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Paul Jolliffe

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Everything posted by Paul Jolliffe

  1. Yes, he was, Jim. But the curious thing about these memoranda in question, as Jim H. pointed out, is that they deal with the residences of the very young LHO and Marguerite from back in the 1940's and 1950's. Yet this required "alteration and omission." On Liebeler note, his skepticism about the validity of the palm print - supposedly lifted by Carl Day of the DPD - comes through loud and clear in this memo: JFK EXHIBIT No. 34 [Memorandum] AUGUST 28, 1964. To: J. Lee Rankin. From: Wesley J. Liebeler. Messrs. Griffin and Slawson and I raise questions covering the palmprint which Lt. Day of the Dallas Police Department testified he lifted from the underside of the barrel of the K-1 rifle on November 22, 1963. That story is set forth on pages 7-10 of the proposed final draft of Chapter IV of the Report, copies of which are attached. We suggest that additional investigation be conducted to determine with greater certainty that the palmprint was actually lifted from the rifle as Lt. Day has testified. The only evidence we presently have on that print is the testimony of Lt. Day himself. He has stated that although he lifted the palmprint on November 22, 1963, he did not provide a copy of the lift to the FBI until November 26, 1963 (9 R 260-61). He also testified that after the lift he "could still see traces of the print under the barrel and was going to try to use photography to bring off or bring out a better print." Mr. Latona of the FBI testified with respect to the lift of the palmprint, that "evidently the lifting had been so complete that there was nothing left to show any marking on the gun itself as to the existence of such--even an attempt on the part of anyone else to process the rifle" (Id. at 24). Additional problems are raised by the fact that: (1) Mr. Latona testified that the poor finish of the K-1 rifle made it absorbent and not conducive to getting a good print; (2) None of the other prints on the rifle could be identified because they were of such poor quality; (3) The other prints on the rifle were protected by cellophane while the area where the palmprint had been lifted was not, even through Lt. Day testified that after the lift the "[palm] print on gun was their best bet, still remained on there," when he was asked why he had not released the lift to the FBI on November 22, 1963. We should review the above circumstances at our conference with Agent Latona and Inspector Malley. The configuration of the palmprint should be reviewed to determine, if possible, whether or not it was removed from a cylindrical surface. The possibility that the palmprint or evidence of the lift was destroyed while the rifle was in transit should be reviewed with them. The exact condition of the rifle at the time it was turned over to the FBI Dallas office should be ascertained. Agent Latona should be asked if he can think of any explanation for the apparent conflict in the above testimony. We should also: (1) Determine whether or not Lt, Day had assistance when he worked with the prints on the rifle. If he did, we should obtain statements from those who assisted him. (2) Lt. Day should be asked why he preserved the fingerprints on the rifle, which were sufficiently Clear to make positive identification, and yet did not preserve the palmprint, which was clear enough for that purpose. (3) Lt. Day should also be asked why he removed only the palmprint and should be requestioned covering his recollection that he saw the palmprint still on the rifle after he made the lift. (4) Lt. Day should be asked if he took any photographs of the palmprint on the rifle after the lift. He may have done so, since he did photograph the less valuable fingerprints, and the palmprint on the rifle, according to his testimony, was still the best bet for identification. It is also significant that Lt. Day stated that he was going to attempt to get a better print through use of photography."
  2. Thanks Michael for publishing the NTSB accident report. Unfortunately, it does not help to clarify what happened to Liebeler's airplane. The speculation about the difficulty of recovering from a flat spin is interesting, but there is no indication from the quoted witness reports that the plane WAS in a flat spin. Actually, two of the three quoted witnesses imply that the pilot was almost able to pull the plane out of its dive just before it hit the water at a relatively shallow angle. Does anyone here know how both airplane wings could wind up with "dimpled skin" on the undersides? Since airplanes are NOT designed with "dimpled skin", why did Liebeler's airplane show evidence of it?
  3. Of course, just because Hale Boggs died in a similarly mysterious small plane crash shortly after he publicly demanded that J. Edgar Hoover resign because Hoover had wiretapped members of Congress (including himself) is no reason to wonder if small plane crashes are a favorite disposal method of the Deep State. Right? (BTW, note that Gerald Ford suck up stuck up for the FBI against Boggs.) https://www.nytimes.com/1971/04/06/archives/boggs-demands-that-hoover-quit-accuses-fbi-of-tapping-congressmens.html
  4. I wonder if his "unfinished/unpublished book . . . revealing more than others wanted him to reveal" was on the verge of being finished/published when Liebeler's small airplane took that strange nosedive into Lake Winnipesaukee in 2002. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2002/09/29/wesley-liebeler-71/62a51dec-2e61-48e1-b881-c7050283aba7/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.b1229c3bebd9
  5. James, How is William Oswald related to Donald Norton (somehow)? How in the world does the name Donald Norton fit into all of this?
  6. David, I read your lengthy work on the TSBD rifle some time ago, and I agree that the rifle found by the Dallas Police almost certainly was not the rifle that is now CE 139 in the National Archives. (I'm trying to remember: did you conclude that the rifle found by the DPD was actually a Mauser, or from the pictures taken outside the TSBD, could you not say?) While looking at the photos is interesting, the most salient point is simple: at no point on Friday afternoon did anyone (the DPD, Dallas County Sheriff's Office, national media, or otherwise) identify the TSBD rifle as the 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano now in evidence at the Archives. We know there were written reports about that rifle from Friday afternoon, but suspiciously, some of what should have been the most detailed reports are not in the official record. (Instead, we have the reports written days after-the-fact from the DPD that identify the rifle as the Mannlicher Carcano.) So when did the identification (switch) take place? Late Friday night/early Saturday morning after the FBI took possession of all of the "evidence" collected by the DPD. Remember, the FBI flew everything the DPD had on an early morning flight from Dallas to Washington on Saturday. That "evidence" was then returned to the DPD a few days later, after the FBI had "improved" it. Meanwhile, no one who saw or discovered the rifle in the TSBD on Friday could later be certain that what they got back from the FBI was, in fact, the same rifle originally given to the FBI! Don't take my word for it. Here, beginning at the 11:34 mark until the 12: 45 mark, is Eugene Boone stating exactly that, under oath!
  7. Ron, Ed Forum member David Josephs has written extensively on the "Did Oswald really go to Mexico City?" topic. (Short answer - NO!) https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/mexico-city-part-1 Also, in regards to the photo of the mysterious blond man pictured above, the physical resemblance to KGB officer (and Khrushchev's interpreter with Castro) Nikolai Leonov is remarkable. This thread from a couple of years ago is worth perusing. If it was Leonov in those pictures, then was he indeed the man who walked into the Cuban Consulate on Friday, September 27? I doubt it, personally. Did someone in the CIA deliberately impersonate Leonov as "Oswald" in an effort to implicate the KGB in the upcoming assassination? I don't know. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/23643-was-a-mexico-city-kgb-operations-officer-eusebio-azcues-blond-very-thin-faced-oswald/
  8. OK. So both Hudkins and Golden claimed their source was a government official in Dallas. Hudkins used a "Government official" (but not a Fed): " Hudkins further stated he contacted a Government official not a Federal official in Dallas who told him that Oswald' was on the payroll of either the FBI or CIA with voucher number 179 and that Oswald received no less than $150 per month nor. —• more than $225 a month. Hudkins related that this official had ' furnished him reliable information in the past which he had been able to print, however, he did not print anything stating Oswald was an FBI or CIA informant but merely raised this question in his article. He stated he had only this official's word and did not see any supporting.document" And Goulden said: "Goulden stated he obtained this information from a law enforcement officer in Dallas whom be declined to effort to pin down his allegation and determine identity of his identify. " I don't think either Goulden or Hudkins made up the "Oswald was an informant for the FBI" out of thin air. They got that from some unnamed source in law enforcement in Dallas, someone well placed within (the DPD?) and also confident enough to tweak the nose of the FBI. Further, we know from the infamous January 24 Warren Commission executive session that the "dirty rumor" that "Oswald" was an FBI informant virtually paralyzed the WC. Allen Dulles spelled out explicitly the probability the FBI would lie about such a (theoretical) connection to "Oswald." Whatever the truth of the allegation, the effect was to stop any serious inquiry into the possibility that "Oswald" was indeed an informant for some government agency. With the finger of suspicion pointed squarely at the FBI, any other agency's connections to "Oswald" would remain hidden and unexplored as a result of this "leak" by Hudkins and Goulden. I don't know about Hudkins, but Joseph C. Golden was trained by Army Intelligence at Fort Holabird as a counterintelligence operative in 1956. But even more interestingly he said: "Fresh from The University of Texas, I knew naught of this secret world. But as I read the printed materials, and attended courses taught by veteran intelligence officers ( CIA, FBI, and the military) I developed an interest in this secret world that would last a lifetime. And those initial two dozen pieces of literature eventually swelled to a collection of some 4,000 non-fiction volumes on intelligence, espionage, terrorist, deception and special warfare." "One of the people Mr. Goulden would meet, would be Walter Pforzheimer, one of the founding fathers of the Central Intelligence Agency (first for the Central Intelligence Group, a predecessor agency, in 1946, and then with CIA the following year). An avuncular man with considerable private family wealth, Walter early on was tasked by Allen Dulles, the director of central intelligence, with creating a reference library for the nascent CIA. Walter loved books himself, and the assignment was a natural: Goulden would buy one copy of the book for the agency library, and another copy for himself. . . " So Joe Goulden was close to people at the very top of the CIA, had a lifetime interest in "this secret world", was trained by Agency officers, regularly met with (and lunched with) CIA officials even after his retirement, yet we can't guess from whom came his anonymous tip which embarrassed the FBI and stymied any Warren Commission investigation into "Oswald's" intelligence connections? I will say it: Joe Goulden's anonymous source in Dallas law enforcement was someone connected to the CIA. Here are links to the three most relevant documents: http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/H Disk/Hudkins Lonnie/Item 10.pdf https://www.marshallnewsmessenger.com/opinion/just-who-is-joe-goulden-part-one/article_63cecc73-0e6b-5382-892c-eae3b70ca19f.html https://www.marshallnewsmessenger.com/opinion/just-who-is-joe-goulden-part-two/article_d5b19cb6-ee33-56b8-8bf2-f94215f4999f.html
  9. I actually bought the VHS version of this movie many years ago just so I could see this deleted scene. Sam Waterston was spot on as Richard Helms and Stone's use of the flowers suggested just the right level of creepiness. (Did Helms actually keep flowers in his office? We know that Angleton was an amateur botanist - was Helms as well?) That movie is filled with scenes that should resonate with this readership - Nixon at the Lincoln Memorial, admitting that he can't fully control the war machine is but one example.
  10. I am up to Episode 12! (Should we have a leaderboard, as in PGA tournaments?😃) Seriously, I agree with Ron. While much of Jim's material is generally familiar to serious students, there are many details and nuances that are well worth the time. (A minor quibble: John Newman has persuaded me that the "Maurice Bishop" story as related by Antonio Veciana almost certainly did not apply to David Atlee Phillips in 1959. Newman's recent work on that is powerful, and certainly calls into question the post-Gaeton Fonzi identification by Veciana of Phillips as "Maurice Bishop". For Newman's reasoning, see the link below. I believe Jim DiEugenio was present during this presentation from the spring of 2018, so I would love to hear Jim respond about why he rejected Newman's claim!) But, all in all, Jim's interview with Dave Emory is highly recommended.
  11. Jim, It certainly seems plausible to me that the LHO who visited the Furniture Mart and who met Whitworth and Hunter was the real Lee Oswald. But then if it was one giant impersonation, how (and why) did Lee get June Oswald to accompany him to the Furniture Mart? Whitworth and Hunter were adamant that the little girl with Lee was indeed June! Further, the two older women both identified Marina - with a two week old baby, as indeed Rachel Oswald was - as the woman who accompanied Lee into the Furniture Mart. While Marina refused to admit that she remembered that incident, Hunter made it quite clear that she had seen (and briefly spoken to!) Marina at least twice before! (At a gas station in September or October, just before Rachel was born, and at Minyard's Grocery Store.) Marina almost admitted that she did recognize Gertrude Hunter! Marina did admit that she had been in stores around Irving and had conversed with women (such as Hunter and Whitworth) about pregnancy and babies! Mr. LIEBELER. Did you buy some clothes for June; do you remember ever seeing these ladies before, Marina? *Mrs. OSWALD. Just this one [indicating Mrs. Hunter]. Perhaps, now, I saw her, because there is a woman of that particular type, a lady like this out in Richardson--I may have seen a lady like this in Richardson. The two ladies knew the details of Marina's hair, her correct coat color (rose), that her face was fuller in early November of '63 than it was in July of 1964, the fact that the car was a two-toned blue and white 1957 Ford, that Marina was completely indifferent to the furniture selection in the store, that she had a cold haughty persona, that the man started to drive the wrong way down a one-way street until they yelled to him, etc. Jim, I could go on and on with the details from Whitworth and Hunter's testimony, but I don't think there can be any reasonable doubt that they saw Marina Oswald with June and Rachel in the Furniture Mart on a weekday in early November of 1963. Wesley Liebler was so concerned with this obvious discrepancy that he arranged for Marina to visit the storefront of 149 East Irving Blvd (the Furniture Mart) where he got Marina to deny that she had ever been there. But just as Liebler had it all wrapped up - that Hunter and Whitworth must be mistaken - then Marina backtracked! If she was there, she didn't remember it! (I think she was lying!) Liebler had no choice but to cut it off at that moment: Mr. LIEBELER. You are now standing directly in front of the store at 149 East Irving Boulevard, aren't you? *Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. And you are sure you have never been here before? *Mrs. OSWALD. No; I have never been here before. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have anything to add, Mr. McKenzie? Mr. McKENZIE. No. *Mrs. OSWALD. I don't know if I were inside this store, but I don't recall it now. Mr. LIEBELER. You don't recognize this store as a place you have ever been before? *Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. LIEBELER. I have no further questions, and this will adjourn the deposition. So, who was the man who accompanied Marina and the kids into the Furniture Mart in mid - afternoon on a weekday in early November? Well, this man - Lee - came in looking for a gun repair shop. We know "Oswald" (Classic Oswald, Harvey, etc.) was at work at that very moment at the TSBD. We also know this man - Lee - was directed to the Irving Sports Shop where Dial Ryder worked, and where a repair tag in the name of "Oswald" would later be discovered! This man - Lee - claimed to be living in an "apartment", not a rooming house. This man - Lee - knew that "Oswald" had hoped for a baby boy. Marina even admitted that was indeed what Harvey had hoped! This man - Lee - made a specific time reference to "two weeks" until he would need furniture. That coincided with the week of JFK's visit! Mr. McKENZIE. Now, he said he was going to need some furniture in approximately 2 weeks? Mrs. WHITWORTH. Yes. Mr. McKENZIE. At that time did you ask him where he was living? Mrs. WHITWORTH. I asked him if he was living at an apartment and he said, "Yes." Mr. McKENZIE. Did he tell you where? Mrs. WHITWORTH. No. Mr. McKENZIE. Did he tell you where he was moving to? Mrs. WHITWORTH. No; he hadn't got that place yet. Jim, We know Ruth Paine knew Lee - he drove her car to Cliff Shasteen's barber shop. We know Ruth Paine knew Marina. I believe the evidence above shows that Marina knew Lee, and that she accompanied him on at least one occasion (the purpose of which was probably unknown to her) as he framed Harvey, two weeks before the assassination.
  12. Jim, Do you think it was Lee who visited Gertrude Hunter and Edith Whitworth at the Furniture Mart on a weekday in early November of 1963? Peter Dale Scott thinks it is an impostor. I go back and forth on this one. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/oswald_m2.htm
  13. Oh yeah, you're absolutely right, Ron! Read this FBI memo about David Wise's 1968 book in which he noted that McCloy subtly reshaped the purpose of the Commission as originally stated by Earl Warren: "He noted that when the Warren Commission first assembled, Chief Justice Warren urged his six associates to rely on the FBI and other existing Federal agencies in gathering the facts but that John J. McCloy warned his fellow panel members "This Commission is set up to lay the dust...not only ,.. in the United States but all over the world...there is a potential culpability here on the part of the Secret Service and even the FBI," and that their reports might be "self-serving." http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/M Disk/McCloy John J/Item 27.pdf Now this other link (below) implies that the "settle the dust" phrase in Belmont's memo of 11/26/63 originated with Nicholas Katzenbach and was relayed to J. Edgar Hoover, who then repeated it to Belmont. As Donald Gibson noted the curious similarity in phrasing more than 20 years ago, I have to ask: isn't it plausible that the concern with "dust" came from a common origin? That both McCloy and Katzenbach used very similar phrases to describe the purpose of the Warren Commission after a conversation with some unknown decision - maker (pronounced "conspirator") who must have used that phrase (or a variation thereof) is . . . probable/certain? "The pressure to issue a. report, that would establish Oswald as the lone assassin is reflected in internal Bureau memoranda. On Kovember 24, 1963, Assistant FBI Director Alan Belmont informed Sssociate FBI Director Clyde Tolson that he was sending two Headquarters supervisors to Dallas to review the written interview and investigative findings of our agents on the Oswald matter, so that we can prepare a memorandum to the Attorney General . . . [setting] out the evidence showing that Oswald is responsible for t,he shooting that killed the President.66 On November 26, 1963, J. Edgar Hoover spoke with Deputy Attorney General Katzenbach. According to Alan Belmont, Hoover relayed : Katzenbach’s feeling that this [FBI] report should include everything which may raise a question in the mind of the public or press regarding this matter. In other words, this report is to settle the dust, insofar as Oswald and his activities are concerned. both from the standpoint that ‘he is the man who assassinated the President, and relative to Oswald himself and his activities and background.67" (See page 33 of this next attachment.) https://www.aarclibrary.org/publib/church/reports/book5/pdf/ChurchB5_3_Response.pdf
  14. For the readership, about the exhumation and cremation of "Oswald's" corpse issue": When reading page 74 of Jim's original link, it is obvious that Acting Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach wrote to Earl Warren repeatedly ("letters") about the possibility of cremating "Oswald's" corpse. Katzenbach voiced concern over the expense of cops guarding "Oswald's" grave. Such an absurd concern about a trivial amount of money in the latter part of January of 1964 is not worth discussing. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcexec/wcex0121/html/WcEx0121_0074a.htm But something else is much more interesting to us: namely just as we saw with the initial pressure on LBJ to create the Warren Commission (without which there could have been no cover-up), Katzenbach again was the chosen conduit from someone outside to pressure the Commission. Remember, it was to Nicholas Katzenbach that Eugene Rostow made three (!!!) incredibly suspicious phone calls in mid-afternoon on Sunday, November 24, 1963 to pressure Katzenbach to relay Rostow's idea for the Warren Commission to LBJ. Yet Rostow was so concerned about Katzenbach's perceived inaction that Rostow then called LBJ's Press Secretary, Bill Moyers, a call that was taped. https://www.maryferrell.org/audio/LbjLib/Audio_lbjlib_WCC1A_Moyers-Rostow_24-Nov-1963_2_1.mp3 "Oswald" was not pronounced dead until 2:07, yet well before 4:00 pm, Rostow made no less than four calls to men close to LBJ to urge the creation of an oversight body composed in part of men from outside the government. These calls become even more intriguing when we realize that Rostow was speaking with (and on behalf of) some other, unnamed party in his office at that very moment! Rostow used Katzenbach on 11/24/63 to raise an issue which should have been the last thing on anyone's mind at that moment - the prime suspect had just been murdered! - yet Rostow's overriding concern was the creation of a body to oversee (control, limit the damage, censor, etc.) any FBI report! OK. With that background in mind, I ask: Who persuaded Katzenbach to write "letters" (PLURAL!) in January to Earl Warren voicing concern about an equally implausible (specious) issue? We don't know, but I'd bet serious money that it was someone like Eugene Rostow. Rostow was no rube, worried about a few dollars. The pressure to exhume and cremate "Oswald's" mortal remains could only have been to serve some other purpose: to destroy the forensic evidence that the "Oswald" buried in Rose Hill Park Cemetery was NOT the historical Lee Harvey Oswald. Katzenbach's letters to Earl Warren may yet contain clues about the source of the ludicrous "expense" concern. We need those letters. Malcolm Blunt, is there any way to dig Katzenbach's letters to Earl Warren out of the bowels of the Archives?
  15. Jim, May I assume you are referring to the fact that this document claims that "Oswald" earned $80 at J.R. Michels, when in fact, the FBI had only one (forged) payroll check for $34.50, and even more surprisingly, somehow the FBI knew (BEFORE anyone at J.R. Michels knew!) that "Oswald' had worked briefly at this place in 1956. No one at J.R. Michels in 1963 remembered "Oswald" at all! Yet the FBI knew he'd worked there, despite there being no records whatsoever beyond a cancelled payroll check.
  16. Jim, Why do you suppose that the CIA kept Director James Schlesinger out of the loop about Jim McCord's fears that the Nixon defense strategy was to blame the CIA for the break-in? Between July of 1972 and January of 1973, McCord wrote ten letters to Richard Helms and Paul Gaynor warning of efforts to blame the CIA for the scandal. Yet until late May of 1973, newly - appointed CIA Director Schlesinger knew nothing of these letters! Why not? Well, this story from the New York Daily News on May 25, 1973 (on page ten of the link below) says that various CIA officials made various excuses, including "I forgot" . . . https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP84-00499R000200010002-2.pdf
  17. Well, for starters, I'd take a close look at the man who bought the Robert Mullen Co. in 1971, Robert Bennett. Jim Hougan wrote that Bennett was his most likely candidate for "Deep Throat" until Mark Felt was outed. (Personally, I believe it likely that Bob Woodward used the pseudonym "Deep Throat" as cover for the fact he was getting information from multiple sources within the CIA.) As Hougan wrote in 2011: "Politically hyper-active during the Nixon Administration, Bennett was also the Washington representative of the Howard Hughes organization (which was just entering negotiations with the CIA over plans to recover a sunken Soviet submarine from the Pacific Ocean’s floor). It was Bennett who suggested that Hunt might want to interview ITT lobbyist Dita Beard, and it was Bennett who volunteered his own nephew to work as an infiltrator at the DNC. One might go on with Bennett’s contributions to the Watergate affair, but the point is made: Bennett was an extremely well-placed source, if not a co-conspirator." Further: "That he was also a key source of Bob Woodward’s during the Watergate affair is memorialized in a Memorandum to the Record written by Martin J. Lukoskie, Bennett’s CIA case-officer in 1972 . [The memo was first published in the so-called “Nedzi Hearings” of the House Armed Services Committee’s “Inquiry into the Alleged Involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in the Watergate and Ellsberg Matters,” which began May 11, 1973. See, also, Secret Agenda, pages 329-31.] According to Lukoskie, Bennett “established a ‘backdoor entry’ to the Edward Bennett Williams law firm which is representing the Democratic Party (and the Washington Post )…” Bennett’s job was to “kill off any revelation” about the Mullen Company’s relationship to the CIA. A second part of his brief was to dissuade reporters from pursuing a ‘Seven Days in May’ scenario” that would have implicated the CIA in a conspiracy to “take over the country.” Finally: "The relationship between Bennett and the Post was subsequently clarified by Lukoskie’s CIA boss, Eric Eisenstadt. In a memo to the Deputy Director of Plans, Eisenstadt wrote that Bennett “has been feeding stories to Bob Woodward of the Washington Post with the understanding that there be no attribution to Bennett. Woodward is suitably grateful for the fine stories and by-lines he gets and protects Bennett (and the Mullen Company).” [The memo is dated March 1, 1973.] It’s enough to make you wonder, though not, apparently, enough to make the press wonder. But this is what the Deep Throat mystery is all about. It’s not just a parlor game to canonize yet another celebrity. Rather, it’s a question of deciding whether or not the Post’s coverage was manipulated by a cabal of spooks who were working to destroy an unpopular president." I'd say the answer to Hougan's good question is "Yes, absolutely!" Note too that the CIA itself took a deep interest in the Washington Post story that claimed that Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee would release testimony that indicated that the CIA recommended E. Howard Hunt's employment at Mullen. (Also look at the intriguing "rumors" that the Hunt recommendation was from Richard Helms himself!) (pages 2 and 3 of the file below.) https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP84-00499R000200010002-2.pdf
  18. I find it mighty curious that David Ben-Gurion in 1966 wrote that Nelson Rockefeller would make a "most worthy" president, and "please convey to him, in my name, my hearty regards." I wonder why a former Israeli P.M. was thinking about a N.Y. governor from an extraordinarily prominent family a couple of years before LBJ would decide not to run again. https://www.jta.org/1979/02/07/archive/ben-gurion-and-rockefeller
  19. Steve, After re-reading the link you provided above (the gist of which most researchers have long been aware), the argument that the "original" Dictabelt recording on Channel 1, analyzed by the experts for the HSCA, is NOT the original becomes even more compelling. (For those who have not read Steve's link above, please do so.) Meanwhile, we know that all of the audio evidence as of 5 pm on 11/22/63 was in the possession of Deputy Chief George Lumpkin up until the moment when all of it was turned over to the FBI. If, as I strongly suspect, the FBI did switch the real original Dictabelt recording for one which was later analyzed for the HSCA, then it could only have been done with the connivance of someone on the inside at the DPD. Someone who had access to the Dictabelts and who could get an extra one into the hands of the FBI. That person had to be a higher-up. That George Lumpkin not only was in position to deliver an unused Dictabelt to the FBI for the re-recording and substitution of the orignal, but was also the person to direct Roy Truly to Captain Fritz to announce "Oswald's" suspicious absence from the "roll-call", can not be a coincidence. As I earlier noted on a different thread, Lumpkin and TSBD President Jack C. Cason almost certainly knew each other from their mutual leadership roles in the Dallas Post 53 of the American Legion. Part of the long-standing mission of the American Legion was to sniff out subversives in sensitive positions in America. That the "Red-loving" "Oswald" was right under the nose of both men, working in the TSBD along the president's motorcade route, defies any explanation save conspiracy.
  20. Steve, Are you referring to the fact that CD 290 (dated December 5, 1963) was such an inadequate transcription by the DPD themselves that they even managed to "omit" the infamous 12:45 order from Murray Jackson to J.D. Tippit ordering Tippit to move into central Oak Cliff? (Note the first two pages of the transcripts below.) (Personally, I doubt that "order" existed in the first place - I suspect it was added later as a way to explain Tippit's presence in an area where he should not have been, under normal circumstances.) https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10691#relPageId=2&tab=page
  21. Yes (Oswald, not Armstrong.) Lance Oswald and "Lee" Oswald are the same person - brother of Lynn Oswald. https://madison.com/news/local/obituaries/oswald-lynn-spencer/article_164a8b05-65d7-5ef9-a855-5c1796234dd6.html
  22. Sandy, The reason I am so suspicious about CE 705 (the transcript of the dispatch tapes) is because that was NOT the first transcription. No, the first transcription of the Dallas Dispatch Tapes to the Warren Commission, dated December 5, 1963 was supposedly a "transcript of the transmissions pertaining to the incidents (the president's assassination and the Tippit shooting). The DPD omitted routine transmission for "reasons of brevity." OK, so far so good. But you know what was NOT on that first transcription? The 12:45 order from Murray Jackson to J.D. Tippit, telling him to move into Central Oak Cliff! The single most important explanation for why Tippit was in Oak Cliff DIDN'T EXIST ON THE ORIGINAL DPD TRANSCRIPT OF THEIR OWN TAPES! Here is Commission Document 290. The first two pages are the key: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10691#relPageId=2&tab=page And as of December, 1963 no one in the DPD, from Chief Curry on down, had any idea WHY Tippit was in Oak Cliff! It was only five months later that the magical order suddenly appeared on the new and improved transcripts!
  23. At this point, I'd like to know if the infamous 12:45 message to Tippit to "move into Oak Cliff" (which was NOT included in the original DPD transcription of the tapes from the afternoon of 11/22/63) was actually uttered by Murray Jackson, or did our buddies at the FBI add that baby as a way of explaining how in the world Tippit wound up in Oak Cliff? Did Jackson actually tell Tippit to go to Oak Cliff, yes or no? And if he did, why the hell did he do that? Mentzel was already there!
  24. David, To me, the significance of the Bill Lord letter to President Carter is the undeniable fact that Lord was told that if he didn't accede to an interview, then further pressure would come from "Mr. George Bush, Jr." (GWB) Also, the fact that Lord was told that there was an ongoing "very costly project which allows them to locate, interview, monitor and influence every single person who ever knew Lee Oswald -- and this just in advance of the new governmental investigation by the House Select Committee on Assassinations." GWB was only 31 years old in February of 1977 when Lord wrote to Carter. GHWB had been out of office as the CIA director for exactly thirteen days. I think the only possible conclusion here is that GWB was a part of that "very costly project" to influence (what the hell does that mean?) guys like Billy Lord. I also suspect this was a part of the effort to separate the witnesses who knew Lee Oswald from those (such as Lord) who met "Oswald."
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