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Tosh Plumlee

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Also accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved K9.

I have inherited two dogs from my late brother - Jake, a boarder collie and Binky, a white terrior like Nipper the RCA "master's voice" dog.

Brad Ayers has a few dogs holed up with him too.

In the meantime, I sent off an email to Anne Tyrrell, [ aTyrrell@blackwaterusa.com ] the Blackwater spokesperson who has previously responded to the deaths of Blackwater employees in Iraq.

She has yet to respond to my inquiry re: TP and who is Tom Walker?

Just the other day John Judge sent me an email re: Blackwater and I hears a NPR interview with the author of a new and very interesting book about Blackwater, that I've yet to read.


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Also accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved K9.

I have inherited two dogs from my late brother - Jake, a boarder collie and Binky, a white terrior like Nipper the RCA "master's voice" dog.

Brad Ayers has a few dogs holed up with him too.

In the meantime, I sent off an email to Anne Tyrrell, [ aTyrrell@blackwaterusa.com ] the Blackwater spokesperson who has previously responded to the deaths of Blackwater employees in Iraq.

She has yet to respond to my inquiry re: TP and who is Tom Walker?

Just the other day John Judge sent me an email re: Blackwater and I hears a NPR interview with the author of a new and very interesting book about Blackwater, that I've yet to read.


This book?


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Also accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved K9.

I have inherited two dogs from my late brother - Jake, a boarder collie and Binky, a white terrior like Nipper the RCA "master's voice" dog.

Brad Ayers has a few dogs holed up with him too.

In the meantime, I sent off an email to Anne Tyrrell, [ aTyrrell@blackwaterusa.com ] the Blackwater spokesperson who has previously responded to the deaths of Blackwater employees in Iraq.

She has yet to respond to my inquiry re: TP and who is Tom Walker?

Just the other day John Judge sent me an email re: Blackwater and I hears a NPR interview with the author of a new and very interesting book about Blackwater, that I've yet to read.


Then of course there's this famous incident about the Fallujah mercenaries.


"Fla. Mom Fights For Answers In Son's Ambush Death In Iraq

POSTED: 11:38 pm EDT July 12, 2007

UPDATED: 11:57 pm EDT July 13, 2007

A Lake County woman who is fighting to reveal why her son was killed in Iraq while working for a private security company said she is being blocked by a $10 million lawsuit and threats of a gag order.

Ex-Navy SEAL Scott Helvenston, who was born in Lake County, was one of four American civilian contractors ambushed, shot, burned and then hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

Helvenston's mother, Katy, said images of the event are seared in her memory.

"The horror of all this was just overwhelming," Katy Helvenston said. "I probably didn't get out of bed for six months. I just cried."

In 2004, Scott Helvenston was broke and decided to work for Blackwater USA, a North Carolina-based private security firm.

Blackwater is a company hired by the United States to provide security to diplomats in war zones.

Scott Helvenston was to make $600 a day.

However, instead of being a bodyguard, he was sent on his first mission in Iraq to guard kitchen supplies being hauled across the war-torn country.

"It's a mission that ended in his horrendous death," Local 6's Donald Forbes said.

After Scott Helvenston and three other men were killed, their families went looking for answers but they said they were stonewalled.

"We were literally told by Blackwater that if we wanted that information we would have to sue them, so we did," Katy Helvenston said. "We sued them and the irony is if they would have answered those few questions, none of this would have happened. We just wanted some answers."..."

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Here's an article about the use of mercenaries in Afgan (the one in Southern Asia, not the one in South America :lol:):


"Afghan Rifts; Guns For Hire

by Conn Hallinan

July 19, 2007

The rising tide of Afghan civilian deaths has opened a rift between the U.S. and NATO's 37,000-member International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). According to NATO officials, the U.S.'s increasing use of air power has badly damaged support for the war in both Afghanistan and Europe.

Daan Everts, the senior NATO civilian in Afghanistan, says the U.S. has created 'a fallout that is negative because the collateral damage and particularly the civilian casualties are seen as unduly high, certainly by the Afghan people. This is of concern to us.'

German Defense Minister Franz Joseph Jung said, 'We have to do everything to avoid that civilians are affected. We are in talks with our American friends about this.'

The issue has split German Chancellor Angela Merkel's 'Grand Coalition.' While Merkel's Christian Democrats generally support the war, their coalition partner, the Social Democratic Party (SDP), is suddenly feeling pressure on its portside from the newly formed united Left Party. SDP leaders have come out against renewing the current mandate to deploy German troops in Afghanistan, a vote that will come sometime this fall.

The rising tide of Afghan civilian deaths-over 1,800 killed in 2007-has helped fuel a push for United Nations participation to end the conflict. Leading the drive is British Secretary of Defense, Des Browne.

In a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, Browne said the solutions to narcotics, security, and establishing the rule of law are political, not military. 'An overarching campaign plan is required to develop all of these disparate strands together. It has to be a strategic plan, not just a military plan...and there is no organization better placed than the UN to take that role.'

Browne said that if the international community cannot find a political solution, 'then I say to you that we have no moral right to ask our young people to expose themselves to that danger.'

In the meantime, in spite of opposition by the Kabul government, senior U.S. military officers and European nations, the Bush Administration is forging ahead with a plan to use massive aerial spraying of the herbicide glycophate to destroy Afghanistan's opium crop.

More than 90 percent of the world's opium comes from Afghanistan, and the drug trade generates about one third of the country's gross domestic product. Projections are that this year the crop will be larger than in 2006 The Germans are so opposed to the spraying that they say they will reconsider their participation in the NATO operation if it goes forward. Many military leaders are unhappy as well. Gen. Dan K. McNeil, NATO's commander in Afghanistan, says his forces are not equipped or trained to deal with drugs. 'Eradication done improperly is counter-intuitive to running the counter-insurgency because it will alienate people and you may have more insurgent people appearing than you had before.' Many Afghans agree. According to Mirwais Yasini, a member of the Afghani parliament's Committee on Counter-Narcotics, 'Aerial eradication will maximize the antagonism against the government.'

DynCorp, a private mercenary company that has done extensive spraying of coca plants in Columbia, has been contracted to do the job. Using DynCorp is hardly a coincidence. The new U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, William Wood, oversaw the company's aerial spraying campaign in Colombia

'The U.S. is hell-bent on eradication,' Harvard University Professor Robert Rotberg, an expert on conflict resolution at the Kennedy School of Government, told the Financial Times. 'They claim it worked in Columbia and so it will work in Afghanistan. It is not clear to anyone it worked in Columbia.'

Actually, it is quite clear. Coca acreage in Columbia increased 9 percent in 2006, following a 26 percent increase in 2005. Coca acreage is the same today as it was when the spraying campaign began in 2001.

Have gun, will travel?

Widespread use of mercenaries in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Latin America by the Bush Administration has drawn the attention of the United Nations Working Group on the Use of Mercenaries, according to upsidedownworld.com.

'We have observed that in some cases the employees of private military and security companies enjoy an immunity which can easily become impunity,' says Jose Luis Gomez del Pardo, chair of the UN Working Group, 'implying that some states may contract these companies in order to avoid direct legal responsibilities.'

The Working Group found that mercenaries were recruited from throughout Latin America and then flown to Ecuador to train at the huge U.S. base at Manta. Others were trained in Honduras at a former training camp used during the Reagan Administration's war against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua.

According to the Working Group, mercenaries working for a subsidiary of an Illinois-based company, Your Solutions Inc., suffered 'irregularities in contracts, harsh working conditions, wages partially paid or unpaid, ill-treatment and isolation and lack of basic necessities such as medical treatment and sanitation.' A major reason for using private security companies is that they are not subject to Congressional oversight."...

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My own view is that it was Tosh who posted his own obituary. I suspect this was triggered by the way members responded to the death of Tim Carroll. I suppose it is most people's fantasy to find out how people respond to news of our death.

Yes, everyone would like to hear the eulogies at their funeral. I'm not challenging your view above John, and keep it open as a possibility, but can't imagine what [if that were so] Tosh could have in mind for being able anytime in the future to invent for his return......crash and journey out through the desert, mountains or jungle on foot against all odds?.....

Tosh, if you did this...you've gotten yourself in a very strange situation, indeed, and can only suggest that the sooner it is ended [if it is indeed not true] the easier it will be to be forgotten and less damaging in the end. Your friend -even though you didn't send me any message about the love of my life, my dog Crazybear's death.


"...my dog Crazybear's death."

Peter, I am truly sorry to hear this. I only wish there was more I could've done. More that anyone, or someone, could have done, if the truth be known.

My condolences and my heart, go out to you. Our critters are just like our children, only they give us unconditional love, and will lay down their lives for their master.

Bless your heart, Peter. And, bless your dear, sweet, Crazybear's.


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Also accept my condolences for the loss of your beloved K9.

I have inherited two dogs from my late brother - Jake, a boarder collie and Binky, a white terrior like Nipper the RCA "master's voice" dog.

Brad Ayers has a few dogs holed up with him too.

In the meantime, I sent off an email to Anne Tyrrell, [ aTyrrell@blackwaterusa.com ] the Blackwater spokesperson who has previously responded to the deaths of Blackwater employees in Iraq.

She has yet to respond to my inquiry re: TP and who is Tom Walker?

Just the other day John Judge sent me an email re: Blackwater and I hears a NPR interview with the author of a new and very interesting book about Blackwater, that I've yet to read.


This book?


Yes, Myra, That's the book.

And while not subject to Congressional oversight, the Waxman Committe, the same one responsible for the continue lack of oversight of the JFK Act - has already held some hearings on military contractors and Blackwater.

In addition, besides lack of official oversight, they do not fall under the Freedom of Information Act.


Edited by William Kelly
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My own view is that it was Tosh who posted his own obituary. I suspect this was triggered by the way members responded to the death of Tim Carroll. I suppose it is most people's fantasy to find out how people respond to news of our death.

I think that's a very plausible theory.

The ultimate covert act.

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My own view is that it was Tosh who posted his own obituary. I suspect this was triggered by the way members responded to the death of Tim Carroll. I suppose it is most people's fantasy to find out how people respond to news of our death.

I think that's a very plausible theory.

The ultimate covert act.

While I didn't believe his story about Dealey Plaza, I never got the feeling Tosh was desperate for attention. As a result, I suspect there's more to this story than we may want to believe. Tosh behaved like a gentleman and was an asset to the forum.

As far as the feud with Hemming, both Tosh and Gerry worked at the intersection of spook and smuggler. Both wanted us to believe they were more the former and less the latter. They each sensed that the other's existence cut into their own credibility. Gerry thought Tosh was a fake and Tosh thought Gerry was a low-life. It seems possible Tosh ran into some trouble related to some unofficial activities. Only time will tell.

Edited by Pat Speer
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While I didn't believe his story about Dealey Plaza, I never got the feeling Tosh was desperate for attention. As a result, I suspect there's more to this story than we may want to believe. Tosh behaved like a gentleman and was an asset to the forum.

As far as the feud with Hemming, both Tosh and Gerry worked at the intersection of spook and smuggler. Both wanted us to believe they were more the former and less the latter. They each sensed that the other's existence cut into their own credibility. Gerry thought Tosh was a fake and Tosh thought Gerry was a low-life. It seems possible Tosh ran into some trouble related to some unofficial activities. Only time will tell.

That is really insightful and interesting Pat.

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Several months ago, I e-mailed Tosh about a matter in which he had been involved, and I was somewhat surprised when he rang me up a couple of days later. Over the course of a few subsequent conversations, we discussed a great many issues and I thouroughly enjoyed the talks. I didn't bring up the "Dallas abort" story because...well, because he had been on record with the story for a long time, and he wasn't likely to add to it for me...at least not credibly!

For what it's worth, I got a good sense that he could be trusted on basics. Like many "operators," (and most regular folks!) he was probably capable of some embellishment, but he never pretended to know all about Dallas. No Nazis rapelling down elevator shafts from Tosh!

However he may ultimately be judged by historians (or "historians"), he came across as a good fellow, who tried to be helpful if he sensed good will or a kindred spirit. And he went to places few of us will ever see.

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Are there many snowstorms in Afghanistan this time of year?

I see three possibilities here.

1) Tosh is doing a vanishing act and wants to go out with a bang (but leaving clues for us with deliberate errors).

2) Some person or organization is trying to flush Tosh out of the woodwork by making him respond to the news.

3) It's true, and there is someplace named "Afgan" in SA, where it's winter.

Take your pick.


Peter....my condolences on your loss. I didn't know CrazyBear, but I've lost dogs of my own. It sucks.

Edited by J. William King
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My own view is that it was Tosh who posted his own obituary. I suspect this was triggered by the way members responded to the death of Tim Carroll. I suppose it is most people's fantasy to find out how people respond to news of our death.

I think that's a very plausible theory.

The ultimate covert act.

While I didn't believe his story about Dealey Plaza, I never got the feeling Tosh was desperate for attention. As a result, I suspect there's more to this story than we may want to believe. Tosh behaved like a gentleman and was an asset to the forum.

As far as the feud with Hemming, both Tosh and Gerry worked at the intersection of spook and smuggler. Both wanted us to believe they were more the former and less the latter. They each sensed that the other's existence cut into their own credibility. Gerry thought Tosh was a fake and Tosh thought Gerry was a low-life. It seems possible Tosh ran into some trouble related to some unofficial activities. Only time will tell.

Gerry thought Tosh was a fake and Tosh thought Gerry was a low-life.

In event that he agrees to it, Mr. Hemming will be interviewed by the Historian of the JFK Special Warfare Center, and much of what he may (or may not) say should hopefully, and ultimately be published in [b]"VERITAS[/b]",

The Journal of Special Operations Forces.

And, since Gerry resides directly in/amongst those true old "warriors" of Special Operations who are still around Fayetteville, NC, it would be most unlikely that he would make an attempt to pull the wool over their eyes in regards to anything in which he may have been involved.

Nothing like opening oneself up to scrutiny by those who know enough to determine exactly who is and who is not blowing smoke and BS.

Tom Purvis

aka "Cpt. Pervert" to those whom I have great respect for and have had the priviledge of serving with.

Edited by Thomas H. Purvis
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Are there many snowstorms in Afghanistan this time of year?

I see three possibilities here.

1) Tosh is doing a vanishing act and wants to go out with a bang (but leaving clues for us with deliberate errors).

2) Some person or organization is trying to flush Tosh out of the woodwork by making him respond to the news.

3) It's true, and there is someplace named "Afgan" in SA, where it's winter.

Take your pick.


Peter....my condolences on your loss. I didn't know CrazyBear, but I've lost dogs of my own. It sucks.

What makes you think 'snow' storm. Wording was storm storm, a very Plumlee-ism.

Google tells me there is no Afgan anywhere and again Afgan = Afghanistan is a Plumlee-ism.

While any covert group could easily impersonate him and post to annoy him or get him to react, I can't imagine why...but that is always a possibility...like the 2006 obit to his mother.

*** snip ****

Sincerely, Peter

You're right, Peter. My mistake for misreading "storm storm" as "snow storm". That's a good example of making someone see something that isn't there. CIA attempt at manipulating my feeble mind? Maybe. It worked. Doesn't take much, though.


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My own view is that it was Tosh who posted his own obituary. I suspect this was triggered by the way members responded to the death of Tim Carroll. I suppose it is most people's fantasy to find out how people respond to news of our death.

I think that's a very plausible theory.

The ultimate covert act.

While I didn't believe his story about Dealey Plaza, I never got the feeling Tosh was desperate for attention. As a result, I suspect there's more to this story than we may want to believe. Tosh behaved like a gentleman and was an asset to the forum.

As far as the feud with Hemming, both Tosh and Gerry worked at the intersection of spook and smuggler. Both wanted us to believe they were more the former and less the latter. They each sensed that the other's existence cut into their own credibility. Gerry thought Tosh was a fake and Tosh thought Gerry was a low-life. It seems possible Tosh ran into some trouble related to some unofficial activities. Only time will tell.

Gerry thought Tosh was a fake and Tosh thought Gerry was a low-life.

In event that he agrees to it, Mr. Hemming will be interviewed by the Historian of the JFK Special Warfare Center, and much of what he may (or may not) say should hopefully, and ultimately be published in [b]"VERITAS[/b]",

The Journal of Special Operations Forces.

And, since Gerry resides directly in/amongst those true old "warriors" of Special Operations who are still around Fayetteville, NC, it would be most unlikely that he would make an attempt to pull the wool over their eyes in regards to anything in which he may have been involved.

Nothing like opening oneself up to scrutiny by those who know enough to determine exactly who is and who is not blowing smoke and BS.

Tom Purvis

aka "Cpt. Pervert" to those whom I have great respect for and have had the priviledge of serving with.

Tom, whoever interviews Gerry should do their homework first and acquaint themselves with his previous statements. There is much that should and can be cleared up.

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