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1963 Timeline? With key dates, made concise and postable to anchor reading links

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Whenever a major event happens, all good reporters and intelligence analysts begin a timeline and there are timelines for every major event - Paul Thompson's 9/11 Timeline is pretty incredible.

When he realized that his back channel communications with Castro was a significant event, William Walton sketched out a brief chronology of events to keep things in order, and then on the day of the assassination, he knew right away that what he was doing with Castro at the UN was connected to what happened at Dealey Plaza and updated it to make sure there was an accurate record of those events.


Following is a chronology of events leading up to Castro’s invitation on October 31, to receive a U.S. official for talks in Cuba:

August 26, I met Seydou Diallo, the Guinea Ambassador to Havana, whom I had known well in Conakray. [Attwood had been U.S. Ambassador to Guinea from March 1961 to May 1963].

He went out of his way to tell me that Castro was isolated from contact with neutralist diplomats by his “Communist entourage”….He, Diallo, had finally been able to see Castro alone once and was convinced he was personally receptive to changing courses and getting Cuba on the road to non-alignment….

September 1 - ABC correspondent, Lisa Howard’s article, “Castro’s Overture,” [in War/Peace Report, September, 1963] based on her conversation with Castro last April. This article stressed Castro’s expressed desire for reaching an accommodation with the United States and a willingness to make substantial concessions to this end.

September 12, I talked with Miss Howard, whom I have known for some years, and she echoed Ambassador Diallo’s opinion that there was a rift between Castro and the Guevara-Hart-Alveida group on the question of Cuba’s future course.

September 12, I discussed this with Under Secretary Harriman in Washington. He suggested I prepare a memo and we arranged to meet in New York the following week.

September 18, I wrote a memorandum based on these talks and on corroborating information I had heard inConakry…..

September 23, I met Dr. Lechuga at Miss Howard’s apartment. She has been on good terms withLechuga since her visit with Castro and invited him for a drink to met [sic] some friends who had also been toCuba. I was just one of those friends. In the course of our conversation, which started with recollections of my own talks with Castro in 1959, I mentioned having read Miss Howard’s article. Lechuga hinted that Castro was indeed in a mood to talk. I told him that in my present position, I would need official authorization to make such a trip, and did not know if it would be forthcoming. However, I said an exchange of views might well be useful and that I would find out and let him know.

September 24, I saw the Attorney-General in Washington, and gave him my September 18 memo, and reported my meeting with Lechuga. He said he would pass the memo on to Mr. McGeorge Bundy;…..

September 27, I ran into Lechuga at the United Nations, where he was doing a television interview in the lobby with Miss Howard. I told him that I had discussed our talk in Washingon,….Meanwhile, he forewarned me that he would be making a ‘hard’ anti-U.S. speech in the United Nations on October 7….

{BK – According to Issac Don Levine in his book “Eyewitness to History” notes that LHO listened to Lechuga’s UN speech and Stevenson’s response to it on a shortwave radio in Dallas }.

October 18, at dinner at the home of Mrs. Eugene Meyer, {BK Note: Publisher of the Washington Post} I talked with Mr. C.A. Doxiades, a noted Greek architect and town-planner, who had just returned from an architects congress in Havana, where he had talked alone to both Castro and Guevara, among others. He sought me out, as a government official, to say he was convinced Castro would welcome normalization of relations with the United States if he could do so without losing too much face….

October 20, Miss Howard asked me if she might call Major Rene Vallejo, a Cuban surgeon who is also Castro’s current right-hand man and confidant. She said Vallejo helped her see Castro and made it plain to her he opposed the Guevara group. They became friends and talked on the phone several times since the interview….

October 21, Gordon Chase called me from the White House in connection with my September 18 memo. I brought him up to date and said the ball was in his court.

October 28, I ran into Lechuga in the U.N. Delegates Lounge….I said it was up to him and he could call me if he felt like it. He wrote down my extension.

October 29, Vallejo again called Miss Howard at home…

October 31, Vallejo called Miss Howard, apologizing for the delay and saying he had been out of town with Castro and “could not get to a phone from which I could call you.” He said Castro would very much like to talk to the U.S. official anytime and appreciated the importance of discretion to all concerned….

October, at a Dallas John Birch Society meeting, Bay of Pigs veteran Nestor Castellanos was recorded as saying: “Get him out! Get him out! The quicker, the sooner, the better. He’s doing all kinds of deals [Tony Summers’ emphasis] …Mr. Kennedy is kissing Mr. Khrushchev. I wouldn’t be surprised if he had kissed Castro too…We are waiting for Kennedy the twenty-second [November], buddy. We are going to see him, in one way or the other. We’re going to give him the works when he gets to Dallas.”

Also take note: Rex mission exposed by New York Times (p.1) on Nov. 1, revealing that Collins Radio served as cover for mission}

November 1, Miss Howard reported the Vallejo call to me and I repeated it to Chase on November 4.

November 5, I met with Bundy and Chase at the White House and informed them of the foregoing. The next day, Chase called and asked me to put it in writing.

Cuba- Bill Attwood.

Attached is an unsolicited chronology from Bill Atwood which describes the activities of the Cuba-Attwood tie-line from November 11 to the present. Apparently, the memo was dispatched on November 22, but because of the recent events [Note: Namely, the assassination of JFK in Dallas on November 22], did not reach us until today.


November 11, Vallejo called Miss Howad again to reiterate their appreciation of the need for secrecy and to say that Castro would go along with any arrangements we might want to make. He specifically suggested that a Cuban plane could come to Key West and pick up the emissary; alternatively they would agree to have him come to a U.S. plane which could land at one of several “secret airfields” nearHavana. He emphasized that only Castro and himself would be present at the talks and that no one else – he specifically mentioned Guevara – would be involved. Valejo also reiterated Castro’s desire for this talk and hoped to hear our answer soon.

November 12, Bundy called me and I reported Vallejo’s message. He said this did not affect the White House decision that a preliminary talk with Vallejo at the United Nations should be held in order to find out what Castro wanted to talk bout – particularly if he was seriously interested in discussing the points cited in Stevenson’s October 7 speech.

[Note: If Castro wanted peaceful relations with his neighbors, Stevenson had asserted, he needed to cut ties with Moscow, end his subversive activities in Latin America, and provide basic constitutional rights for his people]

Bundy suggested I transmit our decision to Vallejo, stressed the fact that, since we are responding to their invitation and are not soliciting a meeting, we would like to know more about what is on Castro’s mind before committing ourselves to further talks in Cuba.

November 13, I went to Miss Howard’s apartment and called Vallejo at home. There was no answer. She then sent a telegram asking that he call her at his convenience.

November 14, Vallejo called her. She gave him my message – that we would want to talk to him here at the United Nations before accepting an invitation to go to Cuba. She said that, if he wished to confirm or discuss this further with the U.S. official, he could call him (Vallejo) at him on the evening of November 18.Vallejo said he would be there to receive the call. Meanwhile, he did not exclude the possibility of his coming to the UN and said he would discuss it with Castro.

November 18, Miss Howard reached Vallejo at home and passed the phone to me. I told him Miss Howard had kept me informed of her talks with him and that I assumed he know of our interests in hearing what Castro had in mind. Vallejo said he did, and reiterated the invitation to Cuba, stressing the fact that security could be guaranteed. I replied that we felt a preliminary meeting was essential to make sure there was something useful to talk about, and asked if he was able to come to New York, Vallejo said he could not come “at this time.” However, if that’s how we felt, he said that “we” would send instructions to Lechuga to propose and discuss with me “an agenda” for a later meeting with Castro. I said I would await Lechuga’s call.Vallejo’s manner was extremely cordial and he called me “Sir” throughout the conversation.

November 19, I called {Gordon} Chase {of NSC}, and reported our conversation.

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I started this a while back and have not had the chance to expand on it as I would have liked.... BUT

I believe a spreadsheet approach allows for EASY entry and sorting, filtering, etc... PLUS each cell can contain images, links, anything really....

I would upload to the site here but it does not allow xlsx files...

People along left side, Time across top... Once filled in we should be able to trace a person/group/whatever thru the timeline as well as all the people and events at a specific moment in time.

Kinda wish we could find a teacher with a class who could undertake such a project and spread the work among many....

But I will keep pluggin away




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David, some school kids with a computer and graphic chart like that could put all of the timelines together - the Mary Ferrell Chron, Ira Wood Timeline, JFK Library diary and a half dozen other timelines folded into one.

I think Lancer has an interactive calendar that similar.

Can someone tell me what the Chum for Newbies is?

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Pedigree chum is a dog food in U.K.? (Compulsory reading material?)


It is a brilliant idea to include notable music milestones ,this really ties the time

In with my own life and makes it much easier to remember !.


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Pedigree chum is a dog food in U.K.? (Compulsory reading material?)


It is a brilliant idea to include notable music milestones ,this really ties the time

In with my own life and makes it much easier to remember !.


Yea, but what is the tag Chum for Newbees on this thread mean and who put it there? Just curious

Adding the pop music of the day was not my idea but the songs are included in the timeline provided at JFK Library web site. And I think its a good idea too.

And speaking of good music, William Paris, a JFK researcher, is in the Billy Walton band that is currently touring England. Are they making any waves?


Edited by William Kelly
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They have a few dates here I will try and see them in Essex .

The "chum for newbies" I think may refer to the slogan or selling point of

pedigree chum which escapes me at the moment .

Maybe Nat thinks it should be required reading for newbies to associate themselves

With the basic facts of the case and the up to date info.

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A time line constructed with the goal of stimulating interest in the JFK assassination need not include everything but the kitchen sink.

In some respects a basic and simpler approach might be more effective than a time line that attempts to explain every facet of the case.

Chapter 3 in Tom Miller's underrated The Assassination Please Please Almanac (Henry Regnery 1977) is titled What Happened? It is perhaps

the best chapter in the book, a chronological listing of events leading up to President Kennedy's murder and the aftermath. Even though the

format makes it easy to read and follow, the time line takes up more than 100 pages of Miller's book.

The Assassination Please Almanac does not really try to tie everything together; Miller allows the book to stimulate curiosity about conspiracy

and for the most part documents it well, giving the reader a really good education in sources for further study.

Miller shows you can present controversial information in an uncontroversial manner. It's not a perfect book, but it was a very good one for its time.

I think anyone planning a comprehensive time line would do well to look at Miller's, not just for the content, but also for the format.

Edited by Michael Hogan
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A time line constructed with the goal of stimulating interest in the JFK assassination need not include everything but the kitchen sink.

In some respects a basic and simpler approach might be more effective than a time line that attempts to explain every facet of the case.

Chapter 3 in Tom Miller's underrated The Assassination Please Please Almanac (Henry Regnery 1977) is titled What Happened? It is perhaps

the best chapter in the book, a chronological listing of events leading up to President Kennedy's murder and the aftermath. Even though the

format makes it easy to read and follow, the time line takes up more than 100 pages of Miller's book.

The Assassination Please Almanac does not really try to tie everything together; Miller allows the book to stimulate curiosity about conspiracy

and for the most part documents it well, giving the reader a really good education in sources for further study.

Miller shows you can present controversial information in an uncontroversial manner. It's not a perfect book, but it was a very good one for its time.

I think anyone planning a comprehensive time line would do well to look at Miller's, not just for the content, but also for the format.

Michael, Thanks for calling attention to Tom Miller's book, as I too thought it was ahead of its time and a positive approach to the assassination when it came out, and it would be terrific if he would update it to current events.

I don't think the purpose is to stimulate interest in the subject as much as it is to make more clear and understandable to ourselves.

And your comment regarding the length of chronologies and timelines is indeed insightful, as the purpose of such matrix models is not to confuse things with unnecessary facts but to call attention to the few significant facts that when put together give meaning to what would otherwise be unintelligible.

That's why Paul Thompson's 9/11 chronology was more important when it just contained just the significant events and became less useful and too big after every fact was pumped into it.

That's why I have reservations about Walt Brown's ultimate Chronology, which includes every tidbt, when the purpose of the chronology is to make clear what otherwise would be confusing.

Fortunately, we can do both, if only someone takes the initiative,...


Edited by William Kelly
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Here's a combined Timeline for late Dec 62 and Jan-Feb 60-61-62-63 of relevant events from JFK Daily Log at JFK Library, IRa Woods and Mary Ferrell.

JFKCountercoup2: Combined TimeLilne Jan.-Feb 60-63

Bill, IMHO any useful timeline must be strictly chronological. It confuses matters to place material from three years into, e.g. a "month of January" list.

That said -- I applaud your call for a Timeline. A Timeline is indispensible to solving any case, IMHO.

I myself would like to see a consistent Timeline of Volkmar Schmidt, George De Mohrenschildt and the Paine's in early 1963, when Volkmark Schmidt "hypnotized" (quote unquote) Oswald to kill ex-General Edwin Walker as punishment for Walker's role in the Ole Miss riots of late 1962 where hundreds were wounded and two were killed.

Evidently Schmidt's psychological technique worked perfectly, and Oswald promptly bought weapons and began to dramatize himself as the "hunter of fascists." Oswald then had Marina take one photograph of himself with his weapons, and he then used the complex photo equipment at Jagger-Chiles-Stoval (JCS) to make fake variations. He was then fired (almost certainly because of these photographs and his fake Hidell ID).

The chronological sequence of these events is crucial, IMHO, to this case.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Here's a combined Timeline for late Dec 62 and Jan-Feb 60-61-62-63 of relevant events from JFK Daily Log at JFK Library, IRa Woods and Mary Ferrell.

JFKCountercoup2: Combined TimeLilne Jan.-Feb 60-63

Bill, IMHO any useful timeline must be strictly chronological. It confuses matters to place material from three years into, e.g. a "month of January" list.

That said -- I applaud your call for a Timeline. A Timeline is indispensible to solving any case, IMHO.

I myself would like to see a consistent Timeline of Volkmar Schmidt, George De Mohrenschildt and the Paine's in early 1963, when Volkmark Schmidt "hypnotized" (quote unquote) Oswald to kill ex-General Edwin Walker as punishment for Walker's role in the Ole Miss riots of late 1962 where hundreds were wounded and two were killed.

Evidently Schmidt's psychological technique worked perfectly, and Oswald promptly bought weapons and began to dramatize himself as the "hunter of fascists." Oswald then had Marina take one photograph of himself with his weapons, and he then used the complex photo equipment at Jagger-Chiles-Stoval (JCS) to make fake variations. He was then fired (almost certainly because of these photographs and his fake Hidell ID).

The chronological sequence of these events is crucial, IMHO, to this case.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Paul, I agree, less is better when it comes to Timelines, and I will put together a Timeline on Oswald and the Paines.


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  • 2 weeks later...

An interesting and important timeline is the one PDS constructed and published in he appendix to this article.

Chronology of events and records leading to Oswald’s Discharge.

Can anyone tell me what journal/magazine this is? (dated July 10, 1996)

jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Scott Peter Dale/Item 02.pdf

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An interesting and important timeline is the one PDS constructed and published in he appendix to this article.

Chronology of events and records leading to Oswald’s Discharge.

Can anyone tell me what journal/magazine this is? (dated July 10, 1996)

jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Scott Peter Dale/Item 02.pdf

Martin Shackleford wrote:

As usual, the conference (and past conferences) is available on videotape from COPA, either by individual sessions, or as a package, for those unable to attend, or simply seeking a better record than their notes. Booklets of abstracts from this and past conferences are also available, and give a good overview of content. (For those who missed the Fredonia conference in July, a full set of papers from that conference are available from the Fourth Decade).


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Here's a combined Timeline for late Dec 62 and Jan-Feb 60-61-62-63 of relevant events from JFK Daily Log at JFK Library, IRa Woods and Mary Ferrell.

JFKCountercoup2: Combined TimeLilne Jan.-Feb 60-63

Bill, IMHO any useful timeline must be strictly chronological. It confuses matters to place material from three years into, e.g. a "month of January" list.

That said -- I applaud your call for a Timeline. A Timeline is indispensible to solving any case, IMHO.

I myself would like to see a consistent Timeline of Volkmar Schmidt, George De Mohrenschildt and the Paine's in early 1963, when Volkmark Schmidt "hypnotized" (quote unquote) Oswald to kill ex-General Edwin Walker as punishment for Walker's role in the Ole Miss riots of late 1962 where hundreds were wounded and two were killed.

Evidently Schmidt's psychological technique worked perfectly, and Oswald promptly bought weapons and began to dramatize himself as the "hunter of fascists." Oswald then had Marina take one photograph of himself with his weapons, and he then used the complex photo equipment at Jagger-Chiles-Stoval (JCS) to make fake variations. He was then fired (almost certainly because of these photographs and his fake Hidell ID).

The chronological sequence of these events is crucial, IMHO, to this case.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Actually the best timeline of Oswald's post-defection return to Texas was done by the CIA, and is pretty detailed, though I don't know how or why the CIA was tasked to do this.


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Actually the best timeline of Oswald's post-defection return to Texas was done by the CIA, and is pretty detailed, though I don't know how or why the CIA was tasked to do this.


Bill, I don't know how to access the CIA list, and I'm sure it's partially useful -- yet I hesitate because they supported the Warren Commission deception, and I'm not sure how to protect myself from their slant. A time-line is a powerful instrument. Here's my own personal timeline, put together over the years, starting with the return of the Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) to the USA:

June 14, 1962: The Oswalds arrive in Fort Worth, where they move in with Robert.

June 18, 1962: LHO asks stenographer Pauline Bates to type a manuscript that he had written in Russia.

June 19, 1962: LHO contacts Peter Gregory, who gives him a letter testifying to LHO's Russian language ability.

June 26, 1962: LHO is interviewed by the FBI for the first time.

July 14, 1962: The Oswalds move in with Marguerite at 1501 W. 7th Street in Fort Worth.

July 17, 1962: LHO obtains a job at Louv-R-Pak Division of the Leslie Welding Company.

August 10, 1962: The Oswalds move to 2703 Mercedes St. in Fort Worth.

August 16, 1962: The FBI interviews LHO a second time.

August 25, 1962: The Oswalds attend a dinner party at the home of Paul Gregory, where they meet several members of the local Russian émigré community.

September 1, 1962: The Oswalds meet George De Mohrenschildt and his wife.

September 30, 1962 Ex-General Edwin Walker leads a riot of thousands at Ole Miss University. Two are killed.

October 1, 1962 Ex-General Edwin Walker is detained in an insane asylum by RFK and JFK.

October 3, 1962: Marina and June move in with Elena Hall while LHO looks for work in Dallas.

October 7, 1962 Ex-General Edwin Walker returns to Dallas, on bail.

October 9, 1962: LHO visits the Texas Employment Commission in Dallas where he scores well on aptitude tests. He also rents a PO Box under his own name at the main Post Office.

October 10, 1962: LHO fills out a change of address form forwarding his mail to the new PO box.

October 11, 1962: LHO is referred by the Dallas Employment Commission to Jagger-Chiles-Stovall, a photography and printing company that makes maps and other sophisticated documents for the Federal Government. He is hired.

October 12, 1962: LHO begins work at Jagger-Chiles-Stovall.

October 15, 1962: LHO moves into the YMCA, in a dispute with Marina.

October 16, 1962: June is baptized without LHO's knowledge.

November 4, 1962: The Oswalds are reunited at 604 Elsbeth St. in Dallas, where LHO had found an apartment.

November 5, 1962: The Oswalds have a violent argument, and Marina and June move in with some friends of George De Mohrenschildt, the Mellers.

November 10, 1962: Marina and June move to the home of other friends of George De Mohrenschildt, the Fords.

November 17, 1962: Marina and June spend the day at the home of Mrs. Frank Ray. LHO calls and asks to visit Marina, who agrees to return to him. They return to the Elsbeth St. address that night.

November 22, 1962: On Thanksgiving Day, the Oswalds visit Robert's home, where LHO and John Pic are reunited after 10 years. (Film of this is available from Robert Oswald.)

December 28, 1962: The Oswalds attend a New Year's party at the Fords' home.

January 14, 1963: LHO enrolls in a typing course at Crozier Technical School.

January 25, 1963: LHO makes the final two payments on the State Department loan.

January 26, 1963: Ex-General Edwin Walker is acquitted by a Mississippi Grand Jury of all charges at Ole Miss.

January 28, 1962: LHO orders a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver by mail. (This date is in dispute.)

February 13, 1963: The Oswalds attend a dinner party at the home of the De Mohrenschildts. (Perhaps Volkmar Schmidt was there. Volkmar attempts to transfer Oswald's harsh feelings over the Bay of Pigs toward anger over ex-General Edwin Walker.)

February 22, 1963: The Oswalds attend a dinner party at the home of Everett Glover, where they meet Ruth Paine. (Perhaps Volkmar Schmidt was there.)

March 2, 1963: The Oswalds move to 214 West Neely Street.

March 9-10, 1963: LHO takes photographs of the home of General Edwin Walker, a right-wing activist.

March 11, 1963: The Militant, a prominent left-wing publication, publishes a letter signed L.H., possibly written by LHO.

March 12, 1963: Ruth Paine visits Marina at the new apartment. Also that day, LHO orders a rifle from Klein's Sporting Goods in Chicago.

March 20, 1963: The rifle and the revolver are shipped (on the same day, though the revolver was allegedly ordered in January?)

March 25, 1963: LHO picks up the weapons.

March 31, 1963: Marina takes the infamous "Backyard Photo" of LHO. She distinctly recalls taking only one photograph.

April 1, 1963: LHO is fired by Jagger-Chiles-Stovall (possibly for making duplicates of the Backyard photo using their sophisticated equipment).

April 2, 1963: The Oswalds attend a dinner party at the home of Ruth and Michael Paine, where General Walker is mentioned.

April 6, 1963: LHO's last day at Jagger-Chiles-Stovall.

April 10, 1963: LHO (according to Marina) fires a single shot at ex-General Walker, and misses. (LHO tells Marina he was alone and on foot, and that he buried his rifle. DPD records report two shooters, both in a car, and possibly a third shooter in a separate car.)

April 12, 1963: LHO files for unemployment benefits.

April 13, 1963 At 10pm, George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt visit the Oswald's at home, Jeanne finds Oswald's rifle. George guesses that Oswald was the shooter. Oswalds were stunned silent. Then they all break out laughing at the "joke" and George and Jeanne never visit the Oswald's again.

April 14, 1963: George De Mohrenschildt tells his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Igor Voshinin that he thinks Oswald was Walker's shooter. Mrs. Voshinin tells the FBI (says Dick Russell).


April 17, 1963: LHO decides to move immediately to New Orleans.

April 24, 1963: Ruth drives LHO to the bus station, where he leaves for New Orleans.

April 25, 1963: LHO moves in with his aunt Lillian Murret.

April 26, 1963: LHO visits the employment office in New Orleans.

April 28, 1963: LHO makes an effort to contact relatives on his father's side.

April 29, 1963: LHO files an appeal concerning his unemployment benefits.

May 9, 1963: With the help of Myrtle Evans, LHO finds work at the Reily Coffee Co. He also finds an apartment.

May 10, 1963: LHO starts work and moves into his new apartment at 4905 Magazine St.

May 11, 1963: Ruth, Marina and June arrive at the apartment. Ruth stays on to visit.

May 14, 1963: Ruth returns to Dallas.

May 26, 1963: LHO writes to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee requesting a charter.

May 29, 1963: LHO orders 1,000 handbills for FPCC.

June 3, 1963: LHO rents a new PO box, using A.J. Hidell as one of the people that will receive mail there.

June 8, 1963: Marina is rejected for treatment at the New Orleans Charity Hospital, infuriating LHO.

June 16, 1963: LHO distributes FPCC literature at the Dumaine Street wharf where the USS Wasp is docked.

June 24, 1963: LHO applies for a new passport.

July 6, 1963: LHO is invited by his cousin Eugene to speak to a group of students at the Jesuit House of Studies in Mobile, Alabama, where Eugene is studying to be a priest.

July 11, 1963: Ruth invites Marina to live with her separately from LHO.

July 19, 1963: LHO is fired from the Reily Coffee Co.

July 22, 1963: LHO files a new claim for unemployment benefits.

July 25, 1963: LHO's request for a review of his Marine undesirable discharge is denied.

July 27, 1963: LHO speaks to the Jesuit group for 30 minutes on the subject of "Contemporary Russia and the Practice of Communism". It is a criticism of the USSR.

August 5, 1963: LHO offers to help anti-Castro Cuban Carlos Bringuier in his struggle against Castro.

August 6, 1963: LHO leaves his Marine Corps manual at Bringuier's store.

August 9, 1963: Bringuier confronts LHO when he sees him distributing FPCC literature on Canal Street. A scuffle ensues, and the two are arrested. LHO spends the night in jail. This event makes the newspapers.

August 10, 1963: LHO is interviewed by John Quigley of the FBI at LHO's request. A friend of the Murrets bails him out late in the afternoon.

August 12, 1963: LHO pleads guilty to the charge of disturbing the peace and is fined $10. This event makes the newspapers.

August 17, 1963: Bill Stuckey from radio station WDSU visits LHO and asks him to appear on the program Latin Listening Post. He arrived at the station at 5:00 PM and taped a 37-minute segment, which was cut to 4 and a half minutes and broadcast at 7:30 that evening.

August 19, 1963: LHO accepts Stuckey's offer to debate Bringuier on a live radio program.

August 21, 1963: LHO debates Bringuier and Ed Butler, director of a right-wing group, on the program Conversation Carte Blanche, which runs from 6:05 to 6:30 PM.

September 17, 1963: LHO obtains a tourist card good for one visit to Mexico City from the Mexican consulate in New Orleans.

September 20, 1963: Ruth visits the Oswalds, and it is decided that Marina will return to Irving with Ruth for the birth of the baby.

September 23, 1963: Ruth and Marina leave for Irving.

September 24, 1963: Eric Rogers, a neighbor, sees LHO running to catch a bus.

September 25, 1963: LHO collects his unemployment check of $33. Later, he catches a bus bound for Houston. Late that night, he places a phone call to Horace Twiford, an official of the Texas Socialist Labor Party.


September 26, 1963: Early in the morning, LHO boards a bus for Laredo, Texas. He crosses the border into Mexico in the early afternoon. 2:15 PM: At Nuevo Laredo, LHO boards a bus for Mexico City.

September 27, 1963: 10:00 AM: LHO arrives in Mexico City; 11:00 AM: LHO registers at the Hotel del Comercio, where he will stay for the duration of his visit; 11:30 AM: LHO makes his first visit to the Cuban Embassy, where presents his newspaper clippings and claims to be an officer of the FPCC. As such he expects to be admitted to Cuba without waiting. When LHO is told that the visa could take up to four months and was not possible without a Russian visa as well, he becomes angry. He walks a short distance to the Russian Embassy to inquire about a visa to Russia and is put off until the next day.

September 28, 1963: LHO returns to both the Cuban and the Russian Embassies with no success.

September 29, 1963: LHO possibly attends a bullfight on this, a Sunday. (Or possibly he has a meeting with fake CIA agent, Guy Gabaldon about his future; e.g. the Harry Dean scenario.)

September 30, 1963: LHO phones the Russian Embassy one last time with no success. Later, he buys a bus ticket from Mexico City to Laredo, Texas.

October 1, 1963: LHO pays the Hotel bill through that day.

October 2, 1963: 8:30 AM: LHO departs on bus #332 for Texas.

October 3, 1963: 1:35 AM: LHO crosses into the U.S.A.; 2:20 PM: LHO arrives in Dallas, Texas.

October 3, 1963: LHO checks in at the YMCA. Later in the day, he files a claim at the employment office.

October 4, 1963: LHO applies for work at Padgett Printing Co. He makes a favorable impression, but is not hired because of poor references. Later, he telephones Marina and asks for a ride to Ruth Paine's home and is denied. He hitchhikes the 12 miles to Ruth's house.

October 7, 1963: Ruth drives LHO to the bus station, and he returns to Dallas to look for work. Later, LHO obtains a room at 621 Marsalis St.

October 12, 1963: LHO advised his landlady that he was leaving for the weekend, and she stated that she didn't want him to return. LHO went to Ruth's for the weekend.

October 14, 1963: Ruth drives LHO to Dallas, where he later registers as O.H. Lee at a new rooming house on North Beckley. Later, Ruth mentions to a group of neighbors that LHO is having trouble finding work. One of the ladies, Linnie Mae Randle, mentioned a possible opening at the Texas School Book Depository; and when LHO calls the Paine home that evening, Ruth informs him of the opening.

October 15, 1963: LHO applies at the TSBD and is hired.

October 16, 1963: LHO begins work at the TSBD.

October 18, 1963: LHO receives a ride from Buell Frazier to the Paine home, where a surprise birthday party is waiting for him.

October 20, 1963: Marina gives birth to Audrey Marina Rachel Oswald.

October 23, 1963: Michael Paine drives LHO to a right-wing rally, US Day, put on by Ex-General Walker. Michael drives down the street to attend a John Birch Society meeting, he claims.


October 25, 1963: Michael Paine and LHO attend a meeting of the ACLU.

October 29, 1963: FBI agent James Hosty makes inquiries in the Paine's neighborhood regarding LHO.

November 1, 1963: Hosty interviews Ruth and Marina at the Paine home. Also that day, LHO rents a new PO box and sends letters to the ACLU and the American Communist Party.

November 2, 1963: LHO instructs Marina that if Hosty returns she should get his plate number.

November 3, 1963: Ruth gives LHO a driving lesson.

November 5, 1963: Hosty returns for another interview, and Marina obtains his plate number.

November 8, 1963: Frazier drops LHO off at the Paine's home, as usual.

November 9, 1963: Ruth takes LHO to the Driver Examination Station accompanied by Marina and the children. When they discovered it was closed, they spent time at a local five and dime store.

November 11, 1963: LHO spends Veteran's Day at the Paine home.

November 12, 1963: LHO delivers a note to the FBI building addressed to Hosty warning him to leave his family alone.

November 15, 1963: Marina advises LHO not to come the following weekend as Michael Paine will be there to celebrate his daughter's birthday.

November 17, 1963: Ruth calls LHO's rooming house at Marina's request to find they don't know him by the name LHO Harvey Oswald.

November 19, 1963: The Dallas Times Herald details the exact route of the presidential motorcade.

November 21, 1963: LHO breaks routine by having breakfast at the Dobb's House restaurant. (Around this time, Gerry Patrick Hemming claims he offered to buy LHO's rifle for double its market value. Hemming claimed to have a secret friend who needed the rifle and needed the transaction to be top secret, which is why he is paying double. Hemming instructs Oswald to bring his rifle to the TSBD building, and hide it on the sixth floor.) At lunch, LHO asks Buell Wesley Frazier for an unusual weekday drive to Ruth Paine's house. Frazier agrees. LHO arrives at the Paine home without calling first. He retires early that evening.

November 22, 1963:

6:30 AM: LHO rises.

7:15 AM: Linnie Mae Randle sees LHO carrying a long paper bag.

7:23 AM: LHO and Frazier leave for the TSBD with the package.

7:50 AM: At the TSBD, LHO enters with the package.

9:45 AM: LHO is seen looking out toward the motorcade route by Junior Jarman.

12:00 PM LHO is in the lunch room at the TSBD building.

12:18 PM: Howard Brennan arrives near the TSBD to watch the motorcade and shortly after sees a man in the sixth floor window.

12:30 PM: Somebody assassinates President John F. Kennedy.

12:31:30 PM: LHO is confronted in the lunchroom by Patrolman Marrion Baker. The superintendent of the building, Roy Truly, vouches for LHO, and he is released.

12:33 PM: LHO leaves the TSBD by the front door (presumed).

12:40 PM: LHO boards a bus.

12:44 PM: LHO leaves the bus when it becomes bogged down in traffic.

12:48 PM: LHO hails a cab and asks to be taken to his room at 500 North Beckley.

12:54 PM: LHO exits the cab in the 700 block of Beckley.

1:00 PM: LHO arrives on foot at his rooming house, where he retrieves his pistol. His landlady sees a sees a police car pull up outside of her home; it carries two occupants. The policeman honks the horn briefly; twice.

1:03 PM: LHO leaves the rooming house.

1:16 PM: Officer J.D. Tippit is shot dead some blocks away.

1:22 PM: Police broadcast a description of the suspect in the Tippit murder.

1:40 PM: LHO enters the Texas Theater in a suspicious manner.

1:50 PM: After a struggle with police, LHO is captured.

2:00 PM: LHO arrives at Dallas Police headquarters.

2:30 PM: LHO is first questioned by Dallas police.

4:05 PM: LHO is taken to the basement for the first lineup.

4:20 PM: LHO is returned upstairs for further questioning in Captain Fritz' office.

6:20 PM: LHO is taken for a second lineup.

6:35 PM: LHO is returned upstairs for questioning.

7:10 PM: LHO is formally arraigned for the murder of Tippit.

7:40 PM: LHO is taken for a third lineup.

11:26 PM: LHO is charged with the murder of JFK.

Saturday, November 23, 1963

12:05 AM (app.): LHO appears before the media in the basement.

12:20 AM: LHO is returned to his cell.

1:30 AM: LHO is formally arraigned for the murder of JFK.

10:25 AM: Another day of questioning begins.

11:35 AM: LHO is returned to his cell.

12:35 PM: LHO is taken to Fritz' office for questioning.

1:10 PM: Marina and Marguerite visit LHO.

1:40 PM: LHO tries unsuccessfully to contact Attorney John Abt.

2:15 PM: LHO appears in another lineup.

2:45 PM: Fingernail scrapings and hair samples are obtained from LHO with his permission.

3:30 PM: Robert visits LHO.

4:00-4:30 PM: LHO phones Ruth and asks her to try to obtain John Abt as his attorney.

5:30 PM: LHO is visited by the president of the Dallas Bar Association, H. Louis Nichols.

6:00 PM: LHO is taken again for questioning.

7:15 PM: LHO is returned to his cell.

8:00 PM: LHO phones Ruth Paine and asks to speak to Marina. Ruth tells LHO Marina is no longer living there.

November 24, 1963

9:30 AM: LHO is signed out of jail in anticipation of a transfer to the county facility.

11:15 AM: The transfer party leaves Fritz' office after a final round of questions.

11:21 AM: LHO is shot by Jack Ruby in the basement of the Dallas city jail.

1:07 PM: LHO is pronounced dead at Parkland Hospital.

Obviously, Bill, this is an amateur effort. Suggestions are welcome.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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February 13, 1963: The Oswalds attend a dinner party at the home of the De Mohrenschildts. (Perhaps Volkmar Schmidt was there. Volkmar attempts to transfer Oswald's harsh feelings over the Bay of Pigs toward anger over ex-General Edwin Walker.)

February 22, 1963: The Oswalds attend a dinner party at the home of Everett Glover, where they meet Ruth Paine. (Perhaps Volkmar Schmidt was there.)

There were a series of house parities among De Mohrenschildts and their friends around that time. DeMohrenschildt held a half dozen parties at which he showed the film of his walking trip through central America, one of which included Dallas CIA Domestic Contacts officer J. Walton Moore.

When it was decided that Oswald should meet Michael Paine, a party was arranged - possibly the Feb. 13th party, but Michael Paine didn't make it, and Volkmar Schmidt told me that although he was invited he was in Libya at the time, so a second party was arranged for Oswald to meet Paine, this time at Schmidt's house he shared with two other Magnolia Oil Company men - Everett Glover and Norman Fredricksen (whose father, I believe, worked at Radio Free Europe).

The address was 4449 Potomac, in the University Park section of Dallas.

Also present were Richard "Dick" L. Pierce, of the Socony-Mobil Research Field Station and his wife, and George and Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, who dropped by but didn't stay long, as well as Ruth and Michael Paine, though its possible Paine may have missed this affair.

Glover didn't like to call it a "party," but instead referred to it as a "gathering."

I talked with two people who were at that party - Betty MacDonald, another Magnolia employee, and Volkmar Schmidt. I recorded and transcribed their conversations with me, and will try to locate the tapes, but I lost, in an old computer, the transcript of the McDonald interview unless it is posted here somewhere.

She was very open and forthcoming, was quick to point out that she was not the Betty McDonald who was a dancer at the Carousel Club, and knew Schmidt and his housemates from Magnolia. She gave me Schmidt's phone number in Canada at the time, and I reached him there, and he too was pretty open about what occurred there.

Besides Schmidt's deep conversation with Oswald about Hitler and Walker and assassination, the other big thing that happened was that Marina met Ruth Paine, and they became fast friends, and it was that association that led to them eventually living together twice, first when Oswald went to New Orleans and again when they left New Orleans to return to Texas.

For those who believe that DeMohrenschildt's "babysitting" duties were transferred to the Paines, this party is the key date at which the crossover begins.

Here's what the Warren Report says about it: “Marina visited the De Mohrenschildts several times after Christmas. They invited both Lee and Marina to a small dinner party in February 1963; also present were Everett Glover, a chemist employed in Dallas, and is roommate Volkmar Schmidt. On February 22, Glover had a gathering at his house, one of the purposes of which was to permit his friends, may of whom were studying Russian, to meet the Oswalds. They were the objects of much attention. Marina conversed at length with another guest named Ruth Paine, who had recently separated from her husband, Michael Paine, a research engineer at the Bell Helicopter plant in Fort Worth. Mrs. Paine, who was studying Russian, obtained Marina’s address and shortly thereafter wrote Marina asking to see her. Marina responded by inviting Mrs. Paine to visit her.” Warren Report p. 537 Appendix XIII

Peter Whitmey notes: "After writing to Betty McDonald in 1988, she kindly sent me a 90-minute tape of her recollections, which clearly indicated she was not impressed with Oswald in the slightest. Later I sent a copy to the head of research for the FRONTLINE documentary, Miri Navasky, who had learned about it from Edward Epstein, to whom I had mentioned the tape in a letter. Epstein, who had referred to Betty in his book Legend: The Secret Life of Lee Harvey Oswald, was a close friend of her father, Victor Navasky, a writer."

I'll try to find tape, notes and transcript of my phone conversation with MacDonald.

Also see Bill Simpich's article:

Printing: THE JFK CASE: THE TWELVE WHO BUILT THE OSWALD LEGEND (Part 7: The hand-off from De Mohrenschildt to the Paines)

'Ruth Paine met the Oswalds and George de Mohrenschildt at the party of Everett Glover on February 22, 1963. This is known as the "Magnolia party". Glover was a chemist with Magnolia Labs, a geology lab for Socony Mobil Oil -- the same "Socony labs" that Moore referred to when he argued that there was no White Russian community in Dallas. Glover and four other Magnolia employees approached Oswald and got him to talk for several hours about life in the Soviet Union. One of these employees, Norman Fredericksen, was the son of the former director of Radio Free Europe. As discussed in the previous chapter, de Mohrenschildt had many close ties with Radio Free Europe.'


Edited by William Kelly
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