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Why do I have to do all of the photo analysis?

Jack White

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It's not inappropriate at all! I don't know if there's something unusual about it, or something about the instant of a photograph or the angle of the photo, or what we think people should be doing isn't what people actually do.

I do know that it's not limited to the 11/22/1963 photos. There are lots of other photos on lots of different occasions that show the same thing. Here's one, I can post more if you like. You'd think everyone would be focused on the speaker at this moment.....



Hi Jerry,

Exactly, how can one assess or reach a conclusion based on people captured at a fraction of a second in time. I am interested in the photo you posted. Do you know when and where it was taken?


Barb :-)

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It's not inappropriate at all! I don't know if there's something unusual about it, or something about the instant of a photograph or the angle of the photo, or what we think people should be doing isn't what people actually do.

I do know that it's not limited to the 11/22/1963 photos. There are lots of other photos on lots of different occasions that show the same thing. Here's one, I can post more if you like. You'd think everyone would be focused on the speaker at this moment.....


Hi Jerry,

Exactly, how can one assess or reach a conclusion based on people captured at a fraction of a second in time. I am interested in the photo you posted. Do you know when and where it was taken?


Barb :-)


Campaigning for President in Texas, 1960. San Antonio, I think.......?????


Edited by Jerry Logan
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Parking garage on the left, looking back down Houston.

Working backwards, is it possible to line up some of the camera locations (LOS) with the parking garage entrance. ( Altgens, Nix, etc: )


In the image below we can see a man standing in the middle of the intersection next to the car.

when we line up the white road strips on Main & Houston, this appears to me to be very close to where Hughes must have been positioned at the time of the motorcade.

We also see a crowd of people standing on the footpath near the Bronson position, i assume this is approx where nix was standing. ?

Thanks for the fantastic photo, Robin! I had never seen it before.

It clears up many things, like the firetruck and white ambulance (?). It gives precise locations of some

things like the tall fluorescent lamp post seen in Hughes, the entire side of the sheriff building, etc.

This is great!


The tall lamp pole in the middle of the block is seen the the Hughes film against windows of the TSBD.

By drawing a line from the pole to the windows it intersects, Hughes exact line of sight can be determined

on the line extended to the Main intersection.


Robin and Jack,

Jack has made a great observation. I was going to say that the man in the intersection looks correct n/s but needed to go a little further west. Using the lamp per Jack's suggestion places Hughes just where I thought he should go. As Martin has already clarified, I think the photographers and crowd were off the southwest curb and in an arc in the intersection itself.



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Martin and Robin,

Nice work from both of you!

I'd like your comments on the images below. Specifically, how would you place them right to left in the intersection?

I'm not concerned with where exactly they are, just their relationship with each other.

Which do you think was taken from the furthest north and so on.

My best regards to you both,


Thank you Jerry. :)

Thats a challenge my friend. Not easy.

It is hard to tell exactly where they were standing just based on this photographs (different position [low/high] different cameras and adjustments etc.)

An accurate way would be a 3D photomatch/re-enactement. Something what i did with Moorman#3.

So this is how i see it. But no guarantee.


It's actually possible that Altgens and Bothun were both more a bit south but i would say

it's certain that Altgens was north of Bothun. And Bothun north of Hughes.

Bronson is clear. Sharp mind Jerry!

Another variable is this map. We don't know how accurate it is.

I think this is constructive research gentlemen. It trains parts of our brain which is often unused. Not bad at all.

In particular for the photograpic research of this tragic event.

My best to you


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Hi Jerry,

Exactly, how can one assess or reach a conclusion based on people captured at a fraction of a second in time. I am interested in the photo you posted. Do you know when and where it was taken?


Barb :-)


Campaigning for President in Texas, 1960. San Antonio, I think.......?????


Wish it was '63. :-) But mostly, I have been watching for a good close up pic of him taken from the back while speaking that shows his entire head, shoulders and part of his back. This one is close, but the top of his head is lopped off and it's from more of an angle than I'd like. One of him with no shirt on at all would even be better. Picky, aren't I ...<g>


Barb :-)

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This is probably an inappropriate comment for this thread, but everytime I see the above photos, they make no sense to me. ...so I wanted to make a comment, while the photos are posted. But.... No one is looking at JFK and Jackie!! They are all looking at Greer and Kellerman. Even the woman with her arm up, is not looking at JFK and Jackie. In an above larger photo, one woman might be looking at them, but a woman next to her is even looking behind the Limo. Is it just me that finds this to be very odd?



It's not inappropriate at all! I don't know if there's something unusual about it, or something about the instant of a photograph or the angle of the photo, or what we think people should be doing isn't what people actually do.

I do know that it's not limited to the 11/22/1963 photos. There are lots of other photos on lots of different occasions that show the same thing. Here's one, I can post more if you like. You'd think everyone would be focused on the speaker at this moment.....



There is something else strange about this picture. Not only are most of the people focused away from Kennedy, but the men in the center-right all look alike! Did someone pad this picture to make it look like more people are there?

Kathy C

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This must have been discussed before. But I'll go ahead.

I was watching a compilation of Assassination films on youtube and I noticed that in the Zapruder film, in the first frames with the motorcycle cops, the background seems to be all blacked out. I wondered if that was where the Silver Trailer Van was and the laundry truck in front of it. These vehicles can be seen in the Towner and Hughes films. Why are they blacked out in Zapruder? The pictures appear in Jack White's color insertion of dubious photos in Murder in Dealey Plaza.

Also I believe I was reading here recently someone saying Ruby was part of the conspiracy and that he drove the laundry truck. Ruby was very busy that day -- sightings all over. I read that some man and his daughter saw Ruby slide down the hill on the other side o the underpass to Stemmons Freeway with a rifle in his hand and got into a black car which took off.

I was just curious about these statements and these photos.

Kathy C :)

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Parking garage on the left, looking back down Houston.

Working backwards, is it possible to line up some of the camera locations (LOS) with the parking garage entrance. ( Altgens, Nix, etc: )


In the image below we can see a man standing in the middle of the intersection next to the car.

when we line up the white road strips on Main & Houston, this appears to me to be very close to where Hughes must have been positioned at the time of the motorcade.

We also see a crowd of people standing on the footpath near the Bronson position, i assume this is approx where nix was standing. ?

Thanks for the fantastic photo, Robin! I had never seen it before.

It clears up many things, like the firetruck and white ambulance (?). It gives precise locations of some

things like the tall fluorescent lamp post seen in Hughes, the entire side of the sheriff building, etc.

This is great!


The tall lamp pole in the middle of the block is seen the the Hughes film against windows of the TSBD.

By drawing a line from the pole to the windows it intersects, Hughes exact line of sight can be determined

on the line extended to the Main intersection.


Robin and Jack,

Jack has made a great observation. I was going to say that the man in the intersection looks correct n/s but needed to go a little further west. Using the lamp per Jack's suggestion places Hughes just where I thought he should go. As Martin has already clarified, I think the photographers and crowd were off the southwest curb and in an arc in the intersection itself.



The only one I could find that comes remotely close to that area.

Robin, another photographer for you (red arrow).


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The only one I could find that comes remotely close to that area.

Robin, another photographer for you (red arrow).



That's a really uncommon view! Any idea for the source of the photo?

Also, do you have access to a good Dorman? There are some early frames that look promising but the Groden version isn't very clear.

Best to you,


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Parking garage on the left, looking back down Houston.

Working backwards, is it possible to line up some of the camera locations (LOS) with the parking garage entrance. ( Altgens, Nix, etc: )


In the image below we can see a man standing in the middle of the intersection next to the car.

when we line up the white road strips on Main & Houston, this appears to me to be very close to where Hughes must have been positioned at the time of the motorcade.

We also see a crowd of people standing on the footpath near the Bronson position, i assume this is approx where nix was standing. ?

Thanks for the fantastic photo, Robin! I had never seen it before.

It clears up many things, like the firetruck and white ambulance (?). It gives precise locations of some

things like the tall fluorescent lamp post seen in Hughes, the entire side of the sheriff building, etc.

This is great!


The tall lamp pole in the middle of the block is seen the the Hughes film against windows of the TSBD.

By drawing a line from the pole to the windows it intersects, Hughes exact line of sight can be determined

on the line extended to the Main intersection.


Robin and Jack,

Jack has made a great observation. I was going to say that the man in the intersection looks correct n/s but needed to go a little further west. Using the lamp per Jack's suggestion places Hughes just where I thought he should go. As Martin has already clarified, I think the photographers and crowd were off the southwest curb and in an arc in the intersection itself.



The only one I could find that comes remotely close to that area.

Robin, another photographer for you (red arrow).


Thanks Chris.

I understand this overhead was taken Approx 24/11/63

looks to show a bus at the bus stop ( Bronson area )

May give us a better perspective regarding the general area surrounding the FRONT of a bus, when seen standing still at the bus stop.



Edited by Robin Unger
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The only one I could find that comes remotely close to that area.

Robin, another photographer for you (red arrow).



That's a really uncommon view! Any idea for the source of the photo?

Also, do you have access to a good Dorman? There are some early frames that look promising but the Groden version isn't very clear.

Best to you,



I extacted that frame from a movie.

Sorry, I do not know who filmed it.

The beginning frames I have from Dorman are lousy.


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A side issue. Thank you for the aerial Robin.

at the east set of openings in the third set from west there is a significant hump in the ground. This spot is hard, if not impossible, to see from Bowers, the III-underpass and the TSBD.

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Hi John question do you really think that when they built the cement pergolas they would over humps in the ground i would think the grounds would be made as evenly flat as possible before pouring any cement foundations.or beginning any other updatings.....thoughts..thanks or do think someone perhaps dumped something along there.??..thanks take care b

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Exactly, Bernice, the hump shouldn't be there, but it is (was).

EDIT ADD : When Bill and I was discussing this in the shot from the right topic he said (correctly*) that my suggested (based on an indication of a stabilised gif (corner) what seemed to be a line and shadow tracking the Limo) shooting position could not be so beacuse it was visible by various people. (That was cleared up.), and that the ground would be too low said Bill, and he is right*, to which I could only speculate a vehicle that someone stood on but to which there seems to be no indication of anywhere, so, it must,, if it was a shooting position, be elevated and it was left at that.

Later is when I spotted the raised ground level as a shadow on a poor res aerial. Now it seems indeed there was a raised area, and not insignificantly so, in just the place where it should be.

When one hypothesises something for which there is no evidence, based on other data, then that initial hypothesis gains an added significance if later data emerges that supports it. It's part of the journey to a Theory, but it's still just a Hypothesis, albeit supported by something at that time unknown to me.

EDIT : (incorrectly)*.

and he is right* (on that matter

ADD : Yes, Bernice, and I understand Newman thought it was from around there as well, plus the possibility of Hester (wiegman) checking it out, plus Altgens 8 and Bell showing Zapruder apparently doing so.

Another thought I've been mulling over is how easy it would be to quickly move from there to the alcove, and then just blending in.

Edited by John Dolva
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