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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

Guest James H. Fetzer

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Guest James H. Fetzer


Can you possibly be this dumb? Lee nailed you to the wall for your lack of

compassion and understanding of the human condition. You respond with

a post about homeless in Seattle. This sounds like typical right-wing talk-

show hysteria right up there with Ronald Reagan's "welfare queens driving

Cadillacs"! Not only do your stories sound canned and contrived, you seem

to be utterly incapable of distinguishing between different kinds of cases. I

gave you a thumbnail sketch about them, which you have utterly ignored:

Let me also add that Judyth spent the past week in the company of two

of my closest associates, Declan and Lola Heavey. Lola, who maintains

my blog at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com, is a social psychologist and

spent every waking minute of her visit in the company of Judyth. She

and Declan are tough as nails, having spent 2 1/2 years sleeping on the

streets of London. They maintain a web site for an organization that they

created, NAC, at http://religionandmorality.net, which I support. I believe

in them and in their intelligence and dedication to their projects, including

a petition to the UN on theraputic cloning signed by many Nobel laureates.

How many of your homeless are two of my closest associates? How many

of them maintain my blog? How many of them are social psychologists?

How many of them have created an organization, in this case, NAC? How

many of them have web sites like http://religionandmorality.net? And how

many of them have created a petition to the UN about theraputic cloning,

which has acquired the signatures of many Nobel laureates? How much do

you need to know that these cases are as different as apples and oranges?

Not only have your previous posts displayed a complete absence of moral

character and gross insensitivity to the plight of others less fortunate than

you, but your intellectual failings are manifest. You draw an inference from

stereotypical claims about homeless in Seattle to two persons I admire (for

extremely good reasons) in London and trash them without even reflecting

upon what I told you about them. It no longer surprises me that you have

made no useful contributions to this thread. You are a thoughtless brute.


It was my intention not to post again, but I am making an exception for you.

Your mediocrity has astounded me. And now you compound it with ignorant

remarks about two admirable human beings you know nothing about? You

had better hope you never fall on hard times, Dean, because you wouldn't

last a day on the streets of London. The disappointment, alas, is all mine.

She and Declan are tough as nails, having spent 2 1/2 years sleeping on the streets of London.


So now you have homeless bums backing Judyth up? LMFAO

Why in the world would anybody think sleeping on the streets of London is something to brag about?

Jim I cant believe you are using homeless people to back Judyth up

Do you really expect anybody to care about what two bums think about Judyth or the assassination?

I cant believe it, I am so disappointed

How do you know how long I could last on the streets of London?

Do you have any idea of what type of man I am? From the looks of it I could bench press your homeless friend 100 times without breaking a sweat

The answer is you dont have a clue, so dont ever say that I cant last on the streets of London like your worthless homeless bum friends

You couldnt stay away from this thread if you tried Jim

Go ahead and post a reply that your broke bum friends who love Judyth could beat me up because I know nothing about hard times and couldnt last a day on the streets of London :lol:

I know what type of "man" you are. Out of the tens of thousands of posts on this entire forum these last two of yours are, on one level the most disgusting I have ever read, and on another level the most pathetic I have ever read. I hope everyone on here sees the type of "man" you are from these comments you have made.

Your simplistic child-like mind reduces all homeless people to something that you believe is beneath you. What you are actually suggesting is that the 107,000 homeless veterans that are currently living on the streets in your own country are "wortheless...bums." You obviously wouldn't give the time of day to these "worthless" people who fought and served for their country. Your simpleton child-like mind reduces all human-beings to the most childish of labels. It avoids the fundamental questions as to why so many people end up on the streets each year. You label homelessness with the same child-like labels you attach to your "mediocre" self.

You equate "worth" with "materialism." A homeless person is "worth" very little in materialistic terms so you then equate this to mean that the person is "worthless." They are "worthless" because external circumstances have changed their social and economic status, and that, in the Hagerman worldview is about all there is to sum up the true character of a person.

Here's a label for you Dean. You are a MORON. How about going and benchpressing that?

I have spent many hundreds of hours in the company of people who have found themselves homeless. And your comments disgust me. You wouldn't last a week on the streets of London or any other major world city before you were balling your eyes out and crying for your mother. Benchpressing does not make you fire-proof. Benchpressing does not make you stab-proof. Benchpressing does not make you weather proof. And benchpressing does not make you a "man."

For many of the people whose circumstances forced them onto the streets, this limitation, loss, and failure has turned into their greatest teacher. It taught them to let go of false self-images, and superficial goals. It gave them depth, humility and compassion. It made them true human-beings.

I wish I could show more compassion for your stupidity...

...but I can't.

If ever you'd like to spend a week on the streets of London, up against the 1100 ex-British Service Personnel who are also there, let me know and I'll make arrangements for a "real bench-pressing, wwe watching, homophobic, beer drinking, meat eating, thick-as-two-short-planks, moron of a man" to join them. I'll also let them all know that you think they're "worthless" before you arrive with your cardboard box.

You once accused me, in another act of gross stupidity, of not caring about the JFK assassination. One can't help but wonder why you care who killed him. His politics are quite obviously contrary to your own. You seem devoid of any sort of social conscience or any basic understanding of social issues.

Please save this to your computer.


Cry me a river

All you had to do was ask me why I have an opinion of homeless people

My wife and I were buisness owners in the Capital Hill district of Seattle for 3 years

90% of the homeless people lived in that area

I had to deal with them every day, at first I wanted to help them, they would ask me for food, I would tell them to clean my parking lot spotless and I would give them a meal

Guess what they said Lee?

"No way thats to much work!"

Every time! Not just one bum Lee, every single bum!

They would stand outside begging my customers for money, no matter how many times I told them not too

They would come in so piss drunk that one of them urinated on a table in front of my dining customers

One of them called my wife a whore because she would not give him free food

I could go on for hours Lee

They dont want to work

They want money to drink and hope they get free food after they are drunk

You have no clue Lee, I spent 3 years dealing with Bums every day


I have the right to have an opinion on them Lee, you are the one that has no clue about the lifestyle of a Bum, I have seen it in action I know how they think, I know what they want, I know the scams they pull.

You see Lee you have no idea who I am or what I have done, you just guess, how stupid do you feel now?

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Here is their story, http://religionandmorality.net/about/about_us.html.


Can you possibly be this dumb? Lee nailed you to the wall for your lack of

compassion and understanding of the human condition. You respond with

a post about homeless in Seattle. This sounds like typical right-wing talk-

show hysteria right up there with Ronald Reagan's "welfare queens driving

Cadillacs"! Not only do your stories sound canned and contrived, you seem

to be utterly incapable of distinguishing between different kinds of cases. I

gave you a thumbnail sketch about them, which you have utterly ignored:

Let me also add that Judyth spent the past week in the company of two

of my closest associates, Declan and Lola Heavey. Lola, who maintains

my blog at http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com, is a social psychologist and

spent every waking minute of her visit in the company of Judyth. She

and Declan are tough as nails, having spent 2 1/2 years sleeping on the

streets of London. They maintain a web site for an organization that they

created, NAC, at http://religionandmorality.net, which I support. I believe

in them and in their intelligence and dedication to their projects, including

a petition to the UN on theraputic cloning signed by many Nobel laureates.

How many of your homeless are two of my closest associates? How many

of them maintain my blog? How many of them are social psychologists?

How many of them have created an organization, in this case, NAC? How

many of them have web sites like http://religionandmorality.net? And how

many of them have created a petition to the UN about theraputic cloning,

which has acquired the signatures of many Nobel laureates? How much do

you need to know that these cases are as different as apples and oranges?

Not only have your previous posts displayed a complete absence of moral

character and gross insensitivity to the plight of others less fortunate than

you, but your intellectual failings are manifest. You draw an inference from

stereotypical claims about homeless in Seattle to two persons I admire (for

extremely good reasons) in London and trash them without even reflecting

upon what I told you about them. It no longer surprises me that you have

made no useful contributions to this thread. You are a thoughtless brute.


It was my intention not to post again, but I am making an exception for you.

Your mediocrity has astounded me. And now you compound it with ignorant

remarks about two admirable human beings you know nothing about? You

had better hope you never fall on hard times, Dean, because you wouldn't

last a day on the streets of London. The disappointment, alas, is all mine.

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Can you possibly be this dumb?

As dumb as your homeless friends?


Dean, please - you certainly must realize that not all of the homeless are drunken bums. There are a lot of homeless people out there who are decent, upstanding people who have fallen on hard times.


You know I realize this, im not that dense

I just want to let Jim know how it feels to act like a complete jerk towards someone because they dont agree with them, even if that person has backed them up and thought of him as his voice in the assassination community

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Not only have your previous posts displayed a complete absence of moral

character and gross insensitivity to the plight of others less fortunate than

you, but your intellectual failings are manifest. You draw an inference from

stereotypical claims about homeless in Seattle to two persons I admire (for

extremely good reasons) in London and trash them without even reflecting

upon what I told you about them.

Todd and everybody

Please read this

Now look back at how Jim has treated me in this thread

Think very hard about Jims words

Think very hard about the Pot calling the Kettle black

It feels like crap to have someone you care about get talked to like that doesnt it Jim?

Now put yourself in my shoes before you respond and call me a stupid brute

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Can you possibly be this dumb?

As dumb as your homeless friends?


Dean, please - you certainly must realize that not all of the homeless are drunken bums. There are a lot of homeless people out there who are decent, upstanding people who have fallen on hard times.


You know I realize this, im not that dense

I just want to let Jim know how it feels to act like a complete jerk towards someone because they dont agree with them, even if that person has backed them up and thought of him as his voice in the assassination community

That makes no sense. How exactly do you think your anti-homeless ranting could possibly make Fetzer (or anyone else for that matter) feel how it is to be a complete jerk?

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DH unbelievably said:As dumb as your homeless friends?

Each Tuesday I drive the same route fo the U of M Equine Center where I teach, and prepare for the stop off of 94 at Snelling Ave because there is almost always someone there at the corner asking for help. So I set aside ahead of time at least what I am planning to spend on my own meal to pass on to someone in need. There but by the grace of God do any of us go.

Perhaps we can get a better idea of Hagerman's mindset now. Why would one who is so close-minded about a national disaster have an open mind to anything else?

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Can you possibly be this dumb?

As dumb as your homeless friends?


Dean, please - you certainly must realize that not all of the homeless are drunken bums. There are a lot of homeless people out there who are decent, upstanding people who have fallen on hard times.


You know I realize this, im not that dense

I just want to let Jim know how it feels to act like a complete jerk towards someone because they dont agree with them, even if that person has backed them up and thought of him as his voice in the assassination community

That makes no sense. How exactly do you think your anti-homeless ranting could possibly make Fetzer (or anyone else for that matter) feel how it is to be a complete jerk?

Read the first post on this page

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You draw an inference from stereotypical claims about homeless in Seattle to two

persons I admire (for extremely good reasons) in London and trash them without

even reflecting upon what I told you about them.

Having spent the last 21 years living a half-block off Haight St. in San Francisco

I know a thing or two about homeless people. I encounter droves of them daily.

I live one block from the entrance to Golden Gate Park, where a lot of them find


Every morning you see them straggling out of the park where they spent

the night hoping the park rangers overlook them.

Some of them are as Dean portrays -- annoying beggars who stand outside

eateries accosting people for spare change. Some will even enter the joint

while you're dining and bug you.

Some are not annoying at all as they stand back holding a beverage cup

for spare change and chant -- "Help for the homeless, help for the homeless."

Some write clever signs and sit on the sidewalk trying to turn their

cardboard witticisms into coins.

My favorite was a guy who tied a plastic microwave food-cover to his head

and chanted -- "Spare change for flying saucer man!" I gave him a quarter.

Others play the pathos card and look the very definition of despair. Many

are in despair!

Some have no home because of chronic poverty; some are drug addicts;

some have mental health issues; some are runaways.

Most of them in these parts are youngsters out on a grand adventure, their

heads full of visions of the Haight-Ashbury of lore. They're almost always

disappointed and move on.

You cannot readily characterize a "homeless person" one way or the other,

except to say they don't have a roof over their head.

I don't bust out spare change very often unless the person has been around

for 6 months or a year. Survival on the streets earns respect in my book.

JVB aside, Jim's friends sound like very interesting people!

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JF said:And they are far more intelligent, better educated and interesting than you.

Hagerman is joining Vicklund and Junkkarrinen in my killfile. FYI, it is the 'manage ignored user' option in 'my controls'

Edited by Pamela McElwain-Brown
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There but by the grace of God do any of us go.

Im an Athiest, so your god giving gift to the homless does nothing for me

I tried to help them they didnt want to work

Im not giving them something that I worked hard for

This is what my experience with homeless people have been

I am going off my experience, everyday for 3 years, I doubt most of you have had that kind of time spent with homeless people

I do not believe all homeless are like the ones I delt with however...

I will not change my views on them, I will never give a homeless person a dime, I will never give a homless person anything

If you dont like that then im sorry but how do my views on the homeless translate into my views on the assassination Pamela?

Edited by Dean Hagerman
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JF said:And they are far more intelligent, better educated and interesting than you.

Hagerman is joining Vicklund and Junkkarrinen in my killfile. FYA it is the 'ignore user' option in 'your controls'


Go hide from all the "bad" people Pamela

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Having spent a fair bit of my life being a bum, I can understand the attitudes. There tended to be good bums and not so good ones and they tend to live different lives. I've lived in both camps and have seen and experienced both as an outsider as well. There's definitely a grouping that have a maybe for ever condition from which they are unlikely to ever emerge from. There are others comfortable in the struggle but not in the solution and then those who always at some point turn their faces to the sun. I suppose in a way they then earn a status of a proper money handler, otherwise you can feed and the hunger will always come back. Some people choose the status and do the best they can with microwave lids.

Irrespective, there is a certain comraderie within and across groupings. If you've never had nothing except what you can carry, with no surety of where you'll sleep that night or whether you'll have more than a couple of biscuits, a bit of bread and a cup of cheap coffeee. The body can only take so much malnutrition. Those serious about getting out of whatever hole, it is by giving, not taking, that things start looking up. Others keep running for the dark. Sometimes, for a time, one has to.

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