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Leslie Sharp

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Posts posted by Leslie Sharp

  1. 9 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

    and Spirito. 

    Have you not read ATM?

    As a side note, the Manager of the Statler Hilton hit it off with Hank.  During one interview, he mentioned an old girl friend in Vermont.  Turns out she was Hank's aunt.

    Another bizarre coincidence: he was discussing the Olson investigation and mentioned he had interviewed a significant source in DC. I thought nothing of it at first.  Later, I was describing my dear friend Judith Lawson (RIP) who was the first woman to attempt to solo the Atlantic, and that she had studied at Georgetown — Foreign Service; while enrolled, she lived in the carriage house of Eleanor Dulles in Georgetown.  Hank calmly said, I know that carriage house because that's where my source lived. I pulled up and realized 'hey, this is Eleanor Dulles' address.'
    I'm compelled to pay tribute to Judith here. I think Hank would be fine with it.


  2. 32 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Very interesting, Leslie.  I had no idea that Albarelli consulted on Wormwood, and had detailed knowledge about Frank Olson's killers.

    If I recall correctly, the film did not identify the killers, but did claim that the CIA had thrown Olson out of the window.

    Cowards.  🙂

    A Terrible Mistake lays it out, with names.

    (And no, I'm not on commission with Hank's estate.)

  3. 3 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I never met Hank, but loved his books enough to send him an admiring FB message, to which he nicely responded. He entrusted me a few messages later with some focal points of his research into the diaries, namely Otto Skorzeny, who he thought was possibly QJWIN, and Jack Crichton, and swore me to confidence. I was very familiar with Colonel Crichton, but only vaguely with Skorzeny. So I started searching for anything on Skorzeny and soon stumbled upon Arnold Silver’s recollections of his official US Army Counter intelligence Corp interrogation of Otto, in which he recommended Otto’s release, saying he found him to be a patriotic German but not a Nazi. Silver even stated he thought Otto should be allowed to relocate to his stated preference, Madrid. Which is what he did. I mentioned all this to Hank, thinking I was possibly sharing something momentous. He essentially dismissed it as a bit of braggadocio on Silver’s part. Question for those more knowledgeable - is Silver mentioned in the Lafitte Datebook? 
    The more I looked at Silver’s bio the more curious I became. His clear association with Harvey, and with the QJWIN operation, make him a prime suspect in my mind for bringing Skorzeny and probably others to Harvey’s attention. 


    Hank didn't have the benefit of Monty's research into Silver at that juncture. I think he would be impressed with the propinquity if nothing else.


    Remember that Coup is meant to focus ultimately on the specific plot for Dallas (with a solid understanding of the history leading up to); and no, there is no evidence of Silver's hand on the scales, at all. I'm just wondering if Col. Storey remained in touch with some of those he met during Nuremberg.

    And thanks for honoring Hank's non-disclosure.  I think we all owe him that debt of gratitude. I've ventured into certain areas on his behalf that I know he intended for the softcover, so I'm at peace with that decision and I trust he is as well.

  4. 9 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:


          I watched Erroll Morris's Wormwood documentary with great interest a few years ago, and I thought the conclusion was that two CIA-affiliated hit men had thrown Frank Olson out of the window.   I do vaguely recall Sy Hersh refusing to name his sources.

    As far as I know, Morris didn't name them.  Could you say, having watched it, who precisely were the hit men that threw Olson out of the window? By name(s)? Did you know Hank's imprint was on Morris's project by what you watched? Sy Hersh's was, and he got a pass for not identifying the perps because he "didn't reveal his sources."

    Frank's son was the primary character in the documentary, driving the narrative; he was not happy with Hank toward the end of Hank's project so I think that was a factor in the final doc.

    I remembered that Trine Day had already issued a blurb for Wormwood Exposed.

    Wormwood Exposed
    The Truth about Frank Olson and Other Terrible Mistakes
    By H. P. Albarelli, Jr. · 2020
    Producer and director of Netflix's Wormwood, Errol Morris, invited H.P. Albarelli Jr., an expert on the mysterious case of biochemist Frank Olson's murder, to come meet with he and his staff for a full day. Albarelli answered endless questions and reviewed his voluminous files on the case. When Morris's series aired, the production gave Albarelli absolutely no credit for his numerous exclusive findings. Following nearly a decade of research, this account, the contents of which informed Wormwood, solves the mysterious death of Olson, revealing the identities of his murderers in shocking detail. It offers a unique and unprecedented look into the backgrounds of many former CIA, FBI, and Federal Narcotics Bureau officials--including several who actually oversaw the CIA's mind-control programs from the 1950s to the 1970s. In retracing these programs, this volume illuminates a world dominated by Cold War fears, the secret relationship between the nation's drug enforcement agencies and the CIA, and the government's close collaboration with the Mafia.
    Source: Publisher
  5. 55 minutes ago, Michael Griffith said:

    Some of our best evidence as far identifying suspects points to Carlos Marcello as a major player in the plot. It is odd that he is not mentioned in the datebook.

    Agree, @Michael Griffithand no one was more surprised than Albarelli that Carlos, Banister and Ferrie did not surface in Lafitte records; we all agree that the absence of names in the datebook does not exonerate anyone.  We've since identified one datebook entry that COULD refer to Marcello, the letter M, related to Oswald and bank, but the prime candidate remains Marina as she is in New Orleans at the time of the entry.

    William Dalzell entries may be veiled references to Marcello's mob fronts, specifically Nick Popich who was the front for Marcello's restaurant Vieux Carre. (a young Moo Moo Sciambra was bouncer.) Dalzell and Popich had been pursuing an oil drilling scheme in Ethiopia for years, and one document indicates they were running guns using Popich's marine dev. company. Popich played host to Bobby Baker, his girlfriend Carol Tyler, Ellen Rometsch, and Puerto Rican developer Paul Aguirre in May 1963.  It's clear that Lafitte becomes involved in their trip and that he assumes a role in the set up of JFK with the Rometsch "affair."

    We also know that Guy Banister was FBI Chicago at the same time Pierre Lafitte was a key witnesses in what was at the time Chicago's largest mob trial to date. It's impossible to believe Banister didn't know Lafitte in Chicago; it's possible Bannister had been involved in Lafitte's role in bringing down the criminals in that case.  More research is required.  We do know from the testimony that Lafitte maintained an address in NOLA in the early 1950's.



  6. 4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I notice that Sidney Gottlieb is listed with the FBI group on this chart.

    But, according to Stephen Kinzer, Gottlieb's Operation MK-Ultra was managed by Richard Helms and the CIA, and also closely associated with Fort Dietrick.

    @W. Niederhut  Gottlieb worked with both (or more) three letter agencies. Pete drew from the narrative in Coup so his charts reflect the propinquity as indicated in Hank's research.

    It's interesting you mention Kinzer's book.  He conferred with Hank off an on, and I believe Hank provided him with his original research.  He did same with Erroll Morris, although more extensive.  Morris and a crew spent several days in Florida (according to private conversation with Hank) combing through Hank's files; Hank assumed his generosity would be acknowledged of course, but more significantly he assumed Morris would advance public understanding of what actually happened to Frank Olson and who was responsible for his death in his documentary "Wormwood."  If you've watched the documentary, you'll know that simply isn't the case. In fact, Sy Hersh refuses to name his sources, and never identifies the actual killer(s), After Hank realized the vacuous nature of the project, he set out to author a book titled, "Wormwood Exposed."  It sits in draft form somewhere.

    I can't address the discrepancy you find in Kinzer's work; I consider "A Terrible Mistake" the definitive investigation into Olson's murder and the broader operation behind it.

  7. 7 hours ago, John Cotter said:

    Your belated request for this citation is a deflection from my prior request for a citation from you, which you have persistently failed to provide. This is further evidence that you’re not debating in good faith and that what you’re engaged in is a demented political hit job on RFK Jr.

    Hence, your request is disingenuous. Only nine days ago I posted the following proof of the covid scam:


    Previously, I had posted about the corruption of the drug companies and regulatory agencies as documented in Ben Goldacre’s 2012 book, Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients. The link to my post is here:


    As for the criminality of drug companies, numerous such companies have had to pay billions of dollars in fines, as described in the Wikipedia article, “List of largest pharmaceutical settlements”:


    Of course, none of these inconvenient facts matter to you and your fellow faux left authoritarians, and you’ll continue posting your one-eyed rabid gibberish, no matter what citations, evidence or arguments are presented to refute it.

    I assumed you were speaking in the specifics related to the video of Rep. Plaskett's questioning of RFK Jr. I can Google.

  8. 12 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:


    I see and stand corrected.


    Hence why I can't comment on it, I don't know all of the facts.


    I don't think this thread would be the best place to speak about Arnold Melvin Silver, CIA commander of the QJWIN program and William King Harvey's counterpart in the "Executive Action" capabilities.



    I was thinking that since he goes all the way back to the first days of recruitment of Otto Skorzeny, he might get an honorable mention here.  But, I understand your reasoning.  I'm wondering now if Silver crossed paths with Col. Robert G. Storey at Nuremberg, or Leon Jaworski?

  9. 17 minutes ago, Robert Montenegro said:


    I will say this much, and then shut up about the Lafitte datebook: I could not do the file hunting research that I am doing now if I did not have exclusive access to that datebook—that is to say, I have utilized the Lafitte material, as controversial as it may be, as a template to find the bulk of the government files I have uncovered—including the bulk of the documents mentioned in this thread I started.


    Let me be clear: I cannot legally or ethically comment on the authenticity of the Lafitte materials.


    However, without the datebook as a divining-rod of sorts, I could not find the government files I have uncovered.


    That is not to say the documents I've uncovered prove the entries in the datebook—quite to the contrariwise—the Lafitte material allows me to fill in the blanks in documents.


    In short, the Lafitte material is invaluable in my opinion—even if authenticators have failed in their jobs to give a definitive yay or nay on the Lafitte material currently available.


    I say again I have utilized the Lafitte material as a template—to manifest deadly effect—as you can see from this thread I started.


    And if I may run a quick, non-confrontational logic exercise: what fool makes a forgery with accurate, target specific material in it?  


    Just something to ponder on...



    FYI, authenticators have not failed; those who have access to the exemplars necessary  for the examiners to complete authentication have failed, not only Hank, our project, but possibly the chance to set the record straight.

     @Benjamin Cole could derail another invaluable thread of yours using db authentication as a ruse, so can you @Robert Montenegro speak now to Arnold Silver —- if this seems an appropriate and logical segue?  If I’ve overlooked him above, apologies.

  10. Great material, Robert.


    And possibly bringing it closer to events unfolding as the Dallas plot solidifies as recorded by Pierre Lafitte:

    Who planned to move OUN headquarters from Munich to Washington, DC in September 1963 and met with internal resistance from NA Banderites?

    Who was in personal correspondence with General Charles Willoughby during the ‘60s?

    Who was on the roster of speakers with Gen. Willoughby of a mysterious internacionale ecumenica conference in Switzerland, October 1963?

    Yaroslav Stetsko.

    Who was scheduled to meet with Willoughby at her NY office, Previews, Inc. in the lead up to that conference?

    Ilse (Mrs. Otto)Skorzeny.

    Who was on the list of agenda items at meetings between Ilse and Willoughby?

    Ellen Rometsch, alleged East German spy. (was she under the control of Stetsko and OUN, NOT the Russians? Remember Bobby Baker’s “She’ll do anything I tell her. She’s a Nazi.”)

    Who co-founded Previews that provided cover for Ilse’s international travel?

    Wild Bill Donovan’s chief of security, Archbold van Beuren.


    AERODYNAMIC leads straight to Steve Tanner, at one time a strong candidate for the character “T” working alongside Pierre Lafitte in the plan to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas.  Adding to the argument was Tanner’s history with Otto Skorzeny and Frank Wisner, both of whom feature in Lafitte’s record. Tanner retired near (wait for this) Willoughby Lake, and also within sixty miles of Pierre Lafitte’s last known residence.

  11. Pete Sattler, professional graphics designer in 2018, responded to the call from investigative journalist and author, Hank Albarelli Jr. to capture in art form the characters who surfaced during our search for who killed JFK in Dallas.  

    Hank and I agreed that Pete may well have surpassed the work of neo-conceptual artist Mark Lombardi (1951-2000), the inspiration for this approach.


    First, Pete Sattler’s, The Many Paths of Jean Pierre Lafitte.


  12. 11 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    @Leslie Sharp can’t provide the citation I repeatedly requested which might back up her claims and accusations.

    @W. Niederhut strawmans me as a MAGA person because his worldview is determined by a childishly simplistic Manicheanism divorced from reality.

    I can’t help thinking of this clip from Cheers:


    What is your source for an experimental concoction peddled by profiteering pharma with criminal records.

  13. 3 hours ago, John Cotter said:

    You have failed to cite the evidence requested of what RFK Jr actually said. Your continued misuse of the word “infer/ring” renders your posts nonsensical.

    The purported “preventive vaccine” was an experimental concoction peddled by profiteering pharma with criminal records who had corrupted the relevant regulatory authorities.

    On this spurious basis you accuse people of being racist.

    You’re just spouting partisan political poison on behalf of an utterly corrupt plutocratic regime as part of a campaign to politically assassinate a candidate who presents a threat to that regime.

    The only people who might agree with your vile nonsense are your political fellow travellers.

    The purported “preventive vaccine” was an experimental concoction peddled by profiteering pharma with criminal records who had corrupted the relevant regulatory authorities.

    Citations please, beyond Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who is not a scientist, nor is he licensed to practice medicine.

  14. 2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Yes, Curry words to the effect of We never could put Oswald in that window with a rifle in his hands.  But I thought this was well after the assassination in an interview.

    Crull left town . . . , which would leave CIA Asset Earle Cabell, brother of General Charles Cabell, fired by JFK after the BOP, in charge?  Who called Fritz Sunday morning before Oswald's transfer and kept him on the line while Oswald was assassinated?  Is my memory correct on this?

    Owner of the TSBD, Harold Dry Hole Byrd goes on his first African safari a week or two before the assassination, not returning until afterward.

    I've read that H L Hunt, after the assassination went to a ranch he owned in Mexico for a month.  Then that that was a cover story, that he went to Washington and stayed in a hotel near the Whitehouse under an assumed name, to advise LBJ.

    Maybe Leslie has heard the rumors about Hunt, given her employment in the early 1980's?

    I believe Crull would have been responsible to the Mayor, right?   

    I think there's some controversy over whether D. H. Byrd had returned to Dallas "for the assassination" along with his Safari guide and friend, Werner von Alvensleben, Jr. Dan Alcorn, DC attorney involved with the battle for the release of all assassination related files including Byrd and von A, has researched this in depth.

    Here's a link to a related court filing if you haven't seen it;  and I see there are Ed Forum threads as far back as 2006 dedicated to this topic.


    As I recall, early exposés of Hunt's whereabouts had him in New York at the Waldorf Astoria (General MacArthur); or DC at the behest of LBJ as you note. The hotel was The Mayflower. I remember because as late as 1980, it was 'suggested' that we book into The Mayflower on our sales trips to DC. I seldom saved receipts, but for some reason I saved all receipts from a particular DC trip; I had been asked to deliver an envelop to a PR guy, Robert Keith Gray. At the time, Rosewood was trying to secure planning permission for a hotel on the Potomac. It was almost two decades before I realized the significance of Gray.

     I don't think I've read that H. L. hid out in Mexico after the assassination.  

  15. 52 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    You’re grasping at a lot of straws there, and on the basis of all that utter nonsense, you’re effectively accusing me of racism.

    I’m not going to waste my time explaining why your post is a pile of nonsense, other than to say your incorrect use of the word “infers” in the final paragraph exposes the topsy turviness of your “logic”.

    On the basis of your question which was asked in context of your apparent disregard for Rep. Plaskett's legitimate concerns that Robert endangered the children in her community based solely on the color of their skin, I stand by my challenge: your question infers a veiled racism.  

    I suspect Ms. Plaskett might agree.

  16. 10 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Let's ask this Ben... what attributes of the datebook would convince you it was inauthentic given that the physical attributes have been proven to be of the time period?  Not trying to prove a negative... just that authentication of the time period, utensils, etc, does not authenticate the "when" of the writing if done not long after 1963...  yet as I begin my journey, there is little reason to suspect it being an act of counter-intelligence...  One doesn't redirect an investigation by providing more clues, names and dates than has ever come before due to the chances of finding conflicts...  so to my point here...

    Off the top of my head:

    Statements on dates which create a conflict with known fact - for example, the datebook places Oswald in Mexico meeting a man on the 27th... but that's all.  I have proven Oswald was not at the 2 compounds or the hotel but did not exclude the possibility he is flown in and out of Mexico after meeting with ODIO in Dallas.  There is an explanation which accounts for both sets of understood facts - and for why we know nothing about Oswald between Sept 28 and Oct 3.  Worse yet, the first FBI report which identifies where Oswald went is from KAACK dated Oct 31st. - as if they were completely unaware of the Paines and Irving from the 4th thru the entire month...  As if they were not aware of where he gets a job and what he was doing in Dallas when the FBI - due to the CIA BS - puts him in Mexico all week


    Including newly introduced names just to add credibility - but see #1 - Werbel, McWillie, Walker, Oswald, JJA, Souetre, Willoughby, Davis, Ella R, Tracy Barnes, Joannides, Skorzeny, Martello, Quigley, OSARN, Silverthorne, Jack Ruby, Oswald "caretaker", George DeM, Ilya Skorzeny, Bowen/Osborne, Hudson, Jack C, Filiol (assassin), Tippit, ...

    Yet many if not most of these are names which are at best, at the fringes of the narrative most of us have been working with for years...  yet are all names we know and which make sense in the narrative of the assassination and the shadows of the conspiracy.

    Another authentication thought remains in the fact LaFitte and White both kept datebooks and notes on other projects.. What concerns me is whether that is in fact true and how do these other pages compare to the year 1963 notes.  If LaFitte has a number of these books from over the years, I'd be more inclined to accept the authenticity more readily.  From the reading Hank appears to be making that point - only a portion of his "notes" were allowed to be seen from a much larger collection.

    @Leslie Sharp  it is hard enough to get members here to internalize the facts about the rifle for example.  The items of evidence are all props and easily proven to be inauthentic yet arguments persist about the details.   I doubt many of us have handled any of the evidence we so freely write about... some have.  I cannot see how this item of evidence can be 100% authenticated.

    Yet as raised above Ben, if this is some elaborate hoax designed to steer us away from the JFK conspiracy realities, it begs for item by item verification - if anything it makes us look harder at areas the CIA/FBI/et al have kept under lock and key over 60 years.  Joannides is a prime example.  Most of us never heard of LaFitte or Liliol.

    So how about we take some time and address this with logic and the collective knowledge of the members, rather than dismiss it due to our own historical prejudices against the disproving of one's work and/or ideas about the case?





    @David Josephs Statements on dates which create a conflict with known fact - for example, the datebook places Oswald in Mexico meeting a man on the 27th... but that's all.  I have proven Oswald was not at the 2 compounds or the hotel but did not exclude the possibility he is flown in and out of Mexico after meeting with ODIO in Dallas.  There is an explanation which accounts for both sets of understood facts - and for why we know nothing about Oswald between Sept 28 and Oct 3.  Worse yet, the first FBI report which identifies where Oswald went is from KAACK dated Oct 31st. - as if they were completely unaware of the Paines and Irving from the 4th thru the entire month...  As if they were not aware of where he gets a job and what he was doing in Dallas when the FBI - due to the CIA BS - puts him in Mexico all week

    I won't try to force a round peg in a square hole, but since I've not studied your research pls don't be offended if I reserve judgement.  In doing so, I'll qualify my responses with "let's assume" you have proven:

    The entry in question is;
    (hashtag doodle) Algur - Mex City


    —— Oswald - Comercio Hotel to

    meet with Tom D. at Luma

    T says Yes 


    Let's consider that Lafitte isn't writing in the past tense, e.g., Oswald was at the Comercio Hotel and then met Tom Davis at Hotel Luna.

    Lafitte is making a note about a future appt.  Do we know, from Lafitte's notes, that Oswald checked into the Comercio? No.  Do we know, from Lafitte's notes, that he met Tom Davis at Broglie's Hotel Luma? No.

    So far, so good; however, Hank  interviewed witnesses to corroborate that Lee Oswald — the Oswald that Lafitte had been assigned to track in New Orleans (whether personally or contracted out) — was seen in Mexico City.  Carolyn Hawley Davis, Thomas Eli Davis's wife told Hank she recognized him and knew that he was someone Tom had known in the past; June Cobb confirmed with Hank that the story Elena Garo and her daughter recounted was consistent and convincing. June had also seen Tom D. around town and made a remark that Oswald and Tom must have made an interesting pair.  Note: June has been much maligned by the community, beginning as I recall by John Newman.  I can, at a later date, share Hank's experience during that particular dynamic. Suffice to say that June's credibility remained solid as far as Hank was concerned.  Unfortunately, there is a document stored somewhere that might clear up some of the controversy but thus far the person in possession hasn't made the document public, contrary to an assurance that he would, eventually.

    So, with the witness testimony in mind, can we move to your research/proof that Oswald wasn't in MC?

    1) do you know where he was if he wasn't in Mexico City during the days in question?

    We have him traveling on September 26. And, he is definitely (according to Pierre) in Dallas by October 6.  the notes in between related to Bowen and [Wilson] Hudson, school cover in Mexico, Tom at Embassy, done, money from Dallas and Davis-MX City, here next week?, then, cable to Madrid ok, tell Tom D Says come to Madrid, then, Askins/Willoughby ok, Caretaker at 10:30, and finally, October 6, Oswald — issue (!) check with caretaker . . .

    2) if Oswald flew to MC, do you know for what purpose, where he might have stayed, was it a turnaround? etc. 


    We occasionally bumped against the possibility that several of the "Oswald" entries could very well refer to Victor Oswald, Madrid-based international arms dealer with Otto Skorzeny. We see the name Oswald in three more entries before your SA Milton Kaack* document on October 31: October 9, October 17, and October 25. The 17th entry indicates that Angleton had contacted Pierre the day before to say a high level gather in DC had taken place, that Lancelot as a "go" and "ok", followed by Oswald - others;  the 25th says that Oswald is set in place.

    Does this detail on these dates contradict your research/proof? Is it possible this is filling in some gaps? 

    And does it behove us to consider as you posit that an Oswald different from the fella in New Orleans who was initially being tracked by Lafitte traveled to MC and Lafitte simply didn't make the distinction in his datebook?

    Of note, On August 26, Lafitte notes: Oswald — bank?  M — meet T.  A note above the date banner reads Passport (3).  Does that align with any dates/detail you have? And then as we've noted, Oswald is mentioned on September 22 Oswald - Mex City Gaudet? and September 24 Oswald D/T (Labadie/Florida) W.J.

    *Kaack appears in the datebook on July 30.

  17. @Benjamin Cole

    Another response to a recent inquiry regarding the datebook:

    I think the frustrating aspect of this is: Would anyone question Hank directly? Would Hank produce the note on demand?

    M., you're not saying anything we haven't discussed for months and months; and no one is suggesting I expect "the community" writ large should take my word for it, or Alan's or Hank's for that matter.  But, we're at an impasse.  You indicate as much. What do I do now? Let the information languish while we wait for pseudo science to prove something that is unprovable? As I shared on FB, one only has to review the history of the debate surrounding the Dead Sea Scroll (an analogy near and dear to my heart thanks to Mr. Doudna) to know that by now, few other than the cult within that area of study know whether they were authenticated or not. 
    Re. the L - A notes:   I saw one, first hand, so I can "testify" to its existence. The one we've discussed most recently was not torn from that "godson" note, I'm certain; so it exists somewhere in Hank's files. I do have a ledger sheet, and the text of another sheet.  The physical one that I have. is extremely fragile, fading fast, and the creases have begun to tear ... and I keep it in protective storage, so what about the other notes etc. sitting in some filing cabinet?
    I'll sound defensive now: what do you expect me to do that I haven't done?  I plan to move forward as if the datebook is authentic, and follow Hank's dictum when we discussed the issue, "take it or leave it." I know that we won't achieve academic acceptance; I also don't want to promote a fairytale or mislead the community or the public in any fashion; but I also won't let this opportunity to solve the case pass us by.
  18. @Benjamin Cole

    We can reactivate this thread to address your concerns:


    My recent post on FB in response to an inquiry:

    To borrow a hackneyed phrase -- it is what it is, for now. I'm making a degree of progress in the quest for additional samples, but I have to emphasize that if Hank was unsuccessful, why on earth would I be under the illusion I might be?

    Remember that the original examination by MI-6 contractors in London was stalled pending more exemplars.
    And speaking of MI-6, had they issued the final report on authentication, wouldn't you agree that many in the community would immediately cry, "psyop!" When Hank told me about the firm's history with British Intel, and that the ink and paper specialist was Ukrainian, I asked why he couldn't make this even more difficult?! 
    In other words, when we secure authentication, the authenticator will be under scrutiny: How much did we pay for a positive read? Who selected the team of examiners? Did we get a second opinion? One only has to follow the decades-long Dead Sea Scroll controversy to realize that the detail provided by Lafitte (recorded in real time) could languish in the limbo of pseudo-science for years. 
    So, I've decided to press on in the precise way Hank intended for us to. He only agreed to engage in authentication to satisfy the Australian documentary company who convinced him that the actual process would be an intriguing footing for the 6-8 part series based on "Coup in Dallas." In the end, the company/producer ended up with the PDF of the db, and a dozen hours of film from IRB and London sits in a can somewhere. 
    Hank's underlying attitude -- and for those who knew him well this won't come as a surprise -- was "take it or leave it." He knew how he virtually stumbled on to Rene Lafitte's doorstep; how long it took to gain her trust; that she never asked for $; that Phen only reluctantly and over a period of years honored Rene's wishes that she respond to Hank's inquiries and requests. There was never a hint he considered the possibility the datebook was fabricated. 
    Which brings me to the observation/concern I shared with Charlie (paraphrasing): how does one square a high regard for Hank's professional acumen established in "A Terrible Mistake" and numerous articles and essays, and yet intimate he might have been fool enough to fall prey to an elaborate hoax? And how precisely was the hoax orchestrated? Fake a diary and sit and wait for a journalist to knock on your door? A decade after your demise? 
    I know there are examples of missteps in investigative work, as did Hank, but because I knew him, personally, to be hyper- vigilant I'm even more inclined to argue he wouldn't risk his career in the way being intimated here. 
    Calling a spade a spade.
  19. 13 minutes ago, John Cotter said:

    How is a factual claim that black people have a different physical characteristic from white people racist?

    She contends that he targeted the black community with a fear-based admonition that the vaccine was meant to damage their race specifically.  

    She indicates she had faith in the vaccine and wanted to protect her own children with equal vigor as Robert had his own.

    She wanted to understand why he would employ such a tactic simply to advance a theory and public notoriety.  Remember, he vaccinated his children.

    My take is, she doesn't trust RFK Jr.  Question: should she?

    And, "how is it racist?" Because the very question you ask infers superiority and hierarchy.  And you wonder why CRT is critical to our nation at this very moment in time?  Because you ask these questions, John, with all the subtlety of a bull in a closet.  

  20. @David JosephsExcellent observations, David, and thank you for your measured, educated approach..

    @Benjamin ColeI'm forced to ignore your continued focus on authentication on this thread.  It serves only as a deflection. If you can speak to the 8 names identified by Dick Russell in his limited analysis, I would be more than interested in your contribution; otherwise the question of authentication is not a subject for this thread.  

    I respect that David was  able to address specific (and possibly controversial) details presented in Lafitte's datebook and at the same time establish his general (and informed) observations about the complexities of authentication of any physical document, item, etc. 

    Now that David has done so, I hope we can continue deliberations over the nuts and bolts on this particular thread.  



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