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The Curious Case Of Gary Mack: A Question

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Guest Robert Morrow

Here are some good books on the JFK Assassination. Some of the very best. Even for the ones in print, you might find TWO of these for sale in the Gift Shop of the Sixth Floor Museum. And the reason for that is DAMAGE CONTROL. These books tell the who and why of the JFK Assassination, a topic that is forbidden in Gary Mack Land ... unless its a lie.

1 LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK's Assassination Phillip F. Nelson 2010 Xlibris

2 Blood, Money & Power: How L.B.J Killed J.F.K. Barr McClellan 2004 Hannover House

3 Texas in the Morning: The Love Story of Madeleine Brown and President Lyndon Baines Johnson Madeleine Brown 1997 Conservatory Press

4 Billie Sol Estes a Texas Legend Billie Sol Estes 2004 BS Productions

5 Defrauding America: Encyclopedia of Secret Operations by the CIA, DEA and Other Covert Agencies Rodney Stich 2001 Diablo Western Press

6 The Men Who Killed Kennedy - the Guilty Men DVD Nigel Turner 2002 A & E Home Studio

7 The Dark Side of Lyndon Baines Johnson Joachim Joesten 1968 Peter Dawnay

8 How Kennedy was Killed: The Full Appalling Story Joachim Joesten 1968 Tandem-Dawnay

9 The Men on the Sixth Floor Glen Sample & Mark Collum 2008 Sample Graphics

10 Power Beyond Reason: The Mental Collapse of Lyndon Johnson D. Jablow Hershman 2002 Barricade Books

11 A Texan Looks at Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power J. Evetts Haley 1964 Palo Duro Press

12 The Texas Connection Craig Zirbel 1991 Warner Books

13 Who Shot JFK? Robin Ramsay 2009 Pocket Essentials

14 Me & Lee: How I Came to Know, Love and Lose Lee Harvey Oswald Judyth Vary Baker & Edward Haslam 2010 Trine Day

15 Lee Harvey Oswald: The True Story of the Accused Assassin of President John F. Kennedy, by His Lover Judyth Vary Baker 2006 Trafford Publishing

16 Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America Russ Baker 2008 Bloomsbury Press

17 The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed Russell S. Bowen 1991 America West Publishers

18 Barry & 'the Boys': The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History Daniel Hopsicker 2006 Trine Day

19 JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters James Douglass 2008 Orbis Books

20 To Kill a President: Finally an Ex-FBI Agent rips aside the Veil of Secrecy that killed JFK M. Wesley Smearingen 2008 BookSurge Publishing

21 JFK - Director's Cut - 2 Disc Special Edition (1991) Oliver Stone 2003 Warner Home Video

22 Oswald and the CIA John Newman 1995 Carroll & Graf

23 Bloody Treason: On Solving History's Greatest Murder Mystery: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Noel H. Twyman 1997 Laurel Pub

24 The Last Investigation Gaeton Fonzi 1993 The Mary Ferrell Foundation

25 Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years David Talbot 2008 Free Press

26 Someone Would Have Talked Larry Hancock 2006 JFK Lancer Productions and @ Publications

27 The Man Who Knew Too Much: Hired to Kill Oswald and Prevent the Assassination of JFK Dick Russell 1992 Carroll & Graf

28 The Tatum Chronicles (Google Chip Tatum Pegasus for free on internet) D. G. "Chip Tatum" 1996 self-published

29 Conspiracy: Who Killed President Kennedy? Anthony Summers 1980 Fontana

30 Not in Your Lifetime Anthony Summers 1998 Marlowe & Co.

31 Spy Saga: Lee Harvey Oswald and U.S. Intelligence Philip H. Melanson 1990 Praeger Publishers

32 Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK Mark Lane 1992 Thunder's Mouth Press

33 History Will Not Absolve Us: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, & the Murder of President Kennedy Martin Schotz 1996 Kurtz, Ulmer & Delucia

34 Farewell America: The Plot to Kill JFK James Hepburn and William Turner 1968 Penmarin Books

35 Edward Lansdale's Cold War Jonathan Nashel 2005 University of Massachusetts Press

36 JFK: The Cuba Files: The Untold Story of the Plot to Kill Kennedy (Secret War) Fabian Escalante 2006 Ocean Press

37 Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy Jim Marrs 1993 Basic Books

38 The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World Fletcher Prouty 1974 Ballantine Books

39 The Radical Right and the Murder of John F. Kennedy: Stunning Evidence in the Assassination of the President Harrison Livingstone 2006 Trafford Publishing

40 Who Killed JFK? Carl Oglesby 2002 Odonian Press

41 The Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate Carl Oglesby 1976 Sheed Andrews and McMeel

42 The JFK Assassination: The Facts and the Theories Carl Oglesby 1992 Signet

43 The Conspirators: Secrets of an Iran-Contra Insider Al Martin 2002 National Liberty Press

44 Lyndon B. Johnson: A Memoir George Reedy 1982 Andrews and McMeel

45 JFK Conspiracy of Silence Charles Crenshaw 1992 Penguin Books

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IMO, Gary Mack is a guy who has done what he must to get along.

I respect Gary Mack. He has taken a different stance and yet still confers with "our " side.

Although I am a staunch CT man there needs to be room for the other side because I have found some of my strongest positions on the assassination of JFK have been shot down in flames by others on this forum who are not flexible at all in their opinions for whatever their personal reasons.

Gary has e-mailed me several times correcting me on details he was far more familar with than I. And I have never taken his information as trying to disuade me of my convictions.

One more thing as far as Gary is concerned- it ain't over 'til it's over! Let that sink in.


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Although I am a staunch CT man there needs to be room for the other side because I have found some of my strongest positions on the assassination of JFK have been shot down in flames by others on this forum who are not flexible at all in their opinions for whatever their personal reasons.

Interesting take and close to my feelings about how I feel LNers fit into the scheme of things. I am a CTer simply because I don't believe in the Single Bullet Theory. Everything else is still up in the air. Reading about the array of "theories" out there can leave one dizzy and wondering if there was anyone who wasn't in on the assassination. Since I am a CTer, I don't believe Oswald acted alone. I don't believe he was a lone nut. But I believe that LNers have a place in the scheme of things because they expose conspiracy theories that are fraudulent and force conspiracy researchers to refine their arguments and come up with a clearer picture of what happened.


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What is the source for the Sixth FLoor carrying Fletcher Prouty's CD? I went to their reading room and could not find a listing of materials. (Please do not forward this to Gary. I do not want him e mailing me. Got that, Gary you lurker.)

TInk: How you can say that Dave Perry is a good guy escapes me. This is a man who threw open his doors to Gerald Posner when the twerp went to Dallas to do his cover up book for Bob Loomis. Perry has been Mack's good pal on his Discovery debacles. And it was Perry who went to Marrs' classes with Mack to heckle certain guests they did not like.

And the pompous XXX Gary Mack goes before the ARRB and asks them to pass a law to indict those who propose false conspiracy solutions to the JFK case. I would be able to take this seriously if he had made one mention about a posthumous congressional act condemning what Hoover, Dulles, McCloy and Ford did to cover up the true circumstances of the crime and frame Oswald. It will be a cold day in Hades before you hear him say that. He is making way too much money now where he is.

Anyone can watch what Mack does as host of these mendacious, deliberately deceptive, fraudulent DIscovery specials and understand what has happened to him--that is, he has sold out.

Pat: I don't know how you can say that you agree with ITTC under any circumstances. Clearly, that was an agenda driven show. I mean read what Pamela Brown wrote about her experiences with it. I mean, the fact that their bullet did not fragment is a fact that Gary deals with in his online discussion after. But he cannot understand why? I can Gary. It has something to do with that company you contracted out with that built the replica heads that were not real replicas.

So he does not address this key fact on the show. But he does tell that whopper of a lie about Jackie being in the line of fire for a knoll shot. That doesn't tell you something?

Then he lists the evidence for the 'sniper's nest" without saying why it is so suspicious? Gary, can we talk about CE 543? Can we talk about how there is no evidence that Oswald ordered any ammo at all? (Even though you try and pass off ridiculous index cards for evidence he did.) Most of all can we talk about the provenance of CE 399? How about the fact that there is no evidence that Oswald ever picked up that rifle?

None of this was discussed. But neither was this: the altered testimony of Sam Holland and the smoke from the Grassy Knoll where he ran over and saw those suspicious prints. The FBI report about a team of gunmen practicing a shot from behind the picket fence on the 21st. The testimony of Lee Bowers about the cars driving up and down the lot behind the fence. All the witnesses who saw a puff of smoke in that area. The witnesses who encountered Secret Service men there when they were not. The testimony about the guy running away form that area with what might have been a small radio in his ear.

And then when you rearrange the autopsy evidence in order to make your "sniper's nest" shot work, well to me, that is just beyond the pale. It's Dan Ratherian. Hence the title of my piece.

Now TInk, if this means being part of the asylum, then count me in. And you should be there also since a lot of the above originates with your work. Or did you forget? My words to you in this regard are what Thoreau said to Emerson when the latter visited him in jail where Henry was on civil disobedience grounds. When Emerson said, "Henry, what are you doing in there?" Thoreau replied, "Ralph, the question is: What are you doing out there?"

I won't even go into JFK:The Ruby Connection. Except to say it may have actually been worse than ITTC. Which, prior to seeing it, I didn' t think was possible. But anyone who can remove Will Fritz from a reconstruction of Oswald's murder, when in fact it was he who made that murder possible, is in Gary's immortal words at UT, "a damned xxxx". Except Gary does this on a much larger stage where he is involved in Reichian mass psychology.

Now I know why Mack would never go along with any condemning of what Hoover and Dulles did. Because he is doing the same thing today. And for the same effect: to mislead the American public about what happened to their country.

May he and Dave Perry both burn in hell for that.

Jim, I have come to accept that the autopsy photos, x-rays, and Z-film have not been altered, and suggest that more than one shooter fired upon Kennedy. My study of the bullet trajectories, furthermore, led me to believe that the fatal head shot was not fired from the picket fence. As a result, I was more than open-minded about Inside the Target Car, and completely willing to accept its front and center conclusion that the fatal head shot was not fired from behind the picket fence.

But then I watched the show...and saw lie after lie and distortion after distortion. As you know, it made me so angry that I ended up adding a whole chapter on it to my website. As you also know, this chapter is extremely critical of Gary and his role in the program.

My review of Inside the Target Car

Edited by Pat Speer
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I read through the various postings on this thread and then ask myself, "What asylum have I just wandered through?'

First, Dave Perry. Dave's a good guy. He spent most of his life working as an insurance adjuster. Given the number and frequency of lies told to insurance adjusters, Dave Perry could feel right at home in investigating claims about the Kennedy assassination. Let's just say that research on the Kennedy assassination is a target rich environment.

Next, there is Gary Mack. Not only is Gary a good guy, he has been my friend for over a decade. Like Perry, Mack has little patience with the nonsense that often is advertized as research on the Kennedy assassination. Some years ago, Gary and I put together a deal for getting "Six Seconds" reissued... it had been out of print for thirty years. The Director of the 6th Floor Museum approved the deal: I would turn over the copyright to the 6th Floor Museum. All income from sales would go to the 6th Floor Museum for the acquisitin and care of assassination materials. Gary and I would together write a chapter bringing up to date various parts of the book. Now "Six Seconds" is hardly what you would call a "lone nutter book." Yet, Gary was cooperating with me in giving the book a second life. The Director was fired just as we were about to start working on the project and the new Directer did not want it to continue. If you ever went to Gary with a question, you will recall the even-handed precision with which he helped you. I would hope some of the people Gary has helped over the last decade or so would speak up. I know that whenever I want to get to the bottom of a particular question I just call up Gary.

Josiah Thompson

Like Dr. Thompson,

I, too, have had completely positive experiences corresponding with Dave Perry and Gary Mack. They have always treated me courteously, directly, and promptly. I have appreciated the information or views they have expressed. And both are engaging and wonderfully personable company.

Whether or not I agree with everything they offer is irrelevant. No one has a monopoly on the truth in this case. But attempting to advance a particular position by denigrating their or anyone else's character is the antithesis of a scholarly approach and reprehensible.

Advancing the understanding of what happened requires dispassionate deliberation; we have egos protecting turf, injecting invective in place of (gentile, please forgive the glaring error) genteel collaboration. As long as this continues, for those who believe the powers that be have a vested interest in subverting the truth, they will smile because critics will remain marginalized.

Until such a time arrives that the critics can present a cohesive presentation of verifiable facts that demonstrably shows the official versions are incorrect and can prove an alternative scenario, the Warren Commission or the House Select Committees version of the assassination will remain history. With the current methodology represented on assassination forums, this won't likely be accomplished.

I have digressed. Gary and Dave are treasures of knowledge. Agree or disagree with them, but assaulting their motives or character is wrong regardless of what their views are.

Dave Curbow

Edited by Dave Curbow
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Like Dr. Thompson,

I, too, have had completely positive experiences corresponding with Dave Perry and Gary Mack. They have always treated me courteously, directly, and promptly. I have appreciated the information or views they have expressed. And both are engaging and wonderfully personable company.

Whether or not I agree with everything they offer is irrelevant. No one has a monopoly on the truth in this case. But attempting to advance a particular position by denigrating their or anyone else's character is the antithesis of a scholarly approach and reprehensible.

Advancing the understanding of what happened requires dispassionate deliberation; we have egos protecting turf, injecting invective in place of gentile collaboration. As long as this continues, for those who believe the powers that be have a vested interest in subverting the truth, they will smile because critics will remain marginalized.

Until such a time arrives that the critics can present a cohesive presentation of verifiable facts that demonstrably shows the official versions are incorrect and can prove an alternative scenario, the Warren Commission or the House Select Committees version of the assassination will remain history. With the current methodology represented on assassination forums, this won't likely be accomplished.

I have digressed. Gary and Dave are treasures of knowledge. Agree or disagree with them, but assaulting their motives or character is wrong regardless of what their views are.

Dave Curbow

Dave -

I applaud your sense of decency and call for gentle collaboration. But not all that has been said against Gary Mack is without merit, despite that it is sometimes peppered with angry personal comments that are unnecessary in my opinion. And I would caution against making it sound as if one side is altruistic and the other side full of egos defending their turf simply because someone was cordial to you in your relations with them. What concerns me is the search for the truth. And that is worked at by presenting facts. While it pains me to see both sides acting on their emotions and battering each other senselessly, considering the history of human nature and the epic nature of this subject, it's difficult to see how it could be otherwise.


Edited by Otto B Cornejo
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It's too bad Gary Mack has elected not to represent himself here. I understand its because of his association with the Museum.

Its got nothing to do with the Museum, its because Larry Dunkel is SCARED

I dare you to make a post Gary, come on out and shut me up

Prove me wrong Gary, lets see if you have the guts to make 1 post

Well I gave you all day to prove me wrong Gary

By not posting you proved me right

I wouldnt know because im man enough to post my thoughts and back them up on the forum in public instead of telling me that "I know nothing about the assassination" because I side with Jack White on alteration in a PM


***Dean - I've removed an unusually aggressive personal attack

Edited by Gary Loughran
Personal attack/language
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Not only was Gary Mack once a CTer, he was a real hard liner, with views similar to Jack White, at that time his very good friend. Anyone familiar with Penn Jones' classic newsletter The Continuing Inquiry will recall that Gary wrote many fine pieces that appeared there, all of which would probably be sneered at now by the likes of Josiah Thompson (and certainly by Dave Perry).

I think that we can soundly criticize Gary without resorting to name calling, but it is impossible to express the frustration many of us feel about this issue, without our remarks seeming personal. To me, Gary represented the first in a series of mysterious CT to LN ideological shifts, that would eventually include people like Gus Russon, Dave Perry, Dave Reitzes, Todd Vaughn, Dale Myers and even Vince Palamara (for a brief time). I confronted Gary, Todd and Dale (among others) on various JFK forums years ago, asking them to please explain what caused their abrupt change of opinion. In each case, none of these reformed CTers could come up with anything other than "the critics made many mistakes" mantra.

I agree with Jim D. completely here- his own articles exposing the dishonest television specials Gary was a prominent part of are mandatory reading, imho, for all students of the JFK assassination. Gary was unfailingly polite to me in all our email exchanges, but he finally stopped contacting me when I took him to task for not using his public platform- which none of us here have- to raise questions about all the mistakes, lies and distortions of the Warren Commission and its defenders. Why does he focus exclusively on the perceived errors of conspiracy "theorists," and never on those (voluminously documented) errors of those who wrote and promoted the official fairy tale?

Gary Mack tries to portray himself as a sensible, centrist voice in the critical community. However, his public posture as spokesperson for the Sixth Floor Museum makes him almost indistinguishable from a Gerald Posner or a Vincent Bugliosi. He is defending the illegitimate "history" of November 22, 1963. His motives for doing so are known only to him. However, it is certainly reasonable to speculate that his position with the Sixth Floor Museum has impacted, and continues to impact, what he claims to believe about the subject.

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When I was seeking information on the DPD radio tapes that the FBI made--whole tapes, not transcripts, from the entire day of 11/22/63 [including the period when the DPD was seeking Buell Wesley Frazier], Gary Mack was quite helpful. But over time I became quite exasperated that he spoke to folks on these forums through his "sock puppets" such as Bill Miller, rather than posting his own words with his own hands. Something about that just rubbed me the wrong way, and it still does today.

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Some interesting info on that good guy Dave Perry.


Pay special attention as to what he did to Cyril Wecht during his trial and after.

This is part of is attempt to smear and "marginalize" the critics.

Quote Bob Fox, deeper into Dave Perry

But let me add another instance that dramatically illustrates the personal morals and journalistic ethics Perry maintains. After Commission critic Cyril Wecht was indicted by the local Republican DA in Pittsburgh on a slew of rather weird charges, Perry printed Mary Beth Buchanan's entire 55 page indictment on his web site. Now it is bad enough to print an indictment by a prosecutor who was part of a Justice Department at the service of Karl Rove. But what makes it worse is that Perry kept the document on his site even after the indictment, was first, drastically reduced (over half the charges were thrown out before trial), and even after the jury failed to convict Wecht of even a single charge. (It has since been removed, reportedly after Wecht's son got in contact with Perry.)

Close quote

Once again: who said Dave Perry is a good guy?


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Not only was Gary Mack once a CTer, he was a real hard liner, with views similar to Jack White, at that time his very good friend. Anyone familiar with Penn Jones' classic newsletter The Continuing Inquiry will recall that Gary wrote many fine pieces that appeared there, all of which would probably be sneered at now by the likes of Josiah Thompson (and certainly by Dave Perry).

I think that we can soundly criticize Gary without resorting to name calling, but it is impossible to express the frustration many of us feel about this issue, without our remarks seeming personal. To me, Gary represented the first in a series of mysterious CT to LN ideological shifts, that would eventually include people like Gus Russon, Dave Perry, Dave Reitzes, Todd Vaughn, Dale Myers and even Vince Palamara (for a brief time). I confronted Gary, Todd and Dale (among others) on various JFK forums years ago, asking them to please explain what caused their abrupt change of opinion. In each case, none of these reformed CTers could come up with anything other than "the critics made many mistakes" mantra.

I agree with Jim D. completely here- his own articles exposing the dishonest television specials Gary was a prominent part of are mandatory reading, imho, for all students of the JFK assassination. Gary was unfailingly polite to me in all our email exchanges, but he finally stopped contacting me when I took him to task for not using his public platform- which none of us here have- to raise questions about all the mistakes, lies and distortions of the Warren Commission and its defenders. Why does he focus exclusively on the perceived errors of conspiracy "theorists," and never on those (voluminously documented) errors of those who wrote and promoted the official fairy tale?

Gary Mack tries to portray himself as a sensible, centrist voice in the critical community. However, his public posture as spokesperson for the Sixth Floor Museum makes him almost indistinguishable from a Gerald Posner or a Vincent Bugliosi. He is defending the illegitimate "history" of November 22, 1963. His motives for doing so are known only to him. However, it is certainly reasonable to speculate that his position with the Sixth Floor Museum has impacted, and continues to impact, what he claims to believe about the subject.

As usual, a well-reasoned post by Don. There was a thread about Gary Mack and The Ruby Connection about ten months ago:

Vince Bugliosi on Gary Mack:

"And then there is Gary Mack, the curator of the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza in Dallas and a student of the assassination since 1975. Gary carries in his head an enormous wealth of knowledge about the case - much of it not the type one would find in the Warren Report or the report of the HSCA - which he is generous to share with whoever asks. If I called Gary once in the past years, I called him thirty times, always for his input in some arcane issue and nearly always he was able to help me, for which I am, of course, very appreciative and indebted. I also want to thank Gary's research colleague, fellow Texan David Perry, a former insurance investigator from Grapevine, Texas, who was also very helpful to me on the many occasions I called him for assistance. Dave has made a specialty out of debunking (sometimes in league with Mack) people like Ricky White and Madeleine Brown who come out of the woodwork with their phony assassination-related tales. The story I like to tell about David is the time I found a reference to a nut in a conspiracy book, one I had never heard of before and about whom there was no reference in any other book on the assassination that I was aware of. I called Dave to find out what he knew about the kook and his allegation, but a small part of me was hoping that Dave, too, had never heard of him, enabling me to say to him, 'I finally found a nut you've never heard of.' But before I could even get the second syllable of the man's name out of my mouth, Dave started bombarding me with a blizzard of information on him. He knew all about this guy and his allegation and had already debunked the man's story."


"One of the most bizarre stories that has emerged in assassination literature comes from a respected conspiracy theorist (there is such a species, although rare), the aforementioned Gary Mack. The former program director of radio station KFJZ in Fort Worth, Mack, since 1994, has been the curator at the Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. Although Mack, who has been an assassination researcher since 1975, tends to believe in a conspiracy, he is respected by both sides in the debate, and as opposed to 95 percent of his colleagues, you can engage in a spirited give-and-take exchange with him with neither side becoming incoherent."

From Pat Speer's post:

PS: NO mention of Ruby's assertion to Warren that the truth would not be known unless Warren brought him to Washington, and that Warren refused to bring him to Washington.

GM: Had you been an expert, you’d know that that old excuse was exploded decades ago. So he goes to Washington, spills the beans, THEN goes back to Dallas? How does that change anything? It doesn’t save his life. It doesn’t do anything.

Exploded years ago? By whom? Mack offers not a scintilla of evidence for that claim.

In his book Moment of Madness (Follett Publishing 1968) Elmer Gertz could only weakly offer that Ruby was "mentally incompetent" and "delusional" when he testified.

Years later, Bugliosi could do little better than claim that "Ruby's mental infirmity seemed to deteriorate quickly into a pathological paranoia

following his arrest and incarceration for Oswald's murder. Being 'deprived of the Preludin and Benzedrine that he had come to know so well added

to the decline of his mental state.'

That's the best Bugliosi could do to explain Ruby's pleas to Chief Justice Earl Warren. Perhaps he should have consulted Gary Mack one more time.

Mack seems to believe that JFK: The Ruby Connection was a fair and unbiased documentary debunking possible conspiracy angles pertaining to Jack Ruby.

Weakly defending the show via private emails seems to be the best he can do.

Mack reminds one of a presidential historian that can name every President's birthplace, the date when they were born, how they died and other esoterica,

but has no idea about their foreign policies.

Pat Speer's thoughts about Gary Mack and Inside the Target Car are well worth reading:

But then I watched the show...and saw lie after lie and distortion after distortion. As you know, it made me so angry that I ended up adding a whole chapter on it to my website. As you also know, this chapter is extremely critical of Gary and his role in the program.

My review of Inside the Target Car

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It's too bad Gary Mack has elected not to represent himself here. I understand its because of his association with the Museum.

Its got nothing to do with the Museum, its because Larry Dunkel is SCARED

I dare you to make a post Gary, come on out and shut me up

Prove me wrong Gary, lets see if you have the guts to make 1 post

Well I gave you all day to prove me wrong Gary

By not posting you proved me right

I wouldnt know because im man enough to post my thoughts and back them up on the forum in public instead of telling me that "I know nothing about the assassination" because I side with Jack White on alteration in a PM


***Dean - I've removed an unusually aggressive personal attack

Gary Mack is not a real member of this forum because he has never made a post, I thought that personal attacks of forum members is not allowed, but Gary Mack is not a real forum member so thats why I made that attack

I wont do it again

Edited by Dean Hagerman
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Robert, I understand your feelings. I guess I would respond by saying that the facts should represent themselves rather than heated language (no matter how warranted you feel it is), which, for me, always tends to get in the way.

The hostility aimed at Gary in posts I have read throughout the years made me believe that he was LNer. After I watched The Men Who Killed Kennedy I thought he was a CTer turned LNer, which may be worse in the minds of some CTers. According to him this is not the case. He apparently still believes in some sort of conspiracy. But facts seem to indicate that there is some contradiction in what he says personally and what he represents to the media at large (I know this is an understatement for most of you).

I'm not sure what percentage of the general public believe in conspiracy regarding the murder of JFK, but I think it is a rather large number. For this reason alone the Sixth Floor Museum should make available all matter of opinion regarding what might have happened. It is, after all, meant to serve the public, and if the public believes in conspiracy then the museum should be open to that avenue of thought.

No matter. I have my copy of JFK and the Unspeakable and I'm about to start it.

It's too bad Gary Mack has elected not to represent himself here. I understand its because of his association with the Museum.

Otto: Gary can say in private email anything he wants. The 6th Floor Museum presents the lone nut version and that Gary has emersed himself in THIS lie says it all. You cannot support the lie and the truth at the same time. Gary has chosen his side.


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Dawn -

Thank you for your comments and I agree. As I said in that post you quoted there seems to be some contradiction in what he says personally and what he represents to the media at large (through the Sixth Floor Museum). Thanks to some here, the evidence seems to support this contradiction, but I am just getting into it now, whereas for many of you this is fact. It's too bad, for whatever reason, he can't take one stance across the board and represent what he truly feels (whatever that may be - conspiracy, he says). It obvious that he has lost the confidence of the CT community, and even garnered anger for what many see as a betrayal.


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Robert, I understand your feelings. I guess I would respond by saying that the facts should represent themselves rather than heated language (no matter how warranted you feel it is), which, for me, always tends to get in the way.

The hostility aimed at Gary in posts I have read throughout the years made me believe that he was LNer. After I watched The Men Who Killed Kennedy I thought he was a CTer turned LNer, which may be worse in the minds of some CTers. According to him this is not the case. He apparently still believes in some sort of conspiracy. But facts seem to indicate that there is some contradiction in what he says personally and what he represents to the media at large (I know this is an understatement for most of you).

I'm not sure what percentage of the general public believe in conspiracy regarding the murder of JFK, but I think it is a rather large number. For this reason alone the Sixth Floor Museum should make available all matter of opinion regarding what might have happened. It is, after all, meant to serve the public, and if the public believes in conspiracy then the museum should be open to that avenue of thought.

No matter. I have my copy of JFK and the Unspeakable and I'm about to start it.

It's too bad Gary Mack has elected not to represent himself here. I understand its because of his association with the Museum.

Otto: Gary can say in private email anything he wants. The 6th Floor Museum presents the lone nut version and that Gary has emersed himself in THIS lie says it all. You cannot support the lie and the truth at the same time. Gary has chosen his side.


Well said Dawn ; in otherwards like all others, mr.dunkel cannot have his cake and eat it too...here is a new hat for all.who are interested...best b :D:D:D:D

Edited by Bernice Moore
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