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Harvey and Lee: John Armstrong

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I would certainly agree that as far as the actual Dallas team was concerned, they very much believed/hoped that the attack and the frame that was to follow would provoke

a strike against Castro. I'm not convinced that those further up the chain really believed that would happen or that it was their primary motivation. My view is that they

were acting against JFK as a perceived national security threat.

As to the FBI destroying all real evidence, that's an awfully broad statement - there is actually a lot of evidence in hand pointing towards conspiracy and that didn't get

destroyed, it simply got managed, spun and either obfuscated or diverted by FBI expert testimony. But you might well be talking about a different type of evidence

than I'm thinking of ......I certainly think that items linking Oswald to or showing direct interest in Oswald prior to the assassination by the FBI, CIA and and very possibly

ONI were destroyed but I also think much of that was in local files rather than headquarters files and such soft files can be and are often flushed without headquarters even

knowing it. Since such files have short term retention dates nobody knows the difference anyway.

Hi Larry,

ONI is the only POSSIBLE replacement for CIA I'm willing to consider.... just my opinion, and, apparently, yours.

I'll back up my claim the the FBI destroyed ALL the evidence, at least for two Oswalds and the their intelligence connection, RIGHT HERE:


Edited by Jim Hargrove
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Marita Lorenz also told the HSCA that American-born Lee Oswald was involved with anti-Castro mercenaries in the U.S. while Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald was in the Soviet Union, but, of course, the HSCA was more interested in discrediting her than in following up on her leads:

Mr. Fithian: "Now is it your testimony that the first time you saw Oswald would have been in the camps in the Everglades?"
Marita Lorenz: "The very first time, no. I saw him in the Safehouse and then in the camps."
Mr. Fithian: "And that first meeting at the Safehouse would have been within a year of the Bay of Pigs?"
Marita Lorenz: "I would say 1960."
Mr. Fithian: "It would be some time during 1960?"
Marita Lorenz: "Late 1960."
Mr. Fithian: "All right. Now I want to be sure that I have your dates correct. You said the first meeting of LEE Harvey Oswald, the first time you saw him, was at a Safehouse in Miami in 1960."
Marita Lorenz: "Yes."
Mr. Fithian: "The next time or times that you saw him were during training at a camp in the Everglades, various places in the Everglades, in early 1960, 1961 period?"
Marita Lorenz: "Yes."
Mr. Fithian: "And after that you saw him at the Safehouse the second time?"
Marita Lorenz: "Yes."
Mr. Fithian: "What makes you so sure of the dates. Within a year of the first meeting in the Safehouse and the meeting at the camps in the Everglades, is there anything else you could match that up with?"
Marita Lorenz: "The photographs, the events that took place. the photographs that Alex (Rorke) took. Everywhere we went Alex took pictures."
Mr. Fithian: "This was prior to the Bay of Pigs?"
Marita Lorenz: "Yes, April, 1961, was the Bay of Pigs."
Mr. Fithian: "And you are sure you saw him (Oswald) before April, 1961."

Marita Lorenz: "Yes, because Alex took the pictures."
Mr. Fithian: "And the whole purpose of the training was to somehow participate or help in the Bay of Pigs.
Marita Lorenz: "Yes."
Mr. Fithian: "Did you see Oswald at any time in the intervening two years between early 1961 prior to April of 1961 and the September-October Safehouse meeting in 1963?"
Marita Lorenz: "No, but Frank (Sturgis) kept in touch with me. Alex kept in touch with me."
Mr. Fithian: "Mrs. Lorenz, has your attorney explained what perjury before a congressional committee is all about?"
Marita Lorenz: "That is right, yes."
Mr. Fithian: "In any way do you want to change your testimony on these dates?"
Marita Lorenz: "No, I do not."
Mr. Fithian: "There is adequate documentary evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald did not indeed return from the Soviet Union until June of 1962.
Marita Lorenz: "I don't know about that."
Mr. Fithian: "Therefore you could not have met him at the Safehouse in 1960, you could not have seen him in the Everglades in 1960 and 1961, and you could not have taken a picture in those areas and could not have a picture for the dates of that time."
Marita Lorenz: "No?"
Mr. Fithian: "It is not possible."
Marita Lorenz: "I don't know about that."
Mr. Fithian: "Now can you explain to the committee why you gave us this false information as far as dates?"
Marita Lorenz: "I did not give you false information."
Mr. Fithian: "Mrs. Lorenz, I went over your testimony very carefully a moment ago and you assured me that you met Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the Bay of Pigs."
Marita Lorenz: "I did."
Mr. Fithian: "On two occasions."
Marita Lorenz: "Yes."
Mr. Fithian: "Lee Harvey Oswald was in Russia during that entire period."
Marita Lorenz: "I do not know that. I did not know that. The Lee Harvey Oswald that I met was the same in that picture, the one in the Safehouse. the same one that Frank knows. I do not know where he was according to your information. I do not know. I never read up on anything about these theories that are coming out about him."
Mr. Fithian: "This is not a matter of theory."
Marita Lorenz: "I know I am telling the truth. If you don't want it, that's too bad, you know. I am here to gain nothing, you know. Nothing. Nothing at all. You are trying a homicide investigation that should be solved, you know. Don't dispute me or put me on trial."
Mr. Fithian: "Only if we can have full and truthful testimony."
Marita Lorenz: "You have got it. You have it from me. I don't know about the other people. I have nothing to lose and nothing to hide-nothing.
Mr. Fithian: "And it is your testimony that you are certain that the person you met at the Safehouse and at the camps of the Everglades is the same person that you met in Dallas."
Marita Lorenz: "Yes, it is."
Mr. Fithian: "Do you have any explanation for how we come up with two Lee Harvey Oswalds during this period?"
Marita Lorenz: "I have no explanation. I know the man I met; he was a creep. I didn't like him. I don't have to be here at all. I have nothing to gain.
Mr. Fithian: "Thank you. That is all."

CIA asset/photographer Alex Rorke had taken photos of LEE Oswald in Florida (1960-61) while HARVEY Oswald was in the Soviet Union. Rorke died in an airplane crash in Mexico in May 1964, along with Hugh Ward, DeLessups Morrison (former Mayor of New Orleans), his 7-year-old son Christopher, Daleigh Pellegrin and Ovide Cena

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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To be honest, Larry...the evidence is overwhelming that the FBI destroyed all the real evidence! It is also PERFECTLY OBVIOUS that the immediate goal of President Kennedy's assassination was to provoke an invasion of Cuba! The evidence for that is absolutely EVERYWHERE for weeks before the assassination and immediately after. Do you disagree?

I would certainly agree that as far as the actual Dallas team was concerned, they very much believed/hoped that the attack and the frame that was to follow would provoke a strike against Castro. I'm not convinced that those further up the chain really believed that would happen or that it was their primary motivation. My view is that they were acting against JFK as a perceived national security threat...

In my opinion, this agreement is crucial. Whatever other data is accepted or rejected, it is crucial that we find agreement on this point -- that the JFK Kill Team wanted first and foremost for the USA to invade Cuba and kill Fidel Castro.

This fact is one of the central clues to the identity of the JFK Kill Team -- we should seek people who had physically tried to kill Fidel Castro and invade Cuba (with continual raid attacks) during 1962 and 1963.

Naturally, we find Cuban Exiles working with the CIA in this effort -- and Bay of Pigs survivors. Yet we also find American mercenaries -- including Gerry Patrick Hemming, Loran Hall, Larry Howard, Frank Sturgis -- Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Ex-General Edwin Walker and the list goes on.

This ground crew should become more and more visible in the murder of JFK.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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New Orleans, Louisiana

June 19, 1967




On June 18, 1967, Carlos Quiroga, Cuban exile,

3134 Darby Place, New Orleans, Louisiana, appeared at the

New Orleans Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

(FBI) and volunteered the following information:

During the past week, Carlos Bringuier, New

Orleans Cuban exile leader and key figure in the assassina-

tion probe of Orleans Parish District Attorney James Garrison

was in Miami, Florida. Where there, he met with Jose Antonio

Lanusa, who was leader of the Delegation of the Cuban Student

Directorate in 1963. Lanusa advised Bringuier that he had

received a telephone call from Alberto Fowler, Cuban exile

and investigator for Garrison, during which Fowler stated

that Garrison will prove that President Kennedy was assassinated

by Cuban exiles and that Carlos Bringuier was aware of Oswald's

purported affiliation with the Central Intelligence Agency.

Fowler also stated that Bringuier and Lee Harvey Oswald had

staged their confrontation on Canal Street, New Orleans in

August, 1963.

Lanusa also advised that he had been previously

contacted (date not indicated) by Mr. Alcock: an investigator

of Garrison. Alcock accused Lanusa of having known about

Oswald's activities prior to the assassination of President

Kennedy. Alcock stated that this information had been

furnished by Claire Booth Luce. Lanusa denied this and stated

that all he knew about Oswald prior to the assassination had

been furnished to him by Carlos Bringuier.

On Thursday, June 15, 1967, Carlos Bringuier

happened to meet Alberto Fowler on Canal Street, New

Orleans. At this point Fowler stated that the investigation

was becoming complicated because Garrison had information

that an identical double of Lee Harvey Oswald existed and

this individual was a “double agent” of the FBI.

Fowler also stated that Garrison will attempt

to make the trial last over a year's period so that further

investigation can be conducted and additional evidence


This document contains neither recommendations

nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI

and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not

to be distributed outside your agency.

# # # #

Emphasis added. Above document can be seen in its original form at the John Armstrong Collection at Baylor University at this url:


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Paul Trejo,

I agree that there was a kill team. A team that had one purpose.

I believe Marina's husband was framed and that the U.S. Government accepted the frame. As did the U.S. media.

The big matter is the autopsy room in Bethesda. That's where lies become history. There and Humes's writings.

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Paul Trejo,

I agree that there was a kill team. A team that had one purpose.

I believe Marina's husband was framed and that the U.S. Government accepted the frame. As did the U.S. media.

The big matter is the autopsy room in Bethesda. That's where lies become history. There and Humes's writings.

Well, John Tidd, I appreciate where we agree -- but I must point out where we disagree.

First, Lee Harvey Oswald was indeed set-up as the Patsy. (Some would use the word, framed.)

However, the US Government rejected the frame. The JFK Killers set-up Lee Harvey Oswald as an FPCC Communist.

At about 3pm CST on 11/22/1963, J. Edgar Hoover called RFK and said that Lee Harvey Oswald was not a member of the Communist party, and was not a leader of the FPCC. (This call was documented.)

Until that time, Dallas had been putting out reports that Lee Harvey Oswald was an FPCC Communist. As Larry Hancock noted, countless mercenaries associated with the Bay of Pigs CIA operations also strained to tell the US Media that Oswald was an FPCC Communist.

However, the US Government rejected that frame. J. Edgar Hoover announced that night that Lee Harvey Oswald was a "Lone Nut." That is the opposite of an FPCC Communist.

The US Government and the US Media both rejected the JFK KIll Team's propaganda that Lee Harvey Oswald was an FPCC Communist.

That lie failed to take root.

A different lie -- the "Lone Nut" lie, would take root in the US Government, but especially in the US Media.

As for the Bethesda Naval Hospital autopsy (of which David Lifton's 1980 book, Best Evidence, is still probably the best source) it was the SECOND LIE, not the first.

Furthermore, the Bethesda autopsy was merely a CONTINUATION of the "Lone Nut" lie. The alteration of JFK's head before it ever reached Bethesda was intended to hide the fact that more than one bullet hit JFK's head. Failing to complete that surgery, the brain of JFK was simply hidden for 50 years, and the X-rays and photographs of his wounds are still subject to doubt and controversy.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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November 25, 1963


It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made now.

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced.

3. The matter has been handled thus far with neither dignity nor conviction. Facts have been mixed with rumour and speculation. We can scarcely let the world see us totally in the image of the Dallas police when our President is murdered.

I think this objective may be satisfied by making public as soon as possible a complete and thorough FBI report on Oswald and the assassination. This may run into the difficulty of pointing to in- consistencies between this report and statements by Dallas police officials. But the reputation of the Bureau is such that it may do the whole job. The only other step would be the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It think it can await publication of the FBI report and public reaction to it here and abroad.

I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public property in an orderly and responsible way should be made now. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

Deputy Attorney General


Just a day or two later, LBJ would begin talking to prospective Warren Commission members, soon invoking the specter of "40 million Americans dead within an hour" should the assassination be traced to Cuba or the Communist Bloc. The fix was clearly in from that point on, but the exact nature of LBJ's motives for shutting down a real investigation have been hotly debated ever since.

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November 25, 1963


It is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told and that a statement to this effect be made now.

1. The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.

2. Speculation about Oswald's motivation ought to be cut off, and we should have some basis for rebutting thought that this was a Communist conspiracy or (as the Iron Curtain press is saying) a right-wing conspiracy to blame it on the Communists. Unfortunately the facts on Oswald seem about too pat-- too obvious (Marxist, Cuba, Russian wife, etc.). The Dallas police have put out statements on the Communist conspiracy theory, and it was they who were in charge when he was shot and thus silenced.

3. The matter has been handled thus far with neither dignity nor conviction. Facts have been mixed with rumour and speculation. We can scarcely let the world see us totally in the image of the Dallas police when our President is murdered.

I think this objective may be satisfied by making public as soon as possible a complete and thorough FBI report on Oswald and the assassination. This may run into the difficulty of pointing to in- consistencies between this report and statements by Dallas police officials. But the reputation of the Bureau is such that it may do the whole job. The only other step would be the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions. This has both advantages and disadvantages. It think it can await publication of the FBI report and public reaction to it here and abroad.

I think, however, that a statement that all the facts will be made public property in an orderly and responsible way should be made now. We need something to head off public speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.

Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

Deputy Attorney General


Just a day or two later, LBJ would begin talking to prospective Warren Commission members, soon invoking the specter of "40 million Americans dead within an hour" should the assassination be traced to Cuba or the Communist Bloc. The fix was clearly in from that point on, but the exact nature of LBJ's motives for shutting down a real investigation have been hotly debated ever since.

Good quotation, Jim. I would only note that DAG Nick Katzenbach wrote that memo to Bill Moyers three days after the JFK murder, while J. Edgar Hoover decided upon the "Lone Nut" theory of Oswald on the day of the murder itself.

IMHO, Katzenbach in this memo is merely repeating Hoover's program. Here is the "Lone Nut" theory in development.


--Paul Trejo

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Information in sidebar below from Steven GAAL/ William Weston/ Bruce Adamson and Family of Secrets by Russ Baker
Dallas Republic National Bank


  • BRUCE ADAMSON reports a 1967 LA TIMES article stating the Dallas Republic National Bank was a CIA trust building.


  • De Mohrenschildt's offices ***

Dulles Does Dallas
An FBI report mentions a communication between De Mohrenschildt, Republic National Bank of Dallas and Brown Brothers Harriman during June 1963. This is after De Mohrenschildt is in Haiti. The report says Brown Brothers Harriman had done a credit check on De Mohrenschildt and forwarded its findings to Republic National Bank. This gives Brown Brothers Harriman (and George H W Bush) cover due to their connections to De Mohrenschildt.
The man driving the pilot car for the motorcade was George Lumpkin. Lumpkin was a friend of Jack Crichton (Empire Trust Member) , Bush’s GOP colleague. Lumpkin admitted to the House Select Committee on Assassinations he had consulted with the Secret Service about motorcade security which led to the elimination of an alternative parade route.

  • Pat Holloway ***

In November 1963, Crichton and George H W Bush were both running for office: governor and senator respectively. Both used the same lawyer, Pat Holloway. Holloway worked out of the Republic National Bank Building. Both Bush and Crichton were recruited by Peter O’Donnell. Thus, Bush and Crichton were working in tandem.

  • Neil Mallon's Dressor Industries *** (Mallon had lunch with Dulles at Dallas Council On World Affairs and later that day hosted private dinner for Dulles at his house.)
  • Zydeco *** a subsidiary of Dresser Industries were GHWB had worked.
  • Lewis W. MacNaughton. *** A director of the Republic National Bank and Empire Trust Member

De Mohrenschildt’s company (CVOVT) was underwritten by Empire Trust. Empire was the client of James Baker’s law firm—which oversaw its operations in Texas. Lewis MacNaughton was a director of Empire Trust and was a board member of Dresser Industries (Mallon’s company). MacNaughton was also a member of the Council of World Affairs. He was also the employer of George Bouhe—the Russian émigré who introduced De Mohrenschildt to Lee Harvey Oswald. Bouhe drove around Marina and children. MacNaughton also had employed Declan Ford who housed Marina post assassination.

  • Office which incorperated Cooperative Transport ***

A man who worked for Cooperative Transpost >>>> FIRST ) ate his lunch in back of the TSBD and didnt try to see the POTUS just a few yards away.
and >>>> SECOND ) Reported that there was no unusual activity behind the GK fence.

DOLLY SHOE incorporated by lawfirm of Uncle of Marguerite Oswald.


Marguerites uncle's law partner was a United Fruit lawyer and she got a receptionist job at Standard Fruit pre WW II . Standard Fruit and United Fruit were at loggerheads till 1942. They were still post WWII at loggerheads but to a lesser degree.She may have been a United Fruit spy on Standard Fruit. United Fruit worked with ONI circa WWI ,WWII and possible beyond . The ONI --- United Fruit connection may have been continuous from WWI onward. It could be Marguerite was a ONI asset (told possibly she was working for the State Dept.) (Per Linda Minor ,Marguerite did date a number of Navy men). gaal (PS receptionist "CAN BE" good place for a spy)


Edited by Steven Gaal
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Good quotation, Jim. I would only note that DAG Nick Katzenbach wrote that memo to Bill Moyers three days after the JFK murder, while J. Edgar Hoover decided upon the "Lone Nut" theory of Oswald on the day of the murder itself.

IMHO, Katzenbach in this memo is merely repeating Hoover's program. Here is the "Lone Nut" theory in development.


--Paul Trejo


Immediately after President Kennedy 's assassination the FBI began an in-

vestigation, even though the Dallas Police had sole jurisdiction over the

case. Less than an hour after Oswald's arrest FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

wrote a two page memorandum in which he described Oswald's trips to Russia and Cuba

and his involvement with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.1 Hoover identified Oswald

as the prime suspect and knew the building from which the shots were fired--all within

an hour of Oswald's arrest.

Following the assassination Dallas Police Lt. Jack Revill was walking through

the basement of police headquarters when he was approached by FBI agent James

Hosty. Revill remembered, "Mr. Hasty ran over to me and he says .... 'a Communist

killed President Kennedy .... Lee Oswald killed President Kennedy.' I said, 'Who is Lee

Oswald?' Hosty said, 'He is in our Communist file. We knew he was here in Dallas.'2 I

asked him why he had not told us this, and the best (of) my recollection is that he said

he couldn't." 3

Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry soon appeared on a television broadcast and

made a statement to the effect that agents of the FBI had prior information and knowl-

edge regarding Oswald. When J. Edgar Hoover learned of Curry 's statement he in-

structed senior FBI official C.D. DeLoach to contact the Senior Agent in charge of the

Dallas Office, Gordon Shanklin, and order him to immediately obtain a retraction.4

Shanklin was told that if he did not obtain a retraction, he would be terminated from

the Bureau. Shanklin quickly contacted Curry and obtained a statement that read, "from

his (Curry's) own personal knowledge, the FBI did not have any previous information

regarding Lee Harvey Oswald."

-- The opening words of Harvey and Lee.

And so the question becomes, did Hoover merely have foreknowledge of what let us call the "Oswald Project," or did he have prior knowledge of President Kennedy's assassination. I'm leaning toward the former, but hardly ruling out the latter.

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Gaal - does it bug you that no one ever responds to the Empire trust McNaughton DeMohrenschildt Neil Mallon George Bouhe connections? Bugs me. Hard to know what exactly to make of it, but to me it leads straight to 'George Bush of the CIA', which I believe was JEH code for 'I'm on to you guys, so leave me alone'. Also Gaal, does this connect to another of your ideas that no one responds to, the Great Southwest Corporation and Jack Crichton, another Bush connection.

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Good quotation, Jim. I would only note that DAG Nick Katzenbach wrote that memo to Bill Moyers three days after the JFK murder, while J. Edgar Hoover decided upon the "Lone Nut" theory of Oswald on the day of the murder itself.

IMHO, Katzenbach in this memo is merely repeating Hoover's program. Here is the "Lone Nut" theory in development.


--Paul Trejo


Immediately after President Kennedy 's assassination the FBI began an in-

vestigation, even though the Dallas Police had sole jurisdiction over the

case. Less than an hour after Oswald's arrest FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover

wrote a two page memorandum in which he described Oswald's trips to Russia and Cuba

and his involvement with the Fair Play for Cuba Committee.1 Hoover identified Oswald

as the prime suspect and knew the building from which the shots were fired--all within

an hour of Oswald's arrest.

Following the assassination Dallas Police Lt. Jack Revill was walking through

the basement of police headquarters when he was approached by FBI agent James

Hosty. Revill remembered, "Mr. Hasty ran over to me and he says .... 'a Communist

killed President Kennedy .... Lee Oswald killed President Kennedy.' I said, 'Who is Lee

Oswald?' Hosty said, 'He is in our Communist file. We knew he was here in Dallas.'2 I

asked him why he had not told us this, and the best (of) my recollection is that he said

he couldn't." 3

Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry soon appeared on a television broadcast and

made a statement to the effect that agents of the FBI had prior information and knowl-

edge regarding Oswald. When J. Edgar Hoover learned of Curry 's statement he in-

structed senior FBI official C.D. DeLoach to contact the Senior Agent in charge of the

Dallas Office, Gordon Shanklin, and order him to immediately obtain a retraction.4

Shanklin was told that if he did not obtain a retraction, he would be terminated from

the Bureau. Shanklin quickly contacted Curry and obtained a statement that read, "from

his (Curry's) own personal knowledge, the FBI did not have any previous information

regarding Lee Harvey Oswald."

-- The opening words of Harvey and Lee.

And so the question becomes, did Hoover merely have foreknowledge of what let us call the "Oswald Project," or did he have prior knowledge of President Kennedy's assassination. I'm leaning toward the former, but hardly ruling out the latter.

Well, Jim, I like most of that particular passage by John Armstrong there.

I personally find it impossible to believe that any trained and experienced FBI Agent in Dallas would have so little information about the JFK plot that hatched there.

I say this because FBI Agent James Hosty was a regular Bridge partner with Robert Allen Surrey -- sometimes right there in Walker's own Dallas home (which was also the address for Surrey's professional office).

Also, in his 1996 book, Assignment Oswald, James Hosty admitted that his principal assignment for the FBI in Dallas was to monitor the extreme right-wing in Dallas.

I take him at his word.

As you may know, Jim, I believe the extreme right-wing in Dallas murdered JFK. Now, if a trained FBI Agent was given the duty to monitor the Dallas extreme right, that FBI Agent would certainly know about any JFK plot within the Dallas extreme right. I'm saying that if the Dallas extreme right really killed JFK, then Hosty had to know it, and many of the players and many of the details.

If correct, then maybe James Hosty was the FBI Agent who drafted the 4" thick version of the Warren Report that LBJ alone received (cf. Jacques Zwart, 1972).

One can sympathize with Sylvia Meagher's complaint that Hoover was an "accessory after the fact," but ultimately she goes too far, and Hoover might have had good motives (e.g. National Security) for his "Lone Nut" lie.

Yet it seems that John Armstrong jumped to a conclusion from Wisconsin history professor David Wrone's claim that "within an hour" of Oswald's arrest (e.g. 3pm CST) Hoover had already announced his "Lone Nut" theory to officials. That's an overstatement. FBI memos show Hoover called RFK at 3pm CST with information contradicting the Dallas (and CIA) stories that an FPCC Communist had just killed JFK. Hoover told RFK that Oswald "was not a member of the Communist Party," and that Oswald "was not a leader in the FPCC."

This proves that the FBI had a fat file on Lee Harvey Oswald, updated in 1963 for his time in New Orleans with Guy Banister's Fake FPCC.

IMHO, DPD Lt. Jack Revill's report that FBI Agent James Hosty blamed a Communist for murdering JFK is valid evidence that Hosty was close to the JFK Kill-Team. It isn't impossible that James Hosty might have become enthralled by Ex-General Edwin Walker and his John Birch Society speeches. Maybe James Hosty came to agree with the JBS doctrine that JFK was a real-live Communist. If so, then JFK had to go.

Now for your question, Jim, about whether Hoover had foreknowledge of an "Oswald Project" as you called it, or whether Hoover had prior knowledge of the JFK murder.

I think it's a great question.

It's just that the FBI is so well-trained -- and so well-equipped -- and the Cold War was so distressing to so many Americans, practically pushing the public into the arms of the John Birch Society.

An extreme right-wing plot in a town like Dallas in 1963 would necessarily try to engage its local FBI Agent.


--Paul Trejo

<edit typos>

Edited by Paul Trejo
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