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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. __________________________ "...it's not surprising the movie tries to parallel history with fiction." Much like your writing, Bill. Sloppy, presumptuous and...sloppy. JG Mr.Gillespie, I would like to propose that you show some more respect for other forum members and if you have a concern with one of their postings you should address the issue with a bit more gravitas. Several members, myself included have been insulted by your lack of tact in the past. Sincerely, John Geraghty
  2. Well said indeed Stephen. As it happens I have just this minute finished an essay on Marx for College. I have been reading a lot more on Marx lately, excellent stuff. I picked the Marx essay as he had always intrigued me and I hadn't done enough independent reading, so I forced myself to do it! People feel the need to attribute a bogeyman that they can't see to all of the worlds problems. Its a class thing! It always has and thats why you have the continuity of political power held from above. To get elected you need money and there are two ways to get it, either come from the ruling class or ask themnicely to fund you. Either way your a poodle, Johns thread on Murdoch and Blair says it all. John
  3. Here is a letter from a constituent of Georgias fourth district to Dr.Ronald Walters, who wrote an article in the Chicago-Defender in August. It pretty accurately sums up how Congresswoman McKinneys defeat came about. Dr. Ronald Walters Professor The Department of Government and Politics University of Maryland 3140 Tydings Hall College Park, MD 20742 Dear Dr. Walters: I read with interest your article, “Lieberman and McKinney: Voting political change,” which appeared in the Chicago Defender on August 16, 2006, and while I cannot comment on your assessment of the Lieberman loss, I do take issue with several of your statements regarding the defeat of Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in Georgia’s 4th District. First of all, I believe you must have read the comments of Political Science professors Alan Abramowitz of Emory University and Moshe Haspel of Spelman College, which appeared the day after the election in the New York Times, and assumed they were correct. (It is important to note that Abramowitz is hardly an unbiased observer, for he is a conservative Republican living in the 4th District. For years, he has railed against her, and attempted to unseat her. Haspel, on the other hand, is a protégé of Abramowitz, having received his doctorate in Political Science from Emory.) I say this because the two of them pronounced that middle class Blacks were moving into the 4th district and were disenchanted with McKinney’s outspokenness, a view you echoed in your article. Allow me to set the stage for the political climate in Georgia’s 4th congressional district. As Congresswoman McKinney has said, many see the Atlanta area as a Mecca for fair-minded, progressive people, but it is still in Georgia. Many whites still believe Black people should stay in “their place,” and in a number of ways, Black people are still subjected to the degradation and discrimination of yesteryear. The conservative white owned media in Atlanta, Georgia, does not feel that Black America—especially those living in the Atlanta area—has a right to a voice in decision-making…on the international, national, or local levels. They certainly do not feel that Black people should vote for and be represented by an intelligent, articulate Black woman such as Cynthia McKinney, who speaks “truth to power.” To them, she is like Ida B. Wells-Barnett…speaking the truth, she is simply too dangerous. As a result, most of the staff at the local Atlanta Journal Constitution has consistently waged war against her, especially Cynthia Tucker, the AJC Editorial Page Editor, a Black woman of the same age as McKinney, and the daughter of parents who fought for Black political empowerment in Alabama in the 1960s and 1970s. Although Tucker is purportedly a “liberal” on social issues, she regularly attacks any and all Black people who challenge the status quo, from all of the family of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., inclusive of the late Coretta Scott King, Andrew Young, DeKalb County CEO Vernon Jones, and, of course, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. Tucker has been particularly venomous toward McKinney, writing editorials that are so filled with distortions and untruths that she and the paper have been warned that they would be sued for libel. Further, most of the AJC staff believes that Congresswoman McKinney won her past six races because poor, uneducated Black people voted for her, a fact divulged by a close friend who is a reporter for the AJC. In reality, the southern portion of the DeKalb County in the 4th District is the largest middle class and upper middle class, educated Black community in the United States. Suburban DeKalb County was built in the 1960s for whites in middle management and their families; and when they sold their homes to move even farther out from the city of Atlanta, Black middle class families moved in. Hence, Congresswoman McKinney’s strength was and still is with the Black middle and upper middle class in DeKalb County. The geographical location of the 4th District, itself, is important in assessing Congresswoman McKinney’s defeat. When she was first elected to the old 11th District, her territory included most of DeKalb County as well as most of the counties going toward Savannah. One of her first actions was to successfully take up the cause of farmers, Black and white, who had been stripped of their kaolin rich soil. A group of wealthy whites in the rural area filed suit, and the court ruled her district would be redrawn to include mostly DeKalb County and a small portion of nearby Gwinnett County. In 2002 after the 2000 U. S. Census, the district was redrawn, during which one of her strongest areas, Ellenwood, was removed and put into a newly formed district, the 13th, a district that was won by David Scott, a Black man who has one of the most conservative voting records of all Democrats, and is especially weak when dealing with issues relating to Black people. Two more times since 2002, the 4th district has been redrawn, in 2004 and again in 2006, each time the Congresswoman lost more of her supporters and was given instead more white areas. In 2006, part of northern DeKalb County was given to the 6th district which is basically affluent and white, and represented by Republican Tom Price; the portion of Gwinnett County in the 4th district was removed and replaced by another small section further to the south of Gwinnett County; small portions of the western part of the DeKalb County were given to David Scott, Congressman of the 13th district, and John Lewis, Congressman of the 5th district; and finally, the western half of Rockdale County—as you said, a predominately white county—makes up the southeastern portion of the 4th district. To change the boundaries of a district three times in less than five years has got to be a violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which two Georgia congressmen, Charlie Norwood and Lynn Westmoreland, attempted to water down when it was clear it would be extended this past summer. And as it stands right now, we do not know what the actual boundaries of the district are…neither the DeKalb County Board of Elections nor the Election Division of the Secretary of State’s office could tell us. Despite the changes, this district is still majority Black. Besides the redistricting, 2006 was the third time Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has been targeted by those who believe that she should not represent the majority constituency in her district, or champion the rights and causes of black, brown and low-income white people. Besides the Republican Party, organizations like the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) have encouraged their membership to give millions of dollars and physical support to candidates to challenge Black elected officials who refuse to blindly support Israel, right or wrong. For instance, former Congressman Earl Hilliard, Alabama’s first U. S. representative, was defeated in 2002 in a runoff against his opponent, Artur Davis, as AIPAC raised $1.5 million as well as sent in operatives to defeat Hilliard. Interestingly, Congresswoman McKinney lost in 2002 to a former District Court judge, Denise Majette, who voted Republican in the 2000 presidential primary for Alan Keyes. Actually former governor and U. S. senator, Zell Miller—who still calls himself a Democrat but follows the Republican Party line—was and is Majette’s mentor. Miller appointed Majette to the bench when he was governor, and he had her give up her judgeship to run for Congress in 2002. As the Democrat, Majette was a shoo-in in the November 2002 election, and shortly before being sworn in, she was rewarded with a trip to Israel. In 2004, Miller had her run for his vacated U. S. senatorial seat, to prevent a white male Democrat from possibly beating the Republican candidate, Johnny Isakson. Following the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Georgia was one of eight southern states that enacted laws to continue to control the Black vote through the use of the “open primary” (as opposed to their former “closed” or “whites only” primaries) allowing all voters, Democratic as well as Republican the right to vote in whatever primary they choose; and majority vote, which dictates that if the leading candidate in an election does not receive 50 percent plus one vote, there will be a runoff between the two highest vote getters. In 1992, incumbent Democratic U. S. Senator Wyche Fowler won the November general election, but because a Libertarian was also in the race, he did not get 50 percent plus one vote, and subsequently lost the runoff to Paul Coverdale. Georgia is also a state that uses the Diebold voting machines that do not give the voter a receipt or allow for a paper trail or audit of the votes cast. At the end of the voting day, all that can be ascertained is the number of voters who cast votes, and that is even suspect. A group of Princeton University computer scientists recently demonstrated vote stealing software that can be installed within a minute on a common electronic voting machine. The machine they studied was a Diebold machine—although they state that had they had access to other machines, they would/could have studied them instead. Edward Felten, director of the Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton, said, “We found that the machine is vulnerable to a number of extremely serious attacks that undermine the accuracy and credibility of the vote count it produces…[furthermore, the machines]…are susceptible to computer viruses that can spread themselves automatically and invisibly from machine to machine during normal pre- and post election activity.” Felten also informs that all of Georgia’s counties—including those in the 4th District—use the exact machine examined by his group. This may explain the tremendous irregularities that took place during the primary and runoff, such as machines whose final screens indicated the voter had cast a ballot for Johnson, although the voter had voted for McKinney, and McKinney’s name appearing on machines in counties not even in the 4th district. It may also explain why it took hours—long after the votes from the rest of the state were in—before the tallies were released for the 4th district, and how a runoff election resulted in such a high vote turnout…much higher than the primary itself. Because of the aforementioned political conditions, Georgia now has a Republican governor, who was formerly a Democrat, and Republicans control both the Georgia Senate and House, many of whom were elected to office initially as Democrats. There appears to be a fairly strong Republican Party organization here, but the Democratic Party is non-existent at worst and ineffective at best. White Democrats show little interest in developing a party apparatus that builds support from one election to another, since so many of them are actually Democrats in Republican clothing, or the new Dixiecrats. The reason for this is the fact that the majority of Democrats are Black, and whites of both political persuasions do not want to give any semblance of political power to people of color. Although my paternal grandmother was born a slave near Athens, Georgia, around 1860, I am not a Georgian by birth, but by choice. My wife and I chose to retire here ten years ago, and what we have experienced are political conditions that are insane. Despite their numbers, Black voters are taken for granted by both parties, and Black candidates for public office have no platforms, no issues, and no loyalties to their prospective constituencies. Black elected officials do not even have loyalty to each other. Congressman John Lewis has stayed as far away from Cynthia McKinney as he could throughout the years, and during the recent campaign, publicly stated he had known her opponent, Hank Johnson, for many years and he would make a fine representative. Of course, John Lewis has been a captive of his minority Jewish constituency throughout his political career. Some of us have had the tremendous opportunity to be exposed to real education through, thank goodness, great educators. Some of us have taken our knowledge and skills to share with and do for others. Unfortunately, some of us have used our educational opportunities to assume a social status that benefits us personally with prestige and money, but does little or nothing to benefit our people. It should not surprise you that Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who has spent all of her political life fighting to make government work for everyone, was sabotaged in both the 4th district’s primary and runoff elections by a former county commissioner, Hank Johnson, who told her that she should not take his candidacy against her personally, because, “…it was a business deal.” He also has stated publicly that he would be the “pothole” congressman, and not concern himself with other issues. (Fixing potholes, of course, is a role for the county commissioners, which he was at the time he made the statement.) There is no question that Cynthia McKinney was decidedly the most qualified candidate in the 4th district race. While her opponent has a B. A. from Clark College (now Clark Atlanta University) and a law degree from Texas Southern University’s Thurgood Marshall School of Law, he does not appear to be very knowledgeable or thoughtful. He has had numerous financial problems (filing for bankruptcy twice), as well as been censured by the bar association. He has taken money from owners—and the attorneys for owners—of landfills, which is why many in the Black community refer to him as Hank “Landfill” Johnson. Recently, a large middle class predominately Black community called Hidden Hills (part of which is in his county commission district) requested aid from him, because the white owner of the Hidden Hills private golf course—which is encircled by the more than 1600 homes in Hidden Hills—stated he was developing the property for more homes. The community wants the county to intercede, purchase the land, and maintain it as a public course. He informed community members he could not help them…it was later they discovered his wife, Mareda Johnson (also an attorney), is being retained by the white owner of the course. On the other hand, when she was elected to Congress, Cynthia McKinney already had a B. A. in International Affairs from the University of Southern California, an M. A. from Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, and only had to complete her dissertation to earn a doctorate from that same school. It should be pointed out that the mission of the Fletcher School—established in 1933—was to educate professionals from around the world, prepare them for positions of leadership and influence in the national and international arenas, and increase understanding of international problems in order to develop relationships of mutual benefit, security, and justice. Prior to being elected to Congress, she served in the Georgia House of Representative, was a diplomatic fellow at Spelman College, and was on faculty at Clark Atlanta University and Agnes Scott College. Cynthia McKinney has never generated any negative press (note: she has refused to take money from lobbyists), except that created by those who wanted to unseat her. What has occurred, however, is a vendetta against her by those who resent that she believes—in accordance with her studies at Fletcher School—that the United States must be an “honest broker” in dealing with world governments and international affairs, whether it means support for the Palestinians, against a pre-emptive war in Iraq. In short, she refuses to ascribe to the school, Israel, right or wrong. She was particularly castigated when she raised questions during her fifth term in office about the mistreatment of Palestinian people by Israel while a member of the House International Relations Committee. The vitriol spewed by many American Jews is outlandish. But she is not alone. Earl Hilliard, Congressman from Alabama’s 7th district (Birmingham, Selma, et al) also suffered the same fate, won the primary, but lost in a runoff to Artur Davis. So heinous is the hatred generated toward Cynthia McKinney that she has been forced to cover the windows of her home, in order to keep people from being able to ascertain her movements when at home. She has received death threats, and some of the vilest hate mail—both snail and e-mail—imaginable. After the grand jury in Washington, D. C., refused to indict her for allegedly striking a D. C. police officer (although he accosted her from behind first), a DJ in New York stated on the air that she should be lynched. A talk show host here in Georgia, Neal Boortz, said her new hairdo looks like “Tina Turner peeing on an electric fence…” and made her look like “a ghetto slut.” In 2003, after McKinney was defeated in 2002, a committee at Cornell University offered her a visiting professorship, a contract was signed, and a campus visit was arranged for her to meet faculty and students. Unfortunately, the conservative Jewish community, led by former mayor of New York, Ed Koch, opposed her appointment, and her visit on campus was made most unpleasant, with death threats, verbal abuse, vile language, et al. She fled Ithaca, New York, and the school has never made any compensation to her, although some of the members of the selection committee apologized to her. Some of those same people are now trying to keep her from being able to secure speaking engagements when she leaves Congress next January. Significantly, the ultimate winner in the 4th congressional district is not Hank Johnson, but the leadership of the faith-based prosperity ministries, primarily New Birth Baptist Church, headed by Bishop Eddie Long, and allegedly the largest church in Georgia, Black or white. Bishop Long has ties to President George W. Bush, and is tied to Bishop T. D. Jakes, who has the same White House entry. Politically, the election of Johnson is actually just a diversion for the moment. DeKalb County CEO Vernon Jones is a member of New Birth, and as CEO, he is constrained by term limits from running for a third term. He has already served in the Georgia State House, and his next step would be the U. S. Congress, and he needed to move Congresswoman McKinney out of the way for a run at the office in 2008. Thus, using the white animus toward McKinney, the Diebold voting machines, the close association between Jones and the County Director of Elections (and Jones’ close friend), Linda Latimore, Jones and Eddie Long manipulated the vote to give Johnson the win. Although Johnson sees himself as a long-term congressman, he will never win again, the Christians will make certain of that. You see, he is a Buddhist, while his wife and children are Presbyterian, a fact not widely known. Moreover, he will be vilified over the next two years by Black people in the district, just as they did Denise Majette during her tenure between 2003-2005, which is why she did not seek re-election. (She was booed whenever and wherever she appeared in the Black community.) Believe me, in 2008, Vernon Jones will be running for the seat against a very weak opponent, for as he stated in April of this year during a trip to Washington, D. C., he would be back in the nation’s capitol in 2008. Unfortunately, Johnson, Jones, Bishop Long, are of the same stripe: they are neither Democratic nor Republican, but Opportunists. There you have it, my friend, the defeat of one of the most progressive members of Congress, Cynthia McKinney, as succinctly as I could make it. There is much more, of course, but suffice it to say, Cynthia McKinney was victimized by practically all of the things that make for bad politics. Sadly, we, her constituents, and people everywhere are the real victims. Philip G. Smith Formerly of Chicago, Illinois --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Virtually the same thread exists in the MLK section in the 'Political Conspiracies' section. Here is Congresswoman McKinneys response to this the day after the election. August 13, 2006 Statement from Cynthia McKinney Everybody who puts on a T-shirt isn't a McKinney supporter, and everybody who stands around with folded arms in some doorway is not playing security in any campaign of mine. It's come to my attention that several errant individuals at and near my campaign office on election night uttered some unfortunate remarks including singling out a Jewish member of the press. The people who made those remarks were not associated with my campaign in any formal way, and I want to make clear from this hour that any informal ties between me and my campaign and anyone holding or espousing such views are cut and renounced. The fact that the remarks occurred after some verbal and other provocation initiated either by members of the press or so-called security people attached to members of the press is no excuse for the content of the remarks themselves. Denunciations of entire religious or racial groups, statements ascribing this or that behavior or motivation to "the white man" or "the Jew" have never been part of my lexicon, my public or even my private dialogue. Anyone who makes blanket denunciations of Jews or "the Jew" is certainly not a supporter of mine, not a staff member, not a consultant to, nor is welcome to be a volunteer in my campaign. Such people are in fact not living in the real world. In the real world the Jewish people are heirs to an incomparable tradition of resisting oppression in all its forms. Nelson Mandela's longtime military commander was one Joe Slovo, a Lithuanian Jew. In Israel today, thousands of members of the armed forces from highly trained pilots to ordinary citizen soldiers are, at great personal risk to themselves, refusing to take part in the roadblocks or the occupation of Palestine, or in the current bombing and invasion of Lebanon. Hundreds of these heroic Jewish resisters, called "refuseniks" languish daily in Israeli prisons. And the worldwide peace movement owes a debt to Mordecai Vanunu, the Israeli citizen who revealed to the world the truth about his country's nuclear arsenal, and who has paid for that act of conscience with more time in prison than Nelson Mandela, most of it in solitary confinement. Our language and our practice should always reflect our deepest values. The struggle against racism and injustice in all their forms has always been and will always be at the core of my private and my public values. I urge the people who made those unfortunate remarks to study a little history, to reflect upon our common humanity, and wherever they go in the future, to try do better. And to do good wherever they go.
  5. Yes John, I'm wearing blinders and I can't see the bigotry in front of me. Check out a talk show host named Hal Turner, who once entitled one of his shows 'Cynthia MCKinney, should she be lynched before her primary campaign'. I didn't hear any uproar about that one, despite the fact that Hal Turner was a regular caller and friend of Sean Hannity before his radio show went national. Deafening silence. http://www.halturnershow.com John
  6. Fetzer might want to take the time to speak to John Judge, who actually took the time to do some actual research on this matter. He talked with the air staff on the ground that saw the highjackers get on the planes. One of Johns friends was an air hostess, who's usual route was the one that went into the pentagon, she was allowed into the crash site and saw pieces of the airplane and also saw the friendship bracelet on her friends severed hand. John confronted a 9/11 CTer in my presence a few months back, the CTer simply refused to believe John. The Truth movement by and large is a cult that refuses to make any acceptions to what their 'experts' say. So there is one excellent reason why the highjackers were on the place 1. Because the air stewards saw them get on! John
  7. Brendan, If someone was gay, does that make them any less of a human being? What an argument this has become, ripping into each other for being cross eyed, four eyed and have a gay pose! Dear God men! Yours, A very miffed, John Geraghty
  8. Hi Francesca, My stay was great, I've been back about 6 weeks now, it was excellent. I believe I will be seeing you in London during October some time so I can fill you in fully on the goings on over there (lots of good stuff that can't be written online!) John
  9. John, Let me say this, you know nothing of this matter. I considered writing a long rebuttal to your ill researched (if at all) claims, but decided against it as it would not be worth my time. Do a bit of research on McKinneys opponent in the primary election, Hank Johnson. If you do your homework you will see that he was put up to it by Republican and land development money. The new black panthers offered McKinney security once and she rejected their offer, they provided security anyway. Take a look on McKinneys website for her statement on the matter http://www.cynthiaforcongress.com and see that she did not condone those remarks. A lot of jewish groups did give money to her opponent because of her stance on the Palestinian conflict. Some news agencies, including the Jewish times have accused her of accepting money from terrorist organisations, which is quite laughable. McKinneys opponent, Hank Johnson, made such a slur against her in the last election saying that because there were Palestinian names on her contribution list he could say that she took money from terrorists. Now is that not racism? Is that not anti-arab? Take a long look at the validity of her primary election. In 2002 a crossover vote was organised to get McKinney out because of her statements on September 11th and her grilling of Rumsfeld (do a youtube.com search), this entailed Republicans voting in the democratic primary so that McKinney would be out of office. This year they did the same thing, with the same PR guy running the show, pumping $2,000 of his own money into the scheme (see goodbyecynthia.com) . Johnson was a put up candidate for land developers and law firms representing cox broadcasting (Atlanta Journal Constititution, Channel 11, Neal Boortz) and other large corporations. If you want any further information on the dirty campaigns to smear Cynthia McKinney don't hesitate to ask. John
  10. Francesca, Ask Ian about it, he told me a few things about it a while back. I tried to contact the Van Horn local newspaper about it, they don't know anything. John
  11. Us white people just can't catch a break in this world eh!
  12. CNN reported that the nearby Sheraton Hotel had a surveillance camera that captured the pentagon impact. They also reported that several employees watched the tape in horror before the FBI came and took it away. If this is true, it would be very interesting to hear their accounts of what they saw. In fact, it would be very interesting to see the tape. John Judge spoke to several Sheraton employees who saw the video footage. Another lady he spoke to even watched the plane fly into the Pentagon. John
  13. In a documentary, which I saw about a month ago, about resistance fighters in Iraq, they stated that they thought it was either the US or UK that did it, and it was THEIR shrine that was bombed. John
  14. John Judge and I met Seymour Hersh briefly this summer at a talk he was giving on middle eastern policy. I appreciate some of his analysis on matters, but I feel, as pointed out by others here, he gets much of his information from different factions within the agency. His analysis of the current media situation is somewhat lacking, he describes modern journalists as careerists, who did not have to make their way up the chain of command. This is of course part of the problem, though he failed to acknowledge the corporate control of the media being the prime factor in its inefective coverage. Although I don't agree with some of his analysis, some of the information leaked to him is extremely valuable. John
  15. It was John Hankey that made the film, I don't know if he works with infowars. I am not an Alex Jones fan. John
  16. Jack, Sometimes its just a slip of the hand. Don't worry, its not a big deal, reading a post three times is sometimes mandatory on this forum! John
  17. It is quite a shame that 'whitewash' is so expensive these days as I would early like to read them. My only experience of his work is the interview with him in 'The men who killed Kennedy'. I had an offer to go to the Weisburg archive in Maryland this year, but I haven't had the time. I have been told that they are being put onto cd-rom, so that should be a good addition to any researchers collection. I do know enough about Mr.Weisburg to know that he was on the money and was tireless in his efforts. He is one of the people that should always be honored by the research community. Just to clarify, Mike Hogan is a good guy and was not insinuating anything by starting this post. All the best, John Geraghty
  18. Tosh plumlee, on this forum, said that he was nicknamed Zapata because zapata is the spanish for 'shoe' and that he lost a shoe while running on a mission. A fairly simple and non-incriminatory explanation. John
  19. That's because your boss is an excellent teacher. P.S. You are = you're rectified, maybe you do have a use
  20. Sid, Your overplaying the whole Israel thing. She does not support war-period. The confrontation with Rumsfeld over 9/11 and Dyncorp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eootfzAhAoU...nney%20rumsfeld . I agree that the mass media had it in for McKinney. Two such examples of selective media coverage, The possibility of Rove being indicted and the Jack Abramoff scandal were raging, yet the media decided to go with the McKinney story. The media also ran with a reporter following McKinney up the steps of the capitol asking her questions, rather than covering the fact that supporters of Tom Delay disrupted a press conference in Texas that very same day. Footage of the Delay matter was broadcast on tv in Houston, so why not nationally? Because they are told what to cover and what not to cover. People seem to keep bringing up Israel and McKinney, only because McKinney is a voice for minorities in Congress, thus having support from the muslim community. People equate her relationships with muslim groups as anti=semitism, which is ridiculous as she has a significant mount of Jewish supporters. John
  21. Very well said Peter, I think that this video finally puts the nail in the coffin of those who seek to distort this incident to their own advantage. As The officers said, if she had assaulted an officer she would have been arrested on the spot, instead they waited a few days. I'm glad that this video saw the light of day. John
  22. You're a hate monger, who has no place in civilised society.
  23. Brendan, Did you even watch the video? Its indisputable evidence, though I don't expect rational interpretations from you. John
  24. Seeing as how this was where we discussed Cynthia McKinney previously I think that it is important that I direct you all to this post in the Government and politics section. It would get more exposure in this section, but its off topic. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=7591 This will direct you to video of capitol hill police officers detailing how Cynthia McKinney and other black leaders have been targeted by some white capitol hill police officers. John
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