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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. The transcripts of the Coast to Coast radio program on the Kennedy assassination are now available on the COPA website. http://www.politicalassassinations.com/Pre...20lectures.html Among those featured are Robert Groden, Cyril Wechy, Dr Gary Aguilar, John Judge and William Kelly. Credit to William Kelly for transcribing the shows. John
  2. COPA is now featuring a new article by Dr Gary Aguilar. http://www.politicalassassinations.com/Rec...%20Aguilar.html Dr Aguilar review was first published in 'The federal lawyer' and is now reprinted with his permission John Geraghty www.politicalassassinations.com
  3. It's just a pity that they included the alien bit at the bottom. Otherwise it was a very interesting article.
  4. Tim, There is a full set of audio cassettes of the HSCA hearings at the Assassination Archives Research Centre in D.C. I was comtemplating an attempt at digitizing them, but the task was too monstrous for a summers work. John
  5. Steve, Were they two anarchists wrongly accused of something? Did they make a speech to the court room-something along the lines of 'nobody will remember the judge or the prosecution, but the names Sacco and Vanzetti will echo throughout history' ? Or is this another case? John
  6. I'm still counting my pennies to see if I can afford a trip to Dallas this year. Extremely unlikely thanks to my education costs this year. I still have some alterations to make to the COPA site, but at least it is up. When I give John Judge a proper tutorial on how to update the blog you can expect more frequent content. John
  7. I've had the same problem, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I'll make John S aware of the problem.
  8. Alberto Gonzalez seems to be free at the moment.
  9. Hi Peter, I can appreciate that, very much. I'm just trying to call it as I see it. I don't have any beef with anyone on the forum, despite what I may think of their views. What I am trying to convey is that this is as much for you as it is for Len and the debate on the forum. We have a lot of people that read the forum who are not necessarily members, and I just want to make it readible to them too. It's difficult to make calls on these kind of things, but I received a few complaints about this and I'm just following the guidelines. Hi Myra, You'll have to take that up with John S, I am but a humble moderator. I'm sorry to those that feel that this discussion has been stymied. John
  10. Robert Fisk: Even I question the 'truth' about 9/11 Published: 25 August 2007 Each time I lecture abroad on the Middle East, there is always someone in the audience – just one – whom I call the "raver". Apologies here to all the men and women who come to my talks with bright and pertinent questions – often quite humbling ones for me as a journalist – and which show that they understand the Middle East tragedy a lot better than the journalists who report it. But the "raver" is real. He has turned up in corporeal form in Stockholm and in Oxford, in Sao Paulo and in Yerevan, in Cairo, in Los Angeles and, in female form, in Barcelona. No matter the country, there will always be a "raver". His – or her – question goes like this. Why, if you believe you're a free journalist, don't you report what you really know about 9/11? Why don't you tell the truth – that the Bush administration (or the CIA or Mossad, you name it) blew up the twin towers? Why don't you reveal the secrets behind 9/11? The assumption in each case is that Fisk knows – that Fisk has an absolute concrete, copper-bottomed fact-filled desk containing final proof of what "all the world knows" (that usually is the phrase) – who destroyed the twin towers. Sometimes the "raver" is clearly distressed. One man in Cork screamed his question at me, and then – the moment I suggested that his version of the plot was a bit odd – left the hall, shouting abuse and kicking over chairs. Usually, I have tried to tell the "truth"; that while there are unanswered questions about 9/11, I am the Middle East correspondent of The Independent, not the conspiracy correspondent; that I have quite enough real plots on my hands in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Iran, the Gulf, etc, to worry about imaginary ones in Manhattan. My final argument – a clincher, in my view – is that the Bush administration has screwed up everything – militarily, politically diplomatically – it has tried to do in the Middle East; so how on earth could it successfully bring off the international crimes against humanity in the United States on 11 September 2001? Well, I still hold to that view. Any military which can claim – as the Americans did two days ago – that al-Qa'ida is on the run is not capable of carrying out anything on the scale of 9/11. "We disrupted al-Qa'ida, causing them to run," Colonel David Sutherland said of the preposterously code-named "Operation Lightning Hammer" in Iraq's Diyala province. "Their fear of facing our forces proves the terrorists know there is no safe haven for them." And more of the same, all of it untrue. Within hours, al-Qa'ida attacked Baquba in battalion strength and slaughtered all the local sheikhs who had thrown in their hand with the Americans. It reminds me of Vietnam, the war which George Bush watched from the skies over Texas – which may account for why he this week mixed up the end of the Vietnam war with the genocide in a different country called Cambodia, whose population was eventually rescued by the same Vietnamese whom Mr Bush's more courageous colleagues had been fighting all along. But – here we go. I am increasingly troubled at the inconsistencies in the official narrative of 9/11. It's not just the obvious non sequiturs: where are the aircraft parts (engines, etc) from the attack on the Pentagon? Why have the officials involved in the United 93 flight (which crashed in Pennsylvania) been muzzled? Why did flight 93's debris spread over miles when it was supposed to have crashed in one piece in a field? Again, I'm not talking about the crazed "research" of David Icke's Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster – which should send any sane man back to reading the telephone directory. I am talking about scientific issues. If it is true, for example, that kerosene burns at 820C under optimum conditions, how come the steel beams of the twin towers – whose melting point is supposed to be about 1,480C – would snap through at the same time? (They collapsed in 8.1 and 10 seconds.) What about the third tower – the so-called World Trade Centre Building 7 (or the Salmon Brothers Building) – which collapsed in 6.6 seconds in its own footprint at 5.20pm on 11 September? Why did it so neatly fall to the ground when no aircraft had hit it? The American National Institute of Standards and Technology was instructed to analyse the cause of the destruction of all three buildings. They have not yet reported on WTC 7. Two prominent American professors of mechanical engineering – very definitely not in the "raver" bracket – are now legally challenging the terms of reference of this final report on the grounds that it could be "fraudulent or deceptive". Journalistically, there were many odd things about 9/11. Initial reports of reporters that they heard "explosions" in the towers – which could well have been the beams cracking – are easy to dismiss. Less so the report that the body of a female air crew member was found in a Manhattan street with her hands bound. OK, so let's claim that was just hearsay reporting at the time, just as the CIA's list of Arab suicide-hijackers, which included three men who were – and still are – very much alive and living in the Middle East, was an initial intelligence error. But what about the weird letter allegedly written by Mohamed Atta, the Egyptian hijacker-murderer with the spooky face, whose "Islamic" advice to his gruesome comrades – released by the CIA – mystified every Muslim friend I know in the Middle East? Atta mentioned his family – which no Muslim, however ill-taught, would be likely to include in such a prayer. He reminds his comrades-in-murder to say the first Muslim prayer of the day and then goes on to quote from it. But no Muslim would need such a reminder – let alone expect the text of the "Fajr" prayer to be included in Atta's letter. Let me repeat. I am not a conspiracy theorist. Spare me the ravers. Spare me the plots. But like everyone else, I would like to know the full story of 9/11, not least because it was the trigger for the whole lunatic, meretricious "war on terror" which has led us to disaster in Iraq and Afghanistan and in much of the Middle East. Bush's happily departed adviser Karl Rove once said that "we're an empire now – we create our own reality". True? At least tell us. It would stop people kicking over chairs. http://news.independent.co.uk/fisk/article...T00:00:01-00:00
  11. Forum rule, (iv) Members should not make personal attacks on other members. Nor should references be made to their abilities as researchers. Most importantly, the motivations of the poster should not be questioned. At all times members should concentrate on what is being said, rather than who is saying it. It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not. The word “xxxx” is banned from use on the forum. I don't think it is appropriate to start a thread questioning the motivations of a forum member. The forum rule states that we must concentrate on what is being said, not the personality of the poster. I think that this is mainly a guideline for keeping the level of debate above personal disagreements and keeping it on topic. It benefits us all to keep the debate this way. Feel free to ask members questions via private message, but the forum should be for discussing issues. This is in everyones interest. I hope this doesn't seem authortarian, but this is a forum for te discussion of history and politics. All the best, John
  12. I have had the opportunity to listen to several of Mae's 'World Watchers International' programmes, they really were meticulously deailed. Mae had a show every two weeks that she produced onto audio cassette and mailed out to her subscribers. Along with the tape she added a source list with verything she had talked about on it. Mae cross indexed the Warren Commission, she clipped 16 newspapers a day, read and took notes on 400-600 books a year and did around 14 periodicals a month. What Mae did was to track people using existing sources of information, I believe this to be the absolute best way to get a ful picture of any of our hidden history events. I have plans to start this clipping and tracking, but in electronic form, I hope to use software that will enable me to create a database similar to that of www.politicalfriendster.com There are five of Mae's shows avalable at www.maebrussell.com You can also see various parts of a talk that Mae gave in Santa Cruz, here Part 1 Part2 Part3 Part4 There are several books featured in these videos that Mae Brussell did not recommend or reference from, that is the work of whoever runs the Mae Brussell center now. In fact, there is a lot of information there that is misrepresented as views that were (or would have been, had she lived longer) held by Mae. I know that a lot of researchers are on the fence about Mae, but I believe her to be the real deal. If half of what Mae said was accurate, then we're in real trouble, and the deep politics just got deeper. John
  13. Sorry, Here is the link, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEEdcDWFr_0 The Kissinger thing is good anyhow. John
  14. Check the troop movements at Pensacola, that might tell you something.
  15. Here is some audio from Parenti's speeches, including one on the JFK assassination, they are really excellent, http://www.radio4all.net/index.php?op=sear...michael+parenti He also has a fabulous article on the assassination taken from his book 'Dirty Truths' http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Parenti/...ination_DT.html John
  16. Academic and author Michael Parenti has a somewhat comical take on peoples reactions to conspiracy theories in this talk. Go to minute 7 to find the comical reference, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNp-scuHpCk John
  17. I was just thinking about this recently. About the only thing that we can take from this campaign is that there are a lot of people willing to change the current structure of global society, yet they are too invested in capitalism to to be able to see the true root of the problem. The thinking of many 'liberals' is that the problems are as a result of right wing incompetence and inconsistency. Nothing is further from the truth, and that is why the right can accomplish so much more than the current left (in the U.S. at least). I use the term left very loosely in the case of the U.S. People believe in the power of citizen lobbying (of current representatives at least) that they feel that if they simply turn out in their droves they can effect Government policy. Just as all politics is local, so too is activism and education. John
  18. That's some great stuff, I especially enjoyed Wes Montgomery. Allow me to share a piece about Henry Kissinger for you, it's quite funny, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNp-scuHpCk John
  19. I think Ed Lopez was interviewed by Shane O' Sullivan for his RFK assassination documentary, he might be able to help you out in that respect. I'm in a place at the moment that has a copt of the trial that you are talking about. You can send me a message about which part you need reviewed and I can take a look. John
  20. I came across a document about Gerry Hemming that may prove interesting to John Simkin, given his interest in Irving Davidson. The RIF number is 104-10216-10064 The document states, in part, "Gerald Patrick Hemming, when drunk, told AMTABBY-27 that Irving Davidson was his financial backer". The document is dated August 23rd 1967. I am having trouble attaching the file, so I will direct you to the file on the Mary Ferrell site. If you have a membership, you can look at the document. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/....do?docId=17306 John
  21. I came across a document about Gerry Hemming that may prove interesting to John Simkin, given his interest in Irving Davidson. The RIF number is 104-10216-10064 The document states, in part, "Gerald Patrick Hemming, when drunk, told AMTABBY-27 that Irving Davidson was his financial backer". The document is dated August 23rd 1967. I am having trouble attaching the file, so I will direct you to the file on the Mary Ferrell site. If you have a membership, you can look at the document. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/....do?docId=17306 John
  22. Aren't we all very hip. Here is a great version of 'classical gas' by Tommy Emmanuel, an amazing guitarist, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX0eTp7SoNU Here is the Ukelele orchestra of Great Britain performing Kate Bush's 'Wuthering heights', http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSed1K-QNMc
  23. Has anyone got anything to add to this list? I am compiling all e-books and online documentaries for the upcoming COPA site. John
  24. I just finished transcribing the station chiefs list. I did it in a spreadsheet, so I hope that it pastes here. If it does not work, I will post the spreadsheet file. If you think this is a long list, you should see my CIA cryptonym and component list. COS/KABUL Chief of Station, Kabul 1972-75 Samuel H. Rickard III COS/ALGIERS Chief of Station, Algiers 1973-76 Edward R.M. Kane COS/VIENNA Chief of station, Vienna 1970-76 Charles Trofford Malton, jr. COS/DACCA Chief of Station, Dacca 1972-75 George T. Walsh COS/BRUSSELS Chief of Station, Brussels 1971-75 Michael S. Thompson COB/ANTWERP Chief of Base, Antwerp 1970-75 Rowlands E. Roberts Jr. COS/LA PAZ Chief of station, La Paz 1973-75 Frederick W. Latrash COS/BRASILIA Chief of station, Brasilia 1972-74 Wilfred D. Koplowitz COB/RECIFE Chief of Base, Recife 1953-75 Thomas J. Barrett Jr. COB/RIO DE JANEIRO Chief of base Rio De Janeiro 1964-75 Stephen F. Creane COS/RANGOON Chief of Station, Rangoon Clyde R. McAvoy COS/BUJUMBURA Chief of station, Bujumbura John C. Beam COS/PHNOM PENH Chief of station Phnom Penh John F. McCarthy III COS/YAOUNDE Chief of station, Yaounde Jeff Corydon III COS/OTTOWA Chief of station, Ottowa Cleveland C. Cram COS/BANGUI Chief of station, Bangui William L. Mosebey Jr. COS/SANTIAGO Chief of station, santiago Stewart D. Burton COS/BOGOTA Chief of station, Bogota Nestor D. Sanchez COS/SAN JOSE Chief of station, San Jose Comer W. Gilstrap Jr. COS/PRAGUE Chief of station Prague Richard A. Kahane COS/SANTO DOMINGO Chief of station, Santo Domingo Thomas A. Clayton COS/QUITO Chief of station, Quito Paul V. Harwood COB,GUAYAQUIL Chief of Base, Guayaquil Norman M. Descoteaux COS/CAIRO Chief of Station, Cairo Arthur M. Niner Jr. COS/SAN SALVADOR Chief of station, San Salvador Kenneth R. Goodman COS/ADDIS ABABA Chief of station, Addis Ababa Eugene L. Jeffers Jr. COS/HELSINKI Chief of station, Helsinki William C. Simenson COS/PARIS Chief of station, Paris Eugen F. Burgstaller COS/BERLIN Chief of station, Berlin George Weisz COS/ACCRA Chief of station, Accra Joel D. Ticknor COS/ATHENS Chief of station, Athens Stacy B. Hulse Jr. COS/GUATEMALA Chief of station, Guatemala city Edwin M. Terrell COS/CONAKRY Chief of station, Conakry Peter V. Raudenbush COS/GEORGETOWN Chief of station, Georgetown Robert H. Riefe COS/PORT-AU-PRINCE Chief of station, Port-Au-Prince James D. Montgomery COS/TEGUCIGALPA Chief of station, Tegucigalpa Glenn O. Brown COS/NEW DELHI Chief of station, New Delhi William C. Grimsley Jr. COB/BOMBAY Chief of base, Bombay Edward J. Gotchef COB/CALCUTTA Chief of base, Calcutta E. Norbert Garrett III COB/MADRAS Chief of base, Madras Jack S. Ogino COS/JAKARTA Chief of station, Jakarta Clifton R. Strathern COB/MEDAN Chief of base, Medan Thomas L. Norwood Jr. COB/SURABAYA Chief of base, Surabaya Robert H. Mills COS/TEHRAN Chief of station, Tehran George W. Cave COS/ROME Chief of station, Rome Howard E. Stone COS/ABIDJAN Chief of station, Abidjan Martin J Bergin Jr. COS/KINGSTON Chief of Station, Kingston Thomas J. Keenan COS/AMMAN Chief of station, Amman Frederic H. Sabin III COS/NAIROBI Chief of station, Nairobi Howard T. Bane COS/KUWAIT Chief of station, Kuwait Robert C. Ames COS/BEIRUT Chief of station, Beirut John J. Seidel Jr. COS/LUXEMBOURG Chief of station, Luxembourg Felton M. Wyatt COS/BAMAKO Chief of station, Bamako Raymond F. Denicourt COS/VALETTA Chief of station, Valetta George A. Chritton COS/PORT LOUIS Chief of station, Port Louis Vasia C. Gmirkin COS/RABAT Chief of station, Rabat Charles G. Cogan COB/CASABLANCA Chief of base, Casablanca Mark T. Colby COS/KATHMANDU Chief of station, Kathmandu Joseph A. Murray Jr. COS/MANAGUA Chief of station, Managua Joseph Piccolo Jr. COB/KADUNA Chief of base, Kaduna Robert W. Ince COS/MUSCAT Chief of station, Muscat Robert L. Headley Jr. COS/ISLAMABAD Chief of station, Islamabad Donald F. Vogel COB/KARACHI Chief of base Karachi Edward R. Brown COS/PANAMA Chief of station, Panama city Joseph Y. Kiyonaga COS/LIMA Chief of station, Lima Richard S. Welch COS/MANILA Chief of station, Manila George T. Kalaris COS/WARSAW Chief of state, Warsaw Carl E. Gebhardt COS/BUCHAREST Chief of station, Bucharest Jay K. Gruner COS/JIDDA Chief of station, Jidda Raymond H. Close COS/DAKAR Chief of station, Dakar Charles L. Randolph COS/SINGAPORE Chief of station, Singapore David T. Samson COS/MOGADISCIO Chief of station, Mogadiscio David P. Hunt COS/PRETORIA Chief of station, Pretoria Jarrel H. Richardson COS/COLOMBO Chief of station, Colombo James A. Higham COS/KHARTOUM Chief of station, Khartoum Murat Natirboff COS/DAR ES SALAAM Chief of station, Dar Es Salaam Harry S. Slifer Jr. COS/ANKARA Chief of station, Ankara John H. Hoskins COB/ISTANBUL Chief of base, Istanbul Robert B. Goodwin COS/ABU DHABI Chief of station, Abu Dhabi James M. Fernald COS/LONDON Chief of station, London Cord Meyer COS/HONG KONG Chief of station, Hong kong Joseph J. Simon COS/MONTEVIDEO Chief of Station, Montevideo Martin C. Hawkins COS/CARACAS Chief of station, Caracas Wade E. thomas COS/SAIGON Chief of station, Saigon Thomas Polgar COB/DANANG Chief of base, Danang James M. Howley COB/BIEN HOA Chief of base, Bien Hoa Thomas W. Lamb COS/BELGRADE Chief of station, Belgrade Richard F. Stolz Jr. COS/ZAGREB Chief of station, Zagreb Paul J. Redmond COS/KINSHASA Chief of station, Kinshasa James Kim,Stuart E Methven COS/NEW YORK Chief of station, New York Rudulph E. Carter COB/GENEVA Chief of base, Geneva Leon Sandel,Throop M. Wilder Jr. COB/PARIS Chief of base, Paris John H. Kenney
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