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Dennis Berube

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Everything posted by Dennis Berube

  1. Yes the propaganda and various forms of banker blackmail of the America people was bipartisan and intense, delivered just as faithfully by NBC as any other MSM outlet. This led to "too big too jail" despite open fraud.
  2. Sandy Larsen, I do not consider any list of top Presidents with Truman at #6 to be credible, well informed, or expert in any way, not to mention the very generous ratings for Teddy, Jefferson, Eisenhower and Reagan.
  3. Oh boy. I have a feeling the "Trump is making false accusations again" propaganda is about to elevate to another level.
  4. Yes, those perceptions have ignited an "ends justifies the means" attitude to many citizens who oppose trump. Therefore, when Trump says he wants to end section 230 that protects big tech, the normally civil rights minded left goes silent because those tech companies are helping their "ends" through censorship and propaganda. At one point, Biden said it should be revoked, but he seemingly cannot bring himself to say anything now. As I said earlier, this attitude is at the point where I am not sure Democrats would overturn the election even if they all believed it was stolen. That's not good when those peoples beliefs align quite well with certain corporate power agendas. As far as Dood-Frank goes, that would be an example of window dressing. An FDR style bill would have either outlawed or put a 1% Tobin tax on all non-underlying asset holders derivatives trading over a certain amount, they were mostly illegal from the 30's to the early 80's. Also, a reinstatement of the Clinton repealed Glass Stegall act. That, plus criminal indictments would be the minimum Obama could have done if he was "decent". Lord knows he had the political capital and public mandate on his side, but somehow he came up short with a few good token policies while leaving the beast largely unharmed, ala Obamacare. Instead, we got "too big to jail", now with Trump we get "too large to charge" with Epstein. Clearly, there is a certain toxic crust of society that has criminal immunity from even a potus. Remind anyone of the JFK case? Speaking of, I finally received my copy of Poulgrain's new book yesterday, it should be a good one. Robert, I think we share somewhat similar views except I do not believe there is such a thing as a truly free market and I reject the Austrian and Chicago schools of economics, Keynes as well. Hamilton had it right...
  5. That is exactly why i disagree with Joe's, and seemingly Pat's, "Decent job" analysis. The Obama administrations actions (really, inactions) with regard to the massive LIBOR and other cartel banking frauds like HSBC in particular, represent a kind of criminal negligence, very indecent. Instead of jailing bankers for crimes like trading with the enemy, Eric Holder started asking around how the bankers would react to criminal indictments and he not only backed off, but started the "too big to jail" mentality shared by both parties. This reaction to the opportunity of a lifetime is so far from FDR. Can you imagine what history would have looked like if FDR did what Obama did? Open, systemic fraud legalized and protected by Obama. That alone is enough to say wall street president, nevermind his lack of transparency, support of terrorists in Syria and Libya, drone killings, etc... How many consecutive presidents can we afford if they continue to do a decent job like this? If Kamala ends up as president somehow, are we to say she can fulfill the highest job in the land decently by protecting high level financial crimes against the public because shes the first women potus? If Obama tried to right the ship ala FDR, just tried, id be willing to extend some of Joe and Pats charity towards him, but I do not believe he ever seriously did anything other than window dress and likely ascended the party so quickly and became potus because that was well known about him. Appointing the Goldman team to manage things is proof enough he was not interested in trying. I recommend this video if anyone's interested in the 2012 hsbc case and similar.
  6. Not if you were analyzing the "power elite" media. To me, this isn't about party, this is about trump being unpredictable and not completely controllable, that seemed very obvious to me since Russiagate began. I'm not saying he's JFK or any kind of savior, that doesn't matter to powerful groups with agendas. For instance, It is unlikely trump would surrender US sovereignty (what's left of it) to a international digital currency as has been proposed as part of the great reset. He would even possibly get in the way of the bio security rollout that is under way by potentially opposing mandatory vaccines and further lockdowns/scientific fraud. Biden most certainly will take a nap and let technocrats run wild. That's why major corporate/tech/bio powers and some groups of Republicans were doing everything they could against Trump, and still are of course. Regardless, the (s)election is a bit of a sideshow to the economic and bio security machinations happening right now and the near future in my opinion. A speaker at the recent jfk virtual conference, James Corbett, has a good podcast that covers this general type of material if people are interested.
  7. The gif worked for me, a vague graph with no labels from the NY medical examiners office. The graph shows a sharp statistical increase for the years beginning in the mid 60's, roughly the same as when the checkered flag business began 56 years ago.
  8. Credit where it's due. The Obama DOJ gave immunity to bankers for any wrongdoing and even gave them data immunity which is a de facto sovereignty over the DOJ. The failure to prosecute any of the now immune cartel (biggest) banks has set a precedent that is hard to understate. Giving him credit for saving the economy is a bad joke, it's like crediting Bush for his "Mission accomplished" delusion. Obamacare was written by BigPharma. It did contain some good things, largely token items designed to quell public backlash as much as possible, but a real president would have taken his case to the public and used their political power to pass a real "change" like a public option. This is what JFK did with the nuclear test ban treaty, it probably wouldn't have passed any other way. But Obama was always a Wall Street guy. I heard Jim D recently say that one of Obama's aides asked him if his second term would be like his first or if he was actually going to go for real hope and change, allegedly Obama said something like "Look what happened to Dr. King". I think that says it all.
  9. This thread should probably be sub-titled to the above. The most disturbing aspect of this to me is how the liberal circles completely miss any kind of objective political media analysis. Somehow the corporate and social media is able to gain traction with these people despite their horrendous histories of propaganda and recent censorship of any information that does not fit the selected covid and election narratives that they approve of. It seems that this is largely due to Trump's general nature and the emotional reactions many people have to just hearing the man talk. Russiagate should have tipped them off that something else was at play here(namely a political operation designed to undermine Trump's legitimacy, which he still hasn't regained in the media's version of events), but lets not get back into that again.
  10. Yes cliff he filed an affidavit with this info, so he should be charged with perjury. Let's see. And the expert witness testifying under penalty of perjury charges. As an expert in fraud, I'm not sure gullible would be applicable to him. If you watched the testimony, you wouldn't have written this.
  11. I assume Stenstrom (and others) are just lying Bob? I hope they charge this guy with fraud then. The chain of custody was repeatedly broken making a straight recount useless. Also, Kamala Harris' photographer is a Dominion technician who was actively involved in vote tallying? https://tennesseestar.com/2020/11/30/dominion-representative-for-fulton-county-was-kamala-harris-presidential-campaign-photographer/
  12. Thanks for the suggestion Kirk, I have a degree in Political Science from a university (I'm not boasting about it, merely correcting your false assumption). His de joy appointment was terrible, as is just about every Biden appointment revealed thus far. Biden has already made it clear he is the corporate cheerleader, not a president. Was trump a great friend of the CFR like Hillary? "I'm glad you moved across the street so I don't have to walk as far for you guys to tell me what to do." (Paraphrased) Does it get worse than that? I view Biden as a continuation of the Clinton version of the Democrat party, right wing corporatists, especially dangerous due to its docile supporters. As Robert said, some of us are looking past the election because there is seemingly an intent to enact the great reset, bringing a reduction of rights, increased surveillance, censorship and destruction of the remainder of the new deal ideology through neo-liberal economics. I did not say that or "subscribe" to it at any point. I disagree with most of what trump has done and believes in, but not to the point where I am emotionally blinded and unable to be objective in my political analysis, it's kind of polisci101. If the election was indeed stolen, I much prefer the legal candidate to the non-legal. I believe that is more important to the long term viability of our country as trump will be a non political factor within 4 years no matter what happens. Also, national election fraud indicates a major systemic backing from all of the corporate powers you claim to despise that have been censoring people left and right if they speak out of line. And none of those companies supported trump, major understatement there. A quick summary of vote issues... https://spectator.us/reasons-why-the-2020-presidential-election-is-deeply-puzzling/
  13. This makes no sense. After JFK was killed, who had a more legitimate claim to the presidency than LBJ as Vice President? How would that have made any difference to the Constitution in regards to ascension? Only if it could have been immediately proven that LBJ was involved in the scheme, which is still debated to this day so it's not relevant to the point.
  14. Don't forget the MSM telling us that Trump made it all up over and over again. The "evidence" presented against the vote fraud is various memes and anti-Trump rhetoric, not sure how that explains 120 year old voters. With Biden's latest appointment of Neera Tanden (who literally punched someone for asking Hillary about her Iraq war support, and a huge aipac supporter), I really am amazed that the "left" has been so effectively neutered by not understanding the covid 19 political operation and a MSM driven emotional reaction to Donald Trumps personality. Now they cheer censorship and corporate power more than Republicans seem to, fascism from the left. The great reset will forever reduce civic rights but the "left" is too busy creating anti-Trump memes to care or notice. I wonder if they will smell a problem when they need to show their papers (Vaccine) to go anywhere or do anything, probably not. I yield back to the MSM/meme posts in waiting.
  15. I also remember reading that the owner of Burr's pistol was none other than David Rockefeller. What a nice show piece for a traitor to have? I wonder who has it now? Regarding Larouche, something happened when he was arrested. Several people left his group claiming he was somehow compromised afterwards. I forget the details now unfortunately. Webster Tarpley was one of the ones who left. I used to speak with Anton Chaikin on occasion who he co-wrote the Bush book with and is still in the Larouche group. They are no longer friends. He recently changed as well after he was sued by Melania Trump for false accusations. Now he basically repeats MSM news stories unfortunately.
  16. Well because that's the "side" that is important regarding the election isn't it? Considering the Biden position that is repeated by most Democrats is essentially the exact same as the corporate MSM position, to me, that's a red flag in and of itself. It is very easy for a person who dislikes Trump to dismiss any allegation he makes based only on that emotion. I understand Trump doesn't deserve trust and respect in the eyes of most, but those people should take extra precautions regarding their judgements, not less, especially when they are in lockstep agreement with corporate narratives.
  17. If I was a Trump partisan, yes, but as I've mentioned many times, I have not and do not support Trump Cliff. It's just my attempt at an objection observation, I'm sorry I failed to meet your standards again.
  18. No. But he certainly irked them with some things he has done and said whether on purpose or by accident. I really hope that is the case, honestly. I didn't mean to "attack" you Cliff style, just making an overdue point via your comment, my apologies for the perceived offense. However, I can't help but reflect on how much that statement reminds me of McAdams. The idea that BigPharma knowledge is necessary to appropriately assess today's politics. To the forum.
  19. It's becoming increasingly obvious that many on this forum have yet to undertake a study of BigPharma and its stunning tentacles. I would submit that it is critical to the understanding of the US political situation right now. Obviously, no one article can provide understanding to someone who is psychologically conditioned against it (same with JFK case), but here's one for those that dare from a Kennedy website. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/globalist-technocrats-great-reset-plan/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=7567c856-e5e4-4025-b60c-c8c7485fa5d7
  20. Cliff, your hilarious. Your "question" was phrased in such a way that it was clearly more of ad hominem attack than a question. For example, have you ever met a story from the MSM you didn't like? No one on this forum needs or wants to read our responses to that kind of stuff. If you really want to know my every thought on Trump, message me, I'll be glad to go over it with you. I know I am agreeing with another Trump talking point here, but I agree with Robert and fail to see an honest explanation for these vertical lines. Assuming the data is correct, it absolutely needs to be explained. It is actually confusing to me as to how that isn't an obvious thought with everyone. I can only surmise that partisan emotions are yet again playing a major role. In addition, supposedly, Dominion's servers were housed in Germany? Are we serious here? I hope that is false regardless of anything else. In terms of the phone call to Wayne County, besides MSM commentary and the admittedly disturbing optics, it seems to be completely overlooked that "leftists" threatened some of these people. -Washington Post today If it were me in Biden's place, I would have already demanded these vote audits and recounts. What better way to take power than to clearly demonstrate to the Trump people that this election was as honest as possible, by being as honest and accommodating as possible? Remember, Al Gore didn't concede until December 13th and that was only after the Supreme Court killed his case. Why should Trump concede before states have even certified this thing?
  21. Questioning social media censorship and Russia gate equals blind agreement with everything Trump said or did? Poor form ole boy.
  22. W, I am not able to post a credible source. It appears that any social media documentation of the supposed "all Biden votes" overnight event have been taken down. The media is even spreading false claims about Trumps legal case, attempting to weaken his support I assume. Look at this page for instance, every single twitter post about the vertical lines for the Biden tally have been removed! I'm not saying that makes their claims credible, but it certainly smells bad to me. Twitter never censored flat earthers, but this potentially critical information is censored? Even from the POTUS? That's a major issue to me, again not a trump supporter. https://thepostmillennial.com/trump-other-observers-question-mysterious-overnight-biden-surges/
  23. I believe Roberts contention is that the Biden vote count In PA jumped over 100k while trump (and other candidates I think) received zero. IF that was the case, it's hard to imagine a plausible non-criminal scenario for that, at least I haven't heard one yet offered.
  24. A bit brash, but a fair point. Too many people are emotionally charged against Trump objective analysis is long gone. It is perhaps worth keeping in mind that all of these election scenarios have been "war gamed" quite thoroughly and this current "chaos" has at least been well anticipated, if not more. Just read this Whitney Webb article of September, some of the names involved in groups like the Transition Integrity Project gives one the scope of the forces aligned against Trump. https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/09/investigative-reports/bipartisan-washington-insiders-reveal-their-plan-for-chaos-if-trump-wins-the-election/ There can certainly be no question of the motive and the means at least.
  25. lol Jeff, maybe Cliff is starting to sense you were right about Russia Gate after all and this is his first step in coming to terms with it? I agree with all of your points, especially number 4. This BigTech/BigPharma Medusa that has increased so much in power under the "liberal" pressure as you say, is to me the real long term threat here. The reality that the Biden faction is completely in step with that is stronger evidence of fascism than most of what Trump is accused of. Even FoxNews appears to be not providing Trump supporters with what they believe is the correct narratives. Chris Ruddy's Newsmax is picking up a lot of those people from my understanding, isn't that the guy who started the Vince Foster garbage? Not good.
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