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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. Hi Harry, Do you know anything about the operation of the assassination, what I mean by that is who and how co-ordinated it on the ground level? Would you say that Walker was at the top level of the assassination in that he sanctioned the assassination along with oilmen, weapons manufacturers (suite 8F group possible). I assume you don't know the identities of the actual shooters and they were known only to the chief planners on the ground. Cheers John
  2. I will try to find out if he is still alive and contactable.c Cheers Steve John
  3. Mark, Its not just about aid, its about cancelling debt and opening trade barriers, cancelling the money european and US farmers get which makes it impossible for african countries to trade properly. Aid is the least of africas problems. If it can't trade it can't develope. At the moment Bush will not commit to anything because of crooked governments, though the press are now saying more and more that the US was more than willing to trade with oppressive regimes when it was in their interest, most notably suharto in indonesia where paul wolfowitz was ambassador and praised suhartos governing methods. John
  4. Ron, It was Lois Gibson of the Houston police department. John
  5. Thanks James, if i find out anymoe i will update you. John
  6. Hi Nic, Hows it going. I corresponded with Harrelson for a while in early 2004. He is indeed in Colorado maximum penitentiary along with the shoe bomber Richard Reid. He tells me that only family members and his legal team are allowed to see him in prison, nobody else. the men who killed kennedy interview with him was done before he tried to escape and was transfered. As his likeliness of being a conspirator is...the debate is still going on in my mind. I talked with a man who knew him quite well, the officer that arrested him, Jack Dean, he told me that Harrelson had a con mans personality and that if you met him you would like him but that he would and did kill for money. Check out my Harrleson page at http://www.thepresidenthasbeenshot.4t.com , on the harrelson photos page are photos of Harrelson from high school. Im still looking into harrelson, but more so Chauncey Holt, as if he is telling the truth then Harrelson is implicated. John
  7. Armando Cubria Ramos was a pal of mario Tauler Sagues as far as I can tell, Anybody know anything about him. James Richards, I'm looking in your direction! John Geraghty
  8. I have come accross a few organisations that I am trying to find more about. Any help would be great. Most of them are terrorist organisations or CIA fronts. -International Services of information, based in Baltimore -International co-operation administartion -R'assemblent, national terrorist organisation in canada - la Cruz counter revolutionary group Cheers John
  9. Gentlemen, I would tend to agree that they were killed by the same forces. I was watching a rather excellent doumentary on bbc2 last night called 'RFK'. In it were interviewed all the major kennedy biographers, katzenbacj, schlesinger, speechwriters, journalists. I found some very interesting quotes that I jotted down while watching. "I believe they're going to do the same thing to him that they did to Jack"-jackie Kennedy as told by Arthur Schlesinger "Then Bobby may have started to think, maybe his brother would have gotten out" Robert Dallek referring to the Vietnam war. there were reports in Time magazine that the North Vietnamese were going to start peace feeling with Bobby Kennedy, the story was made up but LBJ firmly believed it. He called RFK to the white house and talked to him in such a manner that RFK said that he didn't want to have any dealing with LBJ ever again. Another thing that was quite incredible was when RFK was in San Francisco on the campaign trail the day before he was shot. He was riding in a motorcade with Ethel in Chinatown, firecrackers went off and by god they really sounded like gunshots, Ethel hit the deck, Bobby flinched once but then went on campaigning. Documnetaries such as this one really clarify what we are all doing ,trying to solve these murders, I fell a lot of sadness when I see footage of JFK,RFK and MLK because i know what could have been. Its a bit soppy, but its the truth. John
  10. I bought 'iron eagle' a book about Lemay, he leaves out the assassination also. I noticed that in Undercover also. Hunt obviously doesn't want to give anybody any clues as to who he was associating with at that time. As reagrds Rabin, who knows, he probably didn't want to make any fuss by mentioning the assassination at all. By leaving out his US visit I assume he did not want people knocking at his door asking him if he had any knowledge of the assassination. He wouldn't want to give any anti israeli the chance of accusing him of setting it up. John
  11. by the way tim ,if your talking to GPH in the near future could you ask him about these two characters and anybody they may have been close to. cheers John
  12. Hi Tim, Im currently looking into johnson and sague. Im going to contact soldier of fortune magazine who johnson wrote for in the 70s. The picture i get of sague so far is that he was born in germany, was met by william harvey in berlin, attempted to kill castro, invovled with oswald, involved in mlk assassination, who knows after that. John
  13. I believe that Mary Moorman was told that what she heard were echoes when questioned by the FBI straight after the assassination. I assume you mean during the official investigation though. John
  14. Exactly what i thought ron, even though i have seen this photo hundreds of times. He does bear a striking resemblance John
  15. Im not much of a u2 fan myself, Im probably the only irishman to say so. Great song all the same. I take it that you believe King was killed as part of a conspiracy. Taking a step back from the King assassination and looking at it from accross the water you realise King was absolutely hated by whites in the south. Just watch any footage of him on marches, the abuse he received from whites was horrendous, its so patently obvious that he was killed for what he stood for and what he could have done. This line says it all 'one man betrayed with a kiss' referring to the FBI man working on the inside of kings group, wearing a tie on the day of the assassination. John
  16. Looks good gary, I tried to email S.Philips before but he didn't respond. I wonder if he has any other information on his Uncles 'job' and whether he left any documentation to the family. Good stuff, will keep an eye out on the blog. John
  17. Christopher, Excellent points. One would assume then that the media simply saw the arrest record and latched onto the full name. John
  18. May I just say that this thread is to help someone with coursework, and I don't think this is the place for arguments. This is not a judgement on any of you. I just don't think that its helpful. You all mean well. John
  19. I posted this on the forum of my website http://s10.invisionfree.com/KennedyAssassi...hp?showtopic=13 but since there are far more members here I thought I would post it here as I have been thinking about this for quite a while. Its interesting. Lets look at three supposed lone-nut assassins. Lee harvey Oswald, Sirhan Bishara Sirhan, James Earl Ray. What do they have in common (apart from being accused of killing the three most influential men in liberal politics) , they all have double barreled surnames. Before the assassinations of JFK,RFK,MLK were their accused assassins known by their shortened names, Lee Oswald, James Ray and Sirhan Sirhan. If they were then that would tend to indicate that we might not have remembered their names due to the ordinary nature of them. Was the press given the names in full and told to use the full name whenever making reference to them? I think that these names were used so that they would stick in peoples minds and they would associate these names with the assassination a lot easier. Also the three victims all were remembered in a double barreled name. JFK, RFK, MLk. It would be interesting to hear a linguists or psychologists analysis of this. Food for thought. John Geraghty
  20. Tim Gratz posted this on another thread, I thought it might be good to keep them together. The JFK assassination Chronology -Ira david wood http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1.html
  21. Neither Oswald nor the soviet Union/Cuba had the motive to kill Kennedy. Castro and Khruschev are very intelligent people, to kill Kennedy would have been suicide for them. Some would argue hardliners in the KGB, unless they staged a coup before or after the kennedy assassination there would be nothing to gain from the assassination. I have heard no good, plausible reason why communists would kill kennedy. I have heard several plausible reasons why citizens of the United States would want to get rid of him. Pulling out of Vietnam, failing to invade Cuba, appeasing communism as his father had done with hitler, vowing to split the CIA, firing CIA sacred cows, oil depletion allowance. John
  22. I was watching a programme about Jack Ruby last night on the history channel. 'jack Ruby on Trial' it was called. Featured were Posner, Lane, Blakey, Ford and a few other people associated with the case. I have a few questions and statements about Ruby. The show names a comedian that had a fight with Oswald in the carousel club and testified to the HSCA that Ruby knew Oswald, do we know more about this man and this episode. Earl Ruby and his lawyer made a recording of them talking to Ruby at Parkland hospital shortly before he died stating that he didn't know Oswald and that he came down the ramp from the street before killing Oswald. Anybody know anything more about the contents of this tape. There have been theories that the car horn that sounded before Ruby shot Oswald was a signal, I don't think this to be true, Ruby was already going for Oswald when the horn sounded. I know Earl Ruby conforms to the official story, has he ever looked at the assassination much? Did he have a good relationship with Jack? Was he involved with organised crime? Is he still alive. I suppose I would ask the same of Robert Oswald, is he just ignorant of the facts, or does he take the FBIs and govts word at face value. I believe the programme was shown in Australia a few weeks ago. A lot of questions, Any answers? John
  23. Many of you will be familiar with Percy Foreman, the well known lawyer who won hundreds of cases for a lot of no hopers. Only two of his clients were ever given the death penalty. Anyhow I though that it was worth pointing out the part which he played in the martin Luther King conspiracy. James Earl Ray hired Foreman as his lawyer after having bad relations with his previous legal counsel who were trying to get a book deal out of Ray. Foreman convinced Ray that he would surely be sent to the chair if he didn't confess to the King killing and that he would be let out early. Ray went along with it and shortly after signing the confession retracted it. Foreman had hired a woman by the name of Glenda Grabow who had known the man described by Ray as 'Raoul'. Foreman told Grabow that he knew Raoul and that a conspiracy existed, he told her that the sacrifice of Ray was necessary for her and the countries well being. Who else did Foreman represent in his time at the bar? None other than Mr.Jack Ruby(for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald) and Mr.Charles Harrelson. Mr.Foreman was obviously well connected in the way of helping out hoodlums. If that doesn't tell you that there was a conspiracy in the MLK case , I don't know what will. The fact that the defendants lawyer admits there was a conspiracy, that he knew at least one of the conspirators and that he forced an innocent man to confess. John
  24. For my money....No. Though I envy those who believe in God as I would like to believe in God, so I am therefore in a religious limbo. Church leaders will tell you that it is about faith, but that faith is completely blind. As for Jesus Christ, I believe it possible and likely that he once lived but that stories of him were contorted. I have always found it irrational that myths of the Arthurian age are shrugged off as mere legend while feats Christ was said to have done which were equally unbelieveable are taken as fact. This to me is the principle reason for my disbelief. So many intelligent people can believe that christ turned one loaf and one fish into many is ridiculous, plain and simple. I would believe it if you told me that Jesus was generous enough to share all this bread and fish that he had. Christianity is no different from any other cult, except that it is widely accepted and beaten into your head at a young age. I can't wait to see what 'miracle' the vatican comes up with to make john paul a saint, a man that stiffled growth like no other. How ridiculous is it that priests are not allowed to marry, that women are not allowed to become priests and that people are not allowed by the church to use condoms, especially in this age of STIs. The Catholic church needs a reformation big time, for hundreds of years it has refused to change with the world. Ireland is a prime example of what a disastrous effect the church has when given too much power. Schools were run with an iron fist, you were told you were going to hell if you had innappropriate thoughts about someone of the opposite gender. How many wars have been started in the name of 'God' . If religion did all it says it was created to do (peace, brotherly love and friendship) then I would be all for it, but in my opinion religion has created nothing but trouble. The only proof that God doesn't exist is that there is no proof that God does exist ,and thats good enough for me. Prove me wrong John
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