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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Should Carriles be extradited I think a pleasantly worded letter should be written to Venezeulan authorities asking if he has any information on 22/11/63. I'm sure they would be only too happy to finger him for that If he was involved. John
  2. I would absolutely love to go to Dallas. Last year was a bit of a fantasy of mine to go given that I didn't have a job. I may be able to attend this year, as my mother and father are taking retirement so I may get a govt student grant and a piece of their retirement packages. I have yet to attend a conference or meetup of any kind relating to JFK. The closest I came was Dublin airport where I was supposed to be going to a DPUK meeting but realised my passport was 9 days out of date and ryanair was the only airline that would not accept it. I was very disappointed not to make the Canterbury conference this year, so hopefuly Dallas would make up for it. I certainly think it would be great for forum members to meet up, it can only be good for community research. plus a bit of company 3,000 miles away from home wouldn't hurt. John
  3. One theory is that the soviet union along with or without castro assassinated kennedy and it was covered up by LBJ to avoid a war. I find one huge innaccuracy with this theory. If there was a Soviet conspiracy Lemay, Tayloe and the rest of the hawks would have been all over it looking for a chance to invade Cuba or start pre-emptive strikes. We know that is what they wanted to do during the missile crisis. If they were willing to go to war over offensive missiles in Cuba, surely they would be willing to invade if their commander in chief was murdered, I would go so far as to say that they would stage a coup against LBJ in order to get their war and not seem standoffish and frightened of the Russians. Why would these people not take this opportunity to act, they had been looking for an excuse for years. I will not take 'they didn't like kennedy' as an answer as they hated the Soviets a damn sight more than Kennedy. Unless this problem can be sorted out, the chance of a Castro/Khruschev conspiracy is extremely unlikely, back that up with the fact they had no motive. John
  4. John you selfish Bastard, stop setting up forums for us to use and spend our time all day on for free, discussing things that happened 40 years ago and furthering our knowledge. You make me sick I would have to agree with Mr.Dylan, for me I would love to either make movies, make music or some kind of research to do with the assassination of JFK, does it show that I'm 19? Im never getting a job, gotta keep on rockin forever. John 'live forever' geraghty
  5. This party doesn't seem to stop so heres another thread. Who ,live or dead, would you most like to have sat down and had a pint with. And for you non-alcoholics you can have a nice glass of milk. For good company and a bit of an adventure I would say Steve McQueen For a good rewriting of history I would say watergate burglar Howard Hunt (since he is still alive my chances are good) John
  6. I like carolines one about the 1916 rising, wahay. Dawns scenario of a spiderman averted 22/11/63. I would have to say...... thin Lizzy live in concert, 78 In the sewer with the second gunman! Hitlers bunker (have a look at the film 'downfall' if you want to see what it was like) John
  7. I joined the forum primarily for the discussion on the JFK assassination and I find it a great resource for a young person such as myself beginning to fathom the political climate of the 60's . Because of the forum I have come to learn that an interest in the assassination is not enough to solve it, but to truly understand you must learn about the culture and politics of the time which to me now seems a million miles away. I return every day because there are so many interesting and intelligent people discussing topics that may bore others but are genuinely fascinating to those who take interest in the assassination. The forum has come to shape some of my political views and is also a place to vent my frustration at the world! John Geraghty
  8. looks like Paul Burrell doesn't believe a word of it. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8370158/ john
  9. Christopher, Thats quite true, I don't think that something like that would have escaped the tabloids. I haven't read the article as I have vowed never to buy it. I will see if it is online. John
  10. IM sure most of the British and Irish members of the forum would have heard a few days ago that The British tabloid 'The Sun' ran a front page story of how JFK Junior and Diana Princess of Wales slept together some time in the nineties. They are reported to have met in the same hotel as his father met Marilyn Monroe, but I think this may be thrown in just for reference to his fathers playboy antics. Anybody buy this or is it just another tabloid attempt to sell papers? John
  11. Hi Mark, A while ago you mentioned in a post that you had seen a photo of a man identified as the assassin in the Martin Luther King murder in the Kentucky courier journal who bore resemblance to the Mexico city Oswald. I am in the process of obtaining the photo if it still exists, I just need to narrow the timeframe a bit. King was assassinated on the 4th of April 68, do you remember how long after the assassination the photo appeared? Thanks John Geraghty
  12. Typical Hoover, Sullivans account just shows how difficult matters of this magnitude are to investigate and what international forces you may or may not be dealing with. I find Hoover interupting bobbys burial truly sickening. John
  13. |f you do a search on the forum I think you should find two email addresses for jack lawrence along with an address, I cant remember who posted them, it could have been on lancer. John
  14. My name is John Geraghty, I am studying for a B.A. in History , Medieval Irish and Celtic Studies in the National University of Ireland Maynooth (pending transfer). I have been interested in the assassination for two years now and have not lost any of my willingness to investigate. I have written an article on Charles Harrelson, who many believe to have been the tall tramp in Dealey Plaza on 22/11/63 and have corresponded with him in prison. In June of 2005 I launched my website http://thepresidenthasbeenshot.4t.com which includes writing by myself and other researchers. My main interests in the case are the three tramps, JFKs trip to Ireland, E.Howard Hunt, Media coverage, Saul Sague, Oswalds time in Russia and the links with the Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations. I like to keep abreast of all other aspects of the assassinations. I am not an expert on the subject, it is at the moment merely a time consuming hobby. John Geraghty
  15. Hi John, Bill Ledger was on Irish radio yesterday talking about his findings. Interesting indeed. For years in school we learned that population decline in developed nations was indeed because of the social and economics implications of having children. I believe Sweden and Germany's populations are declining somewhat. The inability of couples to cenceive isn't directly related to the size of ones family. If somebody is able to conceive, that does not mean they are going to have a large family, I do believe that the decline in population is as a result of economic factors. With regards to the Roman empire I haven't seen any ballpark figures so it is difficult for me to speculate on the effect a decline in population had. Rome looked abroad for many of its legionaries so I don't think there would have been much of a problem in the military. Like to many other empires, their borders stretched too far. And with the Empire split in two their position is weakened. You could argue that while the Roman Empire fell, Christianity took its place but thats another story alltogether. I did not hear many of the details of the report but with regard to male fertility, this is indeed most likely down to diet, climate, gases inhaled in everyday life and lack of proper exercise. I doubt if fertility was poor enough among the Romans that they could not go on, an interesting theory nonetheless.
  16. The KKK has a website, and on it they are still trying to paint Martin Luther King as a communist, something Hoover never achieved. They have an obviously photoshopped picture of MLK with a banner in the background saying 'communist convention' or something like that. It seems that their intellect is no bigger than their tolerance.
  17. Hello all, I got the reference on namebase, I must have misread the page. Just yesterday I was compiling all the information I could on Saul Sague, as I suspect that he may have had something to do with the MLK assassination. A lot of the information came from searching previous posts on this forum, mainly from James Richards, Gerry Hemming and Ron Ecker. Here is another namebase reference to Saul Sage who is mario tauler sague Newman,J. Oswald and the CIA. 1995 (234) The information that I got from this was that Sague was a former member of the Cuban revolutionary airforce, a member of hemmings organisation and had been frequenting the hangouts of Cuban revolutionists in Miami. Newman's source is named as MM T-1, does anybody know who he is referring to?
  18. I hope so too, having missed the seminar....again.
  19. If there is anybody with a copy of Turner Hinckles book 'The Fish is Red' published in 1981. Would they be so kind as to look up references to Saul Sague/Mario Tauler and Reinaldo Pico. Any help would be great.
  20. I think it is also worth bearing in mind that Dr.William Pepper knew Dr.King and was instrumental in showing him the horrors people were suffering in vietnam. John
  21. Well said Tim and Pat. Mel is yet to respond to the thread on the assassination of MLK, I will email him and ask him to join the debate.
  22. I found this website that details Nelson Bunker Hunt's activities over the last 40 years, he seems to be a member of this Christian League. Take a look: http://www.seekgod.ca/cnp.ho.htm#nhunt
  23. I recall a discussion after the death of hunter s thompson on the forum about rumours that he was involved in child porn somehow, I came accross this article by tom flocco that details a child sex ring in washington and that hunter thompson directed a child sex snuff film and that larry king watched it. Its all in this article, im still trying to get my head around it. http://www.tomflocco.com/modules.php?name=...article&sid=107 I find this quite disturbing as I am a fan of hunter thompsons work. Does anybody have anything to add or is there anything im missing about this debacle as im truly puzzled and quite sick. Sorry for posting this but Im just curious. John
  24. From reading Peter Dale Scott's 'Deep Poltics and the Death of JFK' I see that Noam Chomsky seems to have some sort of interest in the assassination, indirect though it may be. Chomsky argues that JFK was nor trying to pull out of vietnam and that the troops were there to stay, which is at odds with what PDS believes. From reading it I get the impression that they have discussed the matter before. I know Chomsky is more of a social commentator than a historian, but its worth throwing in. I suppose This thread vindicates what john is trying to say, as I have to stretch who we deem to be 'historians' to come up with a relevant example. John
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