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Pete Mellor

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    Saddleworth Moor U.K.
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    History. 1960's. JFK-MLK-RFK Assassinations. Astronomy. Music. Acoustic guitar. Piano. Books. Greenpeace activist since 1985. Member of Amnesty International. Season ticket holder @ Sale Sharks (Rugby Union)+Season ticket holder @ Manchester United Women F.C.

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  1. Well, the official verdict of pilot error doesn't compute with me. Communicating with Martha's Vineyard on approach for permission to land one minute, (proves he wasn't suffering from spatial disorientation) then the next, spiralling out of control into the sea. If so why should luggage and plane debris be scattered miles from where the main body of the Piper was located? As D.J. writes in his 'I Protest' there were three witnesses who saw an explosion in the sky over the ocean. Sadly, we will never know for sure what happened. The MSM just parrots the simplistic official verdict once again.
  2. Tom, my bad here. I'm going off memory which isn't a good idea in my case. What I meant was Hunter's wife informed CIA's HRG that Ben was at NPIC working on the Zapruder film, which HRG confirmed to A.R.R.B. Yes agree it was McMahon who told of the S.S. agent Smith who supposedly informed McMahon that the film he brought to NPIC he had picked up from Rochester? Not sure though why you describe McMahon as a witness with major credibility problems.
  3. Sorry Jeremy, we'll agree to disagree. I feel that's all too dismissive. Erwin Swartz saw the original film around 15 times in Dallas and describes exit debris back & left, not the mist on the film today. If the film hasn't been altered, why all these discrepancies? You also cannot prove there has not been alteration. In a case with evidence of multi nefarious events i.e. Secret Service protection stripping, fraudulent autopsy with early body entry in shipping casket/body bag, the killing of Oswald followed by the FBI/Warren whitewash it is in my view quite some level of amateurishness to dismiss outright a mountain of anomalies. The only evidence? McMahon gave testimony to the A.R.R.B. in '97., along with Ben Hunter who both confirmed they were at NPIC on Sunday 24th November & received from a S.S. agent Bill Smith coming from Rochester with a 16mm wide unslit double 8 film. A second-hand piece of hearsay isn't usually confirmed by the CIA's Historical Review Group.
  4. Or not controlling those. I'm no photographic genie, but I am troubled by all the discrepancies between Zapruder's film & witness testimonies. Also just to say that there are discrepancies in different still photographs & home movies taken that day. Railroad carriages in the background of some & not in others. Zapruder & Sitzman both stated that the Bell & Howell began running when JFK's limo was on Houston St., not shown on the film we have. Hill & Moorman stated they were standing in the road on Elm, they are shown on the grass + with red shoes they were not wearing that day. JFK's blob was never seen in Parkland where TR1 staff observed the wound in the occiput as did Clint Hill etc., but no sign of that on Zapruder's film. Top cine techs claim the blob is a crude paint job. Many witnesses & DPD officers stated the limo came to a momentary halt around frame 313 but no sign of that on film. Greer's rapid head turn is superhuman. Clint Hill told that Greer had a gun & shot JFK, also similar to Jean Hill's observance. There are odd characteristics to the edges of the Stemmons sign. People viewing Zapruder's original observed bone & brain matter flying out of the back of JFK's head, not seen now, & also witnessed as a red halo by Mrs Willis. I also can't get a coherent explanation in my head for the two sessions at NPIC with Brugioni and McMahon for the compartmentalised briefing board pantomime. Especially McMahon's delivery from Hawkeyworks by Mr Smith with an un-slit 16mm version. As stated I'm no film genie so I'll leave all the sprocket holes & varied contrast anomalies etc to others.
  5. Ron has synchronicity. Allowing for the 5 hours time difference from U.K. & Texas, when his thread was posted I was just completing my presentation on 'The Assassination of John Lennon' to an audience of over two hundred. Hi Cam - Gail here. As you know I am also a member of Todmorden and was telling the person who organises their monthly speakers about the excellent talk we had last Tuesday on the ' Assassination of John Lennon'. Would it possible for you to send me the name and contact details of the person who gave the talk - I remember his first name was Pete- so I can pass them on to Todmorden to see if Pete would be willing to give a talk to this group. Many thanks- no worries if you can't re confidentially. Hi Gail, the speaker was Pete Mellor who is one of our committee members, I've copied him in as I think he likes giving talks to other groups. Did you see the one he did about the assassination of JFK? Which was also very good. Feel free to contact Pete
  6. Greg, Your flight test with a hood covering your face was also part of JFK Jr's training. On April 22nd., 1998 he passed his private pilot flight test. The examiner who administered the test stated he conducted two unusual attitude recoveries. The examiner said that on both tests he recovered the airplane while wearing a hood and referencing the airplane's flight instruments. The weather conditions were good over the Vineyard that evening of July 16, 1999. JFK Jr contacted the airport for permission to land at 21:39 and the crash happens no later than 21:41. They blew him out of the sky!
  7. I'm sure that will happen Robert. Already, I can highly recommend what Ian Griggs has left us! I'm sure that when published very many in the JFKA research community will find Ian's final work an essential addition to their book collection.
  8. B.C. The work really belongs to Ian's son Steve Griggs. Initially he would wish to have the work published as a book, hard copy or e-book or both. What develops in the future is up to him.
  9. Sandy, it was posted to me in an e-mail with Ian's work in attachments. The main file (1.7Mb) consists of 166 pages of DPD Officers listed in alphabetical order A-Z. There is a further file of 31kb with further background notes on the main file. The rest of the data consists of 1 Excel spreadsheet list of all the DPD personnel (261.8kb) & 9 Appendices that list various things like DPD Officers at the Trade Mart, DPD Officers who were in the basement when Ruby shot Oswald to DPD personnel who were Notaries Public etc., all totalling 234kb.
  10. Thank you Michael. I will update on the progress, as and when Ian's son Steve Griggs gives the go ahead.
  11. Absolutely Chris. I have had strong support from the DPUK membership on this and the feeling seems to be that DPUK should advance Ian's manuscript to publication. What I have so far perused, it is a definitive work, a complete compendium of the DPD personnel, their career background, their department within the DPD and their duties and actions over the assassination weekend. Nothing of this depth and level of research on this topic has ever been published before and I'm certain would be greatly received by many in the JFKA research community.
  12. How would you defend Lee Harvey Oswald in a court of law vs How you would prosecute Lee Harvey Oswald using fraudulent evidence.
  13. Due to JFK/Lancer's Debra Conway suffering her illness (she is suffering from Alzheimer's) Ian Griggs' final manuscript covering the Dallas Police personnel over the assassination weekend had been inactive. Ian's son Steve Griggs sent Ian's work via e-mail to Lancer some years back, but due to Debra's health issues nothing progressed towards publication. After making enquiries to Lancer, through Larry Hancock, and to Steve here in the U.K. I am now in possession of said manuscript. It's gold! A huge piece of work. The main body is an alphabetical listing of every DPD officer on the books over the assassination weekend, accompanied with a short biography of each, their rank, department & duties etc. There are also around ten appendices covering such things as listings of personnel who were on duty at the Dallas Trade Mart, who were in the basement when Ruby shot Oswald, list of persons in Fritz's office during Oswald's final interrogation on the 24th., even a list of the nine African/American officers serving the DPD at the time. Perhaps because it is such a huge and comprehensive work, it looks like it could only be published as an e-book, but it surely must be published. I hope to connect Ian's son Steve with Lancer to once again push this seminal work to become available to the wider research community.
  14. Gil, #46. The perps would have had no need to hijack JFK's body enroute to Bethesda Naval hospital in a plain shipping casket.
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