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The Baltimore Sun reported that the person finding the two victims had used his key to get in the house and this tripped the alarm, sending the police to the residence.

The killer "locked" the house and reset the "alarm" before leaving? Interesting.

No wonder the police considered the Trias murders to be a professional hit.. The killings only became the work of some petty thief after that farce of a trial took place.

The victims were first discovered by their handyman, who let himself into their home .. Jose Trias and his wife Julie Noel Gilbert were handcuffed and shot once in the back their heads .. Hardly the MO of a lone petty thief.

Even the alleged DNA evidence was inconclusive nonsense that the defence claimed was manufactured by the prosecution.

"An Anne Arundel County judge ruled yesterday that DNA evidence may be used against Scotland E. Williams, the man charged with killing two Arnold lawyers in May.

The evidence comes from microscopic cells scraped from a drinking glass found in the victims' kitchen. According to the tests, the cells are from Mr. Williams' mouth, prosecutors say.

Judge Eugene M. Lerner rejected arguments by Mr. Williams' lawyers that the tests took too long and that the results were too unreliable to be used as evidence."


By Dennis O'Brien | Dennis O'Brien,Sun Staff Writer | February 28, 1995

"Scotland E. Williams, accused in the shooting deaths of two Washington lawyers in their weekend home in Winchester on the Severn, may be a thief, but he is no killer, Craig M. Gendler told an Anne Arundel County jury yesterday. Mr. Gendler, Mr. Williams' defense lawyer, said the prosecution's evidence may show that Mr. Williams drove one of the lawyer's cars, used her bank card and was wearing her watch when he was arrested, but it can't place him inside the house where she was killed. Mr. Williams, 31, of Arnold went on trial on first-degree murder charges yesterday in the deaths of Jose Trias, 49, and Julie Gilbert, 48. The lawyers died of single bullet wounds to the backs of their heads."

Execution style murders, with absolutely no evidence that Williams ever pulled the trigger.. Williams was found guilty at his second trial with evidence as flimsy as the prosecution's "lone shoe print" and some very confusing and questionable microscopic DNA "evidence", that was even presented by both the prosecution and the defense because it was so inconclusive.

Can anyone say "Patsy" Williams?

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Your recollection was faulty

"The couple's co-workers became suspicious when they did not show up at their jobs Monday morning. A secretary at Ms. Gilbert's firm called a handyman who had a key to the house and asked him to check on the couple. He called police after finding the bodies."


-No, mention of an alarm.

-The "handyman" not the security company called the cops

-He had a key but there is no mention of him using it

-Even if he used they key Williams could have entered and exited though a window or another door or could have locked the door to delay discovery of his crime

No my recollection isnt faulty. The article may be in error but then again the information you just posted may also be in error. Or there may be more than one version as is typical in these kind of cover up.

He did use a key and according to the Baltimore Sun this set off an alarm.

So you claim, you have yet to produce any evidence to that effect.

Now you got Williams going in and out of a window, or entering this door or that door. It's all speculation on your part.

In response to your undocumented claims. Even if they said the door was locked your claim that the thief must have locked it was speculation.

The fact that their alarm went off when the handyman let himself in is highly suspicious. It means the killer(s) would have had to reset it.

Until you document this claim it isn't a fact. As you said "The facts shouldnt be that hard to confirm or refute." all you have to do is search through your browser's history till find the supposed article

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My original comments, sometimes bolded by Duane

Duane's replies

My latest responses

Duane Daman, on 19 October 2010 - 01:04 AM, said:

"Yes Duane scientists - including, biologist even micro ones, get murdered, commit suicide and die in accidents. So do English teachers, antiques dealers, musicians and military officers as well as shoe-shine boys, school teachers, secretaries and seamstresses."

Lots of people get murdered, but English teachers, antiques dealers, musicians, shoe-shine boys, school teachers, secretaries and seamstresses don't work for top secret black programs.. Scientists and micro biologists do.

"You really need to keep up, Williams was reconvicted at his 2nd trial, appealed again but his 2nd conviction was upheld."

Apparently the info I read was out of date.

"LHO was never even indicted let alone faced trial, Williams was convicted twice."

So what? .. They both played the roles of patsys.

Williams was proven guilty twice, there is no reasonable doubt he killed them nor any basis for your characterization of him as a “patsy”. Not surprisingly you backed away from your previous position that “The Williams' verdict of guilty was overturned.. He is now presumed innocent, unless proven guilty in a new court of law.”

"Williams admitted to robbing the victims and is the last person know to have seen them alive, there was considerable forensic evidence linking him to the crime scene which claimed never to have been to."

Your color coding needs some work .. You put my replies in red, along with your questions .. I never bolded your comments.. The bolded comments were my replies to you.

It looks like I put one of your questions in red. Since you put some of my comments in bold your reply was probably incomprehensible to anyone but you or me.

Your evidence that Williams murdered those victims also needs some work .. In fact, it's as flimsy as the prosecution's evidence was .. Williams admitted to robbing the victims .. He never admitted to murdering them, nor was there any evidence produced by the prosecution proving that he pulled the trigger .. Nor was any murder weapon ever found... The "forensic evidence" consisted of some highy questionable, microscopic. DNA and one alleged lone shoe print, both of which appeared to be manufactured by the prosecution team.

He robbed them, his DNA and shoe print were in the house they were shot to death. It’s a logical assumption that he pulled the trigger. Even you doubt the forensic evidence how do you explain there is no evidence they ever called anyone after he robbed them? It is incomprehensible they would not have called the cops or their bank. How did they get home? The place he claims to have robbed them was almost 4 miles from the house.

What is the basis for you claim the forensic was "manufactured by the prosecution team"? Mitochondrial DNA is not "highy questionable" it was a bit controversial at the time because it was new, this was the 1st time it was used in MD.

I can't believe the jury got sucked into believing Williams staged a professional hit just because the police never found any other convenient suspects to blame for those murders.

Who says it was “a professional hit” other that lying blogger you cited?

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How would I know? I was only saying that your statement that the killers would have had to reset it is incorrect, there are other possibilities.

Kevin we don't even know there was an alarm or that is was turned on. Terry claims to recollect reading that but can't find the link.

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Williams was 5' 1" :lol:

This is a repeat of the Wayne Williams case in Atlanta back in 1981. It's literally identical from the fiber evidence and all the rest.

The higher court that threw out the coviction stated in their conclusion that there was NO evidence of Williams breaking into the home of the Trias. No evidence of a break in. Furthermore officials could not prove Williams wrote the note left hanging on the victims door.

There was no murder weapon produced, no witnesses and no proof Williams had broken into the victims home or even that he was allowed in by the victims or opened an unlocked door.

Even if true the same court upheld his 2nd conviction. Lots of murders are convicted without murder weapons or eyewitnesses.

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Williams was 5' 1" :lol:

This is a repeat of the Wayne Williams case in Atlanta back in 1981. It's literally identical from the fiber evidence and all the rest.

The higher court that threw out the coviction stated in their conclusion that there was NO evidence of Williams breaking into the home of the Trias. No evidence of a break in. Furthermore officials could not prove Williams wrote the note left hanging on the victims door.

There was no murder weapon produced, no witnesses and no proof Williams had broken into the victims home or even that he was allowed in by the victims or opened an unlocked door.

Even if true the same court upheld his 2nd conviction. Lots of murders are convicted without murder weapons or eyewitnesses.

More pointless jibberish. The debate is whether or not the story is true. Whether Williams actually killed the two people in question.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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Your recollection was faulty

"The couple's co-workers became suspicious when they did not show up at their jobs Monday morning. A secretary at Ms. Gilbert's firm called a handyman who had a key to the house and asked him to check on the couple. He called police after finding the bodies."


-No, mention of an alarm.

-The "handyman" not the security company called the cops

-He had a key but there is no mention of him using it

-Even if he used they key Williams could have entered and exited though a window or another door or could have locked the door to delay discovery of his crime

No my recollection isnt faulty. The article may be in error but then again the information you just posted may also be in error. Or there may be more than one version as is typical in these kind of cover up.

He did use a key and according to the Baltimore Sun this set off an alarm.

So you claim, you have yet to produce any evidence to that effect.

Now you got Williams going in and out of a window, or entering this door or that door. It's all speculation on your part.

In response to your undocumented claims. Even if they said the door was locked your claim that the thief must have locked it was speculation.

The fact that their alarm went off when the handyman let himself in is highly suspicious. It means the killer(s) would have had to reset it.

Until you document this claim it isn't a fact. As you said "The facts shouldnt be that hard to confirm or refute." all you have to do is search through your browser's history till find the supposed article

Let me see if I can find the article again. Funny if the article is wrong or I misread it that it mentioned an alarm system. That part turned out to be fact.

Even if I find the article it doesnt make it fact. I have also read the other recounting of how the police were alerted to the scene.

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Your recollection was faulty

"The couple's co-workers became suspicious when they did not show up at their jobs Monday morning. A secretary at Ms. Gilbert's firm called a handyman who had a key to the house and asked him to check on the couple. He called police after finding the bodies."


-No, mention of an alarm.

-The "handyman" not the security company called the cops

-He had a key but there is no mention of him using it

-Even if he used they key Williams could have entered and exited though a window or another door or could have locked the door to delay discovery of his crime

No my recollection isnt faulty. The article may be in error but then again the information you just posted may also be in error. Or there may be more than one version as is typical in these kind of cover up.

He did use a key and according to the Baltimore Sun this set off an alarm.

So you claim, you have yet to produce any evidence to that effect.

Now you got Williams going in and out of a window, or entering this door or that door. It's all speculation on your part.

In response to your undocumented claims. Even if they said the door was locked your claim that the thief must have locked it was speculation.

The fact that their alarm went off when the handyman let himself in is highly suspicious. It means the killer(s) would have had to reset it.

Until you document this claim it isn't a fact. As you said "The facts shouldnt be that hard to confirm or refute." all you have to do is search through your browser's history till find the supposed article

I like the way you throw the word "evidence" around. The higher court ruled their was NO EVIDENCE to support a burglary conviction, meaning there was NO PROOF the defendant was ever at the scene of the murder. Furthermore they never produced a witness or a murder weapon. Your response to this lack of evidence "so what he got convicted and many murder defendants have been convicted with no evidence".

You should be more careful. Finding citations on the internet is not evidence. Imagine someone using your blogging as confirmation of some controversy. :D

Colby's thirst for evidence:

Even if true the same court upheld his 2nd conviction. Lots of murders are convicted without murder weapons or eyewitnesses.

Edited by Terry Mauro
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It looks like I put one of your questions in red. Since you put some of my comments in bold your reply was probably incomprehensible to anyone but you or me.

No, you put three of my replies to you in red, along with your questions .. I put my own replies in bold.. All I did with your comments was to put them in quotes.. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

He robbed them, his DNA and shoe print were in the house they were shot to death. It’s a logical assumption that he pulled the trigger. Even you doubt the forensic evidence how do you explain there is no evidence they ever called anyone after he robbed them? It is incomprehensible they would not have called the cops or their bank. How did they get home? The place he claims to have robbed them was almost 4 miles from the house.

What is the basis for you claim the forensic was "manufactured by the prosecution team"? Mitochondrial DNA is not "highy questionable" it was a bit controversial at the time because it was new, this was the 1st time it was used in MD.

Williams was in possesion of stolen property .. There is no proof that he robbed the victims at gun point .. The defendant claimed he found the car with the ATM cards etc. in a parking lot, several days after the victims were killed .. He had been spotted on camera at an ATM machine and driving their car, which also contained the stolen property in a bag.. None of which proves he killed them.. Like I said before, no murder weapon was ever found and he claimed he was only guilty of stealing their property.

The only evidence that allegedly put Williams at the scene was some highly questionable DNA evidence that was so inconclusive that both sides used it during their aruguments .. As for the "shoe print", the defense claims it was manufactured evidience by the prosecution, who never presented it during the first trial.. The prosecution was also unable to have their conviction of murder stand after the first trial.. People are convicted for crimes they don't commit all the time.. Willaims is most likely one of those people.

Even the judge had her doubts about his guilt .. That's why she ruled for life without parole instead of the death penalty.

Who says it was “a professional hit” other that lying blogger you cited?

Who says the blogger was lying, besides you? .. The police claimed it was a professional hit because it was an execution style killing .. The victims were both shot in the back of the head while handcuffed .. That's hardly the MO of a petty theif like Williams, who had never been convicted of anything but robbery before he was framed for the Trias murders.

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You tell me. I watched the video YOU posted in post 201. When they showed "chemtrails" they either showed them with cirrus clouds showing them to be high up or zoomed in without any visual cues. I don't remember them talking about low spraying at all and since I've now asked where in the video that was and asked if it was the right video and you haven't answered I can only assume it is not in there.

Watch the video again then .. At time stamp 1:06 the narrator says he sees the chemtrails at about 4,000 feet.. The video also shows x's and grids that are NOT cirrus clouds, nor are they "persistent contrails..They are CHEMTRAILS.

What else should I call them? They are people who promote "chemtrails". As for the quotes, I don't believe in "chemtrails". I don't see why I should write it as a normal word when as far as I can tell it is only an internet myth.

In your rant about me saying persistent contrails you missed the questions I asked.

"Then say how exactly they are not the same thing."

"If it is not true then how do you identify a "chemtrail"?"

You should call them chemtrail researchers because that's what they are .. They are not "chemtrailers".. Like I said before, that's just a condescending term used by people who refuse to accept the fact that chemtrails are real and hope to influence other people into having the same opinions as their's, by using condescending ridicule.

The US Air Force denies the existence of chemtrails .. They also promote the disinformation that chemtrails are just an "internet myth".

Persistent contrails mostly occur between 25,000 to 30,000 feet.. They usually dissipate sooner than chemtrails, which are often sprayed at lower altitudes and are usually seen as x's, or patterns or grids.. Planes displaying persistent contrails usualy fly in a straight line and don't circle back to cover a particular area with these grids, x's etc..

So what about their responses was wrong in your own words? What about the original post showing the study to be wrong is wrong in your own words? Why not actually address the claims?

In a nut shell and in my own words, the majority of the responses on that web site were wrong because they agreed with the "debunker Uncinus", who also claims that chemtrails don't exist.. He also used bogus numbers that he just pulled out of the air to pretend to debunk the Arizona air grab test.

They put these "obvious video hoaxes" on their own sites. Often they are the first to bring them up after which others respond to them. How is that NOT promoting them? Again, WHAT on that site is disinformation?

The faked chemtrail videos are not posted or promoted by these chemtrail researchers .. They are working hard to get the truth out about chemtrails in spite of the people working hard to suppress that truth .. A few obvioulsy fake videos can be found on YouTube, but they are NOT the chemtrail videos being promoted by legitimate researchers like Clifford Carnicom and Will Thomas.

Again, the Unicnus site is disiformation, for the simple reason that the blogger denies the fact that chemtrails are real.

Edited by Duane Daman
Making banned assertion (questioning motives)
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It looks like I put one of your questions in red. Since you put some of my comments in bold your reply was probably incomprehensible to anyone but you or me.

No, you put three of my replies to you in red, along with your questions .. I put my own replies in bold.. All I did with your comments was to put them in quotes.. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

I put two of you questions in red, you put one of my points in bold. We both made formatting errors, get over it. I not you wrote;

“Lots of people get murdered, but English teachers, antiques dealers, musicians, shoe-shine boys, school teachers, secretaries and seamstresses don't work for top secret black programs.. Scientists and micro biologists do.”

Williams was in possesion of stolen property .. There is no proof that he robbed the victims at gun point .. The defendant claimed he found the car with the ATM cards etc. in a parking lot, several days after the victims were killed .. He had been spotted on camera at an ATM machine and driving their car, which also contained the stolen property in a bag.. None of which proves he killed them.. Like I said before, no murder weapon was ever found and he claimed he was only guilty of stealing their property.

“The defendant claimed he found the car with the ATM cards etc. in a parking lot, several days after the victims were killed”

You made that up he admitted to forcing them to give him their PIN numbers, therefore he admitted to assaulting them.

“As for the "shoe print", the defense claims it was manufactured evidience by the prosecution, who never presented it during the first trial”


“The prosecution was also unable to have their conviction of murder stand after the first trial”

Based on technicalities not lack of evidence, the same court that struck down his 1st conviction upheld his 2nd one, as did two federal courts

“People are convicted for crimes they don't commit all the time.. Willaims is most likely one of those people.”

This is rare, there is no evidence he is innocent.

“Even the judge had her doubts about his guilt .. That's why she ruled for life without parole instead of the death penalty.”

If she doubted he was responsible for their deaths she should have overturned the conviction, she didn’t do this. She said she had doubts “about whether he pulled the trigger” (paraphrase by journalist) i.e. she thought someone else might have been involved. This seems to have been an excuse for not imposing the death penalty her background was as a public defender and juvenile court judge. In other cases she

- Suspended three years of a 7 year assault sentence of a “boss of the "Rolling 60s" set of the Crips” because she feared he “would become more and more indoctrinated in a bigger and better gang," The "Rolling 60s" are one of the most violent factions of one of the largest street gangs in the US.


- “…refused to convict an incarcerated man who stabbed another man in prison with an illegal knife. The reason–prisoners have a “right” to protect themselves from threats in prison.”


Who says it was “a professional hit” other that lying blogger you cited?

Who says the blogger was lying, besides you? .. The police claimed it was a professional hit because it was an execution style killing .. The victims were both shot in the back of the head while handcuffed .. That's hardly the MO of a petty theif like Williams, who had never been convicted of anything but robbery before he was framed for the Trias murders.

He claimed the police classified the murders as “a professional hit”, they never did so. I’ll give you $ 500 if you can find a news article or official source that says this. As I demonstrated above

- handcuffs are commonly used by two bit thieves

- a witness claimed he once posed as a cop

- two handcuffs were found in his possession, he did NOT dispute they were his.


Terry wrote:

The higher court ruled their was NO EVIDENCE to support a burglary conviction, meaning there was NO PROOF the defendant was ever at the scene of the murder.

No you misread the decision they did not say “there was NO PROOF the defendant was ever at the scene of the murder.” But rather that there was no proof that he entered in a way that constitutes burglary under state law namely “either an actual breaking, or a breaking accomplished constructively via artifice, fraud, conspiracy or threats” the prosecution and trial judge said this could be inferred the appeals judges disagreed.

http://www.courts.state.md.us/opinions/coa/1996/89a95.pdf PDF pg 8

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The Baltimore Sun reported that the person finding the two victims had used his key to get in the house and this tripped the alarm, sending the police to the residence.

The killer "locked" the house and reset the "alarm" before leaving? Interesting.

No wonder the police considered the Trias murders to be a professional hit.. The killings only became the work of some petty thief after that farce of a trial took place.

I guess you missed it but:

- the part about the handyman using his key and tripping the alarm seems to be a figment of Terry’s imagination since neither she nor I have been able to find a trace of an article saying this. It doesn’t even make sense if they gave him the key presumably they would have given him the alarm code as well. The earliest news report about the murders (on Google News) which was from the Baltimore Sun, where Terry claims to have read her version, said nothing about him using his key or tripping the alarm and said he called the police.


- the police never said they considered it “to be a professional hit” some blogger just made that up. The above cited article is titled “Theft linked to slayings in Arundel” The first sentence declared the crime to be “…an apparent robbery…” according to the “Anne Arundel County police”.

The victims were first discovered by their handyman, who let himself into their home .. Jose Trias and his wife Julie Noel Gilbert were handcuffed and shot once in the back their heads .. Hardly the MO of a lone petty thief.

So now you are an expert on the typical MO’s of “petty thieves”?

A Google search for, handcuffs OR HANDCUFFED VICTIM OR VICTIMS "BREAK IN" OR ROBBERY, returns “About 231,000 results” many were about fake cops, more professional criminals or handcuffing suspects but several were about “petty thieves”

Georgia Tech Students Handcuffed, Robbed - News Story - WSB Atlanta

11 Jun 2010 ... Authorities said the gunmen forced the victims to the ground, handcuffedthem and then stole their property. Officials said the robbers then ...


Handcuffed Carjacking Victim Talks To Channel 11 - News Story ...

18 Aug 2010 ... Handcuffed Carjacking Victim Talks To Channel 11. Police: SuspectsHandcuffed, Blindfolded Driver Before Stealing His Car ...


Eastern District of New York

13 May 2010... District of New York and to a separate robbery conspiracy charge filed ...Arbaje-Diaz and his co-defendants handcuffed their victims at ...


Man accused of transporting dismembered Union City murder victims ...

11 Jun 2010 ... During that robbery, a victim reported that a man used handcuffs and duct tape to bind and blindfold her. He identified himself as a police ...


LAPORTE | A badly beaten 17-year-old boy abducted and robbed by a former girlfriend and her two brothers crawled in the darkness through a woods and corn field with handcuffs on near Westville to get help, authorities allege.

Oh and speaking of fake cops, that was one of William’s past MO’s according to the verdict of his 1st state appeal according to at least one witness “on one occasion he attempted to stop a woman in her car by posing as a police officer.” He and his attorney did not dispute this but rather argued it was not relevant.

But I’m glad you brought this up because (citing his appeal verdict again) “Williams also objects to the admission of the two pair of handcuffs seized from a briefcase found during a search of his room.” Note that he did not dispute that handcuffs were found in his room but only objected to them being admitted into evidence.

http://www.courts.state.md.us/opinions/coa/1996/89a95.pdf PDF pages 8 – 9, 15

Even the alleged DNA evidence was inconclusive nonsense that the defence claimed was manufactured by the prosecution.

Now you are making stuff up, the defense argued it was “unreliable” not that it “was manufactured by the prosecution.” And this may come as a surprise to you but defense lawyers always dispute the evidence against their clients. Their pleadings were rejected by both trial judges and twice by the appeals court and implicitly by the Federal district and circuit courts which found there was “no reversible error” in his 2nd trial


Execution style murders, with absolutely no evidence that Williams ever pulled the trigger.. Williams was found guilty at his second trial with evidence as flimsy as the prosecution's "lone shoe print" and some very confusing and questionable microscopic DNA "evidence", that was even presented by both the prosecution and the defense because it was so inconclusive.

You are making stuff up again his defense did not “present” the DNA evidence; they tried to get it suppressed. And this may come as a surprise to you but all DNA is “microscopic”, you’ll be hard pressed to find a qualified expert who says that Mitochondrial DNA is “confusing and questionable”.

Edited by Len Colby
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Duane's post #265 also contained two extra videos which he was unable to post because of the limit on media links. That portion of his post has been transferred intact here:

Here's an excellent video by chemtrail researcher Will Thomas' date=' that is NOT fake.



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I put two of you questions in red, you put one of my points in bold. We both made formatting errors, get over it. I not you wrote;

Wrong again .. You put three of my replies in red, along with your questions .. All of my replies to you were in bold .. I never put any of your questions or replies in bold .. I find it very strange that you don't even know what I wrote or what you wrote.

You made that up he admitted to forcing them to give him their PIN numbers, therefore he admitted to assaulting them.

I don't remember reading that in any of the articles I've read on this subject .. What I've read is that Williams claimed he found the car with the ATM cards etc. in a parking lot, several days after the victims were killed... Can you provide a link to his claim of assaulting the victims?

Based on technicalities not lack of evidence, the same court that struck down his 1st conviction upheld his 2nd one, as did two federal courts

Wrong again .. The Williams conviction was orverturned because of lack of evidence that he was the killer.. That lack of evidence was also evident in the second trial, along with suppressd FBI evidence that should have allowed Williams' second trial to be overturned as well.

This is rare, there is no evidence he is innocent

There is no evidence that he was guilty of the killings .. Yet the second verdict was allowed to stand .. Like I said before, innocent people get convicted of crimes they don't commit all the time.

If she doubted he was responsible for their deaths she should have overturned the conviction, she didn’t do this. She said she had doubts “about whether he pulled the trigger” (paraphrase by journalist) i.e. she thought someone else might have been involved. This seems to have been an excuse for not imposing the death penalty her background was as a public defender and juvenile court judge. In other cases she

What this judge did in other cases is irrelevant .. What she did in the Willaims case is what matters and what she did was WRONG.. She admitted that there was NO evidence that he pulled the trigger and thought all along that he didn't act alone, so she should have overturned the second trial also.

This information proves that both of the trials were a farce.


" Williams' mother was allowed to testify that her son told her he had both victims' bank cards and one victim's car, but she was stopped from saying that he told her he did not kill the couple.

In a two-paragraph dissent, retired Judge Paul E. Alpert said that was enough to warrant a new trial.

Assistant public defender Nancy Forster said her office will decide next week whether to challenge the ruling.

The appeals court did not address an issue of concern to many defense attorneys across the state. In 1998, North gave Williams' lawyers permission to inspect FBI records in the case, which was appealed by the FBI. The defense lawyers were then turned down by federal courts that said the defense did not follow federal procedures to get FBI records.

Williams' defense team unsuccessfully argued to the Court of Special Appeals that the case should have been dismissed because information that may have helped them may have been in the FBI files.

Judge Eugene M. Lerner sentenced Williams to death in 1995, but the Court of Appeals said inadmissible evidence was used against Williams at trial and overturned the conviction. That led to the 1998 trial, where North said she was not convinced that Williams acted alone."

Considering these facts alone, the jury should have never found Williams guilty of murder.

He claimed the police classified the murders as “a professional hit”, they never did so. I’ll give you $ 500 if you can find a news article or official source that says this. As I demonstrated above

- handcuffs are commonly used by two bit thieves

- a witness claimed he once posed as a cop

- two handcuffs were found in his possession, he did NOT dispute they were his.

I've read this claim many times from many difference sources ..

"1994, Jose Trias met with a friend in Houston, Texas and was planning to go public with his personal knowledge of HHMI "front door" grants being diverted to "back door" black ops bioresearch. The next day, Trias and his wife were found dead in their Chevy Chase, Md. home. Chevy Chase is where HHMI is headquartered. Police described the killings as a professional hit. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) funds a tremendous number of research programs at schools, hospitals and research facilities, and has long been alleged to be conducting "black ops" biomedical research for intelligence organizations, including the CIA."


"Long-time biowarfare invstigator Patricia Dole, Ph.D. reports that there is a history of people connected to HHMI being murdered. In 1994, Jose Trias met with a friend in Houston, Texas and was planning to go public with his personal knowledge of HHMI 'front door' grants being diverted to 'back door' black ops bioresearch. The next day, Trias and his wife were found dead in their Chevy Chase, Md. home. Chevy Chase is where HHMI is headquartered. Police describe the killings as a professional hit. Tsunao Saitoh, who formerly worked at an HHMI-funded lab at Columbia University, was shot to death on May 7, 1996 while sitting in his car outside his home in La Jolla, Calif. Police also describe this as a professional hit."


Can you prove the police never claimed the Trias murders were a professional hit?

A lot of people own handcuffs .. Where is the proof that the handcuffs found on the victims belonged to Williams? .. If the prosecution could have presented that evidence, they would have, but they didn't.. His once posing as a cop had nothing to do with this case either.. It was just more inadmissable nonsense that the court should have never allowed in as evidence by the prosecution.

Did you even read the link you posted here? .. It provides even more proof that Williams had an unfair trial.. From the prosecution not being able to prove he broke into the Trias home that had an alarm system, to contaminated DNA evidence, to a convict who lied on the stand about Willimas admitting to the murders, to finding that some "bruglar tools" found in Williams' home could in no way be linked to the Trias case, etc.

After reading this load of bull .. http://www.courts.state.md.us/opinions/coa/1996/89a95.pdf .. I'm even more convinced that Williams was not guitly of the murders he was convicted of.

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I said in an earlier post that the May, 18 article in the Baltimore Sun was the earliest one on Google News. A more careful search however turned up articles from May 17 in the Washington Post and the Sun. The latter was the one Terry read, she needs to improve her reading comprehension. Unfortunately the full text of the Post article is only available if you pay.

Md. Executive Found Slain at Weekend Home; Woman Also Shot to Death In Arundel Mystery, Police Say

The Washington Post May 17, 1994 [FINAL Edition] Page:b.01 Section: METRO David Montgomery; Lisa Leff

Text Word Count: 700

A man and woman were found shot to death yesterday in the weekend home of a Bethesda couple in an exclusive neighborhood across the Severn River from Annapolis.

Anne Arundel County police identified the dead man as Jose E. Trias, 49, vice president and general counsel of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase. The woman would remain unidentified until her body was seen by medical examiners in Baltimore, authorities said.

The house where the bodies were found was the weekend residence of Trias and his wife, Julie Noel Gilbert, a member of the Morgan, Lewis and Bockius law firm on M Street in Washington. Police Capt. Michael P. Fitzgibbons said late last night that he had no reason to believe the woman's body was not Gilbert's, "but dental records will be needed to confirm that."

Anne Arundel police said they were trying to find Gilbert's red or maroon 1992 Acura Legend. They said a second, gray, Acura Legend, owned by Trias, was parked at the house.

In Bethesda, the couple had lived in the 5300 block of Duvall Drive for about 10 years, according to a neighbor, who said they moved in shortly after they married. Neighbors said that they lived alone and that Trias had a son - now in law school - and a daughter of middle-school age from a previous marriage… After he found the bodies, he hit a panic button alarm in the house, which alerted police. Police would not say in which room of the house the bodies were found…


Executive and wife are slain

Baltimore Sun, May 17, 1994|By Michael James and Gregory P. Kane | Michael James and Gregory P. Kane,Sun Staff Writers Sun staff writer Kris Antonelli contributed to this article.

A vice president of the largest philanthropic foundation in the country and his wife were found fatally shot yesterday in a house in the affluent community of Winchester on the Severn, county police said.

Jose Enrique Trias, 49, an executive and general counsel for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and his wife, Julie Noel Gilbert, 48, a Bethesda attorney, were found just after noon in a house in the 1600 block of Winchester Road, said Officer Randy Bell, police spokesman.

The victims appeared to have been dead for 48 hours. They were found by a worker who had come to the house near Annapolis to do some repairs, Officer Bell said.

Detectives were unclear why the two had been killed and said they were looking at robbery as a motive. The couple's maroon 1992 four-door Acura Legend, with Maryland tags ZLS 655, was missing from the driveway, police said.

"The house was mildly disturbed, not necessarily ransacked," said Officer Bell. "We don't really know what, if anything, is missing."

Police said the couple lived in the 5300 block of Duvall Drive in Bethesda but occasionally stayed at the Winchester Road home.

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute is the biggest private PTC philanthropy in the United States. With $7 billion in assets, it is second only to the National Institutes of Health -- the federal government -- as a sponsor of basic medical research.

Over the past several years, it has spent fortunes putting up buildings, fitting out labs and hiring some of the brightest people in U.S. science.

Yesterday, the worker used a key to get in when no one answered the doorbell at their home, Officer Bell said. The worker tripped the residential panic alarm at 12:06 p.m., alerting police.

He ran down the winding driveway leading to Winchester Road and flagged down a passing motorist, Officer Bell said.

Neighbors in the community of large houses on 1-acre lots, many of which run to the Severn River, were reluctant to talk about the couple.

Martin Needleman, who lives a few doors away on Winchester Road, said Julie Noel Gilbert moved into the house in 1987 but stayed there only on weekends. They apparently did extensive remodeling, but "there wasn't somebody there seven days a week," he said.

Any neighbors hearing gunshots "wouldn't think anything of it," he said, because "people go back there and target shoot all the time."

Dr. John Rizzi, who lives on Father Urban Lane, said the Ms. Gilbert and Mr. Trias "were very private people and kept to themselves."

So the handyman did trip the alarm but it was not because the system had been armed but rather because he hit the panic button. Terry was right about him using his key but that is not unexpected. Williams put a sign on the door that read “On vacation” obviously to delay his crime from being discovered as long as possible, since he took the keys to the car there is no reason to doubt he took a set of house keys and locked the door.

Note also that according to the Sun “Detectives were unclear why the two had been killed and said they were looking at robbery as a motive.”

Besides the Sun article I found articles in the Washington Post, Washington Times and a brief in USA Today from May 18.

Police suspect couple were killed by robber

May 18, 1994, The Washington Times

Friends, neighbors and colleagues added to the theory yesterday that a Bethesda couple found dead Monday in their weekend retreat near Annapolis were murdered in a random crime as they slept.

Jose E. Trias, 49, and Julie Noel Gilbert, 48, were remembered yesterday as a likeable, intelligent couple with no known enemies who had been at their jobs Friday.

Their unclothed bodies were found shortly after noon Monday by a yardman who had come to work at their weekend residence in an affluent community on the


USA TODAY - May 18, 1994

... couple found slain in their weekend retreat police said The bodies of Jose Trias 49 and his wife Julie Gilbert 48 were found by a workman

Bullets Cut Short Two Lives of Law and Charity

The Washington Post, May 18, 1994 [FINAL Edition] Page: a.01

Author: David Montgomery; Veronica T. Jennings

Text Word Count: 935

They met across a negotiating table about a decade ago - two brilliant tax lawyers on opposite sides of a dispute.

They apparently died together over the weekend as they lay nude and face down in bed, each shot once in the back of the head at their second home on the Severn River near Annapolis, officials said yesterday.

Jose E. Trias, 49, a key executive at the nation's largest philanthropy, in Chevy Chase, was the son of a former chief justice of the Puerto Rico Supreme Court, the commonwealth's highest tribunal.

The woman was not positively identified yesterday, but police said they strongly believe she was his wife, Julie N. Gilbert, 48. She was a prominent …

Although authorities said they have no suspects, they have recovered the only item they are certain was stolen from the couple's weekend home Gilbert's 1992 Acura Legend. Baltimore police found it parked yesterday afternoon in the 900 block of East 20th Street, near Greenmount Cemetery. Trias's Acura Legend was found parked at the riverfront home.

Gilbert had longer hours, so Trias usually got there first. Gilbert recently equipped her Acura with a cellular telephone so she could call her husband and tell him he could start cooking dinner for her arrival.

It was Trias's second marriage and Gilbert's first. The couple had no children together, but Trias had two children with his first wife. A son, Alexander, is in his first year at Yale Law School, and a teenage daughter, Maggie, attends the private Sheridan School in Northwest Washington. Trias was scheduled to become board chairman of the Sheridan School this month.

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