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Michael Paine

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Mr. Trejo:

So where was the rifle between the time LHO left New Orleans and October 4th? I'm guessing it did NOT go to Mexico with him.

IMHO, Mark, Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) had accomplices in Dallas, in New Orleans and also in Mexico City.

In my reading, the Warren Commission had to pretend that LHO took a bus to Mexico City, in order to support their "Lone Nut" theory of LHO. Mexican officials -- when asked apart from the US Government -- reported that LHO entered and exited Mexico as a passenger in a car.

(No Mexican officials or records have LHO on a bus, and no Mexican witnesses saw LHO on a bus. Only four American tourists claimed to see Oswald, and their testimony is contradictory.)

So, IMHO, just as Oswald rode in a car to and from the Walker shooting in April 1963, so also did Oswald ride in a car from Mexico City in September 1963. His rifle was with him the entire time. That's my reading.


--Paul Trejo

i find your reasoning quite solid and informative when a certain General is not the topic. seriously. 'cept for that MP being a genius among geniuses bit...

so LHO had accomplices in Dallas AND N.O., AND Mexico?


i'm just kiddin' with ya. I'm pretty sure he had accomplices in Atlanta (FBI) and Tampa and Kansas City, as well. And Raleigh (phone call from jail...?). Lee Harvey Oswald, the Jet Setter.


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Here is how Michael Paine (a Harvard man and Engineer) spoke about Lee Harvey Oswald (a high-school graduate and Marine) in his Warren Commission testimony (vol. 9, p. 434) taken at 2:30pm on March 17, 1964:


Mr. LIEBELER. Did you ever have any discussion with Oswald about these periodicals (The Worker and The Militant)?

Mr. PAINE. Yes. In regard to, The Worker, he told me if you knew how to read the thing 'between the lines,' you could see what they wanted you to do.

Mr. LIEBELER. When did he say that?

Mr. PAINE. I think that was a week or two after he came, pretty soon after coming back [to Irving, Texas on 10/4/1963]. I talked to him rather less and less as the weeks rolled by.

Mr. LIEBELER. Did you ask him what he meant by that remark?

Mr. PAINE. Well, I didn’t. I took The Worker issue he gave me just to make my eye go over it. I thought to myself instead here is a person who is ‘out of it’ again, if this is the way he gets his communications from ‘headquarters.’

Mr. LIEBELER. Tell us everything that you can remember about that conversation.

Mr. PAINE. That wasn’t much of a conversation. It happened in an afternoon. I am afraid I can’t remember anything more about it. I remember only the thoughts; I sort of smiled to myself when he said this.


Mr. PAINE. Thinking of the kind of person – what it said about him – it suggested to me he wanted to be a party to something, or a part of a group that had objectives. In other words, he wanted to be an activist of some sort. And he wasn’t aware of [the basics] – it seemed somewhat childish to me.

Mr. LIEBELER. Why do you say that?

Mr. PAINE. Well it would have seemed more competent to have more explicit communication clandestine, if it would have to be clandestine. And if you had more explicit communication, you wouldn’t mention receiving your directions from reading 'between the lines' of a newspaper!



--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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It seems to me today that Michael Paine may have been at the famous Dallas Engineers' party at Everett Glover's apartment where Volkmar Schmidt spent hours convincing LHO that General Walker was as bad as Adolf Hitler.

George De Mohrenschildt was there. I would appreciate knowing if anybody has any information about who the other dozen or so Dallas engineers were at that party.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot find any reason to link Michael Paine with the JFK assassination itself.

In that observation I am at odds with many CT's, including that of James DiEugenio, who wishes to call the Paines before a "Grand Jury."

However, I am still undecided whether Michael Paine had something to do with Lee Harvey Oswald's attempt to assassinate General Walker on April 10th 1963.

First of all, it seems that the only topic upon which Michael and LHO could agree was on the wickedness of General Walker.

Secondly, it seems that Volkmar Schmidt met Michael Paine numerous times through Everett Glover. I once read a claim that Michael Paine lived in an apartment with Everett Glover and Volkmar Schmidt, briefly, when he first separated from Ruth Paine. Does anybody have any confirmation of this claim?

Volkmar Schmidt has already confessed to a minor role in LHO's shooting at General Walker (e.g. when he told our own Bill Kelly that he worked for hours to try to convince LHO that Walker was like Adolf Hitler)..

Thirdly, in 1995, Michael Paine told Dan Rather that he actually did see LHO's Backyard Photograph on April 2nd 1963, when Michael drove to Dallas to pick up Marina, June and Lee Oswald for their first dinner party at Ruth Paine's house.

So -- to me the question of Michael Paine's involvement in the Walker shooting remains open. I would very much appreciate more information -- facts -- on this topic..

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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