1976, Marina said she took three photos. If another photo emerges, she will say she took four photos.
  2. The earliest FBI information regarding Post Office Box 2915;
  3. You are highlighting some confusion on behalf of Robert Oswald. Vada's parents, who owned the farm, said Oswald visited only on two occasions. Once in 1962, when he came back from Russia, and once before he entered the Marines. On both occasions they said he went rabbit hunting. Vada's dad said he noticed that Oswald's shooting skills had not improved even after his time in the Marine Corps, a statement that implies that Oswald was at the farm before the Marines.
  4. This is unaltered original news reel footage. Nothing sinister going on. Some cameras are picking up the contrast of light and shadow differently. That's why we see Oswald's eye sockets appearing blacked out, and the neck shadow accentuated to form a square chin. No need for spies to alter every frame of original film in film archives to match a few backyard photos. Whoever superimposed Oswald's head, may have used a frame from the Friday midnight press conference footage that shows a squarish chin. It really is that simple.
  5. Below is a comparison of the different cameras used to film Oswald at the midnight press conference that are seen in the film clip posted in this thread. The neck shadow captured by the camera on the left has the effect of squaring off the chin. If you have read accounts of people that were familiar with Oswald, you will note that they remark that Oswald had this peculiar way of pursing his lips. Try it yourself, it slightly alters your chin shape, in Oswald's case, even more so. Regardless of member's fascination with chins and jawlines, if Oswald was correct in his analysis of the backyard photos, his superimposed head could have been captured at the Friday night press conference, and manipulated through the night to eventually end up in the Paine garage. As highlighted in the original film reel footage, there was no need to place his face on top of someone's square chin, his whole head could have been superimposed on someone's body.
  6. Note that Oswald is wearing the CE150 evidence shirt at midnight, allegedly the same shirt he was wearing at the Tippit crime scene.
  7. Had to have been Friday night, right? Now how did those manipulated photos drop into the Paine garage in time for the 2nd search on Saturday? *** Gif is not my creation, credit to author ***
  8. Jack was at approx 6' 2", 170 pounds, and 40 years old.
  9. Voebel was closest to Oswald at Beauregard. He later accurately recalled that his teen friend had dark wavy hair. The studio photo on the left shows in better detail, Lee's dark wavy hair;
  10. Thats good enough for me. I agree, it's Lee Harvey Oswald depicted in both photos, both wearing the same shirt, classroom clown photo taken the same day by Voebel when photographs were taken for the 1955 Yearbook
  11. After publication, the "source" contacted Waldo with revisions. The negro was on the 5th floor, not the 6th.
  12. Now thats one guy I wouldn't take out shooting.
  13. Harold Norman in the mock courtroom trial was twice asked if he thought there was an armed man upstairs. He answered only that he thought there was a man upstairs. Harold Norman, at the HSCA, repeated what he heard from his location on the 5th floor; He told CBS exactly the same thing. The problem is that the Carcano was loaded when found. The final loading of that bullet required an additional "clack-clack" working of the bolt. Norman should have heard that, and he would have, at the time, expected another boom. Norman made no mention of that expectation. The first BOOM; I remember one time when we were out shooting. We were on the back of a ute (pick-up) with high-powered rifles. We just got underway, and I was looking into the bush for a target. Unbeknown to me, one of the guys behind me handed a rifle to another guy, and the recipient grabbed it by the trigger and the rifle fired. The unexpected noise was tremendous and I damn near jumped from the ute. The rule of thumb is that you give everyone the heads up if you're about to start shooting to avoid scaring the crap out of everybody. Norman, in fact all three amigos on the 5th floor, should have jumped out of their skins at the sound of that unexpected explosion just 10 or so feet above them. Yet we note that Norman was so collected, he was able to recount the sounds of explosions, the sounds of the bolt actions, and the sounds of shells hitting the floor. Mr. BALL. Did you notice where did you think the shots came from? Mr. WILLIAMS. Well, the first shot-I really did not pay any attention to it haha, yeah right!
  14. Let's say Oswald went to court; The Whaley lineup is invalid, he picked out the wrong number. The McWatters lineup is invalid, he picked out a man that he thought most closely matched teenager Milton Jones. Bledsoe has Oswald wearing the shirt he is supposed to change into after he got home. There goes the prosecution's escape route, the whole thing is invalid. So the defense calls Curry and asks him if he knew about a bus transfer found on Oswald on Friday. "Well, no, I told reporters on Saturday that I had no idea about a bus, in fact we were searching for a negro chauffeur" Then Roger Craig is called up. "I seen him enter a station wagon, in fact, Oswald agreed with me" Oswald walks free
  15. Now that we know that, the guy on the phone could be a WFAA staffer that looks like Ruby .... or Ruby?? Where was he around 1pm?
  16. It's the WFAA guys! Now it makes sense. Below to the left is Jay Watson, and the guy on the right is Bert Shipp an assistant news director/camera guy. The time-stamp for the "Ruby lookalike on the phone" photo would be around 1pm Friday 22nd. Bert Shipp had just got back to WFAA headquarters from filming the limo and spectators at Parkland. Shipp was at the Trade Mart waiting when the motorcade sped by. He jumped in a police car and went to Parkland. He filmed Curry, Yarborough etc, then rushed back with the film.
  17. When I read this, I thought you could contribute a clip for us; The story goes that Peter, Paul and Mary flew into Dallas on the 22nd for a concert at the Southern Methodist. They land as the assassination was happening and Mary says lets get out of here. She checks into the airport and asks for a ticket. Was asked where to, Mary says "anywhere".
  18. I'm thinking along the lines of all those timing runs they did. Somewhere in there they sat Truly and Baker down to hone the official sequence; Mr. BELIN. Mr. Truly, when we were there on March 20th, did you take a walk down from the southeast corner window on the sixth floor with Officer Baker and a Secret Service Agent Howlett--we walked along from that window at the southeast corner of the sixth floor, walked along the east wall to the northeast corner of the building, and then across there around the elevators, and Secret Service Agent Howlett simulated putting a rifle at the spot where the rifle was found; and then we took the stairs down to the second floor lunch-room where Officer Baker encountered Lee Harvey Oswald? You remember us doing that? Mr. TRULY. Yes, sir.
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