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Some new Movie film alleged to be LHO and Sturgis

Jim Phelps

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This item appears to be sourced from Wim D. and/or Scott K.

Opinions solicited for this:


I don't see anyone in that clip that resembles Lee Harvey Oswald.

I do. This is Oswald with a lot of hair on his head and a nose like Pinocchio, but it's Oswald. I think I see David Morales in the picture too.

Kathy C

Edited by Kathleen Collins
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This item appears to be sourced from Wim D. and/or Scott K.

Opinions solicited for this:


Good Day Jim.... That is, most definitely, not LEE H. OSWALD....

the grew-up-fatherless,

"I-Led-Three-Lives"-anti-Communist (Right wing)-TV-show-devoted,

"Civil-Air-Patrol" (Right wing)-member,

FERRIE (Right wing)-acquaintance,

"Cold-War"-anti-Communist (Right wing)-volunteer-ex-U.S. Marine-marksman,

anti-Communists-Russia (Left wing)-and-anti-Communists-China (Left wing)-U-2-jet-surveillances-programs (Right wing)-U.S.-Top-Secret-clearance-granted,

U.S.-Marine-"Oswaldovich"-seemingly-pro-Communist-pro-Marxist-sympathizer (Left wing)

Communist-Russia (Left wing)-language-learning,

Communist-Russia (Left wing)-temporary-defector,



anti-Communist (Right wing)-anti-Castro-posing,

pro-Communist (Left wing)-pro-Castro-posing,

pro-JFK (Left wing),

DeMOHRENSCHILDT (Left wing)-friend,

General-WALKER (Right wing)-alleged-shooting-at,


un-confirmed-whereabouts-on-11-22-63 at 12:29:44 PM CST,

warrenatti-apologists-alleged-"lone-nut"-"snipers-lair"-shooting 3 shots with last 2 bunched,

warrenatti-apologists-alleged-"lone-nut"-"snipers-lair"-killer-of-JFK (Left wing),

HSCA-apologists-alleged-"snipers-lair"-"lone-nut"-with-grassy-knoll-assassin's-help-killer-of-JFK (Left wing),



warrenatti-apologists-killed-in-Dallas-police-custody by the many-Mafioso's-connected JACK RUBY (Left wing),

HSCA-apologists-killed-in-Dallas-police-custody-with-Dallas-police-help by the many-Mafioso's-connected JACK RUBY (Left wing),

Best Regards in Research,


Donald Roberdeau

U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker

Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges Clearly

For your considerations....

Homepage: President KENNEDY "Men of Courage" speech, and Assassination Evidence,

Witnesses, Suspects + Outstanding Researchers Discoveries and Considerations.... http://droberdeau.bl...ination_09.html

Dealey Plaza Map Detailing 11-22-63 Victims precise locations, Witnesses, Films & Photos,

Evidence, Suspected bullet trajectories, Important information & Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://img831.images...dated110110.gif

Visual Report: "The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: while JFK was Still Hidden

Under the 'magic-limbed-ricochet-tree' ".... http://img504.images...k1102308ms8.gif

Visual Report: Reality versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-In, Garbage-Out.... http://img248.images...ealityvscad.gif

Discovery: "Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS Zapruder Film

Documented 2nd Headsnap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll".... http://educationforu...?showtopic=2394

T ogether

E veryone

A chieves

M ore

For the United States:



Edited by Don Roberdeau
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I didn't want to bias the opinions, but my opinion is that this is not LHO. But that does look like Frank Sturgis.

I don't want to sound like I think everybody is missing the boat on this, but when you get to, I believe it is the youtube site, [there was a second version of this clip] someone wrote that the "Oswald" character is standing "behind the man with the gun." and in that short clip, there is only one second in the film where "he" faces the camera, which is at eleven seconds into the video; the person everybody is joking about is not, from what I can tell relevant to the Oswald character. Also as Mr. Phelps alluded to, it seems like perhaps it was posted by Wim Daankbar.

Also when you get into the youtube site, I saw something that led me to believe that the video, Mr. Phelps [why do I associate that name with the original Mission Impossible tv series?] posted is taken from the beginning of a 1969 Italian documentary, roughly translated as "I Due Kennedy or The Two Kennedy's." That video is very compelling, it is full of, apparently, original footage from Dealey Plaza on the day of the assassination, from what I can tell...I haven't had time to go through......I Due Kennedy, it is approximately one hour and fifty minutes long and recorded in Italian. But I plan on viewing it over the holiday's.


Edited by Robert Howard
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It's not Oswald, it's Michael Rennie. Klaatu had the day off.


Klaatu barada nikto

This was how Michael Rennie looked:

Kathy C

You realize of course they're talking about the guy standing behind Sturgis.

You can't see him in this photo. Ya gotta go to 1:04:54 in the video.


--Tommy smile.gif

Edited by Thomas Graves
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It's not Oswald, it's Michael Rennie. Klaatu had the day off.


Klaatu barada nikto

This was how Michael Rennie looked:

Kathy C

You realize of course they're talking about the guy standing behind Sturgis. You can't see him in this photo. In the top video the guy who looks like LHO looks briefly at the camera buy you can only see about one half of his face. The he bends down to pick something up. Ya gotta watch the videos. And guess what... He does look like LHO. FWIW, I think I've spotted Dennis Harber standing next to Sturgis and Bernardo de Torres standing on the right near Marita Lorentz. And the big guy sitting down on the right looks a bit like Gerry Hemming, except this guy might be black (Nestor Izquierdo?). Hard to tell because his face is shaded by his hat. Interesting videos.

--Tommy :)


Edited by Thomas Graves
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That is definitely Sturgis.

Greg is right, that is definitely Sturgis but not LHO. It is a reporter whose name escapes me for now. The film was taken in 1961 at a parachuting practice ground run by a guy named Popperwell or smothing similar. My memory is not what it used to be. There were also some press photographs taken that day one of which shows Hemming, Sturgis and Larry deJoseph. James Richards has posted it here before. JK

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That is definitely Sturgis.

Greg is right, that is definitely Sturgis but not LHO. It is a reporter whose name escapes me for now. The film was taken in 1961 at a parachuting practice ground run by a guy named Popperwell or smothing similar. My memory is not what it used to be. There were also some press photographs taken that day one of which shows Hemming, Sturgis and Larry deJoseph. James Richards has posted it here before. JK (emphasis added by T. Graves)

For cryin'out loud. Everybody's talking about the wrong guy. Please read my post #12, above. Can't anybody here take the time to actually watch the videos and read the accompanying text? And you call yourselves <deleted>.


Edited by Thomas Graves
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That is definitely Sturgis.

Greg is right, that is definitely Sturgis but not LHO. It is a reporter whose name escapes me for now. The film was taken in 1961 at a parachuting practice ground run by a guy named Popperwell or smothing similar. My memory is not what it used to be. There were also some press photographs taken that day one of which shows Hemming, Sturgis and Larry deJoseph. James Richards has posted it here before. JK


The assertion on the Italian Film being the source for this clip appears to be correct. Might be good to review the film in its entirity.

IF, this was filmed in 1961, then I think LHO does not return from Russia until Feb. 1962, making it very difficult for the person in the deeper background to be LHO.

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And a group shot:

Thanks, Mark.



P.S. For those of you who are still laboring under the delusion that we're talking about the guy on the far left--- wrong! We're talking about the guy who is partially visible behind Frank Sturgis (the dude holding the pistol near his head). Edited by Thomas Graves
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