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Newseum displays "Oswald's shirt": Proof that he was Doorman!

Guest James H. Fetzer

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Alternate ID.


Spot on Greg.

That is EXACTLY as i have always seen it

Burnham commits a BLUNDER and Unger commends him, "Spot on Greg".

Yet neither of them is willing to answer these two very simple questions:

I would appreciate it if Unger and Burnham were to give me straight answers:

Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO

Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO

These are not difficult questions. Their answers are obvious. What are they?


these two simple questions. And the explanation is as obvious as their answers:

(1) If Doorman was not in a short-sleeeved shirt, then Doorman cannot be Billy.

(2) If Doorman's shirt is not buttoned up, then he can't be Checkered Shirt man.

So the argument could not be simpler, but these INTELLECTUAL COWARDS do

not have the integrity TO ADMIT THAT THEY WERE WRONG. So the song-and-

dances continue, exposing Unger, Burnham, Graves and others as total frauds.

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I will answer first, but then I expect a straight answer from you to my question asked above.

Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO -- No, it is not short sleeved. However, it is a black & white photo so I don't know what color the shirt is. It is too grainy for me to tell the pattern.

Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO -- No

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Answer the question minus the blunder please. Yes, I caught my own error but was too exhausted from my recent surgery to correct it. You KNOW what I meant. So, what's the answer? YES or NO

We have encountered other attempts like yours, which we have discussed in some detail in "JFK Altgens6:

Billy Shelley's Shrunken Head", http://www.veteranst...-shrunken-head/ Since you have stated that you are

unable to even discern whether or not DOORMAN IS MISSING HIS LEFT SHOULDER, whether BLACK TIE


MAN actually has his face obscured, I find it incredible that you would offer this hyper-technical delineation

of (what you call) ELBOW MAN. Is this your own work or did you borrow it from some other source? I can't

see how the same person could possibly maintain BOTH that they cannot see blatant and obvious features

of the Altgens6 AND that they can come up with something like this.


I would not dismiss what you are offering out of hand: it is not absurd. But our analysis appears to be

superior, so if you are asking whether it appears to be AS PLAUSIBLE AS our reconstruction, I have to

answer, "No!" But it is not the kind of rubbish that is being bandied about here by persons who are posing

as serious students of the assassination yet are doing their best to obfuscate the obvious proof that Oswald

was Doorman. We have also discovered that Robin Unger has not been above doing what he can to




I don't understand what's going on with you, Greg. We used to be friends. I have already told you that I

am sorry that Judy was dragged into this. That was your doing, not mine. But I regret that that happened,

because I valued our friendship in the past. Now it seems to me you have become one more voice in an

endless chorus that is unwilling to confront the evidence we have presented that Oswald was Doorman,

where we have not only given proof after proof that Doorman was Oswald but multiple proofs that Doorman

was NOT Billy Lovelady and that Doorman was NOT Checkered Shirt Man, where Billy and Checkered

Shirt Man are clearly not the same person and, equally clearly, neither of them could have been DOORMAN.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

I will answer first, but then I expect a straight answer from you to my question asked above.

Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO -- No, it is not short sleeved. However, it is a black & white photo so I don't know what color the shirt is. It is too grainy for me to tell the pattern.

Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO -- No

Thank you for this, Greg. It takes you out of the crowd which is desperately attempting to refute the proof

that we have adduced. Since it is not a short-sleeved shirt, I take it you will also grant that it cannot have

been the shirt that Doorman was wearing? and that, since Doorman's shirt was not buttoned up, Checkered

Shirt Man also cannot have been Doorman? Would you not agree? I am appreciating your participation here.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Not so fast, Jim. You owe me a straight answer first.

I thought I had already given you "a straight answer" in an earlier reply (in my post #111) as follows:


I would not dismiss what you are offering out of hand: it is not absurd. But our analysis appears to be

superior, so if you are asking whether it appears to be AS PLAUSIBLE AS our reconstruction, I have to

answer, "No!" But it is not the kind of rubbish that is being bandied about here by persons who are posing

as serious students of the assassination yet are doing their best to obfuscate the obvious proof that Oswald

was Doorman.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Chris, I would appreciate it if you would give me your anwers to both:

Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO

Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO

They are not difficult questions. The answers are obvious. What are they?

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Apparently, Robin Unger is also ignorant of copyright law. When someone's work is being subjected to

criticism, there is no copyright violation. Here are a couple more of Richard Hooke's brilliant studies.



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Apparently, Robin Unger is also ignorant of copyright law. When someone's work is being subjected to

criticism, there is no copyright violation. Here are a couple more of Richard Hooke's brilliant studies.



Hookes studies are a complete waste of time.

You can't tell anything from these piss poor resolution collages.

Is this the best you have to offer, ?

that is the worst copy of altgen's 6 i have ever seen. ROFLMAO

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Chris, I would appreciate it if you would give me your anwers to both:

Is Doorman wearing a red-and-white short-sleeved shirt? YES or NO

Is the shirt Doorman is wearing buttoned up to the top? YES or NO

They are not difficult questions. The answers are obvious. What are they?


My answers to your questions are obvious.

No and No.


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