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Judyth Vary Baker: Living in Exile

Guest James H. Fetzer

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Thank you for posting the LHO Black and White autopsy photo

I can say this for sure there is a huge difference between the B&W picture that Jack Posted and the color picture that I have and sent to Jim

Jim I just sent you a PM

Please read it

Dean, does your photo include the identifying autopsy number in the photo?


Barb :-)

No it does not Barb

I am the likely source of the photo, which I scanned around 15 years ago and posted on a forum,

and I think I cropped out the number. I will try to post others from the FBI autopsy set. All are

mediocre quality and poorly exposed and focused.


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On examination of the file this morning (found last night), it says it contains

BOTH photos, but when I opened the folder "containing the second image" the

folder was EMPTY. But I know I have both images somewhere in a computer;

I will keep looking. I remember that the main difference was that the people

in the background had moved and the viewpoint was slightly different.



Please post the second Polaroid. It may be the one I've been looking for.

Many thanks!



No, he does not have an erection. (I suspect that is physically impossible

for dead men, since their blood pressure has gone to zero.) What it shows

is that he was very "well endowed". It is the most striking feature of this

photograph. The new ones, which I have, are completely different. They

show a very modest "endowment". There is only one possible target for

this, Judyth, who has described him as having "impressive equipment". I

can confirm that that is correct. But the more recent images contradict it.

This is another example of faking photos in the assassination, so it should

come as no surprise. What matters is (1) fakery and (2) targeting Judyth.


It's the new ones that appear to have been faked, Jack. In fact, I can testify

to that being the case, since I have seen both the original (black-and-white)

and the more recent (color), where the original was a full-body, nude shot,

but the more recent is only of his penis. I wish you would read what I have

to say more carefully, Jack. If anyone can find the photo I am looking for--

which I have but cannot presently locate--please send me a copy or a scan.

The LHO photos showing his "equipment" as Jim calls it were first seen in the 1980s...long before

anyone ever heard of Judyth...so they could not have been "faked" for her benefit.


I agree with Jim that the 2 b/w Polaroids shot at the hospital differ from the color

penis photo shot by the FBI at the autopsy. The b/w shots show an erection while

the autopsy slides show it flaccid. I do not know the medical significance of this.

Unlike Jim, I have never considered this suspicious. I doubt that it is retouching.

I have been unable to locate my copies of either set of photos on my computer.

I know I have slides "somewhere".


Jim of course is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.

I don't know what led me to say "erection"...I probably meant significantly larger.

In the Polaroids it is large and flaccid. In the FBI slide, it is smaller and flaccid.

I think I was real sleepy when I wrote that. It has been years since I saw the


Sorry for my mistake.


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Guest James H. Fetzer


Keep looking. This is very important on multiple counts. Not only does it

support Judyth's description of Lee as having "impressive equipment" but

it also exposes further chicanery with regard to the photographic record,

which, in this case, involves faking photos of his member, which is rather

bizarre until you consider that the one who would tend to be discredited by

these new images is the one who's integrity has been challenged here. We

already know enough to know Judyth was right and that photographs have

again been faked. I will explain more about this when you post the second.


On examination of the file this morning (found last night), it says it contains

BOTH photos, but when I opened the folder "containing the second image" the

folder was EMPTY. But I know I have both images somewhere in a computer;

I will keep looking. I remember that the main difference was that the people

in the background had moved and the viewpoint was slightly different.



Please post the second Polaroid. It may be the one I've been looking for.

Many thanks!



No, he does not have an erection. (I suspect that is physically impossible

for dead men, since their blood pressure has gone to zero.) What it shows

is that he was very "well endowed". It is the most striking feature of this

photograph. The new ones, which I have, are completely different. They

show a very modest "endowment". There is only one possible target for

this, Judyth, who has described him as having "impressive equipment". I

can confirm that that is correct. But the more recent images contradict it.

This is another example of faking photos in the assassination, so it should

come as no surprise. What matters is (1) fakery and (2) targeting Judyth.


It's the new ones that appear to have been faked, Jack. In fact, I can testify

to that being the case, since I have seen both the original (black-and-white)

and the more recent (color), where the original was a full-body, nude shot,

but the more recent is only of his penis. I wish you would read what I have

to say more carefully, Jack. If anyone can find the photo I am looking for--

which I have but cannot presently locate--please send me a copy or a scan.

The LHO photos showing his "equipment" as Jim calls it were first seen in the 1980s...long before

anyone ever heard of Judyth...so they could not have been "faked" for her benefit.


I agree with Jim that the 2 b/w Polaroids shot at the hospital differ from the color

penis photo shot by the FBI at the autopsy. The b/w shots show an erection while

the autopsy slides show it flaccid. I do not know the medical significance of this.

Unlike Jim, I have never considered this suspicious. I doubt that it is retouching.

I have been unable to locate my copies of either set of photos on my computer.

I know I have slides "somewhere".


Jim of course is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT.

I don't know what led me to say "erection"...I probably meant significantly larger.

In the Polaroids it is large and flaccid. In the FBI slide, it is smaller and flaccid.

I think I was real sleepy when I wrote that. It has been years since I saw the


Sorry for my mistake.


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Thank you for posting the LHO Black and White autopsy photo

I can say this for sure there is a huge difference between the B&W picture that Jack Posted and the color picture that I have and sent to Jim

Jim I just sent you a PM

Please read it

Dean, does your photo include the identifying autopsy number in the photo?


Barb :-)

No it does not Barb

I am the likely source of the photo, which I scanned around 15 years ago and posted on a forum,

and I think I cropped out the number. I will try to post others from the FBI autopsy set. All are

mediocre quality and poorly exposed and focused.


Good information, Jack ... thanks. Would you still have the original uncropped version anywhere?


Barb :-)

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This picture IMO shows LHO to be circumcised, the B&W photo (The Hi-res scan that Jack sent me) looks to me like LHO is circucised in that photo as well

So this is bad for Judyth when we look at the Email from Dave Reitzes

But the issue that I wamt to look into is the size of LHOs member

Something is going on, thats for sure

Just looking at the huge difference between the color slide that I have and the B&W scan I got from Jack (thanks agan Jack) anyone can see that the sizes are way different

Not only that the closer you get with the camera the bigger its going to appear, in this case the picture taken farther away shows the large johnson while the photo up close shows the small (or below avarage) johnson

This need to be researched and I am willing to do any work on this to help besides my own studies that I have already started


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Thank you for finding and posting the second picture

Jim is this the autopsy photo that you have and you and I have been talking about?

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Judyth responds

Dear Gary:

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to respond to this.

1) In October, 2000, Conway and I were not friends. I would not have used Conway as an example to Mr. Reitzes. I am not in the habit of bringing up private matters as "examples."

2) Note that only Howard Platzman is cc'd. However, I always cc'd Martin Shackelford as well.

3) Reitzes has written large, complex website attacks against me, employing stolen emails, emails with quotes taken out of contex entirely, and so on. We have seen "quotes" where he has posted "emails" supposedly from me but replete with so many typos that they were hardly legible. The email he cites is poorly written--does it really sound like me, Gary?

4) with all he above, you might still wonder if the email could be a legitimate one in its entirety--it is true that I did write Reitzes several times, after all--but ask yourself why this 'gem' is NOT MENTIONED IN ANY OF HIS WEBSIES ATTACKING ME? It might be added to one of his atack sites NOW, but until now, it wasn't to be seen anywhere? WHY?

Answer: it has been altered, oh-so-conveniently, Gary. I NEVER bring up private matters such as this about Lee. To Mr. Chapman, in response to his statement that I had AGREED WITH DEBRA CONWAY--this was ten months earlier, mind you--that Lee had not been circumcized (and of course, I'd read the autopsy, so how could I have made such an 'error' even if I were not telling the truth? The subject is too important!)--was worried about Debra AT THAT TIME, -- for she had told me how important Lancer was to her--she had formerly been a merchandising agent (1994) and Lancer at this time was only 5 years old--she was building her reputation, she old me. Was going to move from California and "take Mary ferrell's place." She confided to me that she helped David Lifton for two years writing his biography on Oswald. I did not know who Chapman was. I had to worry that he might be trying to destroy her reputation, for she had told me she had received autopsy photos of Lee and had shown them recently, with a black patch over the private area. What if she had received fakes??? I have always stated such, Gary. Yes, that was my thought, and to protect her, I refused to tell Chapman a single detail except what I had said to Debra--that he was 'well-endowed.' Even THAT --'his' very size--seems now to be altered in photos from the original. Dr. Fetzer agreed with me when I did recently decribe Lee in the very same terms--"well endowed." He expressed his concern because he'd seen an altered full-body autopsy photo of Lee recently.

Now, Gary, you will not find any such statement as Mr. Reitzes pretends I made residing with Dr. Platzman, Martin Shackelford, or anyone else who is reputable. However, if you believe Mr. Reitzes to be reputable -- he once wrote some good stuff, yes--but then 'turned'--interestingly, in an email to ME he said McAdams was paying for his website. Just think to yourself: Reitzes threw everything at me but the kitchen sink on his websites. For years.

Except for this.

I do hope you will consider that.

If you read his "Judyth saniizes her story" you wll see some of the malice Mr. Reitzes has. He faults me for removing some information from my high school website. But understand -- I had used up ALL the room there, and to update it, had to remove some things. I removed items rather at random to make room for an update. THIS he called 'sanitizing' my story! He took great pains to try to 'prove' how terrible that was, when I did it without much thought. After all, this was to my high school friends.

Please write to me at emaildeleted@yahoo.com and I will answer all questions. I would prefer that you erase my email address, though, from common view.

I urge you to consider that it took ten years for Mr. Reitzes to come up with this one.

best regards always--JVB

My first thoughts on this:

Judyth Baker maintains that the email in question was either invented or altered by Dave Reitzes. I would certainly urge Mr. Reitzes to release the entire unedited email. It is true that Dave Reitzes is a Lone Nutter affiliated with John McAdams. I do find it difficult to believe that he would simply invent an email from Judyth, who admits to having sent him emails in the past.

Judyth writes, "We have seen "quotes" where he has posted "emails" supposedly from me but replete with so many typos that they were hardly legible. The email he cites is poorly written--does it really sound like me, Gary?" Yes, I am afraid it does. Judyth Baker is an intelligent and educated woman but most of her emails appear to be hurriedly written and contain numerous typos. She has also suffered from eye and other health problems.

Her strongest point is that even if she were faking it would not make sense for her

to simply guess as to whether LHO was circumsized or not, especially since that information was in the autopsy record.

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GB said:Her strongest point is that even if she were faking it would not make sense for her

to simply guess as to whether LHO was circumsized or not, especially since that information was in the autopsy record.

With all due respect, the photos are not really the issue. Has someone asked Marina?

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This is easily the most surreal thread in the history of this forum. We're arguing about Oswald's dick, people!

My two cents on Oswald's member... The black and white photos look legit. The color photo is a fake sold some conspiracy theorist years or decades ago under the assumption conspiracy theorists will pay for anything. The member could belong to Chancey Holt or James Files for all we know.

If only it could be found on the John Wood Contact sheet... then hilarity could ensue...

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When Judyth's description of Lee as having "impressive equipment"

was posted in the thread, Dean sent me the following photograph as

(what he interpreted to be) evidence he took to contradict Judyth:

So far as I have been able to discern, this photo is not in the sheet

to which you refer. It also appears to be a fake. The testicles, for

example, do not correspond to those seen in the photos you posted.

It also looks as though this photo was taken from a closer distance

than the others you have posted, which, of course, creates a very

misleading impression of relative size. I presume you know this.    

So the photo I have (but cannot find), which substantiates Judyth

in spades, seems to have disappeared from the face of the Earth,

and this new photo, which seems to trivialize his size, has appeared.

What do you think is going on, Jack? Why is the photo I have not

in the set? In fact, neither of the ones you have posted seems to be

there either. This new one appears to be a fake. You can't see that?

It is going to be a major disappointment if you are unable to agree

with the faking of this new photograph, Jack. You know quite a lot

about perspective, relative size and such. Apply that knowledge here.

I expect silly remarks from Duncan MacRae, but not from you. The

average erection of the male penis in the US is between six and seven

inches. The point is that his was that large after he was actually dead.

P.S. The evidence of circumcision appears to me to be equivocal. You

should post the autopsy report so we can examine it because, from the

photos we have here, it appears to be too close to call, don't you think?

I agree with Jim

Of course I think we need to look into this and try to find out whats going on

Jim I hope you can find that picture, if you do find it and it shows an even larger LHO then I think there is a real case of a fake photo, or a switched photo

I think this is a big deal, there are many films and photos that I consider altered for sure, this is looking like yet another case of that

Jim if you find this photo that you know you have please email it to me ASAP


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