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Anthony Venturella

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    Lawrence, Kansas
  • Interests
    American history, philosophy, JFK assassination

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  1. Christian, can you orient us as to what we're looking at? Thank you.
  2. Christian, these images are visible and very interesting! Thank you.
  3. A thrilling documentary. Well worth a watch. The scope of the investigation that is at the heart of the documentary is staggering. CIA's history of making money off the drug trade in order to fund illegal wars is long standing, and reaches into many agencies of government. Many of the names will be familiar to JFKA researchers--as will the connections.
  4. Sean Fetter, in vol 2 of his new book, makes a persuasive argument that LBJ met with Lansdale in the early morning of 11/22/1963 in the hotel where LBJ (and JFK) stayed the night, The Hotel Texas, Ft Worth.
  5. Frightening photo. Can you imagine what Robert Kennedy thought when he saw that.
  6. Bill, these were my questions. Here's the answers I found, although somewhat unsatisfying: Lennon was murdered one month before Reagan took office; Lennon had been silent for five years raising Sean, but was making a comeback in 1980. Lennon had been on Nixon's enemies list, was vilified for his Happy Xmas/War is Over billboards. The government's repeated efforts to deport him failed, and he was granted permanent residency. Appears he was deemed a threat when he resurfaced in 1980 and was here to stay. Apparently the national security apparatus did not want him around writing songs and buying billboards during the new administration's efforts in illegal clandestine activity (Iran-Contra, etc.). I plan to get David's new book.
  7. Thanks for this excellent summary Robert. I was also put off by the attacks on Lifton, but sounds like much new ground covered.
  8. I've hunted deer with a 30.06, never saw a wound from a 30.06 penetrate only "to the depth of a little finger," as pathologists commented when probing JFK's back wound. Makes me think of the late David Lifton's speculation -- that "somebody punched a hole in the back."
  9. Jim, I'm sure ha. The JFK-Nasser relationship is little known, but certainly the Middle East would be far different today with Nasser and JFK leading throughout the 1960s. A great point you made. Nasser used his considerable wit to expose his dispute with the Muslim Brotherhood, much like JFK did on many contentious topics. The book you reference, The Revolution of Robert Kennedy: From Power to Protest After JFK, by John Bohrer, is indeed enlightening on his transformation after 1963. Glad you mentioned.
  10. Great interview and information by both of you. Much appreciated.
  11. Thank you, Larry and Bill. Keep up the good fight. This is not "conspiracy theory" -- far from it. It is an outrage the US government must be sued to obey its laws. In addition, the secrecy surely implicates aspects of the US government due to its lack of transparency the over past 60 years. Indeed, likely the most appropriate answer to the question, "Who shot JFK?" is, to paraphrase Jefferson Morley, "I don't know. The JFK records are hidden and the government won't obey the law to release."
  12. That's a gracious answer, Leslie. And yes, RFK's quest for truth ended in 1968, with the hopes he would investigate further once in the White House. From what we know now (e.g. massive amount of new information in Coup in Dallas!), the contours of the plot were likely beyond what even RFK envisioned.
  13. Agree. This reminds one of JFK, Jr.'s remarks about RFK Sr.'s insight into the JFKA: "Bobby knew everything."
  14. Incredible article, JD, thanks very much. Mr. Ellseberg is a Profile in Courage. And exactly, Joe - "I'm not gonna be the first American President to lose a war -- and see Vietnam go the way of China!" - LBJ
  15. Thank you for your labor on filing this suit and arguing for release of records, Mr. Schnapf.
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