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Gerry Down

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Everything posted by Gerry Down

  1. A bit of light-hearted banter. That not allowed on the forum now either?
  2. Who cares if a discussion goes a little political. One can just scroll through the political comments and go to the useful comments being made on the main topic of the thread being made by respectful commenters. The JFKA is about politics. Why was JFK in Dallas to even begin with? - politics.
  3. This explains Dallas. Couldn't have SS agents on the rear of JFKs limo because, well, it would not have been safe for them. Quote, Kimberly Cheatle ( it is not a Monty Python sketch: ) “That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point, and so, you know, there’s a safety factor that we considered. We didn’t want to put someone on a sloped roof, so the decision was made to secure the building from the inside.”
  4. Tell Jim D to compare the JFK and RFK assassinations in future in that thread that is currently 23 pages long and filled with political ramblings that one has to wade through.
  5. It wasn't moved. It was merged into another thread that is currently 23 pages long, on the political discussion side of the forum which most serious JFKA researchers have no interest in visiting. Might as well have taken a few shovels of manure and buried the topic, where it will be never seen again.
  6. We are no longer allowed compare the JFKA to other assassinations. Any thread that compares the JFKA to the RFKA must now also be deleted. That would amount to deleting half the threads Jim D ever made.
  7. We are no longer allowed compare the JFKA to any other type of assassination.
  8. This thread will prob get deleted by mods because it explores the JFKA assassination in comparison to the Trump assassination attempt.
  9. I recently started a thread titled: Lee Harvey Oswald vs Thomas Matthew Crooks This was a thread designed to see if we could learn anything new about Oswald psyche by comparing his actions with another would-be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks. The thread has now been merged into another thread titled "Trump assassination Attempt" and hidden away on the political forum, destroying the effort to get a conversation going on this specific area of study. The contents of the thread clearly upset one of the Ed Forums CTer mods who want to view TMC as a lone nut because he was a registered Republican while viewing Oswald as a patsy because he was left wing, therefore any comparison between the two cannot be allowed to be seen on the forum. If areas of study into the JFK assassination are being hidden like this because they upset certain mods views, it doesn't bode well for the future of the forum.
  10. It can happen. JFKs back was wedged against the back seat causing the shirt and jacket to rise, and stay rose, when JFK lifted his arm to wave to the crowd
  11. The shirt and jacket could have crumpled up with one another in unison.
  12. I haven't seen any photos of a shattered teleprompter. I have seen a photo though of what is alleged to be a bullet whizzing past Trumps ear.
  13. Nursing home was prob a cover for CIA/Pentagon special ops.
  14. That's a good one. I wonder if TMC had to get an elevated position or if he could have shot Trump from ground level at a distance. The podium itself put Trump up quiet high.
  15. Trump turned his head, away from the path of the bullet, 1 second before he was shot in the ear. Crooks aim therefore might have been more accurate than we first thought.
  16. LHO had plans for the future (get a new apartment with Marina). TMC had plans for the future (had just completed his engineering degree). LHO did not travel to his intended target, his target came to him (at his place of work). TMC did not travel very far to his intended target, his target came to his local area (Crooks lived just 40 minutes away).
  17. LHO appeared on TV before his assassination attempt. TMC appeared on TV before his assassination attempt (Blackrock advert).
  18. How come its "Crooks shot at Trump" and not "Crooks allegedly shot at Trump"?
  19. Oswald was left-wing and into guns. The notion that only conservatives are into guns doesn't add up.
  20. The recent assassination attempt by Crooks on former president Trump provides an interesting opportunity for comparison between him and Lee Harvey Oswald. Some comparisons of note include: LHO was young (24). TMC was young (20). LHO was a loner. TMC was a loner. LHO was bullied (in school, and the marines). TMC was bullied (in school). LHO was intelligent (read a lot of books). TMC was intelligent (won a school math aware). LHO enjoyed playing chess. TMC enjoyed playing chess. LHO was involved in debates (on the radio in N.O.). TMC was involved in debates (school debates). LHO in his teens was interested in military service. TMC in his teens, according to a former classmate, was interested in military service. LHO wore camouflage (in the marines). TMC wore camouflage to school. LHO liked guns (as confirmed by Adrian Alba in N.O.). TMC liked guns. LHO was interesting in bomb making. TMC was interested in bomb making. LHO involved himself in contradictory positions (FPCC & DRE). TMC involved himself in contradictory positions (registered Republican & donating to Democratic causes). LHO shot at his target from a distance. TMC shot at his target from a distance. LHO used an unsuitable assassination rifle (an old bolt action rifle). TMC used an unsuitable assassination rifle (AR-15, not suitable for long distance). LHO put other peoples lives at risk during his assassination attempt (Gov. Connally, Mrs. Kennedy). TMC put other peoples lives at risk during his assassination attempt (Corey Comperatore, James Copenhaver, David Dutch). LHO shot a law enforcement officer (officer Tippit). TMC threatened to shoot a law enforcement officer (seconds before shooting at Trump). LHO had no obvious motive. TMC had no obvious motive (as of yet anyway). LHO had no criminal record. TMC had no criminal record.
  21. I wonder if his primary motivation was just to get in the history books. Sad way to throw away your life.
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