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Sarah Palin

John Simkin

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McCain and Palin are making an appearance at the Anoka County airport in the northwest part of the Twin Cities this Friday. I plan to attended. It will be an interesting experience.

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Lawyers and Republican aides acting on behalf of Sarah Palin are engaged in a fierce legal battle to block an inquiry into the so-called troopergate affair, in which the vice-presidential candidate is accused of abusing her public office to wage a vendetta against her former brother-in-law.

The bipartisan panel of the Alaskan state legislature in charge of the inquiry is under pressure to drop the proceedings, or put them off until after the November 4 presidential elections.

In the latest move, five Republican members of the state assembly have issued a lawsuit seeking to halt the investigation on the grounds that it is "McCarthyistic, partial and partisan".

On Tuesday, the Republican attorney general of Alaska ruled that 13 witness subpoenas to appear before the inquiry would not have to be honoured.

The Democratic head of the panel, Hollis French, has vowed to press on with the inquiry, which is due to report on October 10. "Sarah Palin's nomination as vice-presidential candidate really doesn't change the steps we are going through to complete the investigation, it just raises its visibility significantly," he said.

The campaign of disruption is an indication of how seriously troopergate is being taken within Republican ranks. Allegations that Palin misused her position as governor of Alaska for personal reasons are potentially damaging to John McCain's presidential hopes as he has billed his running mate as an ethical choice who will combat corruption and cronyism in Washington.

At the heart of the affair is the accusation that Palin sacked the head of the Alaskan police service, Walter Monegan, because he refused to take a tough stance against her former brother-in-law, Mike Wooten, who works as a trooper - a state police officer. Wooten and Palin's sister Molly were involved in an acrimonious divorce. It has emerged that Palin, her husband, Todd, and several close aides complained about Wooten to Monegan on at least a dozen occasions, urging him to dismiss the trooper or have him moved. Monegan resisted their advances, until he was himself fired.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal yesterday Monegan said: "The first thing I said when I was told I was fired was, 'Is it because of Wooten?'"

The union representing Wooten, the Public Safety Employees Association, says the trooper was investigated several years ago over alleged improprieties raised by Palin and others that included the shooting of a moose without a proper licence. Wooten was found in breach on some charges and suspended for five days, at which point the case was closed.

Soon after Palin became governor in November 2006 the accusations were raised again. In one email to Monegan she wrote: "Amazing. [Wooten]'s still a trooper, and he still carries a gun, and he still tells anyone who will listen that he will 'never work for that bitch, Palin' because he has such anger and distain [sic] towards my family."

John Cyr, the union's director, said: "She has used the bully pulpit of the governor's office to demonise a man who was trying to do his job and raise his family."

In her defence, Palin says she sacked the police chief not because he refused to act against her former relative, but because he had shown insubordination towards her over the management of the police budget.

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McCain and Palin held a well-organized rally at a new, huge hangar at the Anoka County Airport in Blaine, MN today. There were about 13,000 present, the hangar was full. There were port-a-potties and water available, a real help with a large crowd such as this. The McCain volunteers passed out signs and pom poms to wave, as well as stickers. I had hoped to catch a glimpse of their plane, but it must have been parked out on a runway. They arrived in a caravan in their black campaign bus, after introductions from Mary Pawlenty (the Gov was, conveniently, up in the Iron Range announcing a major project), Sen. Norm Coleman, Congresswoman Michelle Bachman and even local favorite Ron Sharra (minus his dog Raven) who hosts Minnesota Bound, a program devoted to the outdoor activities of the state.

Palin spoke simply and convincingly, with now familiar phrases (and, darn it, no sarcasm) of the initiatives which will land on her plate -- energy independence, assisting families with special needs children, and, of course, reform of govt excesses. McCain made some good points about the govt, but then seemed to blame Obama for being a part of the economic devastation (after repeatedly claiming he hasn't been in DC very long), so that was not too convincing.

So I was not blown away, yet am interested enough to keep on listening to what they have to say.

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McCain and Palin held a well-organized rally at a new, huge hangar at the Anoka County Airport in Blaine, MN today. There were about 13,000 present, the hangar was full. There were port-a-potties and water available, a real help with a large crowd such as this. The McCain volunteers passed out signs and pom poms to wave, as well as stickers. I had hoped to catch a glimpse of their plane, but it must have been parked out on a runway. They arrived in a caravan in their black campaign bus, after introductions from Mary Pawlenty (the Gov was, conveniently, up in the Iron Range announcing a major project), Sen. Norm Coleman, Congresswoman Michelle Bachman and even local favorite Ron Sharra (minus his dog Raven) who hosts Minnesota Bound, a program devoted to the outdoor activities of the state.

Palin spoke simply and convincingly, with now familiar phrases (and, darn it, no sarcasm) of the initiatives which will land on her plate -- energy independence, assisting families with special needs children, and, of course, reform of govt excesses. McCain made some good points about the govt, but then seemed to blame Obama for being a part of the economic devastation (after repeatedly claiming he hasn't been in DC very long), so that was not too convincing.

So I was not blown away, yet am interested enough to keep on listening to what they have to say.

Did McCain explain his comments earlier in the week when he said the US economy was fundamentally strong? Has he changed his view about government regulation?

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Did McCain explain his comments earlier in the week when he said the US economy was fundamentally strong? Has he changed his view about government regulation?

I don't recall any specific references to that. There were a couple to the fact that the Bush administration made mistakes (not mentioned by name, though) that were a curious indication that they might be willing to tackle reform.

McCain apparently fought for regulation of Fannie and Freddie some three years ago, with the bill blocked by the Democrats (of course). That gives him some credibility in this area, if at least he was amongst those wise enough to realize that things were going amuk.

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Here's a link to an article and some photos about yesterday's rally:


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Link to a Pioneer Press article on Palin that, yes, includes me (the spot I secured was next to the barrier for the media risers, where there was something to lean on during the three hours of standing).


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Link to a Pioneer Press article on Palin that, yes, includes me (the spot I secured was next to the barrier for the media risers, where there was something to lean on during the three hours of standing).


perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality... Say, did your press agent clear the above article for publication? Geeez! LMAO!


Edited by David G. Healy
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Link to a Pioneer Press article on Palin that, yes, includes me (the spot I secured was next to the barrier for the media risers, where there was something to lean on during the three hours of standing).


perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality...


Ah yes..the BIG picture...that the hockey mom scares the living crap out of you and just might be BETTER qualified than zerOBAMA. Thats reality davie.

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Link to a Pioneer Press article on Palin that, yes, includes me (the spot I secured was next to the barrier for the media risers, where there was something to lean on during the three hours of standing).


perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality...


Ah yes..the BIG picture...that the hockey mom scares the living crap out of you and just might be BETTER qualified than zerOBAMA. Thats reality davie.

read the BIG picture article toots, THEN give it your best shot.... if the above is the best the new-found Socialist-GOPer's can do, well, what can one say? Give it your best laying-on-of hands go. Btw, How does it feel being a Repub-lo-crat socialist these days...? Stay on point toots, if you can.

Edited by David G. Healy
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Link to a Pioneer Press article on Palin that, yes, includes me (the spot I secured was next to the barrier for the media risers, where there was something to lean on during the three hours of standing).


perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality...


Ah yes..the BIG picture...that the hockey mom scares the living crap out of you and just might be BETTER qualified than zerOBAMA. Thats reality davie.

read the BIG picture article toots, THEN give it your best shot.... if the above is the best the new-found Socialist-GOPer's can do, well, what can one say? Give it your best laying-on-of hands go. Btw, How does it feel being a Repub-lo-crat socialist these days...? Stay on point toots, if you can.

I've read the big picture dave and zerOBAMA can't close the deal. Why? Becuause America is seeing beyond the lofty speaches and seeing the man behind hte curtain and finding....nothing. zerOBAMa is nothing but fluff and thats why ytou are runing scared dave. I can understand it, you are gfoing to lose for the THIRD presidential election cycle....thats gonn leave a mark. So if this is the best you can do....

Oh and last I looked the Congress who creates legislation, is DIMOCRATE controlled. Try and keep up..if you can.

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Link to a Pioneer Press article on Palin that, yes, includes me (the spot I secured was next to the barrier for the media risers, where there was something to lean on during the three hours of standing).


perhaps NOW you're ready for the big picture... a bit of reality...


Ah yes..the BIG picture...that the hockey mom scares the living crap out of you and just might be BETTER qualified than zerOBAMA. Thats reality davie.

read the BIG picture article toots, THEN give it your best shot.... if the above is the best the new-found Socialist-GOPer's can do, well, what can one say? Give it your best laying-on-of hands go. Btw, How does it feel being a Repub-lo-crat socialist these days...? Stay on point toots, if you can.

I've read the big picture dave and zerOBAMA can't close the deal. Why? Becuause America is seeing beyond the lofty speaches and seeing the man behind hte curtain and finding....nothing. zerOBAMa is nothing but fluff and thats why ytou are runing scared dave. I can understand it, you are gfoing to lose for the THIRD presidential election cycle....thats gonn leave a mark. So if this is the best you can do....

Oh and last I looked the Congress who creates legislation, is DIMOCRATE controlled. Try and keep up..if you can.

be nice son..... without the bailout, you're headed for Mexico.... is there anything the GOP can't screw up? The last moron the GOP party put forth needed the US Supreme Court to save to his fraudulent election...

A trillion dollar+ unnecessary war, IRAQ. All based on WMD lies. Piss poor showing in a war that requires leadership, troops and funding, Afghanistan. Where OMB and his boys are hiding... An oil industry out of control. And now at first blush, a trillion dollar + bailout of US financial markets (I suspect on a worldwide basis, a 5 trillion dollar scenario and that might be conservative, we'll stay away for the moment, specific derivatives. Then of course we have the US housing crises (a problem of de-rugulation) now in truest GOP fashion, a remake of the Keating Five Savings and Loan scandal (another GOP screw up and bailout that John McCain found himself up to his eye in).

We have a staunch GOP de-regulator, the likes of Ronald Reagan (who didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground, either) who is now for regulation? None other than John 'read-my-lips' McCain (talk about flip-flopping)...

I really miss newspaper political cartoonists, they'd have a field day with Ms. Shoot'em Up Sarah Palin AND Mr. Mom, Todd Palin. Not to mention, Super-Duper Flipper John 'I'm a POW' McCain...

So spare us, we're way ahead of you.... the *only* reason this race is close, is RACISM. If you had the nads you'd admit that..... Btw, Ms. Sarah doesn't know she's under the GOP bus, yet. With Todd Palin driving the bus, you should be ashamed..... GREED, the patchwork of GOP'ism, everywhere....

Catalog photo business, and dry goods photography drying up too, eh?

Edited by David G. Healy
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Link to a Pioneer Press article on Palin that, yes, includes me (the spot I secured was next to the barrier for the media risers, where there was something to lean on during the three hours of standing).


This rocks, Pamela.

I like the way you worked in your interest in the JFK assassination.

Maybe the next administration will generate the release of more assassination documents that have been under lock and key for 44 years.

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you are gfoing to lose for the THIRD presidential election cycle....thats gonn leave a mark.

I guess you missed the latest polls, including those of ‘likely voters’, which indicate that Obama is a ahead by 3 - 5 points and show him him winning the Electoral College by a narrow margin. It’s not really possible to say who will win at this point but this election like the last 2 should be very close.

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you are gfoing to lose for the THIRD presidential election cycle....thats gonn leave a mark.

I guess you missed the latest polls, including those of ‘likely voters’, which indicate that Obama is a ahead by 3 - 5 points and show him him winning the Electoral College by a narrow margin. It’s not really possible to say who will win at this point but this election like the last 2 should be very close.

Oh no, I follow the polls quite closely as well as the internals and the generally large dim oversampling. If the anointed one is only even or at best 1 to 3 ahead at this point in time he is done. Why? He can't seal the deal. His empty suit is wearing quite thin. And lets not forget the Bradley effect. Nope. In reality things are looking quite bleak for zerOBAMA. And we get to see him OFF the teleprompter on Friday...

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