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Michael Paine

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for those who don't believe that there was any upper level FBI or CIA involvement, that it was a more immature group of people while the alphabet groups sat back and watched - how does that explain the ensuing cover-up? IF there was a conspiracy of any kind, then there WAS a cover-up (of JFK's head wounds and other items after the fact), right?


Well, Glenn, the Cover-up was explained to us well by Earl Warren himself -- and repeated by LBJ, J. Edgar Hoover and Allen Dulles. The explanation is NATIONAL SECURITY.

It is an ILLUSION that the JFK Kill-Team was the same as the JFK Cover-up Team.

The JFK Kill-Team worked for six solid months to make Lee Harvey Oswald look like an FPCC Communist.

The JFK Cover-up Team was born the day JFK was murdered; Hoover said that Lee Harvey Oswald had to be a "Lone Nut" with "no accomplices who are still at large." The basis for this was "National Security."

There is NO WAY to reconcile a COMMUNIST ACTIVIST with a LONE NUT. The Killers of JFK wanted to inspire the USA to invade Cuba at all costs. They failed in their ultimate aim.

J. Edgar Hoover figured out their game in less than one day. That's how smart he was.

The LONE NUT idea belonged to J. Edgar Hoover (according to Professor David Wrone).

The issue of National Security was so enormous that Earl Warren himself said that the Truth about JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald would be preserved and released -- but "not in your lifetime." The common date repeated by Jim Garrison was 75 years from the WC Report -- 2039.

Why 75 years? I think it's a clue. The question of National Security in 1963 wasn't merely the threat of riots -- but the threat of riots combined with the Cold War with the USSR (and China and Cuba).

Who could predict in 1963 how long the Cold War would last? Nobody. So, that's the reason for the long date of the JFK Cover-up.

HOWEVER -- in 1990 the USSR fell, and the Cold War came to an end. Then, in 1992, President GHW Bush signed the JFK Records Act, and moved Earl Warrens date forward by 22 years -- to 26 October 2017 to be exact.

That tells me the motivation for the JFK Cover-up -- it was the Cold War -- more specifically it was a question of National Security because of the threat of the Cold War. We couldn't afford riots in the streets over the real JFK Kill-Team.

Based on these facts -- the truly deep politics of 1963-1964 -- we can finally identify the JFK Kill-Team. Jim Garrison spotted most of them in New Orleans, but he failed to get close enough to Dallas to see the rest of them.

The right-wing in Dallas (and New Orleans) will comprise the JFK Kill-Team. Those few CIA Rogues (namely, David Morales and Howard Hunt, and maybe one or two more) who helped the JFK Kill-Team, reported to Civilian paramilitary command during 1963.

Why did the JFK Cover-up continue so long, and last until this very day? Because of what the Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren declared -- and the rest was loyalty and bureaucratic inertia.

I personally look forward to 26 October 2017, Glenn, when I feel confident that the Full Truth about the JFK Conspiracy will be admitted by the US Government, and the whole fifty-year nightmare of JFK Conspiracy Theories can finally be laid to rest.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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hmmm. ok... two totally separate conspiracies - one to kill JFK, and then, "well, since he's just been killed, we need to cover up what really happened"... including whisking away that blasted home movie in the fastest of possible times to a major CIA facility AND ...

i'm sure THAT's going over well with the Lone Nutters.

nah, i can't buy it. too complicated. Occam's Razor and all that. the fewer the moving parts the more likely the story.

that's where i fall, anyway.

but some of that i like - Hunt and Morales as involved, just not with a CIA hat on. works for me.

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hmmm. ok... two totally separate conspiracies - one to kill JFK, and then, "well, since he's just been killed, we need to cover up what really happened"... including whisking away that blasted home movie in the fastest of possible times to a major CIA facility AND ...

i'm sure THAT's going over well with the Lone Nutters.

nah, i can't buy it. too complicated. Occam's Razor and all that. the fewer the moving parts the more likely the story.

that's where i fall, anyway.

but some of that i like - Hunt and Morales as involved, just not with a CIA hat on. works for me.

Well, Glenn, I use Occam's Razor also, and I think my theory is minimalist. Most evidence, fewest players. Let me propose two dates:

(1) The JFK Kill-Team plot began on Easter Sunday 14 April 1963 in Dallas, when Ex-General Walker learned that Lee Harvey Oswald had been his shooter four days before. Walker called Banister that day to manipulate Oswald to move to New Orleans. Oswald moved within days. The Banister sheep-dip would last through September 1963, climaxing in Mexico City. Lee Harvey Oswald was very well set-up to look like an FPCC Communist. Several personnel related to Interpen and to Dallas Minutemen would volunteer to support the Walker-Banister dynamo.

(2) The JFK Cover-up plot began the hour that JFK was murdered, in DC, when J. Edgar Hoover learned that Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested as a suspect, and was considered to be an FPCC Communist. Hoover knew that LHO was never really a Communist, and he also knew LHO had worked for Guy Banister's Fake FPCC operation. Hoover saw through the Kill-Team's farce -- they wanted to blame the FPCC Communists for JFK's murder, so that the USA would invade Cuba and topple Fidel Castro. So, by 3pm CST, Hoover called RFK with the information that JFK's killer had been found; one person; not a Communist, and not an FPCC leader. Within hours Hoover spoke with LBJ and Allen Dulles, told them of the Walker-Banister plot, and warned them of possible riots and the risk to National Security, and then sold them on his "Lone Nut" theory as the only way to avoid blaming either the far Left or the far Right. Blame the "Lone Nut" and avoid riots and wars.

And yes, this would involve stomping on all the honest evidence and witnesses that Oswald wasn't always alone, and he didn't always travel by bus. That includes photo evidence, medical evidence, ballistics evidence (including the limo), autopsy evidence -- the list goes on.

But all evidence and witnesses were always, always tampered with, for one goal: Hoover's "Lone Nut" theory.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I like most of that - I have a problem with the fact that they latched onto LHO so fast. Ruby's history and his complicity connects all the parties, i feel. Two separate conspiracies of this magnitude is too much for me. Giancana and Chicago and Ruby and Trafficante/Luciano and Lansky and FDR - it's widely known that the government reached way into the Mafia, and Ruby surely did - that connects it all for me.

I respect you guys, and will always consider your offerings. I really, really think LBJ's imminent indictment was the tipping point, tho.

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I like most of that - I have a problem with the fact that they latched onto LHO so fast. Ruby's history and his complicity connects all the parties, i feel. Two separate conspiracies of this magnitude is too much for me. Giancana and Chicago and Ruby and Trafficante/Luciano and Lansky and FDR - it's widely known that the government reached way into the Mafia, and Ruby surely did - that connects it all for me.

I respect you guys, and will always consider your offerings. I really, really think LBJ's imminent indictment was the tipping point, tho.

Well, Glenn, your opinion is closer to the majority around here.

As for Jack Ruby, I completely agree with Seth Kantor's opinion -- who knew Jack Ruby personally. Jack Ruby was a DPD police-buff, and he would do anything for them -- he claimed. In the wake of the JFK-Tippit murder, the DPD prevailed upon Jack Ruby to rub out the "cop killer." How could he refuse the boys?

Jack Ruby had no involvement with the JFK Kill-Team -- but some of the DPD cops who manipulated Jack Ruby *did* IMHO have a connection with the JFK Kill-Team.

The JFK Kill-Team were good ol' boys. They weren't the Italian Mafia.

While it's certainly true that Trafficante, Marcello, Giancana and Roselli were funneling millions into Guy Banister's plots, they didn't call the shots, and they didn't send the shooters. That was entirely done by patriotic volunteers, as they saw themselves.

Former FBI Agent William Turner said that nobody could become a DPD cop in the early 1960's without membership in at least one far right organization, and preferably more. Minutemen and JBS were frequent choices for DPD cops. Here were the sharpshooters; all volunteers.

Even though the Mafia hated RFK as much as Jimmy Hoffa -- the JFK assassination was not their PROFILE. That was the profile of paramilitary experts with real, military battleground experience in WW2 and Korea. Sprinkle in a few Bay of Pigs fanatics.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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nice - but no, Ruby came from Chicago at the time Giancana gained power - he was one of the boys sent to NO/Dallas by them. He is factually connected to Marcello and Traficante thru Murrett and Carousel Club. Anyone with those kinds of friends are not as impressed by a bunch of hick cops except as how they can give him, the narcissist, attention (which was his motivator).

Martino talks about Ruby/Oswald's fate, as well as too many other people, none of them knowing each other (Cheramie or whatever her name was did NOT know Martino). No way. Ruby's the bridge between the low levels (corrupt cops) and the brass - he was in too tight with both. That he was in tight with the Outfit is hardly disputable. Dorothy's death convinces me of that, in fact. And i happen to believe his testimony to the WC. He was dead serious.

Hoover on the other hand had as much to lose as LBJ, almost. He would not be fired at the hands of both Kennedys. LBJ was NOT going to go to prison, which is exactly where he was heading, no way around it.

The details aren't vital - whether the shooters were italian or cuban doesn't matter. K had so many enemies they probably all wanted a piece. It will be super to know all the details (J Files, even?), but not crucial.

I don't have the majority opinion, i have one that happens to coincide with a majority for a probable reason. Sometimes the majority is on track, sometimes it's what to avoid. Like Jerry Springer.

I've heard about Seth Kantor, but don't remember where - a researcher / author?

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it's funny that we present our cases in here as if we're going to change someone's mind, but that's not my mindset when i stop and think about it. I enjoy banter with someone like you who uses reason and not insult - and I know you're as convinced as I am (moreso, probably).

but when i present a case "outloud", I rehear it and get more attached to it, or less. It does me good to mull it over. In this way i'm remaining teachable - malleable... which is vital to learning a truth.

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nice - but no, Ruby came from Chicago at the time Giancana gained power - he was one of the boys sent to NO/Dallas by them. He is factually connected to Marcello and Traficante thru Murrett and Carousel Club. Anyone with those kinds of friends are not as impressed by a bunch of hick cops except as how they can give him, the narcissist, attention (which was his motivator).

Martino talks about Ruby/Oswald's fate, as well as too many other people, none of them knowing each other (Cheramie or whatever her name was did NOT know Martino). No way. Ruby's the bridge between the low levels (corrupt cops) and the brass - he was in too tight with both. That he was in tight with the Outfit is hardly disputable. Dorothy's death convinces me of that, in fact. And i happen to believe his testimony to the WC. He was dead serious.

Hoover on the other hand had as much to lose as LBJ, almost. He would not be fired at the hands of both Kennedys. LBJ was NOT going to go to prison, which is exactly where he was heading, no way around it.

The details aren't vital - whether the shooters were italian or cuban doesn't matter. K had so many enemies they probably all wanted a piece. It will be super to know all the details (J Files, even?), but not crucial.

I don't have the majority opinion, i have one that happens to coincide with a majority for a probable reason. Sometimes the majority is on track, sometimes it's what to avoid. Like Jerry Springer.

I've heard about Seth Kantor, but don't remember where - a researcher / author?

Well, Glenn, we'll simply agree to disagree about Jack Ruby. He's not nearly as important in my theory as in your theory. I don't insist that you're wrong; but the facts don't lead me there. We probably won't change each other's minds, but we might stumble on new clues in the exchange.

As for Seth Kantor, he was a newspaper reporter in Dallas for many years before the JFK murder. He was there at the site, by accident, when it all happened.

Seth Kantor's credibility is 100% IMHO. He claimed that he saw Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital minutes after JFK arrived. Jack Ruby asked Kantor if he should close the Carousel Club in light of the JFK hit. Kantor said yes, and Ruby quickly went to work on that. The WC just dismissed Kantor's testimony out of hand. Big mistake, IMHO.

In Kantor's mind, Jack Ruby was a dimwit; he could be trusted to be a pimp, a bagman, a hitman or any other Mafia gofer job, but nothing truly important. Jack Ruby was involved in running guns to Cuba, but so were were many other Americans in 1961-1963, including doctors, lawyers and other JBS types. Jack Ruby was mainly a delivery man for this job.

Jack Ruby's great claim to fame was his help in getting Sam Giancana out of Fidel Castro's Cuban prison. Before and after that, Jack was basically a pimp and a bagman. In Dallas, Jack Ruby was a big shot, and he loved it. Dallas Police would frequent his club, and he loved that, too. Some wives of DPD men worked at the Carousel Club -- e.g. the wife of Roscoe White, and the wife of J.D. Tippit, as I recall.

While it's true that Jack Ruby did Mafia dirty-work while in Dallas -- this didn't extend to rubbing out JFK, because after all, the "Hicks" as you put it, were truly in charge in Dallas, and Jack Ruby knew that very well. So did the Mafia.

No -- while I agree that the Mafia funneled money into the JFK Kill-Team, mainly through Guy Banister, David Ferrie and Johnny Roselli, money was all they added. The Mafia worked with the CIA to kill Fidel Castro -- that is, to fail to kill Fidel Castro. Even JFK wanted Castro dead, and the Mafia knew it.

It simply doesn't matter to me that Murrett was linked to Carlos Marcello in New Orleans -- everybody was. Even Oswald's mother. It was nothing at all. Jim Garrison rightly pointed out that the Mafia never had the resources required to kill a US President. Money, yes, connections, no.

For the JFK Kill-Team to kill JFK, they needed some confederates in the DPD and Military Intelligence, and a few rogues in the CIA. That's all they needed.

Larry Hancock has argued that if CIA Officers killed JFK, they needed a Dallas representative, and he chooses Jack Ruby as the most likely candidate. I disagree. Jack Ruby wasn't smart enough for such a post. This is from Seth Kantor, who knew Ruby personally for years. Ex-General Edwin Walker is a far more likely candidate, because Walker was a West Point graduate, a WW2 hero, a Korean War hero, and he was the only US General to RESIGN in the 20th century -- because of JFK.

In 1962-1963, Ex-General Edwin Walker was a leader among the radical right in the USA (and considered insane by most Conservatives and Liberals). It was Walker who organized the October 1963 attack on UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson in Dallas.

Walker was far more likely to be the Dallas coordinator of any attack on JFK in Dallas -- far more than Jack Ruby will ever be.

Johnny Martino was aware of the Miami connection, the CIA rogues like Morales and Hunt, and their Mafia connections like Roselli and Trafficante. That's where Jack Ruby's name comes up here and there -- but always as a gofer -- never as a leader. Johnny Martino's awareness barely extended to Dallas -- where the real action was.

So, Glenn, IMHO, Ruby is no bridge to anything. Yet Larry Hancock leans toward your thinking on this. I say you're both mistaken, and that Seth Kantor is 100% correct.

Now, as for Jack Ruby's testimony to the WC, I believe it too -- but it's open to interpretation. We shouldn't jump to conclusions, and we should remember this was no educated man. But please remember this exchange in the WC, which I think is overlooked by nearly all JFK researchers:

----------- BEGIN EXCERPT FROM JACK RUBY WC TESTIMONY -----------------

Mr. RUBY ...At this moment, Lee Harvey Oswald isn't guilty of committing the crime of assassinating President Kennedy. Jack Ruby is. How can I fight that, Chief Justice Warren?

Chief Justice WARREN. Well now, I want to say, Mr. Ruby, that as far as this Commission is concerned, there is no implication of that in what we are doing...That I can assure you.

Mr. RUBY. All right...There is an organization here, Chief Justice Warren, if it takes my life at this moment to say it, and Bill Decker said be a man and say it, there is a John Birch Society right now in activity, and Edwin Walker is one of the top men of this organization--take it for what it is worth, Chief Justice Warren...(pause)...Don't register with you, does it?

Chief Justice WARREN. No; I don't understand that.

----------- BEGIN EXCERPT FROM JACK RUBY WC TESTIMONY -----------------

So, Glenn, if you really accept Jack Ruby's WC testimony, then why not admit that Ex-General Edwin Walker and the JBS (and their Minutemen militia) killed JFK?

Also, the fact that Hoover and LBJ stood to lose much in the 2nd JFK term, is simply not a sufficient argument to blame the JFK hit on them. THE DETAILS ARE VITAL. The Ground Crew is the most vital detail of all. The Ground Crew is absolutely crucial.

That's the beauty of Jim Garrison -- he got right down to the Ground Crew, and almost named them. He interviewed some of them without knowing their role (e.g. Gerry Patrick Hemming and Loran Hall) but he did at least have them on his suspect list.

Finally, to bring this all back to the theme of this thread -- Michael Paine -- I believe that Michael Paine always knew that Edwin Walker was the killer of JFK. I believe he knows it to this very day. I only wish I could contact him.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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yes, this is all great stuff, and i know i can learn a lot from you and others as informed as you. because two people disagree doesn't in any way mean there's nothing they can get from each other or respect of each other. even LNers I'm willing to listen to, until they exhibit the oh too common lack of reason.

re Ruby's limited mental faculties. don't dispute that whatsoever. I don't think he was a part of the Big one, just a part of the smaller acts, like maybe Tippit, or providing transportation or something. Sure he was too dimwitted to trust with Knowledge, but then (in my theory) the heavies wouldn't trust many people at all with more than the absolute "need to know". (LHO, if used at all, was most likely thinking something far from reality.) I agree with you, but whatever Ruby's role, his connections are what form the bridge, in my eyes, not his responsibilities. Never intended to imply Ruby was important - just that his connections with Roselli, Giancana, Marcello should NOT be ignored.

I was reading other stuff on Walker's motives with LHO - i know very little about that, and I'm quite open to his being a planner. I haven't decided on ANY names strategically, other than LBJ and prob. JEH (at least having knowledge before the fact - knowledge before the fact IS guilt.)

Interesting about Kantor obviously telling the truth about meeting Ruby at Parkland, AND the WC deciding that this most integrous man is suddenly not so reliable. Of course.

I'm doing several things re JFK on one of my websites (i'm a programmer) that i'm hoping are a little unique, as far as lists go, nothing definitive - and I'm hoping to put together a list of testimonies/people who were actually snubbed by the WC and HSCA AFTER hearing the testimony - not including the vast number of people who were not even called.

just a matter of curiosity, and the fun of making lists. :)

thanks for your candor - I really do learn from your posts.

I'm still stuck on the UT connections, too. That pretty much leads straight to the top. no tellin'...

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Finally, to bring this all back to the theme of this thread -- Michael Paine -- I believe that Michael Paine always knew that Edwin Walker was the killer of JFK.

right, that's what i was reading. the UT Rambler thing. It's pretty interesting, and new to me. I'm open to Walker being at the top. (poss. he and LBJ could have colluded - "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"...

Edited by Glenn Nall
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Finally, to bring this all back to the theme of this thread -- Michael Paine -- I believe that Michael Paine always knew that Edwin Walker was the killer of JFK.

right, that's what i was reading. the UT Rambler thing. It's pretty interesting, and new to me. I'm open to Walker being at the top. (poss. he and LBJ could have colluded - "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"...

Well, Glenn, IMHO the defining factor of Ex-General Edwin Walker was his faith in the John Birch Society (JBS). The JBS preached since 1959 that all US Presidents since FDR had been Communists.

This went double for JFK, in Walker's mind, and also extended to the Pentagon (which is why Walker resigned after 30 years service, and forfeited his Army Pension). It also extended to LBJ. Walker didn't like LBJ. Walker liked George Wallace for US President.

As for the UT Green Rambler, which Oswald said was "Mrs. Paine's car," there were many Green Ramblers in Dallas in 1963, so I don't jump to conclusions there.

In my theory, Michael and Ruth Paine were liberals -- rare in Dallas -- along with George De Mohrenschildt (an opportunist) and Volkmar Schmidt. They were all at a party in which Oswald was "programmed" to detest Ex-General Edwin Walker.

They were the (unwilling) accomplices in Oswald's attempted murder of Edwin Walker in his Dallas home. It was this rash act that started the ball rolling on the JFK murder, IMHO.

That is, countless extreme rightists in the USA would talk big about killing JFK, but it was 99.999% hot air. When a former US General makes up his mind to do it, however -- it gets done.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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yes, this is all great stuff, and i know i can learn a lot from you and others as informed as you. because two people disagree doesn't in any way mean there's nothing they can get from each other or respect of each other. even LNers I'm willing to listen to, until they exhibit the oh too common lack of reason.

re Ruby's limited mental faculties. don't dispute that whatsoever. I don't think he was a part of the Big one, just a part of the smaller acts, like maybe Tippit, or providing transportation or something. Sure he was too dimwitted to trust with Knowledge, but then (in my theory) the heavies wouldn't trust many people at all with more than the absolute "need to know". (LHO, if used at all, was most likely thinking something far from reality.) I agree with you, but whatever Ruby's role, his connections are what form the bridge, in my eyes, not his responsibilities. Never intended to imply Ruby was important - just that his connections with Roselli, Giancana, Marcello should NOT be ignored.

I was reading other stuff on Walker's motives with LHO - i know very little about that, and I'm quite open to his being a planner. I haven't decided on ANY names strategically, other than LBJ and prob. JEH (at least having knowledge before the fact - knowledge before the fact IS guilt.)

Interesting about Kantor obviously telling the truth about meeting Ruby at Parkland, AND the WC deciding that this most integrous man is suddenly not so reliable. Of course.

I'm doing several things re JFK on one of my websites (i'm a programmer) that i'm hoping are a little unique, as far as lists go, nothing definitive - and I'm hoping to put together a list of testimonies/people who were actually snubbed by the WC and HSCA AFTER hearing the testimony - not including the vast number of people who were not even called.

just a matter of curiosity, and the fun of making lists. :)

thanks for your candor - I really do learn from your posts.

I'm still stuck on the UT connections, too. That pretty much leads straight to the top. no tellin'...

Well, Glenn, IMHO, LNers are living in the past -- trying to be loyal to J. Edgar Hoover. That's their whole story. The evidence of Conspiracy (as admitted by the US Congress in 1979) is too plain to miss -- so their only motivation must be "loyalty."

They don't interest me in the slightest. The only game in town, IMHO, is which one of the dozens of CT theories is correct. Most of them are so backward that one can hardly keep a straight face anymore.

I can agree with you that Jack Ruby's connections with the Mafia were important; and that he knew far more than he was willing to talk about in Dallas. Yet that is a clue. Who was in Dallas that could hurt him, but not in DC? The Mafia was in both places. But it was the Dallas right-wing, the real killers of JFK (IMHO) who were right there in the Dallas prison cell with Jack Ruby, who would have killed him in a minute if they thought he was going to talk. Rogues in the DPD played a far greater role in killing JFK than the Mafia ever dreamed, IMHO.

I'm pleased that you're open to the idea that Edwin Walker could have been a JFK Kill-Team planner. It's a rare idea today. It will be far more well-known in a couple of years, IMHO.

The person who pushed Oswald to shoot at Walker was George De Mohrenschildt. He practically confessed this in his book, "I'm a Patsy! I'm a Patsy!" (1978). His pal, Volkmar Schmidt, openly admitted his role in that pathetic story.

Although LBJ heard rumors there in Dallas, and JEH also knew about hundreds of rumors, I don't see them close to Walker -- but quite the contrary. Walker wanted to invade Cuba and kill Fidel Castro above all other things. Killing JFK was really secondary for him -- a means to an end. LBJ and JEH foiled Walker's dreams of a Cuban invasion. How? Two words: "Lone Nut."

JEH didn't have foreknowledge of the JFK hit -- but he figured out Walker's whole plot by 6pm on 11/22/1963, and worked out the "Lone Nut" theory to foil Walker. LBJ liked Hoover's plan and sold it to Allen Dulles and later to Earl Warren.

By 11/23/1963 Hoover and the FBI went about tampering with all JFK murder evidence -- witnesses, ballistics, medical -- everything, in order to force it into the mold of the "Lone Nut" theory. It was a matter of life or death -- not theirs, but the USA; National Security.

So -- this seems too quick -- one day to develop a full Cover-up plan -- but it's possible and plausible. JEH didn't have foreknowledge -- but his FBI data was so accurate that he figured out the whole JFK Kill plot in less than 24 hours, and formulated a workable response -- the "Lone Nut" theory.

Remember that Walker and the right-wing in Dallas who really killed JFK continued to insist that the JFK murder was a Conspiracy, and specifically an FPCC Communist Conspiracy. The "Lone Nut" theory was created specifically to foil them.

The WC stepped on Seth Kantor's evidence because it smacked of Conspiracy, and the "Lone Nut" theory would stomp on any hint of Conspiracy. Like Silvia Odio, for example.

Best wishes on your websites, Glenn. May I suggest that you focus on this angle: The "Lone Nut" theory versus EVERYTHING else -- all other evidence -- the limo, the umbrella man, how many bullets -- just everything.

IMHO, Edwin Walker is the top of the pyramid. He started a groundswell joined by many (failed) Southern politicians like Guy Banister, Kent Courtney and many others. When the Walker-Banister plot was seen to be viable by the summer of 1963, serious people like David Morales and Howard Hunt finally joined the movement in New Orleans. (I use Joan Mellen as my support on this.)

The Interpen players -- by far the most active players outside of Dallas -- were always in on the plot, going back to April 1963.

Let me know if you want more data about Edwin Walker, Glenn. Again, I believe Michael Paine knows more about Edwin Walker's role in the JFK murder than any other living human being.


--Paul Trejo

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here's an obscurity:

"I have never been certain of the book he was referring to in that phone call. Books connecting the mob to the assassination began to appear at that time. An example is Mafia Kingfish, by John Davis. Davis' thesis is that Kennedy was hit in a vendetta against him by the Marcello organization. That book, in the 1989 paper back Signet edition, on page 451, establishes my father as a "connection to the Marcello organization" and "the representative of the Mob controlled American Guild of Variety Artists."

The same book makes mention of an ultra-right wing John Birch Society individual named Major General Edwin Walker. It is a piece of unverified apocrypha that Oswald is supposed to have taken a pot shot at him in his Dallas home some time prior to the Kennedy shots. I have a childhood memory of my father becoming enthusiastically involved in the political campaign of a General Walker. I recall helping staple together his campaign yard signs. Beyond that there are no more details in my memory, but again it shows my father in that mix of people bound together by JFK's death."


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(1) The JFK Kill-Team plot began on Easter Sunday 14 April 1963 in Dallas, when Ex-General Walker learned that Lee Harvey Oswald had been his shooter four days before. Walker called Banister that day to manipulate Oswald to move to New Orleans. Oswald moved within days. The Banister sheep-dip would last through September 1963, climaxing in Mexico City. Lee Harvey Oswald was very well set-up to look like an FPCC Communist. Several personnel related to Interpen and to Dallas Minutemen would volunteer to support the Walker-Banister dynamo.

(2) The JFK Cover-up plot began the hour that JFK was murdered, in DC, when J. Edgar Hoover learned that Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested as a suspect, and was considered to be an FPCC Communist. Hoover knew that LHO was never really a Communist, and he also knew LHO had worked for Guy Banister's Fake FPCC operation. Hoover saw through the Kill-Team's farce -- they wanted to blame the FPCC Communists for JFK's murder, so that the USA would invade Cuba and topple Fidel Castro. So, by 3pm CST, Hoover called RFK with the information that JFK's killer had been found; one person; not a Communist, and not an FPCC leader. Within hours Hoover spoke with LBJ and Allen Dulles, told them of the Walker-Banister plot, and warned them of possible riots and the risk to National Security, and then sold them on his "Lone Nut" theory as the only way to avoid blaming either the far Left or the far Right. Blame the "Lone Nut" and avoid riots and wars.

And yes, this would involve stomping on all the honest evidence and witnesses that Oswald wasn't always alone, and he didn't always travel by bus. That includes photo evidence, medical evidence, ballistics evidence (including the limo), autopsy evidence -- the list goes on.

But all evidence and witnesses were always, always tampered with, for one goal: Hoover's "Lone Nut" theory.

Paul, I agree with most of your words. I have one question at "Walker and the right-wing in Dallas really killed JFK".

After Cuban Missile Crisis passed in 1962 Fidel still had a USSR support and 2000 Soviet soldiers on Cuba. And JFK had a direct line with Khrushchev and JFK was a guarantor of peace.

Who really had a plan to start new Cuban crisis and get some nukes from USSR? I'm not sure there were Walker and the right-wing. In that case it's no reason to silent the truth so many years.

Occam's razor: the fewest assumption to explain Cuban crisis, JFK and RFK assassination all together is the foreign conspiracy.

Here are my Top Ten Questions for Michael Paine.

1) After leaving Harvard, MP transfered to a Quaker college in suburban Philadelphia, when he met Ruth Hyde Paine at a folk dance session. Thanks to MP's mother's husband, Arthur Young, MP gets a job in research and development at Bell Helicopter in Texas. What promoped the move from Philly to Dallas?

2) Michael Paine told the WC that he didn't know Oswald had a rifle, but later he said that he saw the photo of Oswald with rifle in backyard when he picked up Oswald at his apartment to take him home for dinner, early in their association. What's up with that?

3) The German Minox spy camera, previously attributed to belonging to Oswald, has been claimed by MP as his own. If so, then he can explain the photos and why it was entered into evidence.

4) Michael Paine's father was co-founger of the Trotskite Party in USA, yet when Michael met Oswald, who claimed to be not just a communist but a Trotskite, MP didn't bother to impress Oswald with the fact his father was a co-founder of the Trotskite Party USA. Why not?


William, the most interesting for me is number 4. I'm sure 'Lev Trotsky' was a Austrian-German project at the start. Soviets never have a real control of communist movement in capitalist countries. Because capitalist countries had a fake communist parties.

Edited by Vitali Zhuk
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There is no and never has been a "Trotskyite Party USA".

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