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Anything New?

Terry Adams

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Every morning when I open The Education Forum, I pause and think, maybe there has been something new overnight. Maybe someone has come forward with solid, irrefutable evidence. New documents have been found. Is this even possible? Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done. I believe as Secretary of War Stanton said at the passing of Lincoln, "He now belongs to the Ages". I do not think that the Government of the United States will ever have the facts revealed. After all, as a consolation for his slaughter, they did allow him to have the title "Camelot". The final chapter has been written (officially).

Edited by Terry Adams
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Every morning when I open The Education Forum, I pause and think, maybe there has been something new overnight. Maybe someone has come forward with solid, irrefutable evidence. New documents have been found. Is this even possible? Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done. I believe as Secretary of War Stanton said at the passing of Lincoln, "He now belongs to the Ages". I do not think that the Government of the United States will ever have the facts revealed. After all, as a consolation for his slaughter, they did allow him to have the title "Camelot". The final chapter has been written (officially).

Very well said, Terry... very well said. If someone did come forward they would perhaps be shot or ran over by a truck.

However, age will be be the master. He who controls the thoughts writes the history.... this history has been written and filed away with those who have left us....

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Every morning when I open The Education Forum, I pause and think, maybe there has been something new overnight. Maybe someone has come forward with solid, irrefutable evidence. New documents have been found. Is this even possible? Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done. I believe as Secretary of War Stanton said at the passing of Lincoln, "He now belongs to the Ages". I do not think that the Government of the United States will ever have the facts revealed. After all, as a consolation for his slaughter, they did allow him to have the title "Camelot". The final chapter has been written (officially).


One thing is certain, Castro remains the Betrayer of his own original Cuban Revolutionary

ideals, {therefore a traitor} even though neither he or his agents were involved in

JF Kennedy's death. It would have been self destructive of Castro's till then, successful, ongoing efforts for total revolution throughout all Latin America. A destruction that came suddenly with Oswald's death and connection to the powerful and widespread Communist-Front, Fair Play For Cuba Committee.

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Every morning when I open The Education Forum, I pause and think, maybe there has been something new overnight. Maybe someone has come forward with solid, irrefutable evidence. New documents have been found. Is this even possible?

Terry, new information can be found in a few of the books released over the last year or so. These books have been discussed at length here - sometimes with the author.

I don't read every single thread, so apologies to anyone not mentioned who thinks they should be, but James Richards is constantly providing new information on old names as well as details on little known "players". Others such as Steve Thomas and Robert Howard occasionally come up with brand spanking new gems. Even I've managed the odd goal recently (as well as a few in previous years), for example, showing that a CIA agent (as opposed to officer) was present when LHO tried to "renounce" citizenship in Snyder's office. Moreover, I showed that Snyder was very likely the person who recruited this agent at Harvard, and that the operation the agent was part of (REDSKIN) had been used against the Soviet Consul in Helsinki who had allowed Oswald quick entry to the Soviet Union. Then there was the information contained in a non-assassination book called Moscow Stories. This provided new data from two disinterested parties with enormous credibility that someone from the US Embassy in Moscow attended the Oswald wedding - though officially, they did not even know about it until nearly a month after the event.

In short, there is, and always has been new information flowing through these pages. That it may be played down, ignored or just not seen is out of the control of those providing it.

Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done.

If so, take heart that you've been part of enabling that falsehood by yielding it to future historians.

I believe as Secretary of War Stanton said at the passing of Lincoln, "He now belongs to the Ages".

Dulles said no one will ever read the Warren Report. It's a different world today than it was in Stanton's or Dulles' day.

I do not think that the Government of the United States will ever have the facts revealed. After all, as a consolation for his slaughter, they did allow him to have the title "Camelot". The final chapter has been written (officially).

The facts are slowly being uncovered, regardless. It is the final disposition of those facts that matter. It is up to every Joe Citizen to ensure that it is handled by whatever (this time truly) honorable men and women still can be found in Washington DC

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Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done.

"If so, take heart that you've been part of enabling that falsehood by yielding it to future historians."


Are you saying that I have posted something damaging to the effort to find the truth about JFK's murder,? Or, are you saying that I am part of the cover-up. Your words don't make any sense to me, as I was only stating my feelings out loud, with, I might add, received the response that I had hoped for, except for you. Tosh and Harry seemed to have similar feelings. I am very surprised, though, that more members of the forum have not responded. None the less, all that I was attempting to say in the sentence above is that the " official" govt. closure to the case will come after Castro's death by blaming him or if admitting conspiracy on any level by stating that people loyal to him were responsible. I do not believe this for a minute. The High Noon ambush in Dallas Texas was propagated or instigated by people inside the government of the United States.


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Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done.

"If so, take heart that you've been part of enabling that falsehood by yielding it to future historians."


Are you saying that I have posted something damaging to the effort to find the truth about JFK's murder,? Or, are you saying that I am part of the cover-up. Your words don't make any sense to me, as I was only stating my feelings out loud, with, I might add, received the response that I had hoped for, except for you. Tosh and Harry seemed to have similar feelings. I am very surprised, though, that more members of the forum have not responded. None the less, all that I was attempting to say in the sentence above is that the " official" govt. closure to the case will come after Castro's death by blaming him or if admitting conspiracy on any level by stating that people loyal to him were responsible. I do not believe this for a minute. The High Noon ambush in Dallas Texas was propagated or instigated by people inside the government of the United States.


Terry: I have only a minute. I am in transit at the moment but wanted to say....

#1 Don't get "Sucked" into Never-Never Land by some on this forum.. There are good researchers working here and I think you will see why they work in the shadows. I will be brief and state what I believe:

#2 I believe the "Texas Clan" had the means, motive, and opportunity, to kill the President. AND they did it.

#3 I believe LHO did not fire a shot. That he did not kill anyone that day.

#4 I believe that Castro and the mafia, or the CIA as an agency, as such, had nothing to do with the assassination. However, I do believe that "The Texas" mafia (if I may use the term) is the whole key to finding the truth about that day.

#5 I know a "team" was sent to Dallas to STOP or Abort the pending hit. I know some of this information was available to the Pentagon and in good faith they acted. That does not mean the United States Government plan and carried out the assassination. BUT the Texas group used its contacts within the then current administration to jockey into position to make the hit and then lead the investigations into "Never-Never Land". And its worked for over forty years. Various personal within the CIA were aware of this pending hit as well as military Intel and called upon its sources (pro and con) to launch two separate missions. One to hit-- one to stop. Two groups fighting with each other for control of America's resources for special interest.

Can I prove this? Hell No. If and when I try... I too, get sucked into the land of NEVER and anything said is of no value. People hate me and anyone who dare goes where I go on this subject will also teast their wrath. I think you and others who even think in this direction will be discredited and waste hours and days defending your thoughts on this subject..... those who can control your thoughts by slight of hand and other means, and all the mechanics used ... will write the history as they see it and want you to see it. They will dictate what they want you to believe and twist what really happened that tragic day.

#6 Now its time for those to come and discredit my thinking on this subject by stating what a bad person. I am and have been...What a "first class" xxxx I really am..., perhaps even one of the assassins, but for sure a "fabricator" and a xxxx, and the likes. Your are not allowed these days to voice or write what I have just expressed... Its not proper to have these type of thoughts. Its not in ones best health. The Gatekeeps of Texas are still around and still have a small degree of power in the political arena of our day. They have a multiple of sins to cover. AND they will do whatever is needed to protect their past miss deeds, as well as mis deeds of today.., at all cost.

I will be gone for a few weeks and it will be said 'I ducked and ran" like I always do and I refuse to answer the 'Hard' questions. These people see themselves as 'The Gate-Keepers" of truth as they see.., theywill suck up your time...., and you better believe them or they will do a number on you. I love America and always have..., but sometimes you have to pay a price to keep her free.... the cost is escalating more and more eachday.

Thanks for your time to let me vent. Now bring it on.

Edited by William Plumlee
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Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done.

"If so, take heart that you've been part of enabling that falsehood by yielding it to future historians."


Are you saying that I have posted something damaging to the effort to find the truth about JFK's murder,? Or, are you saying that I am part of the cover-up. Your words don't make any sense to me, as I was only stating my feelings out loud, with, I might add, received the response that I had hoped for, except for you. Tosh and Harry seemed to have similar feelings. I am very surprised, though, that more members of the forum have not responded. None the less, all that I was attempting to say in the sentence above is that the " official" govt. closure to the case will come after Castro's death by blaming him or if admitting conspiracy on any level by stating that people loyal to him were responsible. I do not believe this for a minute. The High Noon ambush in Dallas Texas was propagated or instigated by people inside the government of the United States.


Terry, I don't speak for Greg , but I don't think that's what he meant . I too, think that pessimism will only discourage production in this case. I think that's the sentiment Greg was aiming for. :huh:


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Will anything change about what is written down as the official version of what happened on that fateful day? As each day/year passes, it becomes less likely. I am of the opinion that history will record that a nut who supported Castro shot the president, or even that Castro had it done.

"If so, take heart that you've been part of enabling that falsehood by yielding it to future historians."


Are you saying that I have posted something damaging to the effort to find the truth about JFK's murder,? Or, are you saying that I am part of the cover-up. Your words don't make any sense to me, as I was only stating my feelings out loud, with, I might add, received the response that I had hoped for, except for you. Tosh and Harry seemed to have similar feelings. I am very surprised, though, that more members of the forum have not responded. None the less, all that I was attempting to say in the sentence above is that the " official" govt. closure to the case will come after Castro's death by blaming him or if admitting conspiracy on any level by stating that people loyal to him were responsible. I do not believe this for a minute. The High Noon ambush in Dallas Texas was propagated or instigated by people inside the government of the United States.


Terry, I don't speak for Greg , but I don't think that's what he meant . I too, think that pessimism will only discourage production in this case. I think that's the sentiment Greg was aiming for. :huh:


Thanks Bill. That's about it. The more people who publicly say "we'll never know" or anything approximating that, the easier it makes to keep it covered up. Public opinion does matter. That's why so much time, money and effort is spent on propaganda (aka "public education campaigns"), advertising, opinion polls, focus groups and the like. It's why government agencies and private enterprise fear adverse publicity and do so much media monitoring.

The government would like us all to accept that "we'll never know" and anything said publicly that encourages that belief is helping the wrong side of the debate. Does that mean I think you are part of the "cover-up", Terry? No. You're just expressing your opinion - but imo, it's one that reflects the very thing the USG wants to hear, and has been conditioning you to accept and adopt.

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#1 Don't get "Sucked" into Never-Never Land by some on this forum.. There are good researchers working here and I think you will see why they work in the shadows. I will be brief and state what I believe:

#2 I believe the "Texas Clan" had the means, motive, and opportunity, to kill the President. AND they did it.

#3 I believe LHO did not fire a shot. That he did not kill anyone that day.

#4 I believe that Castro and the mafia, or the CIA as an agency, as such, had nothing to do with the assassination. However, I do believe that "The Texas" mafia (if I may use the term) is the whole key to finding the truth about that day.

#5 I know a "team" was sent to Dallas to STOP or Abort the pending hit. I know some of this information was available to the Pentagon and in good faith they acted. That does not mean the United States Government plan and carried out the assassination. BUT the Texas group used its contacts within the then current administration to jockey into position to make the hit and then lead the investigations into "Never-Never Land". And its worked for over forty years. Various personal within the CIA were aware of this pending hit as well as military Intel and called upon its sources (pro and con) to launch two separate missions. One to hit-- one to stop. Two groups fighting with each other for control of America's resources for special interest.

Can I prove this? Hell No.

For what it's worth, Tosh's account is consistent with the preliminary conclusions

I've drawn after almost 17 years of research in the case.

The key player in the Texas group: Hoover's buddy, Clint Murchison Jr.

Key player in the "abort" group: co-founder of the CIA, W. Averell Harriman.


These two men and their respective allies sought a radical re-ordering of

the global heroin market, production of which at the time was dominated

by the Corsican Mafia. For Murchison it was about money and right wing

politics; for Harriman it was about money and eugenics (the heroin scourge

being a holocaust by another means).


As of November 1, 1963, the masters of the American intelligence community

were in firm control of American foreign policy in SE Asia and Cuba, the key

points in the proposed new heroin pipeline. On that date two Presidents were

brought under the heel of the Jupiter Island Mob (Harriman, C. Douglas Dillon,

Robert A. Lovett): Diem in Vietnam, and Kennedy.

Diem was murdered. Kennedy was steam-rolled into approving the overthrow

of Diem.

My preliminary conclusion is that the Jupiter Island Mob co-sponsored the JFK

assassination with the Texas Clan -- but after the overthrow of Diem, Harriman

et al had effective control over US foreign policy and no need to kill Kennedy.

They wanted to keep the assassination as a contingency plan.

In this scenario, Tosh Plumlee's account makes perfect sense.

"This is how it works: you have 'pet theories,' I have 'preliminary conclusions.'"


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Greg and Bill,

Thank you for your responses. My father was a WW II veteran, and died at 51 years of age. His service, in the army, was in the Rhineland as well as France, having received three purple hearts for gunshot wounds. He was given both the Bronze and Silver stars for valor and bravery. So, my feelings for the Red, White, and Blue began with him. He and I (12 years old at the time) sat glued to the television following the days of the assassination, even to and including seeing Oswald shot and killed before a (live) shocked nation. He told me then that President Kennedy's death was the result of a conspiracy. I too, am a very patriotic American. I love this country, and will stand in it's defense with my life. I want nothing more than to see the perpetrators of this crime brought to justice, albeit posthumously. Tosh, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond, and I wish to take this time to say that it is people like you that keep people like me involved and holding out hope for the truth concerning 11-22-1963


Edited by Terry Adams
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Greg and Bill,

Thank you for your responses. My father was a WW II veteran, and died at 51 years of age. His service, in the army, was in the Rhineland as well as France, having received three purple hearts for gunshot wounds. He was given both the Bronze and Silver stars for valor and bravery. So, my feelings for the Red, White, and Blue began with him. He and I (12 years old at the time) sat glued to the television following the days of the assassination, even to and including seeing Oswald shot and killed before a (live) shocked nation. He told me then that President Kennedy's death was the result of a conspiracy. I too, am a very patriotic American. I love this country, and will stand in it's defense with my life. I want nothing more than to see the perpetrators of this crime brought to justice, albeit posthumously. Tosh, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond, and I wish to take this time to say that it is people like you that keep people like me involved and holding out hope for the truth concerning 11-22-1963


Terry , In my heart of hearts I know we may lose the battle of history, but my anger has not waned,. I suppose that's what still drives me, I WILL go down fighting........!

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Greg and Bill,

Thank you for your responses. My father was a WW II veteran, and died at 51 years of age. His service, in the army, was in the Rhineland as well as France, having received three purple hearts for gunshot wounds. He was given both the Bronze and Silver stars for valor and bravery. So, my feelings for the Red, White, and Blue began with him. He and I (12 years old at the time) sat glued to the television following the days of the assassination, even to and including seeing Oswald shot and killed before a (live) shocked nation. He told me then that President Kennedy's death was the result of a conspiracy. I too, am a very patriotic American. I love this country, and will stand in it's defense with my life. I want nothing more than to see the perpetrators of this crime brought to justice, albeit posthumously. Tosh, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond, and I wish to take this time to say that it is people like you that keep people like me involved and holding out hope for the truth concerning 11-22-1963


Terry , In my heart of hearts I know we may lose the battle of history, but my anger has not waned,. I suppose that's what still drives me, I WILL go down fighting........!

Terry, my father was called up for National Service after Korea. In true Aussie tradition he was once arrested for being AWOL. His only complaint: he was leading in a yacht race at the time. I don't expect you to understand why I'm actually proud of that, any more than you should expect I'd understand uber-Patriotism (and no... I'm not saying you or your father fit that description). He died age 58 from 30 plus years of breaking his back keeping his all too large family together. We each of us have pasts, and stories of what shaped us. I appreciate you sharing a little of yours, and I'd like to assure you I don't see you in any kind of negative light. Fact is, I can't recall ever reading anything you've said with which I have vehemently disagreed... until that one comment on losing the battle of what history will record...

Bill, you may whisper to your walls that you fear we could lose this battle (and even then, only after you've checked for bugs), but never EVER repeat it here (insert finger wagging smiley)

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  • 9 years later...

I have been an avid follower of this forum for years. 

After checking out other JFK assassination research and debate sites in my initial search for such this one instantly hooked me hard versus the rest.

It was the "heavyweight division" in this realm  ( Mark Lane himself was posting here! ) and being a boxing/debate fan I always liked watching ( in this case reading ) the heaviest hitters doing their thing.

However, until just last year, I refused to join the forum as a registered member to actually post because I knew it was so out of my league that my jumping into the research debate ring would be analogous to Don Knotts taking on George Foreman in the boxing one.

However, I eventually took the plunge and it's risk of embarrassment after concluding that at my age what have I got to lose and maybe my deep, deep and sincere lifetime passion for the JFK truth in and of itself, might balance my research ignorance just enough to still add something worthy to a few forum threads and it's over-all cause.

I still mostly just read everything posted but Michael keeps pulling up older threads that are so damn compelling ( like this one ) I can't help but join in the discussion even though I know I am the least educated of the contributors. As always my apologies if I dilute them.

But my passion for the JFK truth has never waned since the day I also watched Jack Ruby whack Lee Oswald live on TV 11,24,1963 like Terry Adams at the age of 12.

I can still remember, even at that young age, my stomach turning when I first saw Oswald appear into the basement entrance corridor and the openness of Oswald in his parading through that rather tight space with that ridiculous "two man only" protection ( and who were actually somewhat behind Oswald when Ruby leaped within inches of LHO's stomach and shot him ) and how the shooting so rattled my common sense and world reality.

When the Ruby pistol shot rang out I unconsciously leaped up from my seat and spontaneously shouted to no one ..." No Way! ... No Way! ... No Way!"

The whole thing seemed so instantly and incredibly wrong to me.

Even as a 12 year old with a still developing adolescent brain, I was aware of the national news repeatedly reporting that the threats against Oswald were at a level in numbers and seriousness almost unheard of in our history and that this threat level reality should have warranted protective measures for Oswald equally unprecedented.

To me, the worthiness of never stopping the search for the JFK truth is akin to the never ending thirst and effort of mankind to evolve to a higher spiritual, moral and knowledge plane.

God help us all in this quest.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

I have been an avid follower of this forum for years. 

After checking out other JFK assassination research and debate sites in my initial search for such this one instantly hooked me hard versus the rest.

It was the "heavyweight division" in this realm  ( Mark Lane himself was posting here! ) and being a boxing/debate fan I always liked watching ( in this case reading ) the heaviest hitters doing their thing.

However, until just last year, I refused to join the forum as a registered member to actually post because I knew it was so out of my league that my jumping into the research debate ring would be analogous to Don Knotts taking on George Foreman in the boxing one.

However, I eventually took the plunge and it's risk of embarrassment after concluding that at my age what have I got to lose and maybe my deep, deep and sincere lifetime passion for the JFK truth in and of itself, might balance my research ignorance just enough to still add something worthy to a few forum threads and it's over-all cause.

I still mostly just read everything posted but Michael keeps pulling up older threads that are so damn compelling ( like this one ) I can't help but join in the discussion even though I know I am the least educated of the contributors. As always my apologies if I dilute them.

But my passion for the JFK truth has never waned since the day I also watched Jack Ruby whack Lee Oswald live on TV 11,24,1963 like Terry Adams at the age of 12.

I can still remember, even at that young age, my stomach turning when I first saw Oswald appear into the basement entrance corridor and the openness of Oswald in his parading through that rather tight space with that ridiculous "two man only" protection ( and who were actually somewhat behind Oswald when Ruby leaped within inches of LHO's stomach and shot him ) and how the shooting so rattled my common sense and world reality.

When the Ruby pistol shot rang out I unconsciously leaped up from my seat and spontaneously shouted to no one ..." No Way! ... No Way! ... No Way!"

The whole thing seemed so instantly and incredibly wrong to me.

Even as a 12 year old with a still developing adolescent brain, I was aware of the national news repeatedly reporting that the threats against Oswald were at a level in numbers and seriousness almost unheard of in our history and that this threat level reality should have warranted protective measures for Oswald equally unprecedented.

To me, the worthiness of never stopping the search for the JFK truth is akin to the never ending thirst and effort of mankind to evolve to a higher spiritual, moral and knowledge plane.

God help us all in this quest.


Joe, I am very appreciative that you apparently approve of my tendency to bring up old threads. I have seen mixed responses. I had hoped that over time I would be able to materially contribute worthwhile material to the forum. However, I see that my personal contributions really don't move-out of the armature catagory. It's getting embarrassing and my bumping of old threads is  probably getting old. I'll be doing less of it.

Regarding history. I feel like we have won. As long as this forum and others like it remain intact, the true history is preserved. It is here for everyone, who really wants to know the truth, to discover. I think that the answers are here. I take some comfort in that. I think it is almost better to have a pile of disarticulated pieces of the truth than having to decide who's assemblage of those pieces is best. There was so much involved that no particular reconstruction will amount to more than a house of cards. The assemblage that is the WCR is a joke to anyone who inspects the foundations, walls and roof. No credible person buys it. It stands as a litmus test to credibility. I think we have to forgive those who HAVE to walk by it and say "yup, looks like a house", while disguising the words "of cards" under cover of a sneeze or cough. It is the salesmen, who keep this card-house listed and keep showing it for sale, and *** about its worthiness, who are tainted and outed in this litmus test. 

The official story serves a very valuable purpose as a test of credibility, honor and, indeed, patriotism.

Edited by Michael Clark
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