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Calvin Ye

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Everything posted by Calvin Ye

  1. Southernism and Fascism both involved Wall Street. [1][2] Notes [1] The Jewish People and the Fight for Negro Rights [2] Wall Street and the rise of Hitler
  2. Fred J Cook authored the book on FBI. Cook's book on FBI was later used for Torbitt Document.
  3. This is from George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography "MacArthur’s warned that the forces bent on destroying Kennedy were centered in the Wall Street financial community and its various tentacles in the intelligence community." This passage identified the Wall Street oligarchy as the main players and its ties to the intelligence community
  4. This is from George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography "MacArthur’s warned that the forces bent on destroying Kennedy were centered in the Wall Street financial community and its various tentacles in the intelligence community." This passage identified the Wall Street oligarchy as the main players and its ties to the intelligence community
  5. The book George Bush: An unauthorized biography stated that Lodge was part of Bush's heavy Brown Brothers, Harriman/Skull and Bones Overtone. http://tarpley.net/online-books/george-bush-the-unauthorized-biography/chapter-8b-the-bay-of-pigs-and-the-kennedy-assassination/
  6. I am convinced that CIA Southeast Asian Drug Traffickers aka the Corsicans were involved in the assassination
  7. I am just asking this question because I notice there is no Asian Americans researchers for this case. I am aware that Kennedy was concerned about China's potential at the time of his death.
  8. How many of you believe that there are still JFK assassination secrets that have not discovered yet?
  9. How many Asian Americans is studying the JFK assassination case?
  10. Nixon was also racist and too pro-business
  11. Is there any available information on American Volunteer Corps?
  12. According to ISGP, relatives of Trump cabinet has ties to the CIA and its allies https://www.isgp-studies.com/conservative-cia-network#donald-trump-cnp
  13. Biden's DOJ is helping Devos. https://time.com/5938872/in-a-disorienting-return-to-civility-joe-bidens-doj-backs-up-betsy-devos/
  14. Biden is supporter of Corporate America and Wall Street
  15. Apparently, Biden is a supporter of CIA https://prospect.org/power/joe-bidens-love-affair-with-the-cia-william-casey/
  16. FBI's Hoover has documented ties to the creators and distributors of those JFK threatening and hate enciting files and newspaper ads.
  17. It is not conjecture. It is for real. Hard evidence of this is long lost Air Force tapes
  18. It was Frank Sinatra who introduced Judith Campbell Exner to Sam Giancana and John Kennedy
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